How bad guys are made

Chapter 380 Zhang Wending's Confession

Chapter 380 Zhang Wending's Confession
The decoration of the coffee shop is quite old-fashioned, leisurely and elegant, which makes people feel warm when they walk in.Because it was only past nine o'clock in the morning and there were not many people in the coffee shop, Wen Dong walked in and saw Zhang Wending in the corner by the window at a glance.

Zhang Wending was strong and tall, which made him look decent in a black suit, even if he just sat there and didn't speak, it gave people a sense of majesty.

Well, meeting alone with Zhang Wending, who was most likely Zhang Hanhan's father, still made Wendong very excited, and he even felt a little cautious and afraid of meeting his father-in-law.

"Zhang Dong." Wen Dong walked over slowly and asked softly.

Zhang Wending didn't know what he was thinking, he didn't seem to notice Wen Dong who came, after hearing his words, he raised his head to look at him, nodded and said, "En, sit down." His tone was low and serious.

Wen Dong nodded, and then sat across from him, perhaps infected by his atmosphere, Wen Dong didn't know what to say for a while, and sat there quietly.

"What do you think of Hanhan's assassination last time? Can you guess who did it?" After a long time, Zhang Wending asked in a low voice.

"There is no evidence, and I don't know." Wen Dong shook his head and said.

"I don't need evidence, I just let you guess!" Zhang Wending looked up at Wendong with a compelling and serious tone.

Wendong was shocked by Zhang Wending's sudden aura. Yes, he is the chairman of Lanyun. It can be traced back more than ten years ago. He was still a man of the underground world in Shuishi. Unruly, especially after touching his bottom line, will he tell you the evidence?

Wen Dong thought for a while and said, "Because the target of the assassin was me and Mr. Zhang, the scope has been narrowed down a lot, but it cannot be ruled out that the employer deliberately confused our sight and included me and Mr. Zhang as an innocent person. If it is the former, then the opponent is very likely to be an extremely wealthy business opponent. If this is the case, there is only one person I can guess, and that is Pan Jinyuan, the president of Yingsa. He meets all the conditions. .”

Regarding Pan Jinyuan's guess, Wendong had already thought of it. Because of the fashion ball, Wendong was brilliant and raised Lan Yunming's unknown new clothing company to an unprecedented level. This is very beneficial to the entire clothing market. Great influence, although it will not have much impact on the old clothing company Yingsa Group, but at that time it happened that Yingsa CEO Liu Jiancheng stole Lanyun's clothing design, Yingsa became notorious for a while, and was criticized by others. The negative impact is huge, and Lanyun has also compensated a lot of losses. In addition, Wendong used tricks to send Pan Jinyuan's husband to prison; in addition, it was Pan Jinyuan's invitation. Wendong didn't think that he was handsome enough to make any woman They both fell in love with her at first sight, so Pan Jinyuan's biggest purpose when she came to her was to dig herself to Yingsha's side, but she refused. Based on the principle of preferring jade to pieces, this woman with strong wrists made an assassination attempt. Things are also possible.

"Pan Jinyuan? Bangziguo Pan's family?" Zhang Wending raised his brows, his face suddenly darkened. He knew that the Pan family also started from the underworld, and it was possible for the eldest lady of the Pan family to do such a thing.

"You fought against those two assassins at that time, what do you think the origin of those assassins is?" Zhang Wending asked again.

Hearing this, Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, and immediately thought of the beautiful landlady Li Ningyan, but Wen Dong could never tell her, so he shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe, they come from Seven Kills."

"What? Seven kills?!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Wending exclaimed suddenly after hearing Wendong's words, and his serious face that had not changed for thousands of years revealed a hint of timidity and fear.

"Mr. Zhang? What about you?" Wen Dong frowned, wondering, did Mr. Zhang know Qisha?

"I've heard of the Seven Kills, how did you know? How did you guess it? Tell me honestly!" Zhang Wending looked at Wendong with deep eyes, and questioned Wendong coldly, his fists under the table were all tight. Clenched up.

How could he not know about the Seven Kills? The reason why he was able to thrive in the underground world of the water city back then was entirely because of the Seven Kills organization. He even did a lot of things for the Seven Kills. At that time, he was Qisha has an eye named He Yunfeng, who helps him deal with and investigate some trivial matters.

In fact, Zhang Wending's position at that time was the same as that of Zhang Sanbai, the three giants in the water market now, and Zhang Sanbai is now serving Li Ningyan.

He Yunfeng has a ruthless personality and kills people like hemp, but he is extremely bold. He really regards Zhang Wending as his brother, and even saved him.

Afterwards, He Yunfeng finally angered the powerful weapon of the country and was killed, leaving behind a son named He Wenlong.

As for why Zhang Wending has nothing to do, because Zhang Wending was a soldier before...

After that, Zhang Wending almost broke away from the darkness and founded Lanyun Group. Perhaps out of guilt and debt repayment, Zhang Wending regarded He Wenlong as his own, and handed over his gang to He Wenlong to take care of. He Yunfeng rose up.

