How bad guys are made

Chapter 351 You gave me the suspenders

Chapter 351 You gave me the suspenders
Thinking of Cheng Yanan, a complex flashed in Wendong's eyes. Although the female man's words were still annoying, Wendong also felt that she seemed to have changed a lot. It seemed that she didn't try her best to stop her from being with Xiaoxi, and even matched her a little bit. The meaning of both of them.

Just like today, Cheng Yanan has acted as a fusion agent between herself and Xiaoxi. If it wasn't for her funnyness or her outspokenness, Xiaoxi wouldn't be ashamed like this. I feel that the relationship with Xiaoxi is getting more subtle and ambiguous.

And this is why Wendong is complicated. After all, I have surpassed friendship with Cheng Yanan. In other words, it is really not a good thing to have a complicated relationship with my best friend. However, it is best for Cheng Yanan to let go. Just stop messing with her.

Walking out of the bedroom, I heard the sound of running water in the bathroom, thinking that Cheng Yanan was taking a shower, this guy is really carefree.

"What's for dinner tonight?" Walking to the kitchen, seeing Lin Xiaoxi working in the sink, Wen Dong walked over and asked.

"Hot and sour potato shreds, fried pork with celery, um, how about eating dumplings?" Lin Xiaoxi turned her head and asked.

"Well, okay, I'll help you." Wen Dong rolled up his sleeves and walked over.

"You are a big man, so don't go into the kitchen, just wait outside." Lin Xiaoxi said while peeling potatoes.

"I really want to, but when Cheng Yanan comes out and sees me outside like an uncle, he will inevitably mock me." Wen Dong said helplessly: "Besides, I am motivated to be a good man in the family, and I have to share some burdens for my wife. Household chores, um...let’s start with an experiment.”

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxi couldn't help but blushed: "Okay... okay." Sensing the familiar aura of a man beside him, the two stood side by side, Lin Xiaoxi didn't know what to think, and was a little flustered for a while, and her little face blushed. Feeling hot, afraid of being discovered by Wen Dong next to him, he hurriedly said: "Then I'll go and shred potatoes, and you choose celery."

"Okay." Wen Dong pretended to be nonchalant and turned to look at her.Lin Xiaoxi quickly took the washed potato pot and turned to the cutting board, showing the attitude of a shy little girl.

While cutting potatoes, Lin Xiaoxi secretly turned her head to look at Wendong, who was choosing vegetables. Seeing that he didn't notice her, she turned her head away quickly, feeling her heart beating violently. She always felt that such a scene was a bit weird, but for her kind The girl who also likes to look forward to it naturally also thought about this scene in the kitchen, which is very warm.

This reminded her of Wendong's casual confession just now, "Share some household chores for the daughter-in-law, um... let's start with you", isn't this a confession?Pity myself, my head was a mess and I didn't pay more attention, but now I think about it, I regret it, I didn't say anything, Wendong won't be sad, but how should I express it?

He didn't say anything, he clearly agreed just now.

"Hey, it's not good to be distracted while chopping vegetables." At this time, Wen Dong's voice sounded from beside his ears. He was holding a small pot with picked celery in his hand, and looked at her with a playful face. .

"Ah!" Lin Xiaoxi came back to her senses immediately, but unexpectedly, she accidentally cut her finger.

"Why are you so careless, what are you thinking?" Wen Dong frowned while holding Lin Xiaoxi's cut hand.

"No, I didn't think about anything, just being careless." Lin Xiaoxi quickly withdrew her little hand, walked to the pool and washed the oozing blood with clean water.

"Wait a minute, I'll go find a Band-Aid, hurry up and get out, it won't help you at all, I was scared by you just now." Seeing that her fingers were no longer bleeding, Lin Xiaoxi said angrily.

Hearing this, Wendong felt helpless again, and couldn't help but think of Zhang Hanhan's cooking scene. The children of poor families are already in charge of the family. This sentence is really true. Calm down, not afraid at all, not like that stupid woman Zhang Hanhan.

"Forget it, your wound will be infected like this. Let me cook this meal, and you can treat the wound." Wen Dong said.

"You cook? Can you cook?" Lin Xiaoxi pinched her fingers and looked at Wendong in surprise.

"Of course, don't worry, I'm also a child of a poor family, okay?" Wen Dong said helplessly.

"Well, well, I don't care, I'm afraid that what you do is not to Yanan's liking, and you will inevitably fight with her." Lin Xiaoxi laughed.

"She won't let go, you go and bandage the wound." Wen Dong pouted.


Five or six minutes later, Xiaoxi had wrapped up her wound and came to the door of the kitchen. At this time, the first dish of hot and sour potato shreds had been fried. Lin Xiaoxi reached out to pick up the steaming shredded potatoes, and sniffed her cute nose close to the plate. A band-aid has been pasted on the finger meticulously, and he raised his beautiful eyes and looked at Wendong who was busy with a smile: "It seems to be delicious."

"Of course, I guarantee that you will want another meal after this meal." Wen Dong smiled triumphantly: "I'm not just talking about my inspiration to be a man. Cooking good food is a sign of a man. Is there any reason for that?" ,Ha ha."

