How bad guys are made

Chapter 346 The Scared Sun Xiaojie

Chapter 346 The Scared Sun Xiaojie

This raised Sun Xiaojie's palpitations that had just been suppressed, and she dared not answer with trembling hands. Thinking of the instructions she had given at Yan Ze's house, Sun Xiaojie hung up the phone after waiting for a while.

As expected, the phone rang again, and the originally pleasant ringtone was extremely hasty and frightening to her ears.

Sun Xiaojie took a deep breath, calmed down, and then answered the phone: "Hello, Yan Ze."

"Hey, Xiaojie. Have you gone home? What did you do before?" Yan Ze's tone was not good, as if he was questioning.

Sun Xiaojie said guiltily: "I'm sorry, I just used an electric shock prod. How much self-defense I have, I have already gone home."

"What?" Yan Ze exclaimed, unbelievable: "Electric shock rod? You are not sick, are you?" It is conceivable that his face must be extremely pale at this time.

I worked so hard to arrange this trip, but not only did I not get anything, the beauty also ran away, and was electrocuted, and even stunned.

"I'm sorry, I panicked at that time, I fell asleep, and I'll talk about it tomorrow." Sun Xiaojie didn't want to say anything to him, thinking of Yan Ze's actions, besides being afraid of him, he was more disgusted.

"You called me, just say sorry? Is there no other way?" Yan Ze chuckled, it seemed that the target on top escaped, but he did not give up.

"Then I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow afternoon?" Sun Xiaojie said while suppressing her disgust.

"No, I want tomorrow night." Yan Ze smiled lightly, and Sun Xiaojie fell silent immediately.

"Okay, then tomorrow afternoon." Seeing that Sun Xiaojie was silent, Yan Ze had no choice but to compromise.

"Okay. Bye bye."

Sun Xiaojie hung up the phone after saying a word, and Wen Dong also said, don't give him any good looks, as long as he doesn't see anything.

Throwing the phone aside, Sun Xiaojie felt melancholy for a while, and secretly prayed in her heart that Wendong must bring this demon to justice before tomorrow afternoon.

Seeing that Yan Ze didn't call again, Sun Xiaojie finally breathed a sigh of relief, took a shower, put on pajamas and lay on the bed, waiting for him.

Due to the tacit understanding, she felt that Wendong would definitely come tonight.

Wendong, who has never expected, must come to his home tonight, perhaps because he is too scared.

Maybe it was because I was nervous for a while today, and I fell asleep without knowing it.


After Zhao Yifei sent Xiaojie home, Wendong immediately called the person named Laoqian introduced by Zhang Sanbai, and agreed on a place to hand over the evidence obtained from Zhou Yixuan and Zhao Yutong tonight.

"How is it?" Wen Dong said driving intently, looking up at Li Bing'er who looked down at the drugs in the rearview mirror.

Li Binger glanced sideways at Wendong with a solemn expression, carefully wrapped up the evidence, and said solemnly: "The purity is exactly the same."

"Hehe, it seems that you are busy again." Wen Dong nodded.

"Well, this is no longer a simple murder case, and maybe a big fish will be drawn in, so this matter must be involved in the anti-narcotics team, and it must be arranged tonight." Li Binger's expression was serious, but his eyes But it was jumping and excited, which made Wendong feel pained for a while. It would be great to be an obedient female detective, why do you have to be a female man to fight for that breath.

He drove Li Binger to the gate of the police station, looked at the time, it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, Wen Dong said: "Hurry up and send the evidence, I will wait for you here, and I will take you home later."

"No, I may have to be busy a little later. Then I can drive the team car home. You go back first." Li Binger carefully packed the evidence in a plastic bag, looked up at Wendong and said.

Turning to look at the gauze bandage on her forehead under the hat, her clean face, and excited eyes with unconcealable fatigue, Wen Dong sighed in his heart: "Don't be tired, go back to rest early, you have to go back to rest early. Otherwise, the **** will have to strangle me."

"Why don't you accompany me tonight?" Li Bing'er smiled.

"Are there any benefits?" Wen Dong chuckled.

Li Binger looked at Wendong, tilted her head and thought about it.

"Yes, the first police officer of the criminal police team will accompany you to eat bucket noodles tonight."

"Eh..." Wen Dong was speechless for a while: "I thought you were going to promise me with your body, but I was blinded by my little hope."

"You want to be beautiful." Li Bing'er smiled, opened the car door and went out, raised the plastic bag in her little hand: "Okay, don't be poor, let's go, there are people who need company more than me."

"Uh, Miss Bing'er is really good at undressing people..."

"Fuck off."

Wen Dong: "..."


Sun Xiaojie had a dream, dreaming of Yan Ze.

In the dream, Yan Ze was very embarrassed with ragged clothes, pressing her limbs.She struggled and shouted desperately, but couldn't break free.Yan Ze was laughing all the time, the laughter was penetrating and frightening, then he reached out and grabbed her leg, and laughed loudly: "Hey, Xiaojie."

"Ah!" Sun Xiaojie screamed and sat up suddenly, only to realize that this was a dream, and hurriedly leaned over to turn on the desk lamp, and found that she was already covered in cold sweat.

