Chapter 358

"I'm just angry that there is such a cold-blooded and ruthless beast in the world. I really want to shoot him down!" Li Binger gritted her teeth, her chest heaving violently with 34D.

Wen Dong remained silent. In the final analysis, Li Binger was a kind-hearted girl with a little ignorance in the world. She was indeed not suitable for a criminal police officer, but this strong girl still didn't believe in evil.

"If you don't want to go to court-martial, you can kill him right away," Wen Dong said.

"I'm not that impulsive yet." Li Bing'er snorted and said, "Yan Ze just doesn't talk about drugs, what do you think I should do?"

"Hey, what did I say what to do? This matter has nothing to do with me. Don't pull me anymore. I'm not a policeman. Please remember that I'm an undercover agent. I want to thoroughly investigate Bai Yuanjing's case. The murder case is already very risky." Wen Dong stared at him, and quit immediately, he is not a kind person, he will take care of everything.

"Investigate it for me? You are investigating it for Sun Xiaojie, it goes without saying that it is so high-sounding." Li Binger sneered and snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Wen Dong curled his lips, unable to deny it.

Li Binger was silent for a moment, then said: "Actually, according to your intelligence, you should have guessed that this drug network is probably inside Lanyun. You have so many confidante in Lanyun, Lin Xiaoxi? Sun Xiaojie? He Qing? Zhang Hanhan? You You don’t want to see them in danger, do you?”

"Damn, you investigate me!" Wen Dong was furious and stared anxiously.

"Hmph..." Li Binger curled her lips, without denying it, she knew that she had poked Wendong's softest part.She knows Wendong well, although it is not clear whether these women are all Wendong's women, but he has an unusual relationship with them, at least they are good friends, Wendong can almost die for himself, For those other beauties, he will blame them if he is not in a hurry.

Well, Li Bing'er was tempted, and was responding to that sentence: Only villains and women are hard to raise in the world.

"Okay, I'll try my best to investigate secretly for you at the trading company, but don't rely on me." Wen Dong said helplessly, "Also, give me some benefits, or I'll feel like a pain in the ass just thinking about it."

Hearing Wen Dong's extremely vulgar words, Li Bing'er's mouth curled up, as if she had won the victory, she pursed her lips and said tentatively: "The old place? Or you can go to my house to eat. I still have a bottle of good wine in my house. But you have to cook."

"Um... go to your house? Are there any other programs after dinner?" Wen Dong asked expectantly.

"Then what else do you want to have?" Li Binger asked ambiguously.

"Uh...forget it, it's nothing. That's it, let's hang up first." Wen Dong was messed up by Bing'er MM who suddenly changed his gender.

"Okay." Li Bing'er smiled, and found that the call hadn't been hung up, so she put the phone next to her little ear, and could hear Wen Dong's dissatisfied muttering on the opposite side: "Damn, when did I become so timid? It's really his grandma." Regret, if I dare to be so bold again later, I will definitely ask this police girl to give me a striptease or something, and I must wear a police uniform..."

"Smelly rascal!" Li Binger, who was in a happy mood, was filled with resentment when she heard his words, and turned off her phone through gritted teeth: Do you want to have a next time?Go to hell you! !

It was past eight o'clock in the evening when Wendong drove home, he opened the door, and the room was quiet, only Xiao Baibai greeted him wagging his little tail, I think Zhang Hanhan is still working overtime at the company, today is the weekend, so I don't know how to rest one day.

Wendong sat down on the sofa, lifted Xiao Baibai up and still on his lap, and said speechlessly: "This workaholic."

"Hello, Wendong?" Zhang Hanhan's voice sounded from the phone, a little confused, apparently he didn't expect Wendong to call her.

Zhang Hanhan was a little noisy, Wen Dong frowned: "Where are you? Not in the company?"

"Well, I'm having dinner out with a client, and I won't be back until later."

"Do you want me to pick you up?" Wen Dong's expression changed.

"No, I'll go back myself." Zhang Hanhan snorted coldly.

"Okay then." Wen Dong hung up the phone speechlessly, not knowing where he had offended this woman.


System: "Ding: The host successfully used the Pacific Fishing Island transmission shaft."

"En? Did you go in?" Wen Dong's expression moved, his brows beaming with joy.

I only felt that the space changed for a while, and Wendong was already in the Diaoyu Island.

System: "Ding: The host's fishing rod has been successfully fished, please find the Pacific Manager Mermaid to get the treasure."

"Brother Wendong..." A familiar voice came, and Wendong turned his head to follow the prestige, and saw a little fish in a blue gauze skirt running over, his bare feet stepping on the sand, the hem of the skirt lifted up, revealing A snow-white calf, blown by the sea breeze, messed up the ends of the black hair, and the beautiful picture made Wendong lose his mind for a moment.

When he came back to his senses, he was already fragrant and soft in his arms, and Xiaoyu was looking at Wendong with a pair of dark eyes, and said dissatisfiedly with his small mouth: "You haven't come to see Xiaoyu for a long time. gone."