"Cut, stinky." Lin Xiaoxi snorted, turned around and walked out with shredded potatoes in her hand, turned her head when she reached the door and said, "Why don't I make fried pork with celery next time."

"No, you are quite tired from the car ride, go and rest for a while, it will be done in a while." Wen Dong started cutting the shredded pork without turning his head.

Lin Xiaoxi felt a warm feeling in her heart, nodded her head: "Well, okay."

"Yanan, it's time to eat." Lin Xiaoxi yelled after putting the fried pork with celery on the table.

"Oh, here we come." Cheng Yanan's voice came from the bedroom.

Lin Xiaoxi looked up at Wendong, who was making dumplings in the kitchen, and couldn't help picking up the chopsticks to sneak a mouthful of potato shreds. Suddenly, a pair of beautiful eyes lit up, and couldn't help but glance at the kitchen again ...Hmm, the cooked dishes taste better than mine.

"Wuuuu... I'm starving to death." At this time, the bedroom door opened, and Cheng Yanan came out wearing a slightly conservative nightgown, with wet black hair hanging on her shoulders, exuding the leisurely scent of jasmine shampoo, The delicate face is rosy, full of the mature charm of a home woman.

Cheng Yanan sat down next to Lin Xiaoxi carelessly, and fell on top of her.

Lin Xiaoxi didn't pay attention, and was suddenly overwhelmed by her best friend on the sofa, speechless: "Oh, what are you doing, your hair is still wet."

Cheng Yanan didn't get up, but lay on Lin Xiaoxi's body, looking at Xiaoxi with ambiguous eyes: "Hey, why can't you resist pushing? Did someone take advantage of me while I was taking a shower and my body went limp .”

"Get out, the dog can't spit out ivory, get up quickly..." Lin Xiaoxi blushed, and quickly struggled to push Yanan.

"Well... still said no, even the suspenders are loose..."

"Ah? Where?" Lin Xiaoxi was startled, and quickly looked over her shoulder.

"Haha, you still said no..." Cheng Yanan's proud laughter suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Damn you, you lied to me again." Lin Xiaoxi blushed like a ripe apple, and pushed Yanan away angrily.

"Hurry up and eat." At this time, Wen Dong came out with two plates of hot dumplings, and looked helplessly at the two people who were fighting together, especially when he saw the woman Cheng Yanan groping around Xiao Xi's body. Lin Xiaoxi was so shy, and Wendong was so angry that he almost couldn't hold back the dumpling on the head of this annoying woman.

"Well... you still have a conscience, you didn't let Xiaoxi work alone." Cheng Yanan got up, glanced at Wendong and hummed.

"I'm starving to death." Cheng Yanan picked up the chopsticks and stuffed a dumpling into her mouth, then quickly reached out to pick up a mouthful of vegetables, chewed a few times, and suddenly looked at Lin Xiaoxi who was beside her in surprise: "Well... I haven't seen you for a few days, Your cooking skills have improved again, this taste is even better than the chefs in big restaurants."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxi couldn't help but looked up at Wen Dong who was opposite. Wen Dong just looked up at her, blinked at her, and signaled her not to speak.

"Well, how is it? Do you want to learn how to cook with me?" Lin Xiaoxi smiled at Yanan.

"Well... no need to learn." Cheng Yanan shook his head and stuffed another mouthful of potato shreds, and said with a smile: "I have decided one thing, we will be good girlfriends for thousands of years, so that I don't have to learn, and I will eat with you every day. alright."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxi raised her head and glanced at Wendong again, seeing that he was eating with his head down with pride on his face, Lin Xiaoxi nodded and put some shredded potatoes into his small mouth, neither of them explained, there was a little tacit understanding It made Lin Xiaoxi feel a different kind of sweetness in her heart.

Cheng Yanan suddenly looked up at Lin Xiaoxi, then at Wendong who was silent, and frowned: "Is there something you guys are hiding from me?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxi's heart tightened, she bit her mouth and fell asleep, and said innocently: "Is there?"

Hearing this, Cheng Yanan looked at Wendong again.

Wen Dong ignored her, picked up a chopsticks dish for Lin Xiaoxi and put it in her small bowl: "Eat more."

Lin Xiaoxi picked up the chopsticks and put the food into her mouth: "Well, thank you."

Cheng Yanan was so angry that he looked at the two people who showed affection and contempt: "You guys are ruthless..."

After eating, Lin Xiaoxi was just about to wash the dishes when her cell phone rang suddenly, it was her mother calling.

"Ah, I forgot to report my mother's safety." Lin Xiaoxi said with a panicked face while holding the phone in her small hand.

"Okay." Cheng Yanan lay down on the sofa all of a sudden, unable to bear the contempt.

Lin Xiaoxi was also very embarrassed, and made a silent gesture to Wendong, coughed and then answered the phone: "Hello, mom... Oh, I have returned to the water market, um, I just had dinner, and I talked to Wendong and Yanan is together, of course, he said he likes to eat... oh, okay."

Said, Lin Xiaoxi blushed and stuffed the mini mobile phone into Wendong's arms, and whispered: "My mother asked you to answer the phone." Saying this, Lin Xiaoxi gritted her teeth and gave him a threatening look, with obvious meaning, Don't let him talk nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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