How bad guys are made

Chapter 357 Dirty Paradise

Chapter 357 Dirty Paradise

Until one night in April today, they were having fun in the meeting room, but someone pushed the door in, and they stopped quickly, and even heard the gasp of the person outside the glass of the meeting room and the back of the hastily leaving.

Yan Ze put on his clothes calmly, and took a look at the crack of the door: "It's that little girl Bai Yuanjing, fuck, damn it, there's an important meeting here tomorrow morning, she's here to pack things, and she forgot about it gone."

In the following days, Zhou Yixuan was worried.Although Yan Ze told her that Bai Yuanjing didn't look different, maybe he didn't see their true faces.But Yan Ze's optimistic enlightenment could not overcome Zhou Yixuan's inner hesitation and gloom.It was as if Bai Yuanjing's intrusion this time, the true face of Zhou Yixuan, the manager who was once brilliant and respected by everyone, was finally exposed to the public, and her dirty and depraved veil was lifted... She knew that she was a bit perverted, so she was embarrassed again and again. A weak little girl.But every time she saw Bai Yuanjing's disheveled and helpless look, why did she feel a little refreshed?
Li Binger took a deep breath and said in a serious tone: "Because of this incident, you and Zhou Yixuan lured Bai Yuanjing into taking drugs? Or did you get revenge on her for breaking the relationship between you? drag her into the gang ?”

Yan Ze chuckled lightly: "No, no, this has nothing to do with Zhou Yixuan, it's mainly about me." The complacent and playful look on Yan Ze's face gradually became stronger, and Li Binger frowned at the perverted look.

"Actually, it was Sister Xuan who asked me to test that cute little white rabbit at first." Yan Ze said with a chuckle.

Yan Ze went to test how much Bai Yuanjing knew about what happened that day.And at this time, it happened that Bai Yuanjing was repeatedly frustrated by Zhou Yixuan's job of wearing small shoes, and she was depressed.Young men and women, first born and second familiar, after getting to know each other, Yan Ze felt that this weak little girl was like a cautious white rabbit.

Docile, weak, kind, a little bit strong and a little pitiful in his heart, Bai Yuan's quiet and mixed temperament successfully aroused Yan Ze's desire to conquer.And what Yan Ze likes most is to conquer women, any type of women.

So, everyone held a party at Yan Ze's house. As the manager, Zhou Yixuan was naturally not included in the invitation, so the night party, drunkenness, and the lively atmosphere of the party made Bai Yuanjing, who was tightly wrapped in her heart, loosen a little. stay home.

The same method, first let Bai Yuanjing accidentally get an electric shock, turn off the switch, the house was dark, the helpless Bai Yuanjing was terrified, Yan Ze tried to comfort her, her movements were a little ambiguous, because Bai Yuanjing was drunk and scared, coupled with her inner desire for romance love, and didn't care.And this day happened to be Bai Yuanjing's birthday. In the quiet, dark and somewhat ambiguous living room, Yan Ze rolled out a three-tiered birthday cake, lit by candlelight. Yan Ze sincerely confessed his love to her. The romantic love that Bai Yuanjing expected in his heart finally came .

For the first time, you love me, half push, half give, there is temptation, in the confusion, Yan Ze seized the right time to sneak in at the moment when Bai Yuanjing opened her heart...

"Hmm... that's the point." Yan Ze smiled triumphantly.

"What?" Li Binger looked up at him and asked, not hiding the disgust in her eyes at all.

Yan Ze turned a blind eye to Li Binger's dislike, whistled and said: "I remember very clearly, about a month and a half after getting Bai Yuanjing, um... it happened to be the Dragon Boat Festival holiday on June 6, and Bai Yuanjing returned home two days later On the night of the water market, Mingyu and I..." The wall fell and everyone pushed, since they have confessed him, don't blame him for being unjust.

Li Binger's eyes were extremely cold, and she slammed her small hands on the table, her tone was cold and scumbag: "You bastards!"

When Mingyu was called for the first time, Bai Yuanjing resisted to the death, but her resistance finally couldn't withstand the shame and cowardice in her heart.Later, the three of them often played together. This silly girl only knew that the two of them were fierce and powerful, but she didn't know that the rest of the department had already been frequent visitors to the Blackwater Poison Swamp.

So on the night she was killed, she asked her colleagues for help.But how did she know that what killed her in the end was the indifference of these colleagues who got along day and night.

Zhou Yixuan also knew that Yan Ze was playing with Bai Yuanjing, but the strange thing was that this perverted old woman didn't care.


"Did you infect Mingyu's drug addiction?" Li Bing'er asked, her tone becoming colder and colder. Yan Ze is the source of the black water in this swamp, completely polluting this big vat.

"Well...well, it's just that he asked for it himself, and he still owes me a lot of money for drugs." Yan Ze said with a light smile.

Probably among all the people, the reason for taking drugs is the most ridiculous. He took drugs because he was bored after falling out of love.

