How bad guys are made

Chapter 356 Dirty Paradise

Chapter 356 Dirty Paradise

"Hello, Bing'er?" Wen Dong answered the phone.

"Well, the interrogation has come to an end." Li Bing'er said in a serious tone over the phone.

"Yan Ze is the principal offender, and everyone else is an accessory?" Wen Dong had a relaxed smile on his face.

"Yes, what you said is not bad at all." Li Bing'er said, but her tone was a little cold, and she breathed a sigh of relief, with 7 points of excitement and 3 points of helplessness.

"What's wrong? About drugs?" Wen Dong asked in confusion.

"Well, it counts." Li Bing'er thought for a while and then continued: "Zhou Yixuan, Zhao Yutong and Mingyu have confessed to their crimes, but the principal culprit, Yan Ze, is very difficult to deal with."

"What kind of difficult law? Even if he doesn't plead guilty, the evidence is enough to convict him."

"Well, but he refused to admit the drug matter, and although Zhou Yixuan and others are all witnesses, there is no physical evidence, and...he behaved too calmly, which made me a little uneasy. Yan Ze has a lot of energy , and he is still a foreign international, if he keeps silent, it is very likely that the result will be delayed until he is released on bail and then handed over to the foreign police for handling." Li Binger said seriously.

"Heh, you are indeed quite can you be calm?"

"Now the police station is conducting a final confirmation trial, and then it can be handed over to the court for sentencing. Do you have a computer there? I will transmit the interrogation process to you in real time."

"Okay, wait for a while, I'll pull over first." Wen Dong said.


Turning on the computer, Wen Dong lit a cigarette, the computer screen was divided into four pieces, and four familiar faces were reflected in front of his eyes.

Zhou Yixuan, Zhao Yutong, Ming Yu and Yan Ze.

They were all arranged in a separate room, and the police were taking notes and asking for some details. Everyone's expressions were extremely depressed. It can be imagined that after they were brought to the police station at noon today, the criminal police interrogated them in surprise No mistake, they have confessed before, and now, it is almost equal to trial time.

But only Yan Ze had an extremely stern expression, his thin lips curled up with a hint of madness, and the same indifference in his eyes made people unable to resist kicking him.

At this time, the isolated interrogation room opened, Li Binger walked in with a serious expression in a police uniform, walked straight to Yan Ze, threw the confessions of several other people in front of him, and looked at Yan Ze coldly.

Yan Ze raised his eyes and glanced at her, the corners of his mouth curled up with a touch of coldness, his expression was like that of a beast trapped in a cage, unruly and ferocious, his cold and playful eyes seemed calm and composed.

"Whether you say it or not, it will not change the fact of the crime, and the law will already judge you, a scum like you!" Li Bing'er snorted coldly, obviously annoyed by Yan Ze's proud and condescending expression.

Yan Ze lowered his head, remained silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and asked, "How much is the sentence for murder?"

Li Bing'er stands upright, with an exquisite figure, but her expression is extremely serious, she doesn't speak and smile, and she has a glorious image of a criminal policeman: "The specific punishment must wait for the court to decide. Now I'm asking about the purity of 90.00% you used. Where did Jiu's T-fans come from? For you now, you are being lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist."

"Heh..." Yan Ze leaned back slightly, leaning comfortably on the cold chair, a playful sarcasm flashed in his eyes: "I bought it."

"Where did you buy it? Who is it? What's your name?" Li Binger asked.

"I don't know, I don't know him."

"You..." Li Binger suppressed the anger in her heart: "Then can you tell me about you, Zhou Yixuan, Zhao Yutong and Bai Yuanjing?"

Yan Ze smiled gracefully: "Of course, but you missed one person—Ming Yu."

Wen Dong sat in the car and threw away the cigarette butt, refilling another cigarette, quietly watching Yan Ze's self-satisfied talk.


When did things start?It was about a year ago.

Originally the second part was sold, it was a swamp filled with black mist, and Bai Yuanjing was just a weak grass growing beside the black water swamp.

Every world has its own rules, and the same is true for the sunken world. Even if they are in the same department, they are still invisibly divided into two worlds. They are not short of money, they only want to have fun, and they are also very cautious. It was only for the satisfaction of desires, and ignorant and innocent children like Su Chen and Bai Yuanjing would not have crossed paths with them, until one day, Bai Yuanjing's ignorance and recklessness broke the invisible dividing line.

That was one night, Yan Zezheng and Zhou Yixuan were indulgent in the conference room.

Zhou Yixuan is a picky person, and she was also traditional in the past.

Yan Ze leaned on her body with a bright smile, and looked at the woman in front of him with bright and crazy eyes: "What does it matter? No one will come, don't you think this is very exciting?" Immediately, Yan Ze leaned over He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Sister Xuan, I just want you at the place where you usually teach us!"

