Chapter 384
However, looking at his old blushing face, Wen Dong felt it was funny for a while. Speaking of it this way, Wen Dong felt a little relieved. Firstly, Zhao Yifei was his first love. degree of importance.

Zhao Yifei is a straightforward person who values ​​love and righteousness. If Xiaolan followed him, she would never be bullied. Another point is Zhao Yifei's family. Xiaolan is definitely good with him.

"Then do you like Zhang Xinlan?" Wen Dong asked seriously.

"I definitely like it, because she fits my criteria for choosing a spouse too much." Zhao Yifei said affirmatively.

Hearing this, Wendong rolled his eyes for a while: "Fuck your uncle's criteria for choosing a spouse, I mean, do you like her from the bottom of your heart? Her family is average, her work ability is not strong, and she has had relationship experience. As for whether she is in a relationship or not?" I don't know if you have a virgin complex."

"If you know whether she is still a virgin, I will kill you." Zhao Yifei stared at him.

Wen Dong: "..."

"I must like it. I'm a big bastard, and I don't know what to say. Anyway, I was shocked and excited when I saw her. Although she is not the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, when I saw her, I just feel pity and desire to protect her. In short, I regret not seeing her earlier, and regretting why I didn’t hold back my body and gave it to Miss Ye. What should I say..." Zhao Yifei was troubled.

"Don't you fucking say that... If you dare to tell Xiaolan like that, I can guarantee that she will slap you in the face." Wen Dong said in pain.

"Well, the previous words are okay, it would be better if you refine them slowly, and forget about the latter words, no one likes to listen to them." Wu Jian nodded aside.

"Well, take your time." Wendong nodded: "Based on your conditions, it is very possible to chase Xiaolan. You are tall and thick, you are not ugly, and you are also a flirtatious person. I can imagine that you are in Xiaolan. How stiff are you in front of me, little girls like to tease big men like you." Wen Dongyue said the more funny he said.

Zhao Yifei: "Damn..."

"Don't bury me, just tell me what to do and give me some advice." Zhao Yifei said eagerly.

"Please return, a powerful and bright reason." Wen Dong said.

"Then what should I say..."

Just when Zhao Yifei was struggling, the door of He Qing's office opened, and Xiaolan walked out with a large stack of documents in her bulging arms. When she looked up, it was Wendong who hadn't seen her for a long time. Blooming: "Brother Wendong, why are you here?"

Immediately, Xiaolan turned her beautiful eyes, looked at Wu Jian and Zhao Yifei, and said hello at the same time: "Brother Zhao, Brother Wu, you are also here, and Brother Jiang."

Xiaolan has obviously come out of the broken relationship, her personality is lively, and she greets them one by one generously.

"Hehe, um..." Zhao Yifei nodded hastily foolishly, but he didn't know how to raise the topic.

"Sister Xiaolan is really getting more and more beautiful." Wu Jian nodded with a smile.

"I just came back from the president, and I ran into Brother Zhao, and I talked here." Wen Dong nodded with a smile.

"Brother Zhao, so you really know my brother." Xiaolan smiled.

"En, en." Zhao Yifei nodded cautiously, and suddenly noticed that Wen Dong was secretly kicking his ass with his back foot, and Wu Jian was also winking at him. Zhao Yifei gritted his teeth and said in a trembling voice: "That, that Xiaolan, I don't know Are you free? I...I want to treat you to dinner."

"Bring me to dinner?" Xiaolan glanced at Zhao Yifei in surprise, seeing his embarrassing look, she seemed to understand what Zhao Yifei was thinking immediately, and couldn't help frowning a little. , there are many people chasing her, and many of them are young talents who can speak well, but because she just broke up with her not long ago, she doesn't want to go on another love journey so soon, because she is afraid of getting hurt again.In her heart, she felt that her elder brother was the best, and she would not betray herself, let alone hurt herself, so she was very attached to Wendong.

But Brother Zhao has helped her before, and he is also a friend of Brother Wendong. It is not good for Tuzi to refuse. Although she also thinks that Brother Zhao is a very nice person, and she likes this friend very much, but the way he looks at her is full of love and compassion. , This look made her instinctively resist.

"Well, I want to invite you to dinner, do you agree?" Zhao Yifei seemed to be desperate, and he spoke straight enough, looking up at Zhang Xinlan.

Zhang Xinlan: "Uh..."

Wen Dong: "A good man said..."

Wu Jian: "It's so stupid to say..."

Zhang Xinlan frowned slightly and glanced at him. The anticipation and nervousness on Zhao Yifei's face did not escape her eyes. For a moment, she felt that this powerful big brother was very funny, and she couldn't help but look at Wendong aside, with a look of solicitation in her eyes. .

