How bad guys are made

Chapter 418 Take you to fly

Chapter 418 Take you to fly

"Hey, is that right? That should have been intentionally prevented from being seen by you. After all, they are all your elders. How bad it is to be seen." Wen Dong analyzed seriously.

"Boring—" Zhang Hanhan turned his head away arrogantly, and decided in his heart that he would never talk to this bastard again.

There was a moment of silence in the car, and Zhang Hanhan couldn't bear to glance at Wendong beside him curiously, and saw that he was looking at him with his head sideways, but his expression was quiet, his eyes were darkened, obviously distracted.

"What are you thinking?" Zhang Hanhan asked strangely.

Hearing Zhang Hanhan's voice, Wendong's eyes instantly regained their brilliance, and instead of looking away, he looked at her affectionately and said, "I was thinking, what will it be like when you call me husband?"

"Ah?" Hearing Wendong's inexplicable and nonsensical words, Zhang Hanhan's heart was suddenly in a mess, and he turned his head quickly, not daring to look into Wendong's eyes. He was a little annoyed. Overwhelmed.

"Hey, I'm just thinking about it." Wen Dong smiled, waved his hands and said grinningly.

"Can't you drive faster?" Looking at Zhang Hanhan's shy expression beside him, although En enjoyed the atmosphere, Wen Dong felt a pain in the ass when he saw that the pulse speed meter was less than [-].

Sitting down in Zhanyi VIII series top noble bulletproof sedan with powerful performance makes people speechless, but Zhang Hanhan drove it like a tortoise, it was really speechless.

"Why do you drive faster?" Zhang Hanhan gradually got used to being alone with Wendong, and Zhang Hanhan was no longer in an awkward mood. She gave Wendong a strange look, and was very puzzled by his words.

"It's a waste of such a good car for you to drive. I've never seen you drive over [-] pulses." Wen Dong curled his lips, his tone full of contempt.

"Safety comes first. Even the best car is prone to accidents if it goes too fast. Don't you understand such a simple truth?" Zhang Hanhan snorted, ignored Wendong, who had nothing to say, and continued to drive, but the speed increased a little. One point, but the pulse speed is still limited to about [-]: "Besides, I drank alcohol tonight, so I can't drive."

"Drinking? You call it drinking? Don't talk about red wine, it's just a small glass." Wen Dong was really speechless, and turned his head aside. Although Wen Dong was playful, every time he faced Zhang Hanhan There is a feeling of power and nowhere to use it, which makes him very depressed. It seems that this Hanhan is specially used to restrain herself. Most of the time, she doesn't give a chance to show her glib tongue.

After driving for a while, Zhang Hanhan suddenly turned his head and looked at Wen Dong, who was beside him, who was depressed, with a smug expression on the corner of his mouth, and said, "I usually never drive faster than [-] pulses. If I drive faster, I'm timid. You Don't you know?"

"Yes, you are timid." Wen Dong curled his lips, but he didn't think so in his heart. Zhang Hanhan was timid, and he wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death. This woman put an electric baton under her pillow, and she didn't know where it came from. I got it, fortunately I asked for forgiveness quickly at that time, otherwise Zhang Hanhan would definitely make me feel again what it means to live but not die.

"Otherwise, would you like to drive?" Seeing Wendong getting more depressed, Zhang Hanhan's smile grew stronger, and he said softly, she didn't want to drive yet, and her head has been in a daze since entering the house tonight If it wasn't for Wendong drinking some wine with her father and worrying, she would have asked Wendong to drive, but seeing that Wendong was not sober, she didn't worry anymore, it was just right to let him drive, lest this thick-skinned The guy was okay and sat on the sidelines and stared at himself.

"Really? Drive it for me?" Wen Dong was excited for a while, and looked at Zhang Hanhan with two gleams in his eyes. From the day he saw this Zhanyi [-], he wanted to try racing. Before I am used to driving the one my landlord gave me, but now I am uncomfortable driving other cars.

"Of course it's true. I'm afraid I'll lie to you. You've always been greedy for this car. It's not like I can't see it. There's nothing to do tonight, so I'll let you try it." Zhang Hanhan nodded with a smile, Before making fun of Wen Dong, he parked the car slowly on the side of the road.

Seeing this, Wendong was overjoyed, and he didn't care about the girl's sarcasm. Apart from anything else, he pushed the car door with a 'bang', and was about to get in, when he suddenly stopped his swift movements, and turned around, with a strange expression on his face. Looking at Zhang Hanhan, he hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Hanhan looked puzzled.

"You won't wait for me to go down and drive the car away and let me run back?" Wen Dong looked at the viaduct outside, and then at Zhang Hanhan's beautiful face beside him. The more he thought about it, the more likely he was. But I didn't forget the tragic scene of being punished by Zhang Hanhan before.

When Wen Dong said this, Zhang Hanhan also thought of it, but his little face couldn't help but blush, if it wasn't for the daring bastard in front of him who dared to touch his leg, how could he be angry with him, snorted and frowned: " If you don't open it, just close the door."

