Chapter 347
It was already midnight after Wendong took a bath, and he came to the bed in a bathrobe, only to find that Sun Xiaojie was already quietly wrapped in the quilt, with only a small head exposed and breathing evenly.

The show that I wanted to kiss and so on also failed, which made Wendong speechless for a while: "Damn, why does she fall asleep every time after taking a bath, sister, it seems that when I come here in the future, I have to wash it at home in advance bath."

Hearing this, Sun Xiaojie, who was pretending to be asleep, couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Huh? You haven't slept yet?" Wen Dong was overjoyed.

Sun Xiaojie slept once before. Although she only slept for an hour, she is not sleepy now. The key point is that this guy takes a bath too fast. He wanted to pretend to be asleep and get away with it, but he didn't expect this guy to talk so cutely.

"Sleep, I'm already asleep." Sun Xiaojie opened her eyes and saw Wen Dong who was shirtless, and turned her head away blushing.

"Will you drink water?" Wen Dong didn't tease her any more, and went to the table to pour a glass of water.

"Yeah." Xiaojie nodded quickly, seeing that I was holding the cup to the edge of the bed, she quickly got up and lifted the quilt and moved over.

Xiaojie held the water cup in her two small hands and slowly blew on the hot air while sipping in small mouthfuls. Wendong watched quietly from the side, with a warm little mouth, every time she drank, her eyes squinted because of the heat, and her long eyelashes trembled. Wen Dong discovered that his little girlfriend was so pleasing to the eye when drinking water.

Looking at it like this, Wen Dong couldn't help lowering his eyes, his eyes stayed on the pair of half-snow-white peaks for a while, and looked down at the pair of curled up exquisite jade feet, because he just crawled out of the quilt and didn't pay attention , the skirt is a little messy, and a pair of round and slender snow legs are soft and greasy under the light, which is pleasing to the eye.

Is this a gift from heaven to a villain?I don't know that the blessings I have cultivated in several lifetimes have allowed me to have such a lovely girlfriend.

Sun Xiaojie put down the water glass after drinking the water, and found that a certain guy's eyes were aimed straight at her legs, her little face couldn't help but blushed, she didn't dare to speak, she lifted the quilt and got in with a 'whoosh', turning her head and turning her back Facing Wendong.

"Hehe..." Wendong woke up suddenly, seeing Xiaojie's shy look, Wendong was filled with love, and with a cheap smile, the meaning was self-evident, and he climbed onto the bed with a 'swish'.

"Don't come here..." Sun Xiaojie said hastily.

"Hey, are you reminding me?"

There is indeed a suspicion of a reminder, because Xiaojie really wanted to hug her to sleep, but when this guy said that, she was so ashamed that she couldn't be more embarrassed. Pressed outside the quilt, twisted around, only revealing a snow-white fragrant shoulder.

There was no sling on her shoulders, Wen Dong looked fascinated, put his hand on her shoulders, and looked at her.

The warm breath from the palm on the shoulder made her even more flustered, but the waiting Qiangzuan didn't show up, and the room suddenly became quiet, which made Sun Xiaojie very puzzled.

But she was afraid that Wendong would trick her into turning around, so she didn't dare to look up, her head poked out from under the quilt, and whispered: "What are you doing?"

Immediately afterwards, Wen Dong must be serious in his ears: "Daughter-in-law, I want to eat you."

"Pfft—" Sun Xiaojie couldn't help being amused again, bit her lip and said resolutely, "No."

"Um... for a god horse?"

Sun Xiaojie turned her head and saw Wen Dong's silly and puzzled look, and suppressed a smile, she knew that this guy must have been careless in making her laugh, so she bit her lip and said, "No, no, why? "

"Damn, aren't you scared tonight?" Wen Dong wondered.

"What does this have to do with eating me?" Sun Xiaojie looked up at him with confused and innocent eyes.

"Oh, let me go, it's a big deal. Didn't everyone say that it's best for a woman to sneak in when she's scared?" Wen Dong scratched his head in doubt.

"Into your head, no way." Sun Xiaojie stared at her with a blushing face, suppressed a smile, but couldn't help shaking her shoulders, she knew that Wendong was playing tricks to make herself forget those unpleasant things as soon as possible, but she still couldn't help it Be amused by him.

"Hey." Seeing Sun Xiaojie's face softened, Wendong smiled, turned around and turned off the light, and got into her bed all at once.

Sun Xiaojie didn't refuse again, instead she took the initiative to wrap her arms around his waist and remained motionless.

When the room was dark, listening to the pattering rain outside the window gave Xiaojie a different kind of peace of mind.

"Xiaojie, what are you thinking about?" Wen Dong asked in a low voice after a while.

Holding such a delicate little beauty in his arms, and sleeping on a big fragrant bed, but Wendong always feels powerless with nowhere to say, that egg hurts.

If it’s okay for Xiaojie to sleep, we won’t bother her, but she didn’t sleep, so I’m really sorry for the readers if she doesn’t come to some programs.

"I didn't think so." Sun Xiaojie moved her small hand and bit her lip.

"Eh... why didn't you ask me what I was thinking?" Wen Dong pouted in pain.

"I don't want to know what you're thinking." Sun Xiaojie gritted her teeth.

