Chapter 498
Wen Dong endured the pain in his feet, Ci Ya grinned and said tremblingly: "Honey, you don't have to hit me so hard even if you don't like me, ah no, is it so hard? Step on your feet to relieve your hatred That's all, are you going to trample me to death?

Zhang Hanhan looked smug, and Wen Dong looked at the smug smile with her lips pursed. God knows what this woman was thinking. She made such an ambiguous scene earlier, so that I mistakenly thought that she was going to sacrifice herself to me tonight. , who knew that Zhang Hanhan was so ruthless, she didn't know that she was wearing high-heeled sandals, and the soles of her shoes were still made of wood, so her feet were so ruthless, and she kicked her feet from time to time...

"Hmph, I also wanted to step on it twice, but after I finished stepping on it, I realized that I still couldn't let go of my hatred, so I stepped on a few more times." Zhang Hanhan blushed and hummed triumphantly. What he said almost made Wendong hit the wall. How much does this woman in front of me hate herself? Grandma's feet can't understand her hatred.

Just when Wendong was speechless, Zhang Hanhan snorted angrily in his ear again: "Hmph, look at your perverted appearance just now, I have long wanted to fix you, I don't care how many women you have outside, I will I don’t bother to care, just now in the study you stared at Zihan’s ass in front of me, do you think I really don’t exist? Or do you think I’m blind and can’t see? Or you just didn’t pay attention to me? Li? En?" Zhang Hanhan said arrogantly, his eyes were cold.

"I..." Wendong couldn't refute. It turned out that Zhang Hanhan's kicks were to retaliate against his dishonesty eyes just now. Thinking about it, it must not be just this matter. This woman has everything in her heart. The grievances are deep.

Seeing Wendong crying and laughing and not daring to refute or even dare to resist, Zhang Hanhan felt a little proud in his heart, but when he thought of the things about this guy, he felt helpless and angry again, and snorted: "Hmph, I know you are outside There are women, I don't care how much you stare at her with lustful eyes, but you are not honest in front of me, Wen Dong, do you really think of me as your wife in your heart?"

"I..." Wen Dong rolled his eyes and was speechless for a while. He regarded Zhang Hanhan as his wife in his heart, but the key is that his wife didn't think of him as her husband at all, okay? Everyone in the world has seen their parents get engaged and are about to get married Husband who has never seen her mother-in-law's body and what she looks like?
Well, I have indeed seen it, but Ya Na still peeked at it, and didn't see the whole thing, especially his grandma was almost shocked to death by Zhang Hanhan after she was found out.

"Wen Dong, count how many women you have around you now. I won't talk about anything else, just talk about Sun Xiaojie, He Qing, Zhang Xinlan, Lin Xiaoxi, and Cheng Yanan in Lanyun, plus I'll be back with you today." Xu Zihan from home, don’t think I can’t see it. Although Xu Zihan is young, she is sensible, and the way she looks at you is definitely not ordinary. Well, you have to add me, you count, How many women do you have here? Wendong, I really want to ask you, do you want to build your own harem of beautiful women inside Lanyun? En?"

"Wife, stop, what, didn't you just talk about Lanyun? It seems that Lin Xiaoxi and Zhang Xinlan are not in Lanyun, and I really..."

"Shut up!" It's okay not to mention this matter, Wen Dong said that Zhang Hanhan became even more angry, but he lowered his voice for fear of disturbing Xu Zihan in the next room: "Wen Dong, I still don't want to talk about this matter." I didn't look for you, what happened to Zhang Xinlan? If you want to get out, get out. Why did you hook up He Qing's assistant? Do you know that this will have a great blow to the hearts of the clothing company? And don't give I'll change the subject." Zhang Hanhan stared at Wendong coldly, but what he said left Wendong speechless, changing the subject?When did I change the subject?It's you who thought that it's a one-off thing, okay?Well, Wendong also admitted that he has done too many wrong things, and whatever his wife thinks of will be related to Wendong.

Zhang Hanhan continued to question: "Wendong, let's not say that I don't care about you looking for women outside. I don't even bother to ask who Zihan's sister is. How can you be worthy of the women around you?" They? What if... um? Wendong, you, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Hanhan was being reprimanded happily, but suddenly stopped talking, just because Wen Dong's original expression of bitterness and humility disappeared, replaced by an incomprehensible evil smile, and his eyes were even more straight. Staring at his bulging chest, looking around, there was a hint of madness...

At this time, Wendong was already walking towards Zhang Hanhan with a wicked smile, and as his footsteps approached, the smile on his face became even more evil. It seemed like a prelude to madness...

Zhang Hanhan was taken aback. Wen Dong's expression made her feel a little bad. Facing Wen Dong's naked and undisguised gaze, her heart was pounding, and she barely calmed down. The beating corners of his eyes tried hard to stare at him coldly: "Wendong, don't mess around, you... ah..."

Before Zhang Hanhan could finish his sentence, Wen Dong had already walked up to him and hugged him. It was completely different from the previous gentle embrace. This time, he was hugged firmly. Wen Dong raised his feet and moved towards the bed go to...

"Wendong, you, let me go..." Zhang Hanhan was finally scared, and regretted to death in his heart. He knew that this guy was an undisciplined creature, but when he stepped on his feet just now, he found that he was suffering with a wry smile. , thinking that he was afraid that he would start to reprimand him boldly, but she didn't know that she had gone too far and caused such consequences. From Wen Dong's crazy eyes, she understood what Wen Dong was going to do, and she didn't even dare to think about it. , I'm