How bad guys are made

Chapter 349 Judgment

Chapter 349 Judgment
The bodies of the two visibly trembled, their faces were extremely pale, and there was even a thin layer of sweat on Zhou Yixuan's forehead.Obviously, women's immunity to such bloody things is much worse than men's.

Zhou Yixuan suppressed the fear in her heart, and said calmly: "I don't know, I didn't hear."

Zhao Yutong: "I don't know, I didn't hear it either."

"I don't know? We also found Bai Yuanjing's blood in your room. Man, you couldn't kill him, right? Killing someone is a capital crime." Wen Dong sneered.

Started cheating again.

"No, we didn't kill Bai Yuanjing." Zhao Yutong said in shock.

'We didn't kill'?The tone of this sentence is remarkable.

"Who killed that?" Wen Dong asked directly without giving them time to think.

Zhou Yixuan said quickly, with horror and a trace of guilt in her eyes: "I don't know, I don't know what you're talking about."

"According to the investigation, the deceased Bai Yuanjing didn't know where she offended you. You made things difficult for her. Did you see something she shouldn't see? Did you want to kill her? It can't be a matter of disorderly life, right? ?” Wen Dong asked lightly.

Zhou Yixuan's body trembled, and she raised her head coldly: "You are a policeman, and you have to give evidence when you speak. How can I behave indiscriminately? Be careful and I will sue you!"

"Hehe... Then please tell me, what were you doing in the office at eight o'clock in the evening on August 8, that is, three nights ago? Who were you with?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yixuan's face turned pale in an instant, and Yan Ze's face was also very ugly. When I saw him, he was having sex with Zhou Yixuan in the office.

"Hehe, and..." Wen Dong turned to look at Zhao Yutong: "Zhao Yutong, after you came home last night, didn't you find anything missing at home?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yutong's body trembled: "You..."

"Zhou Yixuan? Ming Yu? Yan Ze?" Wen Dong called the names one by one, and threw the photos on the table. They were photos of drug evidence, and there was a stack of documents, each of them drug test reports.

Ming Yu quickly took the photo, his face was covered with cold sweat, Yan Ze took the photo and only glanced at it, then put the photo on the table, a trace of self-mockery appeared on his extremely ugly face, Zhou Yixuan didn't look at the photo, because she went home Later, she also found out that the drugs in the house were gone, but like Zhao Yutong, she never dared to say anything, and hoped that the thief would enter the house, find the drugs by accident, and walk away by the way, but unfortunately, this was not the case.

"For the murder of Bai Yuanjing, you do have various reasons, and we have no evidence that Yan Ze, Mingyu, Zhao Yutong and Zhou Yixuan are related to this murder, so everyone is innocent for the time being. Based on the evidence in front of us, the three Rong has been promoted to the top suspect, you can go with Officer Li."

Ming Yu: "Director Wen, I really don't know."

Zhou Yixuan: "Speak with evidence, you can't just convict us like this."

Zhao Yutong: "What does this have to do with me?"

Yan Ze: "Are you kidding me?"

The faces of the four of them changed instantly, and they protested at the same time.

Wen Dong curled his lips and said: "The evidence is here, you don't need to say more, the police will officially start the interrogation. As compensation for calling me Mr. Wen for several days, I will give you a free reminder: the principal criminal must be sentenced to death, and the accessory criminal will be sentenced to three to five years." , just used to detoxify.”

When Wen Dong was speaking, Li Binger had carefully packed the evidence and materials, looked up at him approvingly, and even had a hint of admiration.

Wendong's bluffing and bluffing is really beautiful, and he's not just bluffing, he just picked up the loopholes, and he found drug evidence from Zhou Yixuan and the others, deliberately leaving traces of rummage, so that Zhao Yutong and Zhou Yixuan had been worried and anxious for a whole day, and they all panicked after a trick.

It is conceivable that Zhao Yutong and Zhou Yixuan would definitely have to confess as long as the interrogation puts a little more pressure on them.

"Okay, come with us. In order to save you the last bit of dignity, you don't need to wear handcuffs." Li Bing'er stood up and said, at this time, two door gods also came over.

"Thank you, Police Officer Li. I am the most nostalgic person, everyone should be a colleague, and I will see you off." Wen Dong got up and said.

Of course he was worried, after all, there were Yan Ze and Ming Yu among the four, one of them was a bold murderer, Li Binger was still injured, it would be bad if she got violent.

Li Bing'er's injury is minor, but embarrassment is major.

Li Bing'er gave him a blank look, knowing that Wen Dong was thinking of her.


After helping here, Wendong has nothing to do.

In the afternoon, I called the girl Sun Xiaojie, planning to have dinner with her and then go home to 'comfort' her, but unfortunately the girl refused, which made Wendong think that this girl was just crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

However, Sun Xiaojie gave a reason, the second sales department was temporarily rectified, and all employees were on vacation. Just as Sun Xiaojie came home, her brother also asked for leave to go back with Xiaoyan.

Well, Dagang is going to take Xiaoyan to meet his parents, and he is envious and jealous.

