How bad guys are made

Chapter 355 Still Not Feeling

Chapter 355 Still Not Feeling

What kind of wound is this? It looks like the claw marks of a giant beast. Four deep bone-deep wounds are lined up on her shoulders. The wound is only covered with a little medicine foam, which can barely stop the bleeding at most. The outside of the hideous wound has already healed There was a scab of blood, but the wound in the middle of the claw marks had not healed. It was obviously a new wound today, and there was still a trace of blood oozing out of the middle, and there was even blood stains that were not wiped clean beside the wound, which made people feel distressed.

Wen Dong took a deep breath, turned around and took the alcohol, and took a cotton swab in one hand to treat the blood around the wound for her to disinfect to avoid infection.

The beautiful landlady sat motionless on the edge of the bed, allowing Wendong to treat her wound.

After cleaning the wound, Wendong took a bottle of medicinal powder. This bottle of medicinal powder is the most familiar. I remember the first time he was injured when someone blocked the entrance of the alley. The beautiful landlady poured the medicinal powder on his body directly. Wen Dong yelled in pain when he touched his wound. Now that he thinks about it, that scene is still vivid in his mind.

Wen Dong shook his head to shake off the mess, looked up at her solemnly: "You hold on."

"En." The beautiful landlady nodded quietly.

Wen Dong slowly opened the bottle cap, pinched her snowy shoulder with one hand, and slowly poured the bottle in the other hand facing the wound on her shoulder.

"Huh..." Wendong has experienced this kind of pain before. When the medicine powder was poured on the wound, Wendong's hand clearly felt her shoulders tremble slightly. There was an uncontrollable grunt of pain.

A killing intent flashed in Wen Dong's eyes, Qingxue, Mr. Xue, I hope you can come to me!

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he poured all the powder on the beautiful landlady's four wounds. Wendong turned around and took another cotton swab. Because the beautiful landlady's shoulders were trembling, the powder was not evenly poured, and a cotton swab was needed to apply it. Evenly, this is the most painful.

The moment Wendong touched her wound with a cotton swab, the beautiful landlady finally couldn't help but groaned, and the hand that was quietly placed beside her leg couldn't help but grab it all at once. Wendong's leg was obviously too painful. Firstly, the wound was painful when the medicine powder touched it, and secondly, her wound was too fragile, especially the deepest wound in the middle, which only formed a fragile blood film. , no matter how carefully the cotton swab in Wendong's hand was applied, it would still hurt. In the end, the beautiful landlady was so painful that she almost lay her body on Wendong's shoulder, revealing only one shoulder trembling slightly from the pain.

Finally healed the wound, carefully wrapped the gauze for her, and closed her clothes. Wen Dong raised his head and saw her brows were tightly knit together due to the pain. On Qingcheng's face, there was still a little bit of blood on the snowy forehead. Layers of sweat.

"It hurts so much, why don't you cry..." Wen Dong slowly helped her button up her jacket, and now her left hand is not moving easily.

Xu Shi gradually got used to the pain, Ning Yan's brows slowly relaxed: "I, I don't know..."

"Why are you still fighting with him? Haven't you already cleared up?" Wen Dong took her cold hands and held them in his palms.

Hearing this, the beautiful landlady looked down slowly, and said in a flat tone: "I found that Qingxue followed you after you drove away from Lanyun, so I stopped him and fought with him. He is now Very strong." Said the beautiful landlady frowned.

Wendong was taken aback for a moment, and looked up at the beautiful landlady with a flat face in surprise, as if these things were insignificant. For some reason, Wendong didn't know where the courage came from, and suddenly couldn't help reaching out and hugging her into the house. arms.

The beautiful landlady has clear eyes and sits quietly on the edge of the bed, letting Wendong hold her.

Now she doesn't hate Wendong at all, and even regards Wendong as the most important man in her life, but she just knows that Wendong is important and must not let him be in danger. As for the relationship between men and women, She didn't even know that this was a contradiction, but it just happened to her.

"You don't have to keep staring at Qingxue from now on. If he comes to me, just look for him. You have to trust me, I can handle him." Xiangyu was in his arms, but Wendong couldn't think of anything else in his heart. Only pity.The beautiful landlord is definitely the most loyal friend, as long as she doesn't hate you, she will try her best to help you, just like Chuck's assassination before, Wendong just made her a few meals and gained her favor , will save you, and even help you kill.

"He's different now, and I can't beat him, and neither do you." The beautiful landlady said flatly.

"Huh? Why is it different?" Wen Dong asked in a daze. Although he is very confident now, he still values ​​his life very much. This is his responsibility to himself and to He Qing and the others, just like What He Qing said last time, he is no longer alone now.

The beautiful landlady said softly: "Well... I can't tell. He seems to have been genetically modified. Not only his strength and speed have greatly increased, but he also has an extra layer of hard skin. It is difficult for my dagger to damage him. .”

