How bad guys are made

Chapter 350 Dog Abuse Chapter

Chapter 350 Dog Abuse

Hearing this, the single male compatriots passing by nodded thoughtfully, glanced at each other, and almost had a date with each other, especially after seeing Lin Xiaoxi's beautiful face, In addition to envy, jealousy and hatred, the eyes looking at Wendong are more angry, and some people even sighed: "It's really unreasonable, this guy is so ugly, why can he get such a beautiful girl."

Wen Dong: "..."

Lin Xiaoxi: "..."

And who can speak so openly, except Cheng Yanan, who else can be.

Wen Dong and Lin Xiaoxi separated at once, and Lin Xiaoxi's little face was flushed red with embarrassment, very cute.

Wendong gritted his teeth and looked at Cheng Yanan, this woman, Ge Laozi, where did this woman come from, I haven't hugged her enough yet.

Lin Xiaoxi looked at Wen Dong, who was staring at her best friend, and couldn't help but smile. The two had to quarrel when they met, and before it broke out, Lin Xiaoxi quickly concealed her shyness, turned to look at her and said, "Yanan, Why are you here? If you don't say you have to go to work, I'm afraid you can't pick me up?"

Hearing this, Cheng Yanan stroked his forehead and sighed: "I sent you a message an hour ago saying that I can pick you up, okay? What were you thinking along the way? You won't be calling this guy all the time, right?" Cheng Yanan stretched out her hand Pointing to Wen Dongdao.

Lin Xiaoxi's small face was shy again: "No way, I didn't see it."

"Damn it!" Cheng Yanan suddenly swears: "You know, I was absent from work to pick you up. Fatty Zhu threatened to deduct my salary and my sister didn't dump him. My old face was green. I saw you when I arrived. Hug a guy, Xiaoxi, you have to pay attention to your image, you are a celebrity now, if you hug someone who doesn't know what to do, you will be gossiped by others."

Wen Dong couldn't bear it anymore, and angrily stretched out his hand to knock Chen Yanan's hand pointing at him: "You poke your eyes, what a nonsense person, why don't you hug me, I'm still a celebrity."

"You? What kind of celebrity are you? You only have one name at most."

"Damn! You..."

"Okay, okay, don't you two quarrel as soon as you meet?" Lin Xiaoxi was also speechless for a while, and quickly interrupted Wendong to separate the non-stop two people: "Okay, I'm tired enough from the car, I don't want to Let's fight for you two, pack up your things and go, I'm exhausted."

Lin Xiaoxi turned around to pick up a few large packages, when she suddenly exclaimed 'Yeah'.

"What's the matter?" Wen Dong glared at Cheng Yanan and asked quickly.

"Two packages are missing. Could it be that just now... when we hugged, someone took them away?" Lin Xiaoxi said, with an anxious look on her small face.

"No, when I came, there was a trailer behind you." Wen Dong shook his head and said with certainty.

"It's over, it's over, it won't be in the (la) car." Lin Xiaoxi stomped anxiously, and Tuzki's two big ears shook Wen Dong's eyes for a while.

Cheng Yanan rubbed his forehead again: "It's over, Xiaoxi, you are completely lost. In order to run out and hug this guy, you even threw away the things your mother prepared for you. That's what your mother has worked so hard to save for more than 20 years. Souvenirs, the world is hot and cold, and the world is going down, so heartbroken."

Wen Dong's old face twitched, wishing he could kick the eighth wives away.

Lin Xiaoxi was also blushed by this good girlfriend, feeling ashamed, and blushed angrily: "Why are you heartbroken, what are you so sad about?"

Cheng Yanan: "I'm sad for your mother, no way..."

Wen Dong: "..."

Lin Xiaoxi: "..."

Lin Xiaoxi's package was indeed dropped into the car. Fortunately, the bus did not drive away after arriving at the station. It was two packages, which were not big, but it was enough for Lin Xiaoxi, a delicate little beauty, to pull the trailer and take the two packages. It's a bit reluctant, and one of them is quite heavy. I don't know what it is. The trailer is also very heavy. It is said that there are clothes, cosmetics, bottles and cans in it. I have to carry such a big thing back and forth, woman What a hassle.

Put the tow box and a heavy package into the trunk, and Lin Xiaoxi took the light one into the car directly.

Xiaoxi MM didn't know whether it was because she was ashamed or because she was hot in the down jacket, a thin layer of sweat broke out on her small face, and a lock of hair stood by her mouth and gently brushed away, which had a special charm.

Lin Xiaoxi has a good mother, which makes Wendong envious. It is said that her hometown is a bit cold, so she must wear a small down jacket when she comes.

Lin MM took off her down jacket when she got in the car. Her sleeves were soaked in sweat and she couldn't take off her down jacket. She was trembling with the already big mountains and ridges upright.

"Where to eat?" Wen Dong turned his head to concentrate on driving and asked.

"You don't need to eat outside. When I left today, I didn't finish the dumplings made by my mother. You must ask me to bring some to you. Then I brought back some chestnuts from my hometown. I cooked them for dinner tonight. It's a big bag." Lin Xiaoxi reached out and patted her white face, wiped the sweat on her snowy forehead, looked down at the bag on her leg and said, the unpretentious appearance makes people unable to bear... Well, hug A kiss, a kiss without distracting thoughts.