Xiaojie has a train tomorrow morning, and her excited brother will pick her up at her place early tomorrow morning. Well, this thin-skinned girl is afraid that her brother will see that Wendong has already lived with her. What's more, Sun Zhenggang dragged Wendong to meet his parents in a fit of rage. The Lun family was not ready to block Wendong's small thoughts.

Then Xiaojie said with a smile: "Sleep with mother tonight, you can retire."

Well, mother's arms are safer than ours, right?


However, it happened that one left and another came. Lin Xiaoxi returned to Shuishi, and then angrily ordered Wendong to pick her up. There was no other reason. Xiaoxi's mother brought a lot of soil from her hometown to Wendong. specialty.

Really, it's obviously to repay Wendong's kindness for saving Lin's father.

Although it was past five o'clock in the afternoon, the bus station was still bustling with people passing by.

"Where are you? Are you here yet!?" Lin Xiaoxi said on the phone, panting and tired, but Xiaoxi was born with a childish voice, which was very nice.

"I'm at the gate of the station, what color are you wearing?" Wen Dong asked while walking around.

"I'm wearing white clothes."

"OK, I saw you, stand there and don't move, I'll pick you up." Wen Dong saw a beautiful girl in a small white down jacket looking around from a distance, recognized her at a glance, and hurried over .

When he got closer, seeing Lin Xiaoxi's appearance, Wen Dong was taken aback.Not seeing each other for a few days, Xiaoxi became more and more mature.

The upper body is a white down jacket, and there is a cartoon pattern on the arm, which is very cute. The zipper is open, and there is also a white T-shirt inside. In the middle of the t-shirt is a very cute Tuzki. There is a pair of peaks at least 34E in front of my ears. I am fascinated by the sight, and I can't wait to...well, grab Tuzki's ears hard.The upper body is dressed youthfully and cutely, but the lower body is a black leather skirt, wrapped in a pair of silk stockings with round legs, full of the charm of a mature urban woman. Standing there, she looks like an urban beauty.

The beautiful face is still so beautiful, with a plain face, but beautiful and flawless, her hair is tied up high, one of a pair of crystal ears is plugged with an earphone, and the other earphone is swinging, swinging, swinging on her chest Wendong's saliva flowed out, the mini phone was just in his pocket, well, he was on the phone with Wendong.

Lin Xiaoxi obviously also found Wendong, seeing Wendong walking over like a pig brother, her little face couldn't help but blush, even though she said it so naturally on the phone, since Wendong was injured and hospitalized to save Zhang Hanhan I haven't seen each other for more than a week. To be honest, I still miss him very much. At the same time, I have been tortured and influenced by my mother these few days at home, and I am speechless.

Looking at Lin Xiaoxi standing in front of her pretty, Wen Dong broke the silence first, with a smile on his face: "I haven't seen you for a few days, MM Xiaoxi is still choppy."

Lin Xiaoxi's delicate body trembled, she never thought that this guy would say such an opening sentence.

However, this is the real Wendong, he is so shameless, seeing Wendong's smiling face, Lin Xiaoxi suddenly stepped forward to put his feet on his feet, and stretched out his arms to hug him.

She couldn't control it for some reason, her heart was beating so fast.

Wen Dong didn't move at all, probably because he was frightened by his sudden action. Do you think my hug is a bit inexplicable?
He didn't speak quietly, Lin Xiaoxi's face began to heat up, but he couldn't help wondering, did this guy change his gender?still?
Woohoo, Lin Xiaoxi's face was already on fire, especially when she noticed the strange eyes of the crowd around her, and was about to let her go, suddenly, her waist tightened leisurely, and she felt the strength of the palms around her waist, and her body followed the hug. It's closer.

Well, it hasn't changed yet, a trace of sweetness flashed across Lin Xiaoxi's heart, and she blushed and smiled suddenly, for some reason, she felt extraordinarily happy.

In fact, Lin Xiaoxi wanted to go home this time to see her parents first, and secondly, she wanted to be quiet. She had never been in a relationship before. She didn't know that her affection for Wendong was because Wendong saved her father. Still really like him.

But Jingjing is really not the answer, my mother has been yelling about Wendong Wendong these days, and she can hear cocoons in her ears.Annoyingly, she didn't come up with a result at home these days, until she was kicked out of the house by her mother. After seeing Wendong, she still couldn't help it, even if she still didn't come up with a result, she only knew that her heart was beating so fast.

"Your injury is healed?" Lin Xiaoxi wanted to let go of him, but she was held tightly by this guy around her waist. She blushed helplessly and asked in a low voice, hoping that this guy would come to his senses and let go quickly.

"Uh... which time did you say that?"

Lin Xiaoxi: "..." Well, it's only been a few days?Injured by the beauty again?

Well, before this guy let go, Lin Xiaoxi felt her face was hot, and just about to open her mouth, a familiar and angry voice came from beside her ear: "Hey, can you two stop being so ignorant? My old lady is almost staring out of her eyes standing here, what are you doing!? Even if you don’t take care of me, you should take care of passers-by. Although the ratio of men to women in Tianxia Kingdom is not out of balance, there are still many single dogs.”

(End of this chapter)

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