How bad guys are made

Chapter 354 The Landlord Injured

Chapter 354 The Landlord Injured
"Go to hell! Pervert!" Cheng Yanan and Lin Xiaoxi cursed in unison.

"Damn, can I still play it?" Wen Dong didn't care about being exposed, and Wen Dong said angrily when the role was brought in.

"Playing you big-headed ghost, I... I won't act, you are too bullying." Lin Xiaoxi pouted her mouth, full of grievances.

"Huh? Sister landlord, are you laughing again?" Lin Xiaoxi said in surprise just as she struggled to get up.

"En? Is there?" Li Ningyan was taken aback, and couldn't help reaching out to touch the corner of her mouth that had calmed down. Just now, she also felt that the frolic between the three of them was very interesting, which made her feel very relaxed, and she couldn't help turning her head to look at Wen. Dong: "Did I really laugh?"

The hope in Li Ningyan's eyes disappeared in a flash. At this time, she was like a one-year-old child who stumbled and learned to walk. Her eyes were flat and dazed, and her calm eyes did not contain any distracting thoughts.

"Sister Landlord, you really laughed, I saw it." Lin Xiaoxi nodded her head vigorously and said affirmatively.

"Why did you laugh just now? Let's laugh again, and it will be fine if you laugh more slowly." Wen Dong said hastily.

"I don't know either." Li Ningyan shook her head, seeing the eyes of the three of them, she stretched the muscles at the corners of her mouth blankly, tried a few times, although the corners of her mouth hooked up, but it didn't look like a smile at all. It just curled the corners of the mouth very quietly. The beautiful landlady is very beautiful. Although it can't be said that curling the corners of the mouth is uglier than crying, it is definitely not a smile.

"I can't laugh." After trying a few times, Li Ningyan said calmly.

The bodies of the two women trembled visibly, and the corners of Lin Xiaoxi's eyes were already wet.

Lin Xiaoxi suddenly walked slowly in front of Li Ningyan, opened her hands, with an innocent and sincere smile on her face, sniffed, and said softly, "Sister Landlord, can I give you a hug?"

Wen Dong glanced at Lin Xiaoxi in surprise, and immediately understood what she was thinking, with a knowing smile on his face, and then turned to look at the beautiful landlord.

What Wendong is most worried about is that the beautiful landlord is still unwilling to contact strangers, especially the most intimate physical contact, even if the other party is a girl.

And the beautiful landlord did not disappoint him...

"Well, yes." The beautiful landlady stood up slowly, her calm eyes showed a little thought, she tilted her head, and her braids simply tied with black belts hung aside, but her voice was still so flat: "Then , I should open my hand, right?"

"Well, it's the best." Lin Xiaoxi reached out to wipe the corners of her eyes, and forced a smile.

"Well, okay..." Li Ningyan stood there quietly and slowly opened her hands, as if it was still a bit difficult, and her hands were clenched into fists.

Obviously, as a killer, the awareness of self-protection has been deeply rooted in her bones. Coupled with her character of not getting close to others, she opened her hands like this and opened the door wide open, almost letting go of her last layer of defense. is the most difficult.

Lin Xiaoxi took the initiative to take two steps forward, and gently hugged her up.

The two bubbling beautiful women hugged each other like this, but it didn't give people a trace of weirdness. It felt like two real best friends who had been separated for many years and finally reunited.

"Well, this feeling..." Li Ningyan just opened her hands like that without any movement, letting Lin Xiaoxi gently hug her waist, and whispered softly in her mouth: "It seems... very warm, we are... Are you friends?"

"En, yes." Lin Xiaoxi hugged her gently, clenched her teeth, with tears in her eyes that were about to flow, and said softly: "We are good friends, good sisters, and will always be good sisters."

"This feeling... seems... very comfortable and familiar?" Li Ningyan was a little unsure, her calm eyes were a little dazed, but she didn't even notice, her tightly clenched fist slowly Loosened a little.Unfortunately, this feeling only existed for a moment. After that, Li Ningyan murmured again: "The body temperature has not changed, and the heartbeat has not changed, but why do I feel... very familiar and like it?"

At this time, Cheng Yanan on the side had already tightly covered her mouth.

Lin Xiaoxi hugged her quietly, but her body trembled slightly, tears welled up in her eyes...

Li Ningyan, this proud girl who is 10 points in appearance and appearance, is a killer who controls people's lives. No one knows what she really wants. Now she just wants to be like an ordinary woman, with the ability to laugh and fight Nao's friend has the emotions of ordinary people, she just wants to cry once, or laugh once.

But these simple requests have become extravagant expectations for her.

At this time, Wendong came out of her bedroom with a photo frame in his hand, put it in front of the beautiful landlady and said, "Do you remember her? You were happy at that time, and you had a close friend, You can laugh and play, you can hug Xiaoxi like you do now, does this familiar feeling come from it."

