How bad guys are made

Chapter 419 You Bully Me

Chapter 419 You Bully Me
"Wendong, you... you bastard... vomit... you... vomit..." Zhang Hanhan couldn't stop retching as soon as he opened his mouth. Passed out, wishing to bite Wen Dong, the goddamn bastard, to death with one bite.

"Hahaha..." Seeing that Zhang Hanhan was furious but still couldn't hold back his retching, Wendong took a puff of cigarette comfortably and then laughed unscrupulously.

"You—" Zhang Hanhan wanted to open her mouth to yell, but was stopped by the overwhelming feeling in her stomach again. Now, she regrets that her intestines are green.

After more than ten minutes, when there was nothing left in his stomach, Zhang Hanhan finally gradually suppressed the retching, and barely stood up while supporting the body, but the legs supporting the body were still trembling uncontrollably , It seems that you may fall at any time.A beautiful face was pale and bloodless, and the bright eyes were full of tears. I don't know whether it was retching or being angry at Wen Dong, but those watery eyes were full of hatred. Unwilling, he stared at Wendong fiercely, wishing to bite him to death.

Wendong didn't seem to notice, he threw away the cigarette butt with a smile, walked in front of Zhang Hanhan, stretched out his arms and hugged her body which was difficult to stand, and hugged her up regardless of Zhang Hanhan's resistance...

Zhang Hanhan really wanted to resist, but she didn't have any strength in her body at all. Zhang Hanhan, who was 1.7 meters tall, was hugged by Wen Dongkuan's strong arms, like a bird clinging to a person, just as she was gnashing her teeth thinking that if this bastard dared to take the opportunity to make money When she didn't give up because she was cheap, she saw Wen Dong slowly lowered his body and opened the car door with one hand, and put her gently on the seat.

And at this moment, Wendong took out a bottle of mineral water like a magic trick, twisted off the lid, and brought it to Zhang Hanhan's still panting mouth, his eyes were full of affection and tenderness, and his voice was filled with pity: "Come on, open your mouth, rinse your mouth with water first, good boy, look how much I love you, husband."

Zhang Hanhan rolled his eyes and almost didn't faint. Who caused him to look like this now, and he still had the nerve to say he was good to him?Is this bastard's face made of iron?Zhang Hanhan pursed his lips and did not speak, turned his head coldly, and raised his foot to kick Wendong away, but sadly found that his legs were numb, as if it was not his own, and he could not move at all out of control.

But Wendong smiled at this time, his complacent look was very flat, but he stretched out a hand to gently pinch her snowy chin, and said in his mouth like coaxing a child: "Don't be naughty, Drink it quickly, or my husband will pinch your little mouth and give you a drink."

Zhang Hanhan rolled his eyes and completely fainted this time.

Zhang Hanhan felt wronged in every possible way. Under Wendong's meticulous care, he rinsed his mouth with mineral water and spit it out on the ground, but those beautiful eyes stared at Wendong. If she had the strength, she would definitely He killed this bastard without hesitation.

"Hey." Facing Zhang Hanhan's cold stare, Wen Dong had no sense of doing anything wrong. He opened the back door and took out the lunch box he had prepared before leaving. Inside was the mother-in-law who 'distressed' her daughter and son-in-law for fear that she would be hungry after working hard at night. Specially prepared dumplings.

Wen Dong squeezed out a dumpling that was still steaming hot from inside, and brought it to Zhang Hanhan's little mouth with a playful smile: "Hey little Hanhan, come on, open your mouth."

Zhang Hanhan stared at Wendong in anger. Two minutes later, seeing Wendong reaching out to pinch her chin again, she finally closed her eyes helplessly and opened her mouth obediently. She is now very clear about the situation It is impossible for her to resist Wen Dong, who has no strength in her body. The vomiting after the racing just now made her no strength to curse, and her whole body was limp, as if she had collapsed, and she was also afraid that this bastard would not He would take the opportunity to bully himself, so he had to obey him obediently and satisfy the perverted preferences of this beast.

"This is good, come on, open your mouth, and drink some soup to warm your stomach. Young people should pay more attention to their health. Vomiting is not good for the stomach. Come." Zhang Hanhan's obedient cooperation made Wendong very satisfied, and he opened a thermos Inside the pot was the chicken soup that my mother-in-law cooked for dinner, and I spooned it to Zhang Hanhan's little mouth.

Zhang Hanhan opened her eyes and looked at the chicken soup on her lips, her face flushed slightly. From her memory, no one had ever fed herself like this, especially the person in front of her was her husband who was about to become her husband soon. , which made her feel a kind of shyness that she didn't dare to face.But knowing that his resistance is useless to him now, he hesitated for a moment and finally closed his eyes and opened his mouth again, obediently took a sip of the chicken soup, and drank the warm chicken soup in one gulp, and immediately the discomfort in his stomach disappeared. I vomited so much that I vomited out all the food I ate for dinner, and now there was an extra dumpling and a mouthful of chicken soup in my stomach, and I felt much better immediately.

