How bad guys are made

Chapter 381 The Bold Wendong

Chapter 381 The Bold Wendong

"But, what happened to your other women?" Suddenly, Zhang Wending changed the subject and looked at Wendong with an unfriendly expression, which seemed to be full of anger.

"Ah?" Wen Dong's face froze, and he secretly thought that it was terrible. He was only happy just now, but he forgot about it. Zhang Wending is Lan Yun's Supreme Emperor. It's strange that Wen Dong didn't know about Lan Yun. .

"Ah shit!" Seeing that Wen Dong didn't dare to speak, the old man snorted, but to Wen Dong's surprise, Zhang Wending didn't threaten to eunuch him if he dared to mess around again. Instead, he picked up the coffee and took a sip.

Putting down the coffee, Zhang Wending sighed, and looked up at Wendong again: "It's normal for a man to have a few women when he was young. I heard Hanhan say that you were a soldier before, and you're an idiot if you think about it. I know a little bit, it’s a bit difficult for you to calm down and cut off relations with those women, but you can’t let Hanhan be your lover anymore, right? If you and Hanhan are together, she must be yours Wife, be careful when looking for women to hang out in the future, and you can't let Hanhan know."

Wendong was completely dumbfounded. The old man's words made him think he was dreaming. Is this Zhang Hanhan's old man?Is it real or not?Is there any old man in the world who educates his future son-in-law like this?Ask your son-in-law to avoid your daughter when looking for a woman?

However, Wendong understood a little bit. Zhang Wending was born in the underworld. When he was in his prime, he must be surrounded by women of all colors, so he didn't reject the matter of finding a lover from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing that Wen Dong didn't speak, the old man gave Wen Dong a hard look, then stood up majestically and said: "I still have things to deal with, let's go."

"Oh, oh." Wen Dong stood up tremblingly and followed behind, not daring to show his anger.

Although what Zhang Wending said just now made him unable to react, let alone whether it was true or not, and even Wendong still wondered if Zhang Wending just wanted to fill his hunger, stabilize himself and protect his daughter by the way, but these are not important , because even if he doesn't say anything, he will protect Zhang Hanhan.


Today is the day to welcome Tianzi Group's visit to the mission, which is also a means of friendship between the two groups. He Qingfei went to Tianzi Hong Kong headquarters, and Tianzi Group will also send high-level executives to visit Lanyun.

As a matter of importance, Zhang Hanhan went downstairs to greet her in person, but what annoyed her secretly was that Wendong was nowhere to be seen again, and no one answered the phone call to his office just now. Hearing that he had left the company, Zhang Hanhan had no choice but to come to greet him. To show attention.

"Mr. Zhang? Has designer Wen come to the company? I really want to see him." The person who visited was Tianzi's general manager. She was a very beautiful woman named Yan Yan. The decent suit was very delicate on her body, she turned her head and asked with a smile.

"Oh, Designer Wen has something to do, I believe he will be back soon." Zhang Hanhan nodded with a smile.

"En." Yan Yan nodded without saying anything.

"Let's go, welcome Manager Yan to come to our Lanyun." Zhang Hanhan smiled and stretched out his hand to lead him, his demeanor was astonishing.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang is serious." Yan Yan nodded and smiled again.

When Zhang Hanhan was about to turn around, he couldn't help but glanced around, remembering that this guy Wendong still had a few friends from the security department, would he hang out with them to smoke? for a moment.

Why is dad there?Immediately, Zhang Hanhan's doubts turned into shock in an instant, because he saw a man behind his father, wasn't it Wen Dong?
what happened?Is Dad going to trouble Wendong again?Zhang Hanhan couldn't help frowning, and couldn't help but glance over there, but what happened next left Zhang Hanhan shocked and puzzled.

Dad didn't seem to be angry. He seemed to be standing at the door of the coffee shop and waited for Wendong. After Wendong came out, Dad said something to him. After that, the two nodded and smiled, as if they had a happy conversation .

Zhang Hanhan felt puzzled and strange, and even felt a little strange in his heart.

"Mr. Zhang, what are you thinking?" Just when Zhang Hanhan was in a daze, Li Jing who was at the side saw her in a daze, and couldn't help reminding her.

"Oh, it's nothing, let's go." Zhang Hanhan quickly withdrew his mind, shook his head, turned and left.


At around [-]:[-] noon, Wendong received a call from Zhang Hanhan, and Zhang Damei finally couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart and asked.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Wen Dong answered the phone and said.

"Come to my office right away." Zhang Hanhan said in a very bad tone, and hung up the phone without waiting for Wen Dong to say anything.

Wen Dong stared blankly at the beeping phone, wondering for a while, what happened to Zhang Hanhan?Seeing her posture seems very angry, I didn't mess with her.

People had to bow their heads under the eaves, and Wen Dong didn't dare to procrastinate, so he stood up quickly.

