How bad guys are made

Chapter 412 Do You Love Me

Chapter 412 Do You Love Me
"I'm going to wash my hands. Eating without washing hands is bad for your health. You have to take care of me, for your future happiness, hehe..." Wen Dong approached her seriously and whispered.

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan staggered and almost lay on the ground, blushing and hurried away, gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly: Shameless, shameless plus three-level.

"Dinner is ready. Wendong, your aunt is going to warm up the wine. I'll have a drink or two with me later, ha ha." Zhang Wending walked out of the kitchen with the last dish, a gentle smile appeared on his slightly wrinkled face, When I came home, I didn't think much about the company. Today is a good day, and Zhang Wending is also very happy.

"Well, okay." Wen Dong turned his head to look at the future father-in-law, and nodded with a smile.

But Zhang Hanhan didn't dare to speak. Hearing his father's voice, he didn't care to pay attention to Wendong who was behind the curse, and walked into the bathroom a few minutes faster.

Looking at Wendong and his daughter who walked into the bathroom together, Zhang Wending sighed in his heart, saying that his daughter is really old enough to talk about marriage, she needs it both psychologically and physically, but this is a bit too crazy, fortunately, she is here In my own home, it would be okay if I was seen by others outside. It seems that I have to find a time to persuade my daughter and Wendong well, and I should pay attention to the occasion when making out in the future.

However, Zhang Wending felt very relieved at this time. He knew his daughter, because of work, he seldom had time to accompany his daughter. Feeling guilty, I have favored Hanhan since I was a child, and when it comes to my wife, if it is not something serious, I will obey her.Afterwards, Hanhan fell in love with He Wenlong. Zhang Wending originally agreed, but it was too young and uncertain at that time. He Wenlong angered Hanhan, so they broke up. It was rumored that she was his mistress, which made Zhang Wending feel even more ashamed and guilty. Fortunately, Hanhan was also sensible, not only didn't complain, but also put his body and mind into his work, making Lanyun flourishing.And during this period, many young talents fell in love with Hanhan, but because of his majesty, he didn't dare to pursue her blatantly, and Hanhan himself was reserved, and he had never heard of having sex with any boy. It was a complicated relationship, but he knew very well that his daughter, Hanhan, took relationships very seriously, and the breakup with He Wenlong hurt her a lot, so she never looked for her.

This made him feel pain in his eyes and anxious in his heart. Seeing his daughter growing up day by day, he worked overtime all day by himself and came home very late. Although Hanhan never complained, but as a father It hurts to look at it.Now that his daughter has finally found a boyfriend she likes, especially when she can get out of that shadow, he is still very relieved, and based on his understanding of his daughter, he can also see that her daughter really likes this Wendong Otherwise, it would be impossible to drag Wendong to the place where she lives under pressure, and it is even more impossible to give the other party the most precious thing that has been preserved for more than 20 years.

Regarding Wendong, Zhang Wending is actually very dissatisfied in his heart. Leaving aside his family background, I heard that he used to be a gangster with three hands, and people knew that he would laugh at having such a son-in-law. Fortunately, Wendong also turned his prodigal son back. I haven't heard that he has been involved in petty theft for a long time, and he is also capable. He manages Lanyun New Clothing Company very well; another point is that Zhang Wending knows that his family's situation is a bit special, and Wendong is good at protecting Hanhan. , especially that time when he sacrificed his life to save Han Han, which made Zhang Wending admire him even more, and once again confirmed that Wen Dong is reliable, and he must like his daughter. Maybe so desperately, besides, Wendong didn't know that Hanhan was his daughter at that time.The most important thing is that Hanhan also likes him, the two are in love, this is what I want to see most.

The bathroom is very quiet, only the sound of the faucet's splashing, but because there is only one, Wendong can only watch Hanhan washing his little hands quietly, wondering what he is thinking.

Zhang Hanhan was silent while washing her hands, and found that Wendong next to her was very quiet, which made her feel a little strange. The case said that this bastard should be molested. She looked at her side face, her deep eyes were fixed, but there was no wretched and smirk just now, the only thing left was deep affection, which she could clearly feel.

Zhang Hanhan felt shy for a moment, that's right, Wendong also knew that maybe when they went out later, Mom and Dad would make a marriage for the two of them, would I like it?Zhang Hanhan asked himself in his heart.

Suddenly, Zhang Hanhan gritted his teeth and mustered up the courage, turned around, leaned back on the sink, and looked up at Wendong seriously.

Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at her, wondering what Zhang Hanhan was going to do.

Seeing that Wendong's eyes were bright and he recovered from his absence, Zhang Hanhan looked at him seriously and said, "Wendong, do you love me? I'll only ask this once." After speaking, Zhang Hanhan was also surprised, She didn't know where she had the guts to ask such naked words, but she tightly grasped the edge of the pool with her little hand, so that she didn't look away.