Zhou Yixuan is a shrewd and capable woman, but after all, she is just a woman, a single and divorced woman.Zhou Yixuan's ex-husband was a classmate with her, and later went abroad. After several years of hard work, he created a large multinational company. He thought that all the hard work would be rewarding, but unexpectedly, since his career was successful, his husband has changed. He fell in love with his little self How old is a certain minister of the company.The mistress ruined Zhou Yixuan's marriage. Her husband didn't even want the fetus she conceived so hard at the age of 35, because there were younger and fresher women. Even during this period, the young female minister had already conceived for him. , and as to whether the minister seduced her husband or whether her husband bowed down under the younger and flamboyant pomegranate skirt, there is no way to know. In short, her husband betrayed her marriage and love, and everything else is not important.

It has to be said that Zhou Yixuan's husband was indeed a bastard. At that time, he traveled across the ocean, but Zhou Yixuan chose to stay in China. After he crossed the ocean, his life was difficult. It was Zhou Yixuan who sent him money and even encouraged her, even if the company When he first started, Zhou Yixuan spent years of savings to help him build his own business.But a piece of divorce agreement shattered Zhou Yixuan's years of hard work. The strong and stubborn Zhou Yixuan aborted the child, severed ties with his husband, and devoted herself to her career. After the divorce, she kept self-examination. Even though there were still many high-level people in the company chasing her during this period, she refused.

But life seems to have stagnated since then.

She was at a loss, she didn't know what to do all this, even the hard work now?
until one day.

She worked overtime with Yan Ze, ordered takeaway to eat at the company together, and Yan Ze even ordered an extra bottle of red wine. After drinking, Zhou Yixuan saw the eagerness in this young man's eyes.In fact, the shrewd Zhou Yixuan knew long ago that this handsome boy with an outgoing personality was very scheming, and most of the reasons for showing favor to her were not pure.

But under the urging of alcohol, rationality can't resist the strong desire to indulge in the heart after all, coupled with Yan Ze's bold initiative, Zhou Yixuan's faith collapsed instantly, and she sank in desire.And Yan Ze's young and fit body finally nourished her dry body for many years.

And... this handsome young boy should like her, right?After all, he was not short of money, and there were so many young and beautiful female employees in the company, but he still found himself.Zhou Yixuan thought so.

Zhou Yixuan didn't know when she fell in love with Yan Ze.It all started with desire, it should be love first and then love. She loves Yan Ze, so she used her power to provide convenience for Yan Ze many times, but Yan Ze smiled lightly and accepted it calmly.

But when Yan Ze wanted to get away and find a playmate again, she couldn't do without him.It was such a lonely and long dark night, when someone secretly poked her back, "It doesn't matter how successful a woman's career is, her life is such a failure, her life is meaningless", how could she spend such days alone? ?

And it's not difficult for him to keep him.Unless he doesn't want to continue working in this company, of course, this is just what Zhou Yixuan thinks.

Perhaps, this is also Yan Ze's seasoned method - to make her fall into a deep but helpless situation.

The relationship between the two continued secretly until one day, when Zhou Yixuan went to the mall to buy clothes, she ran into Yan Ze, only to find that Yan Ze was with Zhao Yutong from the second part, Yan Ze was buying clothes for Zhao Yutong, and the two behaved extremely intimately .Zhou Yixuan's world collapsed in an instant, but in the end reason overcame her impulse, and she left silently. After all, she and Yan Ze were just underground, so what right did she have to rush up and slap Zhao Yutong?It's just a joke.

She didn't talk to Yan Ze for the past two weeks, and Yan Ze didn't look for her as if nothing happened. A dozen lonely nights made her miserable. There is a saying that is true, when you have nothing, you get used to it That's it, but when you have it and then leave you, that kind of pain is the most difficult, especially the desire of the physical body.Until one day, Yan Ze found her again, and she bowed down again, convinced once again that she was really in love with this man, and she couldn't do without him.

I don't know when Yan Ze and Zhao Yutong separated. After all, they were just playing together. When they got tired of playing with each other, they would get together and break up. Of course, a large part of the reason was that Zhou Yixuan used his power as a hindrance to break up Yan Ze and Zhao Yutong. After Zhao Yutong and Yan Ze learned about it, they just laughed it off and didn't mind.Zhao Yutong also shrewdly guessed the reason, but she also acted indifferent.

After that, Zhou Yixuan indulged Yan Ze, she turned a blind eye to Yan Ze going to nightclubs and spending time with other girls.But Yan Ze slowly induced her to get into drugs.What I smoke is marijuana, the amount is not large, sweet and painful, until the end, I get T powder, which is even more exciting.As for Zhou Yixuan and him, they didn't know who forced whom to stay, who controlled whom.Probably, it was Yan Ze who kept her and controlled her.

(End of this chapter)

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