Wendong looked down at the polished floor, as if he was thinking about who mopped the floor, it was too clean, and he was struggling with how to reward the person who mopped the floor, Wendong didn't want to talk, he didn't want to influence Xiaolan's decision , because with this little girl's cleverness, she must have seen that Zhao Yifei's silly hat is interesting to her.

Seeing that Wen Dong didn't speak, Zhao Yifei raised his foot angrily and kicked his ass: "You should say something."

"Ah? Me? Do I want to treat me to dinner?" Wen Dong pointed at himself, surprised.


"That's all right. If you want to invite my sister, I must also invite my elder brother. There is also Wu Zhan. It would be nice for everyone to have a meal together." Wen Dong finally couldn't help him, If you don't say anything, Xiaolan will definitely agree sooner or later, but it's not good, and everyone eats together, the atmosphere will be more lively. The key is that if Zhao Yifei eats with Xiaolan alone, this stiff boring donkey will I don't know what to say.

"Well, brother Wendong, should you treat me to dinner? I heard that you gave out a lot of bonuses at the ball last time, but you didn't invite me to dinner. I will talk about Brother Zhao's invitation to dinner later. You should treat me to dinner first." Let's go eat together." Zhang Xinlan turned to look at Wendong with her beautiful eyes, and said coquettishly.

Clever Zhang Xinlan didn't let Zhao Yifei treat her, it was a sideways refusal, mainly because the little girl was reserved, this guy spoke so straight, how could she agree so quickly, but Zhao Yifei definitely couldn't tell.

"Okay, it's time to treat you to dinner. You guys have been favored by my sister, especially Zhao Yifei. You have to find a chance to make up for my sister and treat her to a good meal. So are Wu Jian and Jiang Tao. .” Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." Zhang Xinlan nodded happily.

"Of course." Zhao Yifei hurriedly agreed, and gave Wendong a grateful look, which made it even more logical to invite Zhang Xinlan to dinner.

"You can have this, but you must treat yourself well this time. How about Yanyu Pavilion? This way you can show the atmosphere of your director of Wenda University." Wu Jian said with a big grin.

"Well, the top private room in Yanyu Pavilion has a minimum consumption of 5 yuan. This is not bad, and it is enough for the level of the director of Wenda University." Jiang Tao who was on the side said.

Wen Dong grinned for a while: "..."

"Yeah, I heard that Yanyu Pavilion has a special wine called Hongyan, which has the effect of beautifying and beautifying the skin. I want to drink that." Zhang Xinlan looked at Wendong with her eyes full of expectation.

"Well, [-] bottles, a few more bottles." Wu Jian said excitedly.

"How many bottles are enough? Come a box, Xiaolan can take it home and drink slowly if she can't finish it." Zhao Yifei said happily.

"Then come two boxes, open one box to drink, one box for sister Xiaolan to take, the other box can't be finished and we can share it, I'll use it to soak my sister." Wu Jian added fuel to the side.

"Okay, okay, it's settled." Xiaolan nodded happily, her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance.

"It's settled like that, I haven't said anything yet." Wendong looked at Xiaolan in shock.

"You are me, I am you, and I am your sister." Zhang Xinlan approached Wen Dong affectionately and said coquettishly.

"Yeah, you are really my good sister from the third generation of Xiu." Wendong grinned, stretched out his hand to touch her little head in pain, and Zhao Yifei, who was standing aside, was envious.

Wen Dong glared at this guy angrily, if you are envious, you can invite this meal, grandma's, it's all money.



After the matter was settled, Xiao Lan went to deal with the matter. He Qing was not in the company, and she needed to do many things. Wu Jian was also very busy as the manager, so she dragged Jiang Tao away. There were only Wen Dong and Zhao Yifei in the office. Great idler.

Wendong is not in a hurry about designing clothes, and there are only three of them.

Wen Dongdan glanced painfully at Zhao Yifei, who was sitting on the sofa smoking his own cigarette and drinking the Coke he had prepared. Although she has a pure personality, she has been injured and it was recently, so it is difficult to accept your feelings for her in a short period of time, you have to take your time and don't scare her."

"Don't worry, I know." Zhao Yifei nodded solemnly.

"Okay, don't feel bad, at worst, I will treat you to a good meal next time. The old man called me 100 million yesterday, hehe." Zhao Yifei said frightened.

"Why are you so generous?" Wen Dong asked with a smile.

"Hey, I secretly sent the photo of me having dinner with Xiaolan to the old man, and he will send me money as soon as he is happy." Zhao Yifei said in awe.

Well, it is really nice to have a rich grandpa, and Wendong is envious.

"Actually, I don't feel bad for money, but mainly for my sister. I'm just such a little sister, yet you have taken a fancy to me." Wen Dong said helplessly.

"What's so distressing about this, my sister was also captured by you." Zhao Yifei said indifferently, curling his lips.

Hearing this, Wen Dong shook his head and smiled wryly: "Binger and I are not what you think at all."

(End of this chapter)

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