How bad guys are made

Chapter 352 Poor Landlord?

Chapter 352 Poor Landlord?

Seeing Lin Xiaoxi's cute appearance, Wen Dong took the phone with a sullen expression: "Hello, Auntie... Well, we are together, I drove to pick her up."

Lin Xiaoxi blushed and sat on the sofa angrily, glaring at this guy angrily, what do you mean by 'together'!

Wen Dong smiled and said to the phone; "Well, okay, I will definitely take Xiaoxi to see you when I have time... Well, okay, I will definitely take good care of Xiaoxi, don't worry."

At this time, Xiaoxi's small face was as red as a big overripe apple, especially after hearing Wendong's last words, she immediately gave a 'wow', feeling ashamed, annoyed, she stretched out her little hand Go to Wen Dong's leg and squeeze him hard, threatening him not to talk nonsense, and hang up the phone quickly.

Wen Dong hurriedly agreed before hanging up Mother Lin's phone, threw the phone into Lin Xiaoxi's hand, and said angrily, "Why are you pinching me?"

"I still want to strangle you, say, what did my mother tell you!?" Lin Xiaoxi quickly glanced at the phone to make sure that the call was over, then raised her face and gritted her teeth to stare at Wendong, but someone rushed forward The posture of killing people.

Seeing Lin Xiaoxi's lovely face turned from embarrassment into anger, Wen Dong smiled and turned his head to look at Cheng Yanan who was looking at him eagerly: "Are you sure you want to say it now?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxi's body trembled. Under the flustered situation, how dare Wen Dong say it in front of her "good friend of ten thousand years", and quickly got up, picked up the plate on the table and walked into the kitchen: "Then let's not talk about it."

Cheng Yanan's face was filled with excitement, and she slowly moved to Wendong's legs, put her little hand on Wendong's shoulder, and said in a coquettish voice: "Director Wen, what did Xiaoxi's mother tell you?" Wen Dong rubbed his shoulders, but his face was full of gossip.

Lin Xiaoxi trembled, turned her head and stared at Cheng Yanan angrily, then looked at Wendong fiercely: "If you dare to say it, I will... I will bite you to death!"

Wendong nodded vigorously, curled his lips, and stretched out his hand to knock Cheng Yanan's hand away: "That's right, this is our family business, it's none of your business, what are you doing asking so much!?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxi staggered and almost fell on the door frame with a plate...


Wen Dong was sitting on the sofa bored, when there was a slight 'click' sound outside the door.

Is it a beautiful landlord?I remember that I haven't seen her since I taught her to be a normal person. I have been busy with Bai Yuanjing's murder case for the past few days, and I don't know how she is adapting.

"Crack——" Wen Dong hurriedly got up and walked to the door to open the door. He saw the beautiful landlady closing the door, obviously about to go out.

Hearing the sound, the beautiful landlady turned her head to look at Wendong, her eyes looked at Wendong quietly, neither joy nor anger, she just looked at him quietly, without a trace of emotional distracting thoughts in her eyes, as if seeing a stranger People are average.

However, Wendong still felt a slight difference, as if the beautiful landlady's eyes were not as cold and unkind as before. Well, this is a good start.

"Do you want to go out?" Wen Dong asked first to break the silence.

"Well, go out and buy some food." The beautiful landlady nodded.

"En?" Hearing this, Wen Dong's eyes lit up: "You know how to cook?"

"No, I want to learn." The beautiful landlady said quietly.

Just as Wen Dong was about to speak, at this moment, Lin Xiaoxi, who was clearing the table, came over: "Sister Li, are you going out?"

"Well, I'm going out to buy some food. Okay... Long time no see." Cheng Yanan nodded, probably because he was still a little unaccustomed to socializing, and he was still a little stumbled when he greeted her.

Lin Xiaoxi nodded with a smile on her face and asked, "Well, this weekend, didn't Zihan come back this week?"

The beautiful landlady said: "I went out to play, and I will come back at night."

"Oh, remember you said you asked me to teach you how to cook, I'll teach you now, Zihan said he wants to eat your cooking." Lin Xiaoxi nodded with an innocent smile on her face.

"Okay, then I'll go buy it now." The beautiful landlady nodded, glanced at Wendong, turned and walked towards the stairs without saying hello.

"What kind of person is this? He can't even say thank you, but at least give him a smile and leave without saying hello." Cheng Yanan pouted behind him.

Hearing this, Wen Dong turned his head and glared at her, then turned and walked into the room.

"Sister Landlord is like this, just get used to it." Lin Xiaoxi shook her head, and followed into the room.

Cheng Yanan turned her head to look at the two people who were silent, not knowing what was going on for a moment, she said dumbly, "This..."

"How did you meet the landlord?" Wen Dong looked up at Lin Xiaoxi curiously and asked.

