Chapter 348
Sales meeting room.

Wen Dong was sitting upright in a suit, with a faint smile on his face, just like what Zhao Yutong said... well, smiling face.

The right hand is Zhou Yixuan, but the left is empty, because there is only one manager in the second sales department, Yan Ze, Zhao Yutong and others are on the bottom, and finally Sun Xiaojie.

There was a notebook in front of Sun Xiaojie's desk, and some materials she was in charge of were at hand. Looking down, she was obviously absent-minded.In fact, not only her, but everyone else doesn't know what tasks to assign in this meeting, but it is not enough for them elites to be cautious. As Yan Ze thought, the summary meeting at the end of the month.

There was a light and relaxed smile on Yan Ze's face, and he occasionally turned his head to look in Sun Xiaojie's direction, seeing her looking down at the document carefully, her thin lips twitched a few times, and the smile deepened.

Zhou Yixuan was expressionless, without squinting, with a cold demeanor, full of a strong woman, but this old woman obviously had something on her mind, her complexion was a bit unsightly, and Zhao Yutong was the same, not as relaxed and glamorous as before, and her brows were tightly frowned.

"Ahem..." Wendong glanced at the people below, and did not stop at Sun Xiaojie's side. He coughed, and when he saw the people looking at him, the calm smile on his face gradually became serious, showing a sense of leadership.

Wendong's eyes were sharp and he scanned the crowd: "I've been hiding it from you all for so long - apart from Lan Yun's director, I'm also a member of the police. According to Mr. Zhang's intention, we secretly investigated Bai Yuanjing's suicide case. The investigation clues showed that Bai Yuanjing It wasn't suicide, but was murdered, so I leave everyone here today to ask for relevant clues." The voice was not loud, but it made the hearts of the few present tense.

However, everyone is not a rookie, and their emotions and anger are not displayed. Except for Zhao Yutong slightly raised his head and glanced at Yan Ze opposite, and a sarcasm flashed in his eyes, most of the people were silent.

Su Chen turned his head and glanced at Wen Dong, his eyes were surprised and faintly understood; Qin Tai was completely dumbfounded, not knowing why, and looked at Wen Dong with shock; Ming Yu's face became more and more gloomy, and there was no other expression, Zhou Yixuan He and Zhao Yutong sullenly remained silent.

Wen Dong had a panoramic view of their expressions, and his heart became more and more clear.

Sun Xiaojie opened her mouth wide in shock, well, she is definitely a powerful acting school.

A sarcasm flashed across the corner of Yan Ze's mouth, he looked up at Wen Dong, and said with a smile, "Didn't he commit suicide? What else is there to investigate?"

Wen Dong replied: "There is indeed nothing to investigate. After all, the clues have been collected almost, otherwise, I would not reveal my identity like this."

Everyone's hearts tightened again.

"Since we already have clues, why not arrest people directly? Why is it so troublesome?" Yan Ze shook his head and chuckled, a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

"Huh..." Hearing this reminder, the shrewd people felt a little relieved.

"Hehe." Wen Dong smiled irrefutably, ignored him, and looked up in Su Chen's direction: "Su Chen, Qin Tai, you guys go out first, Assistant Sun Xiaojie should go out first too."

It's about to be revealed, Wendong doesn't want Sun Xiaojie to come into contact with these evil things.

"Huh?" The person who was named was obviously taken aback, looking at Wen Dong who was sitting on the seat in confusion.But Su Chen didn't know what he thought of or what. He glanced at Wen Dong with quiet eyes, and then stood up. Seeing that Sun Xiaojie and Sun Xiaojie had also packed up the materials, Qin Tai also stood up and walked out in a daze. know what it means.

But he doesn't know, the rest of the people may not be sure, Zhao Yutong, Ming Yu, Yan Ze, Zhou Yixuan, who doesn't know who?

Several people raised their heads and looked at each other a few times, their faces suddenly gloomy and apprehensive.

After the three left, Wen Dong ignored the doubts in the rest of the people's eyes, and his eyes became sharper: "I think everyone knows why I only left you?" Wen Dong deliberately put pressure on.

Everyone didn't speak, and Wen Dong didn't speak any more, as if he was waiting for something, the whole meeting room looked depressed and dull.

"Crack." A soft sound of the door opening broke the silence, and the person in the lead was Li Bing'er, with a small face extremely glamorous, dressed in an exquisite police uniform, wearing a police cap on her head, and holding a data bag in her hand , neat and capable.

Fair-skinned, beautiful policewoman, but the scars and blood scabs on her face have not faded, she looks a little scary, reflecting her cold eyes, well, very good, it fits the temperament of an unreasonable shrew and a vicious policeman. The atmosphere created fits perfectly.

"Papa——" Immediately behind her were two policemen in the same uniform, as if they had rehearsed well, guarding the door like door gods, with resolute and serious expressions.

Continue to exert invisible pressure.

Li Binger's expression was cold, without saying a word, she went straight to the chair on the left beside Wen Dong, and threw the information bag in her hand on the table with a 'snap', which made Wen Dong tremble.

Wendong didn't forget the scene when this girl took him to prison, my sister, I was scared out of my mind by this girl.