His family background is the most ordinary. From the rural area to the big city, he got to today's position and salary with a lot of hard work.He has average appearance, ordinary personality, talked about official girlfriends, and blew it.Because the woman's family asked him to buy a house in the prosperous section of Shui City, and his family had no money.Although Mingyu's annual salary is not low, at least more than 20 yuan, but after-tax expenses, it is not bad to save [-] to [-] yuan a year, and it is not enough to make up a down payment for a bustling section of the water city in a few years.

After being dumped, he was sad and depressed for a long time.He has studied hard for so many years, and he is promising in the eyes of his parents, but what he got in return is such a result. Only a fool would believe in love. His girlfriend got engaged to a small boss after dumping him for a month Rolled on the sheets.

He was dazed and angry.

How many people are like him?After working hard for so many years, I leaned over the desks in the high-rise buildings and looked around, but I didn't know where I was and how far my dream was.

One time, Yan Ze and Ming Yu went to a bar with a few clients on a joint project. They all took drugs, so Ming Yu asked Yan Ze to learn to smoke.Although he has a gloomy personality, he is extremely sensitive, and he soon mixed up with Yan Ze, and he knew that they were the same kind of people.

"Did Zhao Yutong also become addicted to drugs following you?" Li Bing'er took a deep breath and raised her head to ask. Although Zhao Yutong's personality is much stronger and more outgoing than Bai Yuanjing's, he is in the same department and has had that kind of relationship with Yan Ze. relationship, could she be another Bai Yuanjing?Moreover, the relationship between Ming Yu and Zhao Yutong is also complicated.

"Zhao Yutong?" Yan Ze sneered and said, "She's not. She got infected before she came to the company. She probably got infected in college. She made a boyfriend with the only son of a chaebol group in college. Bad, that man went abroad later, it turned out that the family had already found him a wife who was well-matched, and went abroad to get married."

Zhao Yutong, an outstanding graduate of the Department of Finance and Business University, her dream of marrying the only son of a chaebol was shattered, and she couldn't get rid of her drug addiction, so she lingered in nightclubs, had complicated relationships with many men, and played songs every night.Once, she and Yan Ze met in a private room where people gathered to take drugs and enjoy themselves. They nodded and smiled at each other.

But they don't smoke much, it's all hidden, and they're not stupid, who wants to lose their job because of drug use?Ruined the future and life was ridiculed?

Of course, at the beginning, they were ignorant of each other.But Yan Ze knew everyone's affairs, and Ming Yu knew it when he was with him when he had nothing to do.Fortunately, Mingyu didn't dare to touch Zhou Yixuan. Of course, maybe he wanted to, but Zhou Yixuan refused.

"That night, except for the silly boy Su Chen who fell asleep, everyone else helped to clean up the corpse." Yan Ze said, "They are all accomplices."

Everything was as they had guessed.After Su Chen confessed his love to Bai Yuanjing, Yan Ze happened to come to find Bai Yuanjing.

This time, Bai Yuanjing refused to obey, and asked Yan Ze to let her go. If she forced her again, she would call the police.Yan Ze came to Bai Yuanjing after he had smoked it, because it was the happiest, and Bai Yuanjing's struggle completely annoyed him, and finally he killed him.

Yan Ze knows everyone's details and forbids anyone to stay out of it.And everyone knows that once a murder case is discovered, everyone will be brought back to the police station for detailed examination, and everyone's private filth will be exposed, and they will lose everything.

And Bai Yuanjing, a weak little girl who dared not resist, originally planned to commit suicide, didn't she?So we watched Bai Yuan die quietly together, and we buried the truth together in the seamless arrangement of the scene.This is a secret that no one can tell, and it is finally confessed to the world today.


Li Binger took a deep breath, slowly put the pen in her hand on the table, and said in a serious tone: "According to our investigation, before Bai Yuanjing died, she was pregnant and had an abortion, and judging from the time of the abortion , she was not touched by Mingyu when she was pregnant, the child is yours. Perhaps, she was so foolishly nourished by love that she already knew that she was pregnant, and even wanted to tell you happily, but you and Mingyu were together ..." Li Binger looked up at his face: "You treat Bai Yuanjing like this, don't you feel bad conscience?"

Yan Ze's expression moved, and he slowly lowered his head, the only answer to her was silence.

"Where did the drugs come from? Don't you want to atone for your mistakes?" Li Binger said while the iron was hot. According to the investigation, Zhou Yixuan and the others took all the drugs from Yan Ze. Yan Ze is very likely Know that there is a huge drug network and manufacturing base in Shui City.

Yan Ze raised his head, sneered, and a sarcasm flashed in his eyes: "I said, I bought it."

"Who did you buy it from?"

"I don't know him." Yan Ze curled his lips, with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

Li Binger stood up abruptly, her hands trembling slightly due to her excessive anger, pointing at him, her voice was cold: "A person like you, death is not a pity!"

Yan Ze: "Heh..."


On the computer screen, Li Bing'er was so angry that she walked out.

Wen Dong flicked the ashes of the fourth cigarette between his fingers, and said to the phone: "You have already expected this kind of result, why bother to be angry."

(End of this chapter)

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