"Who said I don't want to drive?" Seeing that Zhang Hanhan was about to re-shift, Wen Dong got out of the car quickly.

The two exchanged seats, and Wen Dong experienced the superior nature of the Zhanyi [-] series. The familiar feeling struck again, and he felt a burst of excitement.

"Wendong, drive carefully, and don't rush." ​​Seeing the excitement in Wendong's eyes, Zhang Hanhan in the passenger seat felt a little sweetness in his heart, but seeing this guy's rough movements of stepping on the accelerator, his heart fainted. There is a bad feeling.

"Hanhan, the normal speed limit of your car is [-], and the maximum speed limit is [-], right?" Wen Dong let go of the accelerator, turned to look at her and said.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to understand it quite well. What's the matter?" Zhang Hanhan nodded strangely, not understanding why Wendong asked this question.

"Hey, it's nothing, my wife, you fasten your seat belt and sit down." Wen Dong reminded with a hook of his mouth after hearing this.

There is no need for Wendong to remind Zhang Hanhan to fasten his seat belt, but when he heard Wendong yell out the word "wife", he didn't reject it at all inexplicably, but the simple two words But it hit her whole body like an electric current, and there was some inexplicable excitement in her heart.

But before she opened her mouth, Wen Dong's reminder came from her ear: "Be careful, your husband will let you feel the feeling of flying."

As soon as the words fell, Wen Dong slammed on the accelerator, and the black spread wings rushed out like a sharp sword.

Yes, it's running, not rushing, the speed-up performance of Zhanyi [-] series is definitely not covered.

The huge momentum caused Zhan Yi to fly more than ten meters before landing on the ground with a bang. The wheels of the car rubbed against the ground and made a "chi chi" sound, and the engine roared continuously, like a wild beast in the night, roaring wildly...

But at this time, the pointer of the pulsometer soared to one hundred and eight in one swing, and the pointer continued to soar rapidly during the shaking, exceeding two hundred and six in the blink of an eye.

The moment the car flew out, Zhang Hanhan regretted letting this bastard touch his car, but it was too late to stop it now.

Even though the Zhanyi car was tightly shielded from the wind, Zhang Hanhan still felt as if there was a huge force in the void that squeezed her body firmly against the seat behind her. The little hand instinctively grabbed the negative hand beside him and on the side of the head, for fear that he would be thrown away. At this moment, the heart that was beating for a short time suddenly started beating uncontrollably, and the little face was already suffocating. It was so red that my heart almost jumped out.

"Boom..." The Zhanyi car gave full play to the performance of the car under Wendong's crazy stepping on the accelerator. The engine roared continuously, and the Zhanyi car rushed across the viaduct like a black lightning and rushed towards a In the desolate and populated suburbs, Zhang Hanhan didn't even care where Wen Dong was going. Under the dim light of the pulse speed dial, her pretty face was pale, and she had to narrow her eyes to see that the shaking hands of the dial had clearly pointed to three. Baiba, the car has reached its limit speed, and the hands of the watch are still shaking and struggling, like a caged beast, stirring its unwillingness...

Zhang Hanhan thought now, if he had a gun in his hand, he would have shot the bastard next to him without hesitation. His driving is simply terrible.

Wen Dong narrowed his eyes slightly, madness danced in the dark pupils, there seemed to be a hint of coldness, and there seemed to be a cold glow shooting out. He has been passive for so long, suppressing the shadow of a killer in his heart, this time he can go crazy He naturally spared no effort to vent.

Moreover, tonight is a killing night. Although Wendong has killed many people, those are all people who deserve to die. Although the people who are going to be killed tonight are also people who deserve to be killed, this person did not really offend him to death. , but for the sake of him beside him, he must do this, so let's go crazy again before going crazy.

At this time, Zhang Hanhan's whole little head had become a mess, and he pursed his lips tightly. The rare panic and fear loomed in Shuiling's eyes, but her fast beating heart seemed to suffocate her.

Finally, after a brisk gallop, the Zhanyi car slowed down slowly. As for the car behind the car, it had already disappeared and was thrown off by Wen Dong. Li Han.

Wen Dong also only cared about venting crazily, and didn't know where he was driving, so he stopped the car at the foot of a mountain.


As soon as the car stopped, Zhang Hanhan pushed open the door and staggered out, but the moment his footsteps touched the ground, he went soft, and fell directly to the ground, his face paled, his little face was extremely pale, and his little hands didn't care about the dirt on the ground. Chen supported his body and began to vomit violently. He vomited out all the food he ate for dinner earlier. His two jade lotus-like arms were trembling on the ground, and he kept lying on the ground and retching...

Wen Dong swayed and got out of the car with a relaxed face. He had a C-level intermediate driving skill anyway, so naturally nothing would happen. He lit a cigarette with a 'snap', leaned his body on the car body, and He looked at Zhang Hanhan who was still retching on the ground with a smirk on his face. He rarely had the opportunity to appreciate Zhang Hanhan's embarrassment that had completely lost her image. Today is a feast for the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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