Chapter 413
"But what?" Wen Dong asked curiously.

"But I'm old, but I can't stay idle at home. I always want to pave the way for my children. Besides, Hanhan is not young now, but he hasn't married yet. Your aunt and I are just such a daughter. Not sure, although the family is also rich now, but people say that daughters who are not married are children who will not grow up, so I can only work hard for a while."

Wen Dong nodded with a smile, it should be, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, he was stunned for a moment, what did he mean by this?
But in his mouth, he said: "Hanhan is so beautiful and talented, it is easy to find a good husband's family, uncle, you think too much."

"Wendong, are you willing to marry Hanhan?" Zhang Wending raised his head and asked suddenly.

"Me?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment. Although he knew that this matter would be brought up during this meal, Wen Dong was still shocked when he really mentioned it. She couldn't help but sneak a glance at Zhang Hanhan, who was sitting beside her silently. She was blushing and playing with the chopsticks in her hand, so she dared not look up at herself, but her pair of crystal clear ears squeaked very high. I am very concerned about this matter.

Wendong knew that Zhang Hanhan was thin-skinned, but he didn't dare to say anything in front of the old man: "I really want to, but the key is that Hanhan won't want to. Uncle, you know that young girls are more active now, and I have no education and no family, I'm afraid..."

"Wendong, we don't need to talk about these things. As long as a man is capable, he can make money but support his wife and children, and have the ability to protect his wife. This is the real skill. As for education and family, these things are useless things. " Zhang Wending raised his neck again and drank the wine in the glass. As expected, he was a man of the past in Shuishi, and his words were quite domineering. Wen Dong could only smile wryly, unable to answer.

"Yes, you are telling the truth." Wen Dong nodded with a smile.

"Well, as for your worry just now, there is no need at all. My own daughter knows in her heart that although Hanhan looks domineering on the outside, she is very conservative on the inside. If he doesn't really like you, how could he put the first I’ll give it to you this time? You won’t deny this, right?” Zhang Wending said seriously.

"Ah?" Wendong was a little dumbfounded. Before, he thought that Zhang Hanhan's mother was tough enough, but he didn't expect that Zhang Hanhan's father was not simple. Why didn't he see it before, and he could say such explicit words.

Besides, I'm a f***ing bird, when will I have your daughter's first time, I just touched her little hand and was almost strangled to death by Zhang Hanhan, and even if I touched it occasionally, I would be coldly looked down upon and despised again and again, Going one step further is kicking him. It would be fine if he really had such a relationship with his daughter, but now there is nothing wrong with him. It's really wronged.

"Hehe, it scares you." Zhang Wending saw Wendong stunned and the one scared by him laughed and said, "Don't be afraid, Wendong, I don't blame you, your aunt and I are not feudal old stubborn, It is inevitable that young people will be unable to control themselves when they live together, I understand this, I saw it in the bedroom just now, I can see that you have a very good relationship."

"Dad, what are you talking about? I think you are drunk." Zhang Hanhan sat on the sidelines and couldn't listen anymore, his face was flushed red, you said you can talk about marriage and marriage, what are you talking about? , as if his daughter could not get married.

"What are you talking about? Men talk and women don't interrupt." Zhang Wending drank two taels of white wine, his head was a little hot, and he gave his daughter a fierce look, showing the majesty of the old man.

"Hehe, what's the matter, shouldn't we women take it honestly, and you men will do what you say?" Zhou Yahe quit immediately, and glared at her husband angrily.

"Uh..." Zhang Wending's choked old face flushed immediately, he was so focused on shaking his domineering aura just now, he even forgot his wife who was sitting beside him.

Zhou Yahe's stare frightened Zhang Wending so much that he didn't dare to speak out. Wen Dong was speechless watching this scene. He didn't expect such a tough old guy like Chairman Lanyun to be so afraid of his wife.

Zhou Yahe snorted but knew the general idea well, knowing that at such a time she should not lose face to her own man, she turned her head and said to Zhang Hanhan: "Actually, your father is right. Now you are the president, Wen Dong is obviously your subordinate, but Hanhan, you are not allowed to bully Wen Dong in the future?"

"Ah?" Zhang Hanhan was very happy to see his mother speak for him, but now he was a little dumbfounded when he heard this, bullying Wendong?Do you have that ability?Who is Wen Dong? He is a perverted shameless bastard. How can I bully him behind your back?He just looks honest in front of you, and he is also a subordinate. Has Wendong acted like a subordinate since the first day he entered Lanyun?

"That's right, what your mother said is good, but you should stop using your status to pressure Wendong in the future, especially when you are at home. Well, I recognize this son-in-law, and I think Wendong is very good." Zhang Wending nodded repeatedly , said solemnly.

Zhang Hanhan was a little dumbfounded, so it was decided?It's too simple.

