How bad guys are made

Chapter 385 Tianzi Li Jiahua

Chapter 385 Tianzi Li Jiahua

"Hey, in fact, I have already seen it." Zhao Yifei smiled: "Isn't Binger still thinking about that guy from abroad? Don't worry, as long as that guy dares to come to Binger, I will definitely beat him so hard that he can't take care of himself. I think How can he chase Bing'er, if he can't do it, then castrate him."

Wen Dong: "Good brother..."

"Of course." Zhao Yifei nodded with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Come on, have a Coke." Wen Dong picked up the Coke and touched him with ease.

"Oh." Zhao Yifei nodded quickly, picked up the Coke and took a sip.

"What? Why are you entangled again?" Wen Dong said after taking a sip.

"Well, I'm struggling, if I date your sister and you date my sister Bing'er, then who will call whom brother-in-law?"

Wen Dong: "..."


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Wen Dong drove Yan Yan and Zhang Hanhan to Jinxiu Villa, and Zhao Yifei drove Zhang Xinlan and the others, creating more space for them to be together.

Although the peak tourist season has passed, there are already many people on the Bund of Jinxiu Villa. Today is a good day, the temperature has risen, and the weather is surprisingly good. The sand on the beach is very hot because of the sunlight last time. Even in the afternoon, the entire Bund is still It was warm, and there were many sexy women in bikinis walking around, attracting attention.

It's a pity that Zhang Hanhan, as the president of the company, doesn't know how to wear a bikini, neither does Yan Yan, who has beautiful eyebrows. The two of them changed into a beach-style skirt, and Zhang Xinlan did the same, revealing a large white flesh, attracting countless eyeballs.

There are naturally many beauties on the beach, but there are not many who are as beautiful as the three of them, especially because they have different personalities. Zhang Hanhan is the most beautiful, because he rarely dresses like this in public, he is very quiet and reserved; Yan Yan is an extremely feminine mature beauty, Zhang Xinlan looks pure and young, and has a lively personality, but at least she has 34E, her characteristics are too eye-catching.

It's a pity that Zhang Xinlan, as the company's assistant, is with designers Li Jing and Cheng Liyuan. After all, the main reason for coming out to play this time is because of project work.

It's a pity that Lin Xiaoxi, the official spokesperson for the new clothing, is not here. The exterior of Jinxiu Villa has already been filmed, and it has already been filmed in other places as early as yesterday. Otherwise, it would be seductive to let her wear a bikini.

Zhao Yifei and the others made a group, and they didn't know where to go to see the beautiful women. As for Bailihan, he just watched from a distance, didn't speak, and didn't fit in with the group.

The only thing that makes Wendong feel uncomfortable is Li Jiahua who is with him. He has been living in Jinxiu Villa for the past few days, especially his eyes are always peeping at Zhang Hanhan without any trace. People's eyes are something to be happy about, but this guy is too hypocritical, pretending to be aloof, which makes people disgusted.

It's not like us, if you want to see it, you can just watch it, although Zhang Hanhan often stares at him with blank eyes.

Li Jiahua was indeed handsome, wearing a simple white shirt, with a handsome and relaxed posture.Under the warm sunset at dusk, his face became more and more bright and jade-like, with clear water chestnut angles, no tie, and a seemingly pure smile with a bit of laziness, clean cheeks with a clear and delicate look of a teenager, and the look of a mature man. Tall, handsome, and intelligent.

"Are you tired from walking?" Li Jiahua turned his head and looked at Zhang Hanhan who was beside him and asked with a smile, his eyes could not conceal his admiration.

Zhang Hanhan didn't seem to notice, turned his head slightly and glanced at Wen Dong with a dark face beside him, raised his mouth and smiled: "It's not bad."

Zhang Hanhan's brief eyes did not escape Li Jiahua's eyes, he nodded and smiled, "Then let's sit for a while."

"En, okay." Zhang Hanhan nodded happily. He was indeed a little tired, and he had his period today.

