How bad guys are made

Chapter 359 The Shocking Mermaid

Chapter 359 The Shocking Mermaid
System: Qin Wangjian handprint, also known as the soul of Wang Jian.King Qin Sword is the sword used by King Qin in ancient times. It was cast by taking the essence of meteorites from the sky. It kills people and drinks blood, cuts iron like mud, and then gives it to the general Bai Qi. The soul of the hunter is unstoppable.After the death of General Bai Qi, this sword fell into the world. Later generations said that the one who got this sword can win the world, which caused a bloody storm in the rivers and lakes. Later, he was suppressed by Buddha Tathagata. He chanted sutras every day to super wash and purify the fierce spirit of the sword soul. .

Note: The fierceness of Wang Jian's soul has not been changed, and those who obtain it should use it with caution. (After finishing writing, I feel that my nonsense skills have improved a lot——)
Qin Wangjian Handprint Feature 1: It can be attached to any sword body, making the sword cut iron like mud and instantly become the sword of the king.

Feature 2: Bloodthirsty King Soul.Every time a person is killed, the attack power of the host can be increased by 10%, and the maximum can be superimposed to 200%. After the handprint returns, the superimposed layers will return to zero.

Qin Wangjian's handprint consumes 5 energy points each time it is possessed.

After Qin Wangjian's handprint is activated, it consumes 1 point of aversion every second.

"Huh!" Hearing the system's introduction, Wendong's eyes widened instantly, what a good thing.

The thoughtful Wen Dong instantly thought of the introduction of "Swordsmanship of the Two Instruments of the Universe": Qian is the sky, Kun is the earth, control the sky and the earth, and everything in the sky and the earth can be used as a sword.

Combined with the two characteristics of the Qiankun Liangyi Sword and Qin Wangjian's handprint, plus the invincible movement method "Eighteen Falls on Clothes", who else in the world can stop it?Wendong instantly felt that he was awesome.

I bought a watch last year, the green blood thief, if I have the guts, I will do it again, grandma's——

"How is it? Is it a good thing?" Wendong was immersed in joy when Xiaoyu's curious voice came from his ear, and a pair of big black eyes looked at Wendong expectantly.

"Good thing, it is indeed a good thing, great, thank you Xiaoyu, how can I thank you." Wen Dong stretched out his hand to grab Xiaoyu's little hand excitedly.

" deserve this, you don't need to thank me." Xiao Yu raised her cute little red face and said.

"How can that work? Tell me, how can I thank you." Wen Dong shook his head.

"Then, can you let me have a baby?" Xiaoyu looked up at Wendong, her face was full of expectations, thinking about having a baby with Wendong, Xiaoyu had been thinking about it for not a day or two.

"How could this happen..." Wen Dong looked down at the pretty little girl standing in front of him, and suddenly became dumb.

"It was you who made me pregnant. I remember you said that if I want to have a baby, I have to get pregnant, and only you can make me pregnant. Brother Wendong, can you make me pregnant?" Holding Wendong's big hand with his small hand, his watery eyes are full of pleading, his pitiful and cute appearance is dizzying.

Hearing Xiaoyu's extremely bright words, Wen Dong suddenly felt like being struck by five thunders, and was so thundered by this ignorant little girl that he was speechless.

"What's the matter? Can't brother Wendong get me pregnant?" Seeing that Wendong didn't speak, Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

"I..." Wendong was about to go crazy, he was so molested by Xiaoyu, Chi Guoguo, that he couldn't speak, but he couldn't hear a hint of molesting, and in fact, Xiaoyu was not molesting Wendong.

Xiaoyu looked up at Wendong, whose old face was turning blue and red. His watery eyes were full of doubts and undisguised expectations. His skin was snow-like, and his eyes were like a pool of clear water. He wore a sky-blue skirt and a high ponytail. The braids were tied up with a light blue belt, and her pink and white face was full of innocence. People had to marvel at her elegance and beauty, and the expectant spirit eyes blinked and blinked brightly, which made people unable to refuse.

Especially how should Xiaoyu answer the last sentence?

Can or can't?
Wen Dong is a man, so of course he can. Due to the nature of a man, it would be a lie to say that he doesn't want Xiaoyu, but did he want her for this reason?Wendong always feels that he can't get over this hurdle in his heart, and always feels that his relationship with Xiaoyu is not so close.

And if I want to say something that can make her pregnant, then I can imagine what kind of shocking words this silly girl will say next, and Wen Dong doesn't know how to say it.

But what if you say you can't?How the hell can this be done? As a man, if he says he can't, doesn't that mean he can't do it?
"Well, let's wait first, shall we?" Seeing Xiaoyu's disappointed eyes, Wen Dong was afraid that she would be sad and overthinking, so he quickly said: "A baby is the crystallization of love between two people. We can't have a baby just because of a baby. Being irresponsible to the baby is also irresponsible to both of us, are you sure you love me?"

"I, I don't know, but I know that I like you very much. As you said before, I haven't seen you for several days. I miss you every day. Is this love?" Xiaoyu blinked, The little face was at a loss, not knowing what Wendong meant by "We can't have babies just because we have babies".

