Chapter 420
In the past, Wen Dong, a playful bastard, clearly said he liked him, and he still hooked up with him in the company, often arriving late and leaving early, but he also liked him. Mom didn't know, but Dad didn't say anything, as if he had acquiesced in this matter. The matter, I originally thought that my father called Wendong tonight to reprimand him, but I didn't know that my father taught him how to manage himself.

That's all, it's better now, his parents have recognized Wendong as a bastard, so he can be more unscrupulous, obviously he is molesting himself and taking advantage of himself, and finally he pretends to be a sufferer Ridicule yourself, bully yourself.

But when he was about to resist, this bastard dodged him, so he bit his tongue, Zhang Hanhan was so wronged in his heart.

Why is my life so hard?
"Hanhan, aren't you really angry?" Wen Dong was a little speechless. Originally, he just wanted to make a joke with this newly-appointed daughter-in-law, but he didn't want to make her cry.

As far as the matter is concerned, Wen Dong felt wronged. He had been hiding three times, just to tease her, and he didn't really take advantage of her, and even if she bit him in the end, it's okay, even if Zhang Hanhan hasn't Marry yourself, then they are also boyfriend and girlfriend, what's the matter.

Looking at the bright red blood on the corner of Zhang Hanhan's mouth, Wendong smiled wryly in his heart. He didn't expect things to develop into this situation. After thinking about it carefully, he also felt that what he did today was a bit too much. Zhang Hanhan is not a mistress. She is prominent, she has been the proud daughter of heaven since she was a child, no wonder she cried because she was wronged like this.

Glancing at the tall trees and jungle not far away, Wendong smiled bitterly: "Zhang Hanhan, I know you feel wronged. You hated me from the very beginning, but I didn't believe it before, but today I finally believe it. I hate me so much, it can even be said to be loathing, I deceived myself that this is just my own illusion, and deceived myself that you really like me. Now it seems that the reason why you agreed today should be more out of gratitude, Thank you for saving you last time, actually you don’t have to do this at all, I know that my conditions are not worthy of you at all, fortunately we haven’t had a substantive relationship yet, everything is still in time.”

Sensing Wendong's strange tone, Zhang Hanhan was slightly taken aback, but still stubbornly did not turn around, and snorted: "Yes, you are right, since you know, why don't you die, you This kind of rubbish living in the world is simply the biggest disaster, hmph."

"Thank you for telling me this reality. Now I finally understand and know my position in your heart." Wen Dong smiled bitterly, turned around and left after speaking, and continued: "Don't worry, I will never I will pester you, never again, you don’t have to feel guilty, you are so good, I am not good enough for you, you will definitely find someone who loves you and loves you to take care of you, goodbye.”

The inexplicable bitter voice is getting farther and farther away, especially the last two words can no longer be heard clearly, as if torn apart by the cool evening wind in the empty night sky.

"Hmph, this bastard must have deliberately played with himself to cause his own guilt." Zhang Hanhan thought angrily in his heart, and snorted coldly: "It's none of your business whether you find him or not, you don't have to worry about my business. "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Hanhan waited for a while but did not hear a reply.

She faintly felt something was wrong, and couldn't help recalling what Wen Dong said just now in her mind.

The more I think about it, the more something is wrong.She turned around abruptly—but there was nothing behind her.

Zhang Hanhan quickly glanced around, where is Wendong?
"Wendong?" Zhang Hanhan clenched her small hands, and called out subconsciously. After receiving no response, she poked her head out and looked around the car. The uneasiness in her heart became more and more intense. At this time, she had recovered a little. Strength, although he is not as flexible as usual, he can already walk around, and he got out of the car almost instinctively.

The whole halfway up the mountain is empty, except for a road extending to the foot of the mountain. It is dark as far as the eye can see, and you can only see blocks of strangely shaped stones not far away. The trees and forests stand sparsely, and there is no Wendong at all.

"Wendong, where are you hiding? Come out." Zhang Hanhan yelled to the surroundings, his voice sank into the silent night sky, and there was no echo in the emptiness. Zhang Hanhan's face gradually turned pale, biting his lips hard, his eyes closed. Concentrate on watching every move around.

Quietly, there was no sound at all on the whole halfway up the mountain, only the slight sound of the sharp wind blowing among the rocks and old tree trunks, making the subtle sound of 'rustling', which seemed extremely cold.

"Hmph, do you want me to feel sorry for you? Just dream, I won't feel guilty even if you die." Zhang Hanhan yelled a few more times, but there was still no response, and finally couldn't be provoked and moved forward a few times tentatively. Suddenly, she took a closer look and found that there was a cliff more than ten meters away from the mountainside. She clearly remembered that Wendong's voice was getting farther and farther away, and it came from this direction.