Wen Dong was stunned, looking at her tense little face, biting her red lips tightly with her white teeth, with a seven-point firmness and three-point inexplicable panic and fear, he knew that Zhang Hanhan was giving her a chance to accept herself. The reason for this, the trace of fear that could not be concealed in the watery eyes made Wendong feel more pity in his heart.

"I love you." Wen Dong looked at her and said affectionately. When he finished speaking, he clearly noticed that Zhang Hanhan's body trembled, as if the three words were exhausted in a short moment in his ears. With all his strength, he leaned against the sink and softened.

Wen Dong hurriedly reached out and grabbed her little hand behind her, and with the other hand he wrapped her in his arms, leaned close to her ear and whispered: "I love you, I only say this once, but In my heart, I’ve actually told you thousands of times.”

Zhang Hanhan didn't expect this guy to be so bold, but her body didn't have much strength to struggle at all, and she didn't want to break free regardless of her physical and mental instincts. The warm breath came from the contours of her ears, making her body softer and softer. Those touching love words were like a bright light in the night sky, calming her flustered and fearful mood.

Wen Dong hugged the soft body in his arms, but he couldn't help but think wildly in his heart, should the next step be a kiss?
But I waited and waited and didn't notice that Zhang Hanhan in his arms moved. Okay, am I shy? As a man, should I take the initiative? Wen Dong lowered his head slightly and pulled away the two tightly touching bodies. When he wanted to speak, he felt a soft pain in his waist, and Wen Dong shuddered in pain, and suddenly let out an 'ow' in his mouth: "Hanhan, why are you pinching me?"

Zhang Hanhan also gained some strength, and then quickly broke free from Wendong's embrace in this gap, looked up at Wendong, and said arrogantly: "I just washed my hands, and you dirty my hands, you are so unhygienic .”

"Ah?" Wen Dong stared at the angry Zhang Hanhan dumbfounded, because of this?Wen Dong's head suddenly froze, how did Zhang Hanhan's head grow, and the jumping span is too big, what's the business? , Wendong finally couldn't help but said: "And then? Even if you don't give a kiss, you have to nod."

Looking at Wen Dong, who was staring at him, his eyes were full of expectations, but he grinned his teeth in pain, his expression not concealing his mourning, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but burst out laughing with a 'puchi', pouted and said: "I still kiss, You think beautifully, what are you doing here in a daze, wash your hands and eat, mom and dad are waiting outside."

Turning his head to see the beauty with a blushing face floating out like a butterfly like a wind chime, Wen Dong twitched his lips and suddenly smiled.

No need to explain much, does it?Zhang Hanhan was talking about his parents, not my parents.

Seeing Wendong coming out of the bathroom and Zhang Wending already fiddling with wine jugs and wine glasses at the dining table, Wendong hurried over with a smile on his face: "Uncle, sit down quickly, I'll do it."

Zhang Hanhan, who just helped his mother to serve food in the kitchen with that affectionate look, was speechless for a while, thinking that this Wendong was really shameless, just now he hugged and asked for kisses in the bathroom, and now he looks like a normal person, really hypocritical ah.

However, this is also what she wants to see in her heart, especially when she sees her father smiling and nodding, she is also relieved. What she fears most is that her father will not agree, but now she sees that Wen Dong and her father are getting along well. , as if really like the father-in-law and son-in-law, Zhang Hanhan felt so shy for a moment, quickly put the dishes in his hand on the table, blushed and went into the kitchen to help.

But when Zhang Hanhan and his mother walked out of the kitchen with the remaining two dishes, they saw Wendong, that guy who was doing something, was having a hot fight with his father. The two had already drank the warm wine and talked. Very happy, this made Zhang Hanhan feel a sense of time and space disorder in his heart. Wendong can make his mother happy, but he didn't expect his father to be so happy. What method did he use?
"Uncle, Hanhan said that you have been in Australia before, and now you are back busy with company affairs, you should pay more attention to your health." Wen Dong said while toasting Zhang Wending.

"Hehe, I know what you said, and your aunt always reminds me that when the child grows up, it's time to take care of him. Don't worry about it, Hanhan will always do a good job." Wendong's concern Zhang Wending was very happy, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and looked at Wen Dong with a kind face. After drinking two glasses of wine, now the more he looks at this son-in-law, the more pleasing to his eyes.

"Auntie is concerned about you." Wen Dong nodded with a smile, and quickly filled Zhang Wending's wine again.

"Yeah, now that Hanhan manages the company so well, I am also very relieved. Now you can help her share some of the burden, that would be even better, but..." Zhang Wending looked at Wendong with a smile, hesitant to speak. end.

(End of this chapter)

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