"Dinglingling..." At this time Zhang Wending's cell phone rang suddenly. He didn't want to answer it at first, but when he saw the number on it, his expression changed. He picked up the phone and said to Wen Dong: "You guys have a drink first. , I'll take a call."

"I don't know what I'm busy with all day." Zhou Yahe was obviously very dissatisfied with her husband answering the phone at this time, and snorted, but thinking that Wendong was here, she ignored the old man who walked into the bedroom and looked at it with a smile on her face. Looking at Wendong, picked up the conversation, nodded again and again: "I agree with what Hanhan's father said, and I also think Wendong is a good guy. Today, your father and I will make the decision. We will decide on the marriage for you. In the future, you No need to be sneaky anymore, give me a big fat boy as soon as possible, if you are busy, I will show you, I am bored at home, ha ha."

Wendong was also very embarrassed when he heard it, and looked at Zhang Hanhan with his head down in front of him with a strange face. He usually wouldn't even let him touch him. ?This distance seems to be a bit far.


Zhang Hanhan's face was flushed red, he was really speechless at his mother's nervous jump, and suddenly shouted dissatisfied: "Mom, it's too early for you to say this."

"How far is it, you are all like that, next time you don't need medicine, can you have a baby?" Zhou Yahe stared at her daughter angrily, not knowing what she thought of.

"Medicine?" Zhang Hanhan was taken aback for a moment, and his small face suddenly became confused. Looking at Wendong who was also puzzled, he turned around and asked, "What medicine?"

"Don't think I don't know. You don't have any safety measures at home. You must have taken medicine later." Zhou Yahe snorted, with a look that I understood, then turned her head to look at the eyes that instantly widened Wen Dong, thinking that he had guessed these things and scared Wen Dong, he said: "Wen Dong, I am not talking about you, I also know that you young people like to go crazy, and you take medicine later in order to improve the quality, but how can this be?" You can let Han Han take medicine at will, women who eat too much of this stuff will affect their fertility, so Han Han is not allowed to eat this stuff in the future."

"Ah?" Wendong stared at this sturdy mother-in-law dumbfounded, what is it all about, when did I let Hanhan take medicine, besides...

Zhang Hanhan was already dumbfounded on the spot. What was it all about? Obviously, she also heard what her mother said about the medicine, but where did her mother guess that she had taken the medicine, and said that she didn't have it at home? Something about security measures, could it be...


"Hmph, you don't have to deny it, I went to where you live today, and there is nothing." Zhou Yahe snorted.

"Mom, how can you come into my place casually?" Zhang Hanhan was surprised, then yelled dissatisfied again, and then said: "I have nothing with Wendong, so I don't know how to use medicine."

"I didn't find the medicine. You must have taken it when you went back to the company, or put it in your bag." The old god Zhou Yahe said affirmatively.

"No." Zhang Hanhan was about to go crazy. This was about her reputation, so she had to explain it clearly, and explained: "No, if you don't believe me, go and see my bag."

"You don't need to look at it, you have eaten it all, how can there be any more?"

"I..." Zhang Hanhan was about to cry, and he was about to hit the wall. Thinking about what happened to his mother, he couldn't explain it at all. When she said this, she really couldn't wash it off by jumping into the Yellow River.

"Okay, what I mean is, you just need to pay more attention in the future." Zhou Yahe waved his hand and said, looking at Wen Dong opposite: "You must also pay attention."

Wen Dong had already been terrified by this mother-in-law, so he didn't dare to say more, for fear of rebounding and making her say some nonsense, he nodded repeatedly: "Yes, Hanhan and I will definitely pay attention to it in the future. "Wen Dong suppressed a smile in his heart, looked at Zhang Hanhan who was speechless, and thought he deserved it, who told your mother that I went to sleep in your room last night, it must be to sue.

"Hey, I don't even know what to say about you. You young people just don't know how to pay attention. You usually work hard, which has a great impact on your body. You should also pay attention to self-control in your private life. Don't waste your youth as capital." Zhou Yahe continued It was a long sigh, and I began to bow and teach.

Wen Dong was dumbfounded, he didn't expect Jiao Didi's mother-in-law to be so fierce, what she said made Wen Dong blush.

Taking a sneak peek at Zhang Hanhan, she saw that the Frost beauty's face was flushed, she wanted to explain but didn't know how to speak, obviously she didn't expect her mother to say such words, her face was so red that she wanted to find a hole in the ground go in.

"Yes, yes, Auntie, what you taught me is that Hanhan and I must be restrained in the future." Wen Dong forced himself to laugh, nodded repeatedly, and put on a posture of listening to the teachings. Zhang Hanhan lowered his head and dared not show his anger. His head was almost lowered to the floor, his face was so hot that he didn't dare to refute.

(End of this chapter)

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