Hearing this, Li Ningyan looked at the two smiling girls in the photo frame, her eyes were obviously stagnant, and the brilliance of human beings appeared in her eyes again, a trace of sadness and pain flashed in her eyes, and she murmured: "There is a change in body temperature, heartbeat There has been a change, am I already a normal person?" Li Ningyan's voice was very low, and she seemed to be timid.

"Yes, you are already an ordinary person, but you are still not used to it for the time being." Wen Dong laughed: "The past is over, if she knows that you are in such pain now, she will not be happy, no Is it? You have two friends, Xiaoxi and Yanan, and you have a good sister like a ghost, you can definitely do it."

"En, okay." Li Ningyan thought for a while, then let go of Lin Xiaoxi and turned around, picked up the tissue on the table and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Lin Xiaoxi quickly took the tissue and wiped her crying face.

The beautiful landlady nodded quietly and looked at the table: "I need to tidy up the table. Well, can you help?"

"Of course, let's go wash the dishes together." Lin Xiaoxi and Cheng Yanan nodded quickly, and the three girls each carried a leftover dish and walked into the kitchen.

There are a lot of people, and there are not many dishes in the first place. In a few minutes, even the pans and pans in the kitchen were wiped clean.

"Dinglingling..." Just as she walked into the living room, Lin Xiaoxi's cell phone rang suddenly.

Lin Xiaoxi frowned and picked it up to see that it was the number of Lanyun's clothing department, and Manager He's assistant Zhang Xinlan called.

Lin Xiaoxi picked up the phone and said, "Hey, Xiaolan, what's the matter... Oh, I see, well, I just came back today, okay, I'll go back to the company tomorrow."

Seeing Lin Xiaoxi put down the phone, Wen Dong asked casually, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, the clothing company signed a big cooperation project with Hong Kong Tianzi International, and our clothing will soon go on the international track, so the company asked me to shoot some promotional posters, and then, there is an event the day after tomorrow, going to Jinxiu If the villa attends a party, it will definitely have to accompany the client again, and Mr. Zhang will also be there." Lin Xiaoxi said helplessly.

"Well, this is a good thing, and it's also good to get in touch with some high-level people." Wen Dong nodded. Originally, Wen Dong was a little worried, but he heard that Zhang Hanhan would also be there, so nothing would happen. I guess He Qing would also go. In this case, the chief director of the clothing company, Jane, the clothing designer, should also be there.


Not half a minute after Lin Xiaoxi made the call, Wendong's cell phone rang. It was Xiaolan's number, and the content was exactly the same. He would also be present at the Jinxiu Villa cooperation project party the day after tomorrow, but He Qing would not be there, according to Xiaolan. , Sister He will fly to Hong Kong Tianzi head office tomorrow to study and investigate for about a week.

During this period of time, He Qing has been busy with the Queen's series of clothes and has not been idle, which makes Wendong helpless, even a little annoyed, wondering if it is wrong for her to design the Queen's series of clothes.

"Sister Landlord, Yanan and I are going to make some preparations, so we'll be leaving first." Seeing Wendong winking at herself, Lin Xiaoxi didn't know what Wendong was going to say to the landlord, but she still obediently got up and said goodbye quickly, even in her heart. No other thoughts at all.

The same goes for Cheng Yanan, it's a miracle that he didn't despise or even question Wendong.

Of course, most of the reasons for this lie with the beautiful landlord.

The two women left, and the living room suddenly became quiet. The beautiful landlady sat quietly on the sofa and looked at Wendong with clear eyes, and did not take the initiative to speak.

Wen Dong slowly sat beside her, turned his head to look at her, his eyes fell on her left shoulder involuntarily, there was a little blood on the shoulder of the beautiful landlady, which could not be seen without careful inspection, Wen Dong frowned and said: "You injured?"

"Well, skin trauma." The beautiful landlady nodded and said without any emotion in her tone, even though the two of them were alone now.

"Come with me." Wen Dong grabbed the right hand of the beautiful landlord and pulled her up. He didn't ask who hurt her, but he was a little shocked in his heart. There are not many people who can hurt the beautiful landlord in Shuishi.

Wen Dong said as he walked, "I'll bandage it for you."

Letting Wendong pull her into the bedroom, the beautiful landlady sat quietly on the edge of the bed, and said in a flat tone: "It's Qingxue, you have to be careful of him."

Wen Dong was taken aback, nodded, said nothing, leaned over and pulled out the first-aid kit under her bed, put gauze, medicine powder and other items on the bedside table, Wen Dong turned to look at her.

The beautiful landlady glanced at the gauze in Wendong's hand, and slowly reached out to unbutton his jacket. The button was unbuttoned above the lower abdomen, and with a gentle pull, the pajamas on the left shoulder came off.

Wen Dong looked involuntarily, even though the woman in front of him was already his, but he couldn't help being stunned when he saw the delicate and white skin on her upper body.

Concentrating on the soul, holding the yuan and guarding the one, Wen Dong tried his best to calm himself down, looking at the hideous wound on her fragrant shoulder and armpit.

(End of this chapter)

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