"Chestnut?" Wen Dong asked suspiciously.

"Well, you haven't seen it, have you? I also brought some cooked ones." Lin Xiaoxi smiled, opened the small package, opened the plastic bag, took out one and waved it in front of Wendong.

"It's over, it's over..." Cheng Yanan began to feel compassionate again.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiaoxi turned her head and glanced at the girlfriend behind her.

"Your mother actually made dumplings for this guy, even your mother has fallen, and there is no love in this world." Cheng Yanan sighed.

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxi glared at her with a flushed face: "Fuck you, a dog can't spit out ivory."

"Is this chestnut a local product that your mother has saved for more than 20 years?" Wen Dong looked down at the chestnut in her little hand, and said with a twitch.

"Let's go, why are you listening to Cheng Yanan's nonsense, these chestnuts just fell this year, okay?" Lin Xiaoxi gave Wen Dong an angry look.

"Well, I only ate fried chestnuts in sugar before, but I haven't eaten boiled ones before." Wen Dong nodded.

"Then you have to try it, the boiled chestnuts are also delicious." Lin Xiaoxi smiled and said.

"Okay, I want to eat now." Wen Dong said.

Lin Xiaoxi said: "How do you eat while driving? You can eat it when you go home."

Cheng Yanan made a joke and sang out: "You want to eat too much, and you still want to eat Xiaoxi."

Lin Xiaoxi blushed and immediately lowered her head.

Wen Dong: "Go away, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

"My sister's name is Yanan, and the homonym is—Nanya."

Wen Dong: "..."

Lin Xiaoxi was speechless.

"En?" Wen Dong was driving the car, when suddenly his leg was rubbed lightly, Wen Dong turned his head in doubt, Lin Xiaoxi opened his small mouth to him, like a kitten stealing food, and secretly looked behind glance.

Wen Dong suddenly understood, and quickly opened his mouth. At this moment, a small hand "swished" and stuffed a peeled chestnut into his mouth.

Lin Xiaoxi glanced at the back quietly again, turned her head with a 'swish', and found that she was not seen by the eighth woman, and quickly reached out to caress her chest. Just when she noticed Wen Dong's gaze, she immediately lowered her head in shame , I felt that the smiling face had a fever, and it was jumping up and down, as if it was secretly behind the back of a girlfriend... It was like stealing a little flirtatious, a little excited and a little exciting.

He secretly looked up at Wen Dong who was driving, and found that his face was squirming quietly and chewing carefully, as if he was afraid of being discovered, without making a sound, he also secretly glanced back, turned his head to look at Lin Xiaoxi, and told her Blinked.

Lin Xiaoxi's face flushed red, but her heart was thumping and sweet.

Suddenly, the calf was rubbed, Lin Xiaoxi looked up, Wen Dong opened his mouth to her - still want to eat?

Lin Xiaoxi puffed her mouth out of anger, but still couldn't help but quietly took one out of the bag, and quietly peeled it with her head down.

Just after peeling, Lin Xiaoxi quietly turned her head to take a peek, and saw a familiar face, Cheng Yanan grinned at her, and said in a coquettish voice: "Xiaoxixi, the Lun family also wants to eat chestnuts, you can peel them for me." Is it good to eat? The Lun family wants to eat what you peeled yourself."

Lin Xiaoxi snorted immediately, and turned her head away with a 'whoosh', as if her cheating was discovered, she was so ashamed that she couldn't bear it, and stomped her little feet in anger.

Wen Dong turned his head and stared at Cheng Yanan viciously: "Go shit..."


Driving the two beauties home, Wen Dong sat on the clean sofa with his legs crossed. He hadn't been here for a long time, and felt a different kind of warmth. The only thing that hurt was that this home was becoming less and less like his own. That's right, there are a few portraits of handsome male stars on one wall, but the only good thing is that there is a poster of Lin Xiaoxi's clothing on the wall above the TV, which is very cute and cute.

"Watching TV while admiring beautiful girls, how do I post them?" Cheng Yanan took off her jacket and threw it on the sofa beside Wendong. She only had a white T-shirt and black leather pants on her bottom. The slender figure is even more sexy.

"Well, very good, it would be even better if you put a photo of your sisters next to the TV." Wen Dong nodded and smiled.

"Hmph...Of course there is. In our bedroom, I will tell you secretly that there is a photo of Xiaoxi's *** in the bedroom. You can go and have a look." Cheng Yanan winked at Wendong and said.

Wen Dong: "Ah..."

Lin Xiaoxi poked her head out of the kitchen, and stared at her best friend angrily: "Can you keep your voice down when you talk secretly..."

Seeing the back of Cheng Yanan walking into the bathroom with a chuckle, Wen Dong shook his head, got up and went to his bedroom.

After entering the bedroom and turning on the wall lamp, Wen Dong was stunned for a moment. There was a small photo frame on the bedside table, facing his bedside. Could it be Lin Xiaoxi's photo?

Reaching out to pick it up, it was Lin Xiaoxi's portrait, pure and lovely.

"Did Xiaoxi put it?" Wendong held the photo in a daze, then shook his head. Xiaoxi is thin-skinned and has a delicate relationship with him, so she definitely wouldn't take the initiative to put her own photo here Then, obviously, it was Cheng Yanan.

(End of this chapter)

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