"Well, I see, don't worry, even if I can't beat him, my life will not be in danger, you have to trust me." Wen Dong let go of the beautiful landlord, got up, packed gauze and other things, and pushed the medicine box under the bed.

"Ask Zihan if that girl has eaten. I'll make it for you now. Xiaoxi Company will be very busy tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Do you want me to make more for you? If your sisters don't want to go out, just heat up You can eat." Wen Dong stood up and smiled.

"Well, yes." The beautiful landlady agreed after thinking about it: "Fry more shredded potatoes, and then stew some ribs. Zihan said yesterday that she wants to eat your ribs."

"What Zihan wants to eat, you want to eat too, do you just like these two dishes so much?" Wen Dong smiled helplessly.

"Well...well, I want to eat too." The beautiful landlady nodded honestly.

It's too honest, there is no romantic atmosphere at all, but Wen Dong still feels very happy.

"Okay, you rest for a while, I will do it for you now."

"it is good."


In ten minutes, two large plates of shredded potatoes had been fried.

Just as Wen Dong was about to wash the pot, he heard light footsteps behind him.

Wendong turned his head and saw the beautiful landlady standing behind her in a nightgown. She was wearing a conservative nightgown, which was clean and elegant. She was wearing slippers, and some snowy calves were exposed under the skirt. It was very feminine, but It was just an appearance, her eyes were still clear and calm.

"What's the matter? Didn't you let you move around? What else do you want to eat?" Wen Dong said.

However, what the beautiful landlord said next made Wendong almost jump up excitedly.

The beautiful landlady looked at Wendong quietly, and pursed her sexy pink mouth: "Can you hug me again?"

"Of course, don't move." Wen Dong nodded quickly, but he was afraid that she would tear the wound.


Holding the beauty in his arms again, the beautiful landlady in his arms is still a quiet vegetarian, just like that quietly letting Wendong hold him.

"How do you feel?" After a long time, Wen Dong whispered close to her ear.

The beautiful landlady murmured: "The body temperature has not changed, the heartbeat has not changed, um... I still don't feel anything."

"Ning Yan?" Wen Dong suddenly called out.

"En?" The beautiful landlady agreed and raised her head.

Wen Dong lowered his head and kissed her lips.

The beautiful landlady's lips were cool, and her kiss was clumsy and terrifying. She didn't even know how to open her white teeth, so she let Wen Dong kiss quietly.

Wen Dong did everything he could if he wanted to. He only dared to put his big hands on her waist, and didn't dare to push any further. This time he was the most daring, and he was afraid that it would backfire.

The beautiful landlady stood there quietly as always, Wen Dong couldn't help but look up at her face, his eyes met, almost made Wen Dong cry out in shock.

The beautiful landlady looked at him with her eyes open so quietly, Wen Dong only felt a 'buzz' in his head, and felt that the world had really changed. Don't girls always close their eyes when they kiss?Then the trembling eyelashes showed her flustered heart, but the beautiful landlady of Shenma just looked at him quietly, as if this kiss that she thought was a breakthrough was of the same nature as the handshake just now.

This made Wendong a big blow.

In desperation, Wen Dong let her go slowly, lowered his head and asked expectantly, "Do you feel it now?"

The beautiful landlady blinked her eyes and said softly, "The body temperature has not changed, the heartbeat has not changed, um... I still don't feel anything."

Wen Dong's body trembled, he was about to go crazy, please repeat this sentence again, it's too shocking.

Wen Dong's heart was about to be crushed by the indifferent eyes of the beautiful landlady, and he managed to hold up a smile, but his expression was inevitably crying: "Okay, it doesn't matter, let's take our time."

"En, good." The beautiful landlady nodded quietly, turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Seeing the back of the beautiful landlady leaving without any delay, Wen Dong almost couldn't resist opening the window and jumping off the building to commit suicide: You don't feel it, I do—


After leaving the beautiful landlord's house, Wen Dong returned to his residence and greeted Lin Xiaoxi and Cheng Yanan and left. Lin Xiaoxi was very understanding and didn't say anything. Besides, it's really not very convenient for Wen Dong to live here, but Cheng Yanan mumbled He muttered admonishing Xiaoxi, but Wendong didn't bother to listen.

Wendong will naturally live in Cuiliuyuan. Not only did Qingxue not be seriously injured, but he became stronger. This put a lot of pressure on Wendong. When he met Qingxue for the first time, Wendong knew , the assassination of Lanyun's underground garage was related to Qingxue, so killing Wendong was only one of Qingxue's targets, and the other was Zhang Hanhan.

It shouldn't be a big problem for Lin Xiaoxi to have a beautiful landlord protecting her, and an arrogant person like Qingxue should disdain to kidnap Lin Xiaoxi and others to force him to submit.

While driving, Wendong received a call from Li Binger. He sent Yan Ze and others to the police station at noon today. Could there be a result?
(End of this chapter)

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