"I want to come too, but I don't know why you ignore it here. My teleportation shaft has never been used." Wen Dong said helplessly.

"Oh, I see." Xiaoyu blinked, and suddenly understood: "It's because of the invasion of sea monsters."

"En? Have you already invaded? Are you okay?" Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, only to realize that Xiao Yu's pink lips before were now slightly pale, and Shui Ling's eyes could not hide his fatigue.

"How can it be so fast, but according to the time calculation, there are still a few months before the invasion. Before this place was in a defensive state, you could not teleport in. I am awakening the holy guard soldiers on the war beach these days." Xiaoyu nodded.

"Are you awake?" Wen Dong asked, and suddenly remembered the statues he saw when he went to hide and seek with Xiaoyu on the war beach. He didn't expect that those fish warriors were all guardians.

But thinking about it makes me feel relieved, the invasion of sea monsters must be a magnificent scene, and a lot of blood must be shed to repel it, and a cute girl with a simple mind like Xiaoyu, asking her to kill sea monsters, really A little difficult.

But Wendong is not too worried. According to Xiaoyu, there will be sea monster invasions every few years. Xiaoyu must have experienced many times here for such a long time, and she is not the kind to fight the enemy.

"Well, I have opened the awakening array, and they will wake up soon." Xiaoyu said happily.

"Then, can I teleport in when the sea monster invades? I can help you resist the sea monster invasion together." Wen Dong said.

"Of course, but those sea monsters are very powerful." Xiaoyu smiled and blinked.

"Don't worry, I'm very strong." Wen Dong pouted.

"Well, I'll treat you behind you then." Xiaoyu nodded happily.

Wen Dong was taken aback, and immediately understood Xiaoyu's role in it. In fact, he should have thought of it a long time ago. This is like a war team in a game, and Xiaoyu's role is the healer.

"By the way, I remember when I left that time, I also cast two fishing rods. I should have caught the treasure long ago, right?" Wen Dong said expectantly.

"Of course, here, here, here, it must be a good thing, take a look." With a drag of Xiao Yu's snow-white palm, two dazzling treasures appeared in her palm.

One is a skill book, surrounded by a golden halo, it is not ordinary at first glance, the other is a small treasure box, I can’t tell what it is for the time being, but this treasure box is made of crystal, the grade must be super high. No wonder even Xiaoyu said that.

System: "Ding: Do you charge for the treasures handed over by the Pacific manager mermaid to the host?"


System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Class A skill - "Eighteen Falls in Dresses", do you want to learn it?"

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level crystal treasure chest. After opening, you will get items above S-level. Do you want to open it?"

"Damn it, what a baby!" Wen Dong's eyes widened for a moment.

Wen Dong rubbed his hands vigorously, opened his mouth and said, "Study."

In an instant, the golden skill book "Eighteen Falls of Zhanyi" turned into golden light spots and entered Wendong's body. Wendong felt dizzy in his head. When he woke up, he felt different instantly. Well, as for the difference, Wen Dong couldn't tell for a while.

In short, if they meet Qingxue again at this time, defeating him will never be as embarrassing as last time.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for acquiring the A-class skill "Eighteen Drops of Clothes"."

Zhanyi Eighteen Drops: It is a martial art with a long history.Physical skills.Four or two strokes of a thousand catties is the essence of it.

Final decision: withdraw from the phantom, take advantage of the situation, break away and move, lead in and fail, avoid the front and hide the sharpness, dodge and turn away, use oblique strikes, use skill to control clumsiness, cut and attack simultaneously, use force to defeat the enemy, and turn the enemy invisible .

"Huh, you look awesome." Wen Dong clenched his fists, his eyes gleaming with excitement, as if he was much happier than getting the S-level skill book "Qian Kun Liang Yi Swordsmanship" last time, because this "Stained Clothes Eighteen Falls" is the ability he needs most urgently so far.

Wendong now has many skills, but he is helpless due to his lack of combat experience. He finally has the "Swordsmanship of Qiankun Liangyi", and he needs proficiency to become more and more powerful. "Stained Clothes Eighteen Falls" is like being attacked and killed by dozens of desperadoes a few days ago. Wen Dong is absolutely sure that he will not hurt himself.

Good stuff, there is wood!
"Oh, by the way, there is also an S-level crystal treasure chest. I hope there will be another good thing to increase the combat power." Thinking of this, Wendong couldn't wait to open the treasure chest.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the SS+ special item—— Qin Wangjian's handprint."

After the introduction of the system, Wendong saw a sword-shaped imprint in the middle of the treasure chest. The entire imprint was the color of white jade, but there was a red glow of blood around the edge of the sword, which was very beautiful.

But before Wen Dong took a closer look, Qin Wangjian's handprint instantly turned into a light spot and slipped into Wen Dong's hand.

Qin Wangjian handprint?What is this?Wen Dong was taken aback, and couldn't help but look down at his hands, and found that there was no difference.

(End of this chapter)

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