Li Binger took out the information she brought, looked up at everyone and said in a deep voice: "We have discovered Bai Yuanjing's private diary. It is recorded in her diary that in the past six months, someone has been using drugs to control her and possess her. And We have sufficient evidence to prove that Bai Yuanjing did not commit suicide on the night of August 21, but was murdered, and the person who murdered her is most likely the person who used drugs to control her."

Zhou Yixuan's face turned pale, unsightly.Zhao Yutong lowered his head in silence, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"So, I want to get some clues from everyone, and I hope everyone will cooperate." Li Binger looked up at everyone and said.

Everyone nodded, Yan Ze nodded and said with a smile: "Li Binger, we must cooperate, oh no, Officer Li."

Li Binger nodded indifferently, and looked up at Wendong.

Wendong turned his head and glanced at Yan Ze: "According to the autopsy report, Bai Yuanjing died between 02:00 and 03:00 in the morning. You were in the same room with Ming Yu at that time, and lived across from Bai Yuanjing's room. What were you doing at that time? Hear strange noises?"

"Oh, Mingyu and I are fans, so we watched the game that night and didn't hear any strange noises." Yan Ze said relaxedly.

Ming Yu: "Me too."

"Oh, I'm also a fan. It was the game between Padang and Ukalan that night, right? It was a wonderful game. Have you finished watching it?" Wen Dong laughed.

"Yes, we didn't sleep until after watching." Yan Ze smiled and nodded.

"Well, very good. It is said that you were having dinner together that night, what color is Bai Yuanjing wearing?" Wen Dong asked.

Ming Yu was startled, Yan Ze was also stunned for a moment, and said naturally: "White. But I remember that she was wearing black when she committed suicide, maybe she changed it before committing suicide, oh, no, she Murdered, you say."

"It's this dress, right?" Wen Dong took the information from Li Bing'er, took out the photo of the bloody dress and handed it in front of him.

Ming Yu glanced at the photo, his body trembled, and he quickly withdrew his gaze, his face pale.A dark color flashed across Yan Ze's face, he nodded and said, "This is it."

"Did Bai Yuanjing go to your room between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] that night?" Wen Dong asked.

Yan Ze shook his head and laughed: "No, we have been watching the football game, if we come, we will find out."

Ming Yu said: "No."

Wen Dong smiled slightly at them: "Are you watching a football game that night? Probably not."

Both Yan Ze and Ming Yu were taken aback, and Ming Yu said, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Don't understand?" Wen Dong turned to look at Li Binger, and nodded to her: "Officer Li, tell them what we found in their room."

Sun Xiaojie took out an evidence belt from the information bag, which contained a very thin piece of cotton cloth.

It's very simple, just tear one from the bloody coat.

"This belongs to the deceased Bai Yuanjing. There is still blood on it. It belongs to Bai Yuanjing." Wen Dong said flatly, "It just so happens that I found this in the bathroom of your room. How do you explain it?"

Ming Yu made a sullen face and did not speak, Yan Ze sneered: "I don't know, maybe the murderer deliberately framed us while we were asleep."

"Intentionally framed? The bathroom is in your room, can't you see that the murderer framed you?" Wen Dong sneered.

"We fell asleep at the time." Yan Ze said.

"Didn't you say you finished it?" Wen Dong asked.

Yan Ze said lightly: "We were too tired from playing that day, and we don't know when we will fall asleep after watching it." He didn't finish watching it, is that okay? "

Ming Yu's face became paler and paler.Zhou Yixuan, who had been silent all this time, slowly closed her eyes, seemed to let out a long sigh, and slowly leaned back on the seat.And Zhao Yutong still had a sarcastic smile on his face.

Very well, Yan Ze and Ming Yu were forced to change their statements by means of 'cheat'. When watching him lie, they also wanted to see other people's reactions.

Wen Dong stopped asking, and turned to look at Zhou Yixuan and Zhao Yutong: "Do you two have something to say? Did you hear any strange noises in Bai Yuanjing's room in five years? Your room is next to Bai Yuanjing's room."

Zhou Yixuan: "We have been working overtime. We fell asleep around 12 o'clock in the morning. We were very tired and slept deeply. We didn't hear any noise from the next door."

Zhao Yutong: "Me too."

"Oh? Really?" Wen Dong nodded and looked at them with a smile: "Sorry, there is evidence about you, which is even more unfavorable."

Hearing this, the expressions of the two changed instantly.

Wen Dong nodded and said lightly: "We have sufficient evidence to prove that that person went to Bai Yuanjing's room on the night of the incident. On such a rainy night, a girl escaped with no one to turn to and seek help from her colleagues. Did Bai Yuanjing go to you guys?" ?”

Hearing this, the faces of the two of them instantly became embarrassed.Wen Dong didn't seem to notice it, and looked at them quietly.

Zhou Yixuan said: "I don't know, I said I fell asleep."

"Really? Unfortunately, we found Bai Yuanjing's blood and her hair in your backyard, just two meters away from your window." Wen Dong took out a strand of hair from the evidence belt, looked up Looking at Lan Lan's increasingly pale face: "Obviously, she had a fight with the suspect near the window in your backyard, and was bleeding. If you didn't open the door for her, how did she get in? Even if she came from I climbed over the wall in my backyard, but at such a short distance, can’t you hear it? You were bleeding, and you didn’t have nightmares that night? En?” Wen Dong slammed the table violently.

(End of this chapter)

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