Looking up through the gap in the slightly swaying curtains and looking out of the window, the pattering raindrops fell on the window, leaving crystal black traces, Sun Xiaojie's heartbeat was extremely fast, and she took a few breaths, but she couldn't stop.

Maybe today, she was still scared by Yan Ze, otherwise she wouldn't have such a nightmare.

He looked up at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was just a quarter past eleven, and he had a nightmare after a short sleep.

Although she had woken up from the dream, the horrifying scene in the dream still appeared in her mind. Sun Xiaojie hugged her curled up calf with both hands, her body trembling, and cursed in her heart: Bastard!

Not just scolding Yan Ze, but scolding a certain party for why it hasn't come yet.

"Crack..." There was a slight sound from the door, but the silent room was extremely ear-piercing. Sun Xiaojie's body trembled even more, her head was buried between her legs, she didn't dare to raise her head, she was afraid...

Wen Dong turned to close the door, and found that the lamp in the room was still on, and it was a little dim. After walking two steps and looking towards the direction of the bed, he saw Sun Xiaojie sitting curled up on the bed. She was not asleep because Wen Dong clearly saw Her stretched fists were trembling, so violently.

"Xiaojie? What's wrong with you?" Wen Dong asked tentatively.

Hearing the familiar voice, Xiaojie's body slowly stopped, but she didn't raise her head. She didn't dare, wondering if she was still dreaming.

Wen Dong just frowned, walked over quickly, and slowly reached out to hold her arm holding her head: "Xiaojie."

Xiaojie slowly raised her head, but her face was covered with tears, her pale lips trembling slightly: "Wendong, I...I'm afraid..."

Wen Dongxu was frightened, and took her arm in a daze, not looking at the teary face, not knowing what to do.

In the final analysis, he is still a rookie in love, and he has not personally experienced Sun Xiaojie's fear. In the final analysis, Xiaojie is still a young girl who has not left the court, and cannot be compared with a female man like Li Binger.

Sun Xiaojie straightened up, knelt down on the bed, and put her arms around him.

Maybe he just came back from the outside, it was still raining outside, and his cheeks and neck were still a little cool and wet, but his body was very hot and warm.Sun Xiaojie was only wearing a thin nightdress, which was attached to him, but her body was still trembling uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Xiaojie felt her waist tighten, Wen Dong hugged her tightly, his wet and warm cheeks lightly scrubbed her temples, and said softly: "You know you are afraid? In the future, you If you dare not listen to me again, I will rape you, you hear?"

Sun Xiaojie's body trembled, but she couldn't help laughing through her tears.

Damn, my heart is not my own anymore, will this guy comfort others?

intimidate?threaten?It's just disgusting.

It took four or five minutes for Sun Xiaojie's trembling body to subside gradually, but her little hand was tightly wrapped around Wendong's neck, motionless.

"I'm all wet, let go first, I took off my clothes." Wen Dong said softly, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

"I do not."

Sun Xiaojie bit her small mouth arrogantly and acted like a baby.

"Okay, you can just hang it on it." Wen Dong straightened up and began to take off his coat. Sun Xiaojie held his neck without hindering him.

But the result was the same. Sun Xiaojie's two snowy calves were wrapped tightly around Wendong's waist, and her little hands were even more steadfast, hanging on Wendong's body like octopuses.

"Well... I'm going to take a bath, but you decide not to let go? I don't mind if we take a couple's bath together." Wen Dong said amusedly close to Sun Xiaojie's ear.

Hearing what Wendong said, and seeing that this guy was about to turn around, Sun Xiaojie let him go with an exclamation of "Ah", and she couldn't calm down anymore. If she really took a bath with him, she wouldn't be eaten up. None left.

"You are really shameless." Sun Xiaojie blushed and was angry, sitting cross-legged on the bed and looking at Wendong with almond eyes. Xiubai's legs were exposed, all white, like a little white sheep, but she was so angry that she didn't realize it.

"What are you doing..." Sun Xiaojie was not calm again, because a certain guy was standing on the edge of the bed unbuttoning his shirt, and Sun Xiaojie turned her head away blushing.

"Before taking a shower, I want to fulfill my promise." Wen Dong laughed.

"What... what promise?" Sun Xiaojie was so dazed that she didn't remember any promises.

"Who was disobedient just now and insisted on hugging me and not coming down? I just said that if someone is disobedient, I will..." Wen Dong smiled, his eyes glowing red, and he rolled up at Sun Xiaojie Sweeping back and forth on Xiaobai's legs.

"Ah, no……"

"Hehe, then I'll go take a shower first." Wen Dong said with a smile without rushing forward.

"En." Sun Xiaojie nodded.

"Xiaojie?" Wen Dong called out.


"Pink." Wen Dong said.

"En?" Sun Xiaojie was taken aback for another moment, and suddenly noticed Wen Dong's gaze, she lowered her head abruptly, her face flushed red, she quickly stretched out her hand to pull the hem of the skirt, and grabbed the pillow with her little hand, Raising her little hand, someone had already slipped into the bathroom with oil on the soles of her feet. Sun Xiaojie blushed with anger, but helplessly, she quickly pulled the quilt to wrap her legs tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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