Could it be that this bastard was afraid to face the reality and jumped down because of his cold lips?

Thinking of this in his heart, Zhang Hanhan's face became even paler, and he almost dragged his exhausted body and staggered to the front of the cliff. Looking at the black cliff in front of him, his heart was full of fear.

'Don't worry, I will never pester you again, never again, you don't have to feel guilty, you are so good, I am not good enough for you, you will definitely find someone who loves you and loves you Take care of you, goodbye...'

Wendong's last two words sounded from my ears again, getting farther and farther away, especially the last two words, as if blown away by the wind, I couldn't hear clearly, under what circumstances could I make such a tone and tone ...

I felt sorry for myself at the time because I was so angry that I thought Wendong was playing with me again.

Zhang Hanhan's heart was cold, and she looked at the dark cliff in a daze. She can now be sure that that bastard Wendong jumped off the cliff because of her contempt.

"Wendong, you bastard, you are a fool, why did you jump off?" Zhang Hanhan stood on the cliff in despair and muttered to himself, but the tears on his face couldn't stop flowing down, but he didn't even wipe it off. His face was extremely pale, but there was a trace of self-mockery at the corner of his mouth: "Zhang Hanhan, you are also a fool, you and Wendong are both fools..."

After Zhang Hanhan finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes for a few moments, and was about to walk forward.

Wen Dong jumped to his death, because of her, because he was despised by him and couldn't face it, so he jumped off the cliff, but Wen Dong didn't know his own mind at all, and now he almost completely occupied her whole heart.

She really hated him at the beginning, and even hated him for being an idler, but since she met Wendong, every time she thought of him in the dead of night, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help laughing, it was his appearance that made her life more colorful A lot of joy is that his appearance made her mechanical body like a walking dead feel meaningful again. Before she drove to the company, she even said to Wendong not to make her angry again, but when she was When I was tired, I still hoped that Wendong would come to my office to flirt with me. Wendong has gradually become an indispensable part of her life...

But now, Zhang Hanhan clearly sensed that Wendong was no longer around her, and the complex feelings that could not be explained to him disappeared. She suddenly felt that her future life was meaningless.He died because of his contempt, so go down and stay with him, even if you are bullied by him again, you will admit it, this is your fate.A self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Hanhan's mouth, and he was about to jump off the cliff to be buried with Wendong. This one was originally his...

"Hey, it's fine if you say you're stupid, why do you say I'm a fool, do you think I'm stupid?"

Just as Zhang Hanhan took a step, Wendong's sloppy voice suddenly came from behind him. Zhang Hanhan turned around in disbelief, and saw the bastard who thought he had jumped off a cliff looking at him with a playful smile, holding a handful The picked wild flowers are like a bouquet of flowers in your hand.

Wendong looked at Zhang Hanhan in disbelief: "My dear wife, you don't think I jumped, but now you want to jump to die for love, right?"

"Wendong?" Zhang Hanhan's beautiful eyes widened in an instant, and he looked at Wendong who was walking over with a smile in disbelief. He didn't know where this guy came from, and he didn't hear the sound of walking just now.

Didn't he jump off already?Could it be Wendong's ghost?
Zhang Hanhan hurriedly turned his head to look at the cliff less than three meters behind him, and then at the smiling face of Wendong who was close in front of him, his head was in a mess.

"Silly girl, it's so windy here, what are you still standing there for, don't you really want to jump off?" Wen Dong hurriedly took two steps and pulled Zhang Hanhan back. He made a joke with Zhang Hanhan to scare her, but almost made Zhang Hanhan really jump off.

If he came back one step later - Wen Dong shook his head fiercely, not daring to think about it any longer, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead for a moment.

This woman actually thought she jumped down?And what is she trying to do?Do you want to jump down with yourself and die with yourself?
Thinking of the scene just now, a warm current flowed through Wendong's heart, feeling strange. Although he has been a human being for two lifetimes, he is more aware of the warmth and coldness of human relationships in the world. As an orphan, he also feels like a dandelion, drifting away. Wherever he goes, he is his own home, so his heart is always wandering, and he is always unable to reach the shore. In this life, he has abilities that ordinary people don't have. He wants to make up for everything. He keeps looking for women, wanting to Looking for a trace of stability from them, and finding a trace of home-like warmth, He Qing, Sun Xiaojie, and even Zhang Hanhan in front of them still couldn't feel a trace of home.

But just for a moment, when he saw Zhang Hanhan muttering to himself as if he was about to jump down to accompany him, Wendong's heart suddenly calmed down, and he found a reason to settle down.

Involuntarily, Wen Dong hugged the silly soft body in his arms tightly with one hand, his hands trembled with excitement, but there was a smile on his face, solemn and quiet...

(End of this chapter)

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