"Dong Dong..." Wen Dong took the elevator to the 30th floor, went to the office and knocked on the door.

There was no sound, and Wen Dong didn't think about it, so he opened the door and walked in.

Walking into the office, Wendong glanced around, Zhang Hanhan didn't process any documents on the desk, but sat on the sofa in the lounge, his eyes were dull, his head obviously didn't know what he was thinking, and his mind was distracted.

Wen Dong walked over and heard footsteps, Zhang Hanhan came back to his senses, looked up at him, and did not speak.

Wendong was puzzled, but he didn't dare to take the initiative to speak, for fear of stirring up trouble and making her use it as an excuse to explode, he went to the coffee table to make a pot of tea. After finishing all this, Wendong looked again at Zhang Hanhan, who had always turned a blind eye to him Seeing Wendong looking at her, he even turned his head away from him.

This girl is obviously brewing emotions, telling Wendong that I am very angry, and I don't want to care about your atmosphere.

Obviously, Zhang Hanhan put pressure on Wendong invisibly, so that the next question will not prevent this guy from talking nonsense with him.

Wendong smiled secretly, and sat down beside Zhang Hanhan.

Under the huge movement, the soft sofa bounced violently and almost knocked Zhang Hanhan onto the coffee table. Her body instinctively stretched out her small hand and grabbed Wendong's arm. Seeing a grinning face with porcelain teeth, Wen Dong reached out and grabbed her little hand, bared his teeth: "Hanhan, why are you looking for me in such a hurry? My dear, don't you miss me?"

" me go." Zhang Hanhan struggled with his little hand, but he didn't break free, and his cheeks were flushed immediately. It's not too embarrassing to hold hands, but he is a president in the office. But it was the first time for Wen Dong to hold her hand, which made her feel ashamed and at the same time felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, especially Wen Dong's last words made her feel flustered, and she almost subconsciously looked up to the lounge door. He took a look, afraid that his assistant Li Jing would see this embarrassing scene. At first, this bastard hugged his leg in front of Li Jing, but he was so ashamed that he didn't dare to talk to Li Jing for several days.

"Don't look, I've checked specifically. Li Jing is not in the office, so she won't spy on us." Wen Dong chuckled, and with Zhang Wending's approval, he relaxed completely, with a cheeky smile on his face. scruples.

"Wendong, let me go." Zhang Hanhan gritted her teeth and looked at Wendong. After trying to struggle in vain, she gave up the needless struggle, but the embarrassing thing like holding hands in the office drove her almost crazy. As for what she wanted to ask I also forgot about Wendong, and I didn't dare to make too much noise, otherwise it would alarm people outside or Bailihan, making it even more difficult to see people.

"Don't let go." Wen Dong shook his head, his tone was crisp.

"You..." Zhang Hanhan said angrily, "You bastard, you are clearly taking advantage of me."

"You are my girlfriend, what's wrong with me pulling your hand?" Wen Dong laughed and leaned back on the sofa.

"When did I...ah..." Zhang Hanhan felt his body lighten just as he was about to speak, and with an exclamation, he had already reached Wendong's arms, and Wendong hugged his soft body directly on his lap.

"Ah, you bastard, let me go..." Feeling the strong arms on his legs and waist, Zhang Hanhan immediately realized what happened, and suddenly exclaimed, oh my god, this is an office, and he even It's the president, such a shameful posture made Zhang Hanhan even more ashamed and frantic, he clenched his fist and hit Wendong's chest indiscriminately.

Wen Dong tilted his head and didn't stop, letting Zhang Damei, who was as thin as paper in his arms, hit him, although it hurt a little, but it was nothing.

Zhang Hanhan sat on Wendong's legs with his lower body, fists like raindrops, and his calves were struggling and kicking wildly. At first glance, it seemed that Zhang Hanhan was deliberately sitting on him to act like a baby and flirt.

"Hey, Hanhan, be good, I have something good to tell you, don't move around, and if you don't obey me, be careful I'll spank your little ass..." Zhang Hanhan's struggle was ignored by Wendong, and his left hand rested on her slender legs Bend, his right hand hugged Zhang Hanhan's waist, and at the same time clamped Zhang Hanhan's wobbling arms, completely controlling her in his arms.

"I won't listen, let me go first, you bastard..." How could Zhang Hanhan have the heart to listen to these things, sitting in her arms and listening to him talk about things?Thinking of such a situation, she felt so ashamed. Not only did she fail to break free from Wendong's restraint after several struggles, but the distance between the two became closer, especially when their bodies were in close contact with each other. All of a sudden, it made her feel inexplicably flustered, as if electric currents ran through her whole body, making her body a little limp, and she couldn't even use the strength to struggle.

Zhang Hanhan originally wanted to create an atmosphere on purpose, and asked Wendong what was going on, but she never thought that this would be the case. Not to mention the disrupted atmosphere, she was even robbed by this bold rogue for no reason. So much cheaper.

(End of this chapter)

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