In this way, Zhang Hanhan reluctantly ate a dumpling and a mouthful of chicken soup under Wendong's gentle service. Gradually, the shyness just now turned into an indescribable enjoyment. Mouth waiting for the arrival of chicken soup, and then eat a dumpling...

But Wendong was full of smirks, especially Zhang Hanhan's quiet and obedient child-like appearance waiting for him to be fed, which made him feel a little proud, and he could make the world's top [-] Lanyun Group grow up. The president obediently listened to his own words, which was not an easy task.

There were not many dumplings in the food box, and the mother-in-law had planned to let them finish eating the dumplings and then go to bed, but before they knew it, all of them were in Zhang Hanhan's stomach.

Seeing Zhang Hanhan take a sip of chicken soup, the small throat on Xuexue's neck rolled and swallowed, and then opened his pink mouth, waiting for sleep to be delivered to her mouth, Wendong smiled wryly and looked down at the empty lunch box, feeling Suddenly, a prank idea came up, and he brought his face to Zhang Hanhan's mouth with a smirk...

Sensing that something hot and steaming touched his lips, Zhang Hanhan moved his head slightly forward, and was about to close his mouth to bite down, but soon found that the thing at the edge of his mouth hadn't entered his mouth, and couldn't help but It was a bit strange, but Zhang Hanhan, who was already used to Wendong's dumplings, didn't think too much about it. He moved his head forward again, closed his eyes and bit down on the 'dumplings'...

After poking his head out for the third time and finally biting the 'disobedient' dumpling, Zhang Hanhan felt something was wrong just after taking a bite, this dumpling was completely different from the previous one, two thick soft objects...

What is this?
She never remembered sleeping in this shape, especially this 'dumpling' felt very wrong.

At this time, Wen Dong's painful hum came from his ear, but it seemed to come from his throat, but the sound was very close, and his nose touched a soft thing lightly, as if Is it the tip of the nose?Immediately afterwards, two jets of hot air sprayed on her lips...

Zhang Hanhan opened his eyes suddenly, and saw a familiar face, so close, it was almost attached to his own face, and his eyes met. Zhang Hanhan saw the painful trembling and wry smile in Wendong's pupils, as if there was still a trace of it. Indescribably proud and bad...

Only then did Zhang Hanhan realize that the two soft things he was biting were not dumplings, but Wendong's lips. His face was flushed red, and the docile anger in his beautiful eyes burst out suddenly. He didn't back up in an instant with a cry of surprise as Wendong had expected, but with a ruthless heart, he bit down on Wendong's lips with two white teeth...

"Hey, you want to bite me to death." Sensing Zhang Hanhan's decisiveness, thanks to Wendong's quick reaction, he quickly backed out, feeling lingering fear, looking at Zhang Hanhan's pretty murderous face in disbelief, flushed like Two big ripe apples make people want to go up and take a bite.

"Wendong, you bastard, you actually... hiss..." Zhang Hanhan was so angry that he sucked in pain as soon as he opened his mouth, and bit his own when he bit hard on Wendong's finger just now. Tongue, I just bit it until I didn't notice it, but after a few seconds, I felt a burning pain from the tip of the tongue, and at the same time, I felt a strange taste spreading in my mouth, and then a trace of blood flowed out from the corner of my mouth... …

Wen Dong was also a little dumbfounded. He was startled when he saw the bright red blood oozing from the corner of Zhang Hanhan's mouth. In the bite, it is estimated that even if my lip is not bitten off, there will be two big gashs left.

However, Wendong soon returned to his hippie smile: "I never imagined that the president of Lanyun Enterprise would be so greedy. He couldn't eat my mouth, even his own tongue. If the employees of Lanyun found out about their What will happen?"

"You..." Seeing Wendong's playful face, Zhang Hanhan was full of grievances and had nowhere to say it. Suddenly, his nose was sour, and tears flowed down: "Wendong, you bullied me."

"I bullied you?" Wen Dong was taken aback by Zhang Hanhan's words, and felt a little strange in his heart. Zhang Hanhan, who was so arrogant and powerful in front of others, actually said such a soft and delicate sentence like a little girl who was crying coquettishly. I feel very weird.

"..." Seeing Wendong's expression stunned, Zhang Hanhan didn't say anything more, but glared at him fiercely, turned his head aside, the more he thought about it, the more wronged he became, the tears became more joyful, and finally his shoulders twitched slightly, He even sobbed softly.

Zhang Hanhan is really wronged. She has been a favored daughter since she was a child. She has never been wronged by others, but she doesn't want to change everything after meeting Wendong. Her mother scolded her, Even my father, who loved me the most since childhood, was not on my side.

(End of this chapter)

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