"Well, just a few days before I went home, Zihan came to play with me, took me to her sister's house, and then we met. At that time, I was not used to the indifference of the landlord, but later Zihan said that she My sister is like that, she doesn’t want to meet strangers, doesn’t want to go out, and doesn’t know how to cook. She often goes hungry at home, because she has to go to school and can’t come every day, so I have time to visit her sister.

In the next few days, I delivered meals to the landlord twice, and found that she sat alone at home each time, and no one talked to her. There was no TV or other entertainment in her home, and it was very deserted. I suddenly felt She...she..."

"It's very pitiful, isn't it?" Wen Dong answered.

"Well, yes." Lin Xiaoxi nodded.

"Well, then you can spend more time with her when you have time, she is trying to be an ordinary person now." Wen Dong sighed, looked up at Lin Xiaoxi and said, with a little pleading tone.

"Does she have autism? Or has she experienced some kind of huge spiritual blow?" At this time, Cheng Yanan also asked curiously.

Hearing this, Wen Dong glared at her and fell silent.

Lin Xiaoxi pulled Layanan's hand to signal her not to talk nonsense, but she still couldn't help but look up at Wendong, her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity. Obviously, Wendong first met the landlord, and he should know the reason.

Wen Dong pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth and said: "Actually, Yanan's guess is very close. She is indeed withdrawn, but she is not born with it."

"Why is that?" Lin Xiaoxi and Cheng Yanan asked curiously.

Wendong turned his head and glanced at the two. Although Cheng Yanan's mouth was a little annoying, they were all kind-hearted, especially Lin Xiaoxi. Perhaps, with their help, the beautiful landlord could return to normal life as soon as possible. No, but at least being able to accompany her won't make the beautiful landlord so lonely.

Taking a deep breath, Wen Dong said: "She is an orphan, and she was trafficked by human traffickers when she was very young. At that time, she was like an ordinary person, laughing and laughing. She is beautiful, but she was drugged by a very capable person, so I don't need to talk about the effect of that drug, right?"

Seeing the two girls nodding, Wendong continued: "But the landlord is stubborn by nature, he would rather die than submit, so he suppressed the throbbing in his heart and ran away. At that time, her whole body was so hot that she soaked herself in the cold water. It passed like this, but she didn't expect that the medicine on her body was not an ordinary medicine. Although the nature of the medicine was suppressed, it mutated and hibernated in her body.

After that, she seldom sees people, especially men. The breath of men can trigger the medicinal properties in her body and make her have that kind of impulse. Moreover, she shuts herself in the room every day and tries not to see people. She even adjusted the air conditioner in the room to be very cold, which could suppress the mutated medicinal properties in her body, and she never even dared to wear clothes of other colors. The layout of the house was either black or white, and she didn't even dare to watch TV. People suppress their emotions towards anyone at home, and over time, her body will automatically develop resistance, and she will not develop feelings for anyone. Her personality gradually becomes withdrawn, and she does not want to get close to strangers. "

After Wendong finished speaking, he couldn't help but feel that the beautiful landlord was pitiful. In fact, there was another important reason he didn't mention, and that was the identity of the beautiful landlord's killer. Living in such a cold atmosphere made things worse, making her His character became more and more indifferent.

"Huh..." After listening, the two people who were holding their breath finally couldn't help exhaling a long breath, their faces were full of shock.

" know medical skills, so you didn't cure her?" Suddenly, Lin Xiaoxi suddenly remembered, and grabbed Wendong's arm with her little hand and said excitedly.

"Hehe, if I know her story, it must have cured her." Wen Dong smiled bitterly. Speaking of treating the beautiful landlord, the process was really full of twists and turns.

The beautiful landlord is not close to strangers, and has a strong nature. It is difficult for him to approach her, and it is even more impossible for her to tell her sad history, because the beautiful landlord does not need others to pity her.

"But she..." Lin Xiaoxi pursed her lips, and her eyes were wet. She felt that she had suffered a lot in recent years, but she didn't expect the landlord to be so pitiful.

Wen Dong continued: "This is why I don't understand. Maybe it's been too long, her emotional cells have been annihilated by herself, so until now, she still can't cry or laugh, but I think, as long as If she is human, she will have feelings, she has promised me to slowly become an ordinary person, and she invites you to teach her how to cook, because she also wants to learn how to communicate with strangers, this is a good start.”

"Well, I will definitely." Lin Xiaoxi gritted her teeth and said firmly.

"Huh... really pitiful." Cheng Yanan couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"You must not feel sorry for her. The landlord has a withdrawn personality, but she has a strong self-esteem. Please do not look at her with pity." Wen Dong looked up at Cheng Yanan and said in a serious tone.

Hearing this, Cheng Yanan snorted and said, "They're all women, how could I not know. I'm just feeling emotional."

"Well, that's good, I'll teach her how to cook in a while." Lin Xiaoxi nodded.

"Well, I have nothing to do tomorrow, let's go shopping and buy clothes, so let's drag the landlord." Cheng Yanan said.

(End of this chapter)

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