"Well, this needs to be experienced with the heart, and I can't say it. Let's take it slowly. As long as the relationship is reached, it will come naturally. As long as you love me and I love you, we will have our own baby." Wen Dong said comfortingly.

"Oh, then let's go to Zhanzhen Beach to play after we kiss?" Xiaoyu nodded his head half-understanding.

"Why do you want to kiss before going?" Wen Dong looked at her suspiciously.

"Didn't you say that we are already lovers? You also said that the intimate physical contact between lovers and the time of happy play together can enhance our relationship." Xiaoyu said innocently.

"Eh..." Wendong rubbed his nose helplessly, and probably told her 'we can't kiss just for the sake of kissing', but she didn't understand either, okay, little girlfriend development plan, take your time.

"Okay." Wen Dong nodded in agreement.

Xiaoyu raised her head and pouted: "Then, lower your head a little, I can't reach it."

Wen Dong: "I still like you to stand on tiptoes."

"But I still can't reach it."

"Okay, then I bow my head."


The time on the fishing islands in the Pacific Ocean is different from the time outside, but it is much faster anyway.After playing with Xiaoyu for a whole day, the two bid farewell, and when Wendong came out, only a few hours had passed.

Back in reality, Wendong found himself sitting on the sofa, and Xiao Baibai was sleeping soundly lying on his lap. He looked up at the clock, and it was already a quarter past midnight.

Wendong stood up in a jerk. Just now, his soul Jinchan escaped and went to Xiaoyu. Could it be that Zhang Hanhan discovered the clue?
However, when Wendong stood up, he suddenly noticed the difference. Zhang Hanhan didn't seem to have come home. He walked to her bedroom door and opened the gap in the door. There was no one in the warmly furnished bedroom. Only one blanket was neatly folded, and there was no one in the study.

When Wendong returned to the living room, he couldn't help frowning. Why didn't Zhang Hanhan come back so late?You don't have to talk late into the night to talk about projects with the big boss of the client, right?
Picking up the phone to make a call, he hesitated and put it back in his trouser pocket.Wen Dong doesn't want to have too much involvement with Zhang Hanhan, which is also a kind of protection.As Wendong's ability is getting stronger and stronger, but the responsibilities that need to be responsible are also increasing. Lanyun Trading is a big black water swamp. Li Binger has long set his sights on this side, and now it is Zhao Yifei. He also entered Lanyun through relationships, and the darkness there is believed to be seen again soon. Wendong didn't want to involve Zhang Hanhan, besides, she was still Zhang Wending's mistress on the surface, and it was enough to let himself live with her. Faced with a lot of pressure.

I went to the bathroom, took a shower, and planned to sleep, but I couldn't fall asleep in bed. After all, I should be worried about her.

"Dinglingling..." I don't know how long it has passed, the mobile phone on the bedside rang suddenly in the silent room, Wen Dong picked it up in a jerk, and frowned suddenly.

What is He Qing?
Looking at the time again, it was already past one o'clock in the evening.

Wen Dong's heart moved, could it be that He Qing is with Zhang Hanhan?
"Hello!" Wen Dong answered the phone and said eagerly.

Unexpectedly, the other party was a cautious female voice, not He Qing, nor Zhang Hanhan.

"Hello, are you a friend of the owner of the phone?" the female voice asked respectfully.

"I am, what's the matter?" Wen Dong was taken aback and asked quickly.

"Oh, your friend drank too much. He's in the bathroom of our hotel. If it's convenient, come and pick him up, okay?" the girl said cautiously.

Wendong was a little surprised, did he drink too much?
Wen Dong frowned, and asked quickly: "Hello, may I ask, are there two people?"

"Well, yes, two beautiful beauties, when can you come and pick them up?" the girl agreed.

Hearing this, Wen Dong breathed a sigh of relief, the two beauties, and Zhang Hanhan said they were talking about the clothing company, and He Qing happened to be the boss of the New Year clothing company, so it should be He Qing and Zhang Hanhan.

these two women.

Wen Dong got off the bed with a grunt, and quickly said to the phone: "I'll be there right away, tell me your address."

"The lobby on the third floor of the Shuilian Yanyue Hotel in the New Development Zone of Shuishi City."

"Okay, I'll remember, I'll come right away, thank you." Wen Dong said.

"Well, you're welcome."

Wendong hung up the phone in a hurry, got dressed in a minute, and was about to leave when he saw Xiao Baibai holding his claws on his trouser legs, looking at him with dark eyes, as if he knew that Wendong was going to leave , as if reluctant to let him go.

Wendong leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but he had no choice but to lift the poor little guy up and put him on the edge of the bed: "Your father will be back later, I'm going out to pick up your mother, um, pick up your two mothers."

Well, we are evil again, and we don't even let Xiaobaibai take advantage of it.

"Woooo..." Xiaobaibai yelled in a low voice, not knowing if he understood, and arched his little head towards Wendong.

After coaxing Xiao Baibai well, Wen Dong hurriedly ran out of the villa alone. As soon as he walked out of the door, he suddenly felt a few eyes in the dark looking towards him, but there was no obvious hostility. They should be guarding Zhang Hanhan. Bodyguards around the villa.

Wen Dong didn't care too much, and quickly got into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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