But to say that he is not afraid of Qisha's revenge is a lie, so he lives abroad almost all the year round, Zhang Hanhan is his daughter but deliberately spread rumors that she is his mistress.

So many years have passed, and the Seven Kills Organization has already arranged other killers in the water market, and also found other spokespersons. Originally, Zhang Wending thought that this matter would just pass away, and the Seven Kills Group didn't think much of himself. Little man, but what he never expected was that Seven Kills came back and assassinated his daughter.

In front of the Seven Kills Group, Zhang Wending was indeed a small person.

Although I don't know why the old guy Zhang Wending reacted so strongly, Wendong still said honestly: "Just after the assassination, I encountered another assassination by an assassin. This assassin is much stronger than the previous two. He thought I must die No doubt, so he gave me his name and organization."

"Name? What's his name?" Zhang Wending asked eagerly.

"Blue blood."

"Qing..." Zhang Wending gasped, the killer of the Qing generation was on the same level as He Yunfeng, before, He Yunfeng's code name was Qingfeng, he had seen how powerful Qingfeng was, and there was no one in the entire water city at that time is his opponent.

"Then... you killed the killer Qingxue?" Zhang Wending looked at Wendong in surprise.

Wen Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, "No, we both suffer."

Hearing Wen Dong's honest answer, Zhang Wending couldn't help but take another look at him. If he could fight a killer of the younger generation, he could imagine how strong the young man in front of him was.

"Wendong, I beg you, protect Hanhan well. If you have any request, just ask." Zhang Wending looked at Wendong solemnly and said, his deep and slightly cloudy eyes were full of hope.

Hearing this, Wen Dong's expression froze, and he wondered: I said, are you willing to ask President Zhang Da to be your wife?
"I know, I will protect Mr. Zhang if you don't tell me." Wen Dong nodded.

Hearing Wen Dong's affirmative answer, Zhang Wending also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that his children and grandchildren have their own blessings, but he didn't expect that the girl Han Han likes to be so skilled. With Wen Dong protecting her, Zhang Wending Aspiring to the top can rest assured a lot.

"Mr. Zhang? Did you call her that when you lived together at her house?" Zhang Wending felt relaxed, and couldn't help smiling at the young man in front of him, thinking that the more he looked the more pleasing to the eye.

Seeing Zhang Wending's half-smile expression, Wen Dong couldn't help being embarrassed.

As if seeing what Wendong was thinking, Zhang Wending smiled and said, "With your intelligence, you should have already guessed that the relationship between me and Hanhan is not what it is rumored to be? I am protecting her." .”

"Well, I guessed a little bit." Wen Dong nodded honestly, even almost sure.

"Guess." Zhang Wending leaned comfortably on the chair, looking at Wendong with a wrinkled smiling face.

"Is she your daughter?" Wen Dong said, looking up at Zhang Wending's smiling face unchanged, he was puzzled for a moment, and then tentatively said: "Or, is it your illegitimate daughter?"

Hearing this, Zhang Wending's smiling face suddenly darkened: "Fart, what are you talking nonsense, you brat!"

" told me to guess." Wen Dong looked bitter.

"Well, I'm her father." Zhang Wending nodded, thought for a while and then said: "Because she has to protect her, she has suffered a lot of grievances these years. That girl doesn't understand me, you should understand."

"Yes, I understand." Upon hearing Zhang Wending's admission, Wen Dong immediately respected him a lot and nodded quickly, but he muttered in his heart: I don't understand.

"Okay." Seeing Wendong's honest look, Zhang Wending looked at him more and more pleasing to his eyes, and said, "I don't care about our affairs. Hanhan has been wronged so much these years, as long as she likes it, I It doesn’t matter how successful or rich you are in your career, because our family is not short of money.”

Hearing this, Wen Dong's eyes lit up, what does this mean?The old man confirmed me?
"But, even though I said I don't care, I will never allow you to bully her. Although you are very skilled, it's not like I can't cure you!" Zhang Wending snorted, his tone full of majesty.

Although frightened by Zhang Wending's aura, Wendong still nodded hurriedly: "Yes, I know. She is your daughter, and you should know it best. Do you think I dare to bully her with her strong personality?" ?”

Seeing Wendong's aggrieved appearance, Zhang Wending nodded sympathetically: "That's all right, I'll talk to Hanhan about this when I find a suitable opportunity, as long as Hanhan agrees, I'll let you make a decision." Marriage. I'm getting older, and I don't care much about fame and power. Sooner or later, this group will be left to Hanhan. Let her support such a big company by herself. It's hard for her. You can help her when the time comes. However, during this period, you have to protect her well, this is a man's due responsibility, isn't it?"

Treacherous and cunning!Wen Dong murmured in his heart, Zhang Wending definitely drew a big cake for himself, looking for a suitable opportunity?He has the final say on this opportunity, but it still makes Wen Dong happy, at least the old man doesn't object, does he?He nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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