She was also speechless, she really wanted to kick her under the bed, she was so angry, this guy is really smart, he was so confused for a while, you come here to kiss me, can I not let you kiss me?Then... oops, there is no more, I am so stupid.

Wen Dong: "Uh..."

"Do you want me that much?" Sun Xiaojie arched her head into Wendong's arms, and found a comfortable position to rest on his arm, her little face was as red as a big ripe apple, fortunately, who is black here? Can't see it, of course, it's just that she can't see it, Wen Dong has night vision ability.

"Uh... I just think, eat early and rest assured, you look so beautiful, didn't you see that Zhao Yifei was drooling tonight?"

"No way, I'm not his type, he likes petite ones." Sun Xiaojie said, she wanted to laugh when she thought of Zhao Yifei, the living treasure who sent her home.

"Actually, I'm already yours, as long as you don't abandon me." Sun Xiaojie held his arm tightly with her small hands, her voice was low, but her tone was firm.

"How could I, I never thought of abandoning you, you didn't even know that you left quietly, I..."

Before he finished speaking, a snow-white arm stretched out and blocked his mouth: "Stop talking."


After a while, Sun Xiaojie withdrew her small hand again, and whispered: "It's not that I don't want you to eat, in fact, I've already prepared it, but I'm still a little scared, can you wait?"

"Well, it's okay, I can hold back." Wen Dong nodded seriously.

"Can you hold back? Then where did you put your hands!?" Sun Xiaojie snorted coquettishly.

Wen Dong: "..."

"Actually, apart from that, everything okay..." Sun Xiaojie pushed her head into Wendong's arms, her voice became smaller and smaller, until it was as thin as a mosquito's hum, Wendong's arm could clearly Noticed that hot little face.

"Damn, let me tell you earlier, I've been holding it all night, and my hands are already so hungry..." Wen Dong yelled, launching a big offensive.

"Well... you can believe what a woman says." Sun Xiaojie was overwhelmed by the aggression, turned her head and said with difficulty.

"Damn, I'll just believe it once, at worst, I'll sacrifice my pure body tonight..."

"'re shameless..." Sun Xiaojie was arrogant, and then her small mouth was instantly blocked and she couldn't speak, and only made a 'woooo' sound...


The next morning, the sun was shining and the rain had stopped. Sun Xiaojie slept soundly and didn't wake up all night.Of course, this was after someone made a lot of money in the bed last night. Fortunately, Wen Dong respected her opinion very much. Although she was crazy all night, she finally restrained herself, which made Sun Xiaojie sleep soundly. Very peace of mind.

After receiving Wen Dong's instructions, Sun Xiaojie went to work lightly, and Wen Dong obviously wanted to discuss with Li Binger to arrange an arrest operation, and left after sending her to the company.

Today is Saturday, and the sales department has no plans. I came to the company for a routine morning meeting. After the meeting, I will be fine, but most of my colleagues did not leave. Only Zhao Yutong was called out by her boyfriend, and Manager Zhou also left. Know what to do.

However, Sun Xiaojie also noticed something unusual. It was the manager Zhao Yutong and Zhou Yixuan who seemed a little disturbed, but she didn't ask any further questions.

The sales are rich, and the weekend is relaxing, so the place to eat is the restaurant in the building next to it. Yan Ze still keeps a close distance from Sun Xiaojie in front of outsiders, and sometimes jokes, as if nothing happened last night It happened normally, but Sun Xiaojie just smiled indifferently as a response, making Yan Ze frown unpredictably.

After dinner, Qin Tai received a call from Manager Zhou, telling everyone that after half an hour, Director Wen held a meeting for all the staff of the second sales department, and asked everyone to return to the company for the meeting immediately. Zhao Yutong had already arrived at the company.

Sun Xiaojie knew that Wendong was about to act.I heard that the murderer who murdered Bai Yuanjing was selling the second movie. Although Sun Xiaojie didn't know who it was, she could make a good guess.It is said that the murderer had other accomplices, if Wen Dong hadn't told her, Xiao Jie really didn't want to have dinner with these people, except of course Qin Tai and Su Chen.

Sun Xiaojie quickly got up and picked up her satchel to go to the meeting, and everyone dared not procrastinate.The director is the number two person in the entire sales department other than the general manager, who would dare to offend him.

Sun Xiaojie walked forward quickly, Yan Ze followed closely, and said with a broken smile: "What are you doing in such a hurry, as long as you don't eat it, are you afraid that you will beat your old club?"

Sun Xiaojie kept walking: "It's always right to be cautious, I'm new here, so I need to prepare more."

Yan Ze chuckled and shook his head: "This is the last week at the end of the month, it's actually similar to the daily morning meeting, so don't worry."

Walking out of the revolving door of the restaurant, Yan Ze turned his head and glanced at the few colleagues who had just come out, followed up a few steps quickly, blinked at Xiaojie and said, "Don't forget, tonight."

Sun Xiaojie smiled lightly: "Well, I won't forget."

Yan Ze: "Yesterday..."

Sun Xiaojie immediately interrupted him: "Did you do anything yesterday?"

Yan Ze shook his head and laughed: "You are really cute."

(End of this chapter)

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