"Mr. Wen, please go over there and buy two blankets, just let them sit, we men don't need these." Li Jiahua turned to Wen Dong and said.

Wen Dong gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "Okay."

"I'll go with Director Wen." Yan Yan said quickly.

"Alright." Li Jiahua nodded, looking at Yan Yan with a look of admiration, so that only he and Zhang Hanhan were left here.

"Go and come back quickly, I don't want to stand for too long." Zhang Hanhan said casually with a smile, as if he was afraid that this guy would be jealous.

"Mr. Zhang told me, of course we have to do it as quickly as possible, but the company has to reimburse me for the blanket." Wen Dong smiled at Zhang Hanhan.

Yan Yan chuckled from the side, thinking that this text designer is very interesting.

"Stingy, go quickly." Zhang Hanhan glanced at him and hummed.

"En." Wen Dong and Yan Yan went to buy blankets together.

Li Jiahua also smiled at the side, but the smile was a bit forced, because he felt that Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan seemed to be flirting, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"Mr. Zhang has found a good subordinate." Li Jiahua looked at Wen Dong who had left and said, obviously reminding Zhang Hanhan of the gap between Wendong and her. Obviously, he has taken a fancy to Zhang Hanhan. Although it is very clear that the hope of catching up with Zhang Hanhan is almost slim, but due to the temperament of a man, no one wants to see the woman he likes flirting with other men.

"Thank you, he has always been excellent." Zhang Hanhan seemed to have not heard it, and nodded with a smile. Although sometimes she despises and looks down on Wendong's idler who is not doing his job properly, but in front of outsiders, she does not allow others to look down on Wendong , This kind of contempt is only available to her.


Dinner was also eaten at Jinxiu Villa. Zhang Hanhan directly booked a five-story luxury villa restaurant, and Wendong was stunned by the grandeur. With this little rich woman, do I still need to work in this life?
The rich generation, is there any?Although it is a nurturing one.

Many people from the company came to the whole restaurant, and it was very lively, because the new clothing company did not have a holiday because of the busy business of the Qixi Festival some time ago, this time it was made up for.

Because most of the clothing companies are female employees, a group of special scenery has formed in the restaurant, because they are all wearing one of the seven costumes of the Queen's series, Yingying Yanyan, extremely beautiful, Xiaolan wore a dress at the prom The white dress that Lin Xiaoxi showed had a special charm on her body. As for Zhang Hanhan, it was specially made by the whole venue, because she was wearing the seventh style of clothing, the only one, and Yan Yan was envious of it Unexpectedly, I had no choice but to ask for a piece of Queen's series clothing to put on a lot of balance. I am more and more looking forward to this cooperation project.

Especially at this gathering, Master Zhanyun also came, which made Yan Yan, who regarded her as an idol, very happy and envious, because Yan Yan had listened to a lecture given by Master Zhanyun when she was in college, and treated her very well. Respect, chatted with her in the past.

Li Jiahua answered a phone call and went out, Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan finally had some time to be alone.

Wen Dong tilted his body to Zhang Hanhan's side, looked down at the way she was rubbing her legs with small hands, and said, "Are you tired?"

"Don't learn to talk to him." Zhang Hanhan snorted.

"Of course not. That guy said this mainly because he cared about you hypocritically. I said this with meaning." Wen Dong smiled and said.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Hanhan looked at him amusedly and said.

"What I actually mean is that I can rub your legs." Wen Dong looked down at her snowy legs under the skirt, and swallowed greedily.

"Then you are just like him, hypocritical!" Zhang Hanhan blushed a little and glared at him.

"Uh... I thought you understood what I meant." Wen Dong explained awkwardly.

"I don't understand." Zhang Hanhan pouted arrogantly, and said in a low voice, "It's definitely not possible, didn't you say that, our relationship can't be put on the surface at present, there are so many people here."

"Oh." Wen Dong nodded, understandingly.

Zhang Hanhan glanced at him, suddenly understood what he meant, and stared at him angrily: "It won't work even after going home!"

Wen Dong secretly smiled in his heart, turned his head and glanced around, his eyes could not help concentrating, seeing Zhao Yifei sitting with Xiao Lan, this shocked Wen Dong, they fell in love so quickly?

"Actually, it's nothing." Wen Dong shook his head.

Zhang Hanhan didn't understand what he meant, so he turned his head to look at him and then followed his gaze.

"Why does Zhao Yifei have anything to do with Xiaolan?" Zhang Hanhan said dumbly.

"Of course they are related, didn't you see that they were all hands together?" Wen Dong said, with a shocked expression in his tone.

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan glared at Wen Dong angrily: "What are you doing with your hands up and down? Zhao Yifei is obviously massaging Xiaolan's ankle, okay? I guess Xiaolan must have sprained her ankle."

"I think it would be okay if Xiaolan and Zhao Yifei were together?" Wen Dong asked with a casual smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but glanced at him, frowned and said: "No, I don't know Zhao Yifei very well, but at first glance, he looks like a fool, Xiaolan has a weak personality, they are not worthy to go together. "

"What's the matter, I'm the same, and your life and work are extremely rigorous, can't we live together?" Wen Dong smiled and shook his head, fate, sometimes it is so unpredictable.

"Who wants to live with you?" Zhang Hanhan blushed.

"Then do you still want to eat the breakfast I made for you?" Wen Dong said speechlessly.

"That's different, it's two people who live and live..."

"Oh, yes, it's almost a bed."

Zhang Hanhan: "Don't even think about it..."

Wen Dong shook his head solemnly and said, "No, I've been thinking about what it would be like if we slept on the same bed. Sexual obscenity is not against the law."

Zhang Hanhan: "Get lost!"


Next is a program for everyone to entertain and sing.It is also a pity that Lin Xiaoxi is not here, otherwise she must sing well.

However, the girl Zhang Xinlan also sang well, before she finished singing, there was already applause from below, firstly, she is beautiful, and secondly, Xiaolan is pure and good-looking, very pleasing.

Especially Zhao Yifei, looking at Zhang Xinlan on the platform, was so greedy that he was drooling.

"Miss Xiaolan sings so well, I can't help but go up and sing a duet with her, it's better to have a male and female duet." Wu Jian said in amazement from the side.

"Get out, I'll do it if you want to sing." Zhao Yifei gave him a dissatisfied look, his eyes were extremely unfriendly, if Wu Jian chased him with that posture, he would definitely break Wu Jian's leg.

"That's all right, you can do it if you have the ability." Wu Jian seemed to provoke him deliberately, and said with a curled lip.

"That's right, come on, this is your chance." Wen Dong also said.

"Hurry up..." The two kept urging, seeing that Zhang Xinlan had finished singing and was about to step down, Wu Jian hurriedly started, pushing and shoving Zhao Yifei.

"Damn..." Zhao Yifei who was under the platform was tripped by someone, and fell under Zhang Xinlan's legs with a 'dang', which surprised Xiaolan.

"Brother Zhao, do you want to sing too?" Xiaolan took a step back, calmed down quickly, and asked with a smile.

"Uh...I...I haven't made up my mind yet." Zhao Yifei scratched his head in embarrassment, and turned around quickly in embarrassment.

"Damn it, did you trip Wendong?" After stepping off the stage, Zhao Yifei felt that he was ashamed, and he was so angry that he was about to fight Wendong desperately.

"Come on, don't get cheap and act good, see." Wen Dong grinned.

"Get out, what did I see, I didn't see anything." Zhao Yifei argued with a red face.

"Okay, there's no one else, just watch it." Wu Jian smiled cheaply.

Zhao Yifei glared at the two guys, ashamed to be with them.

After a while, Zhao Yifei nodded and said, "Pink, my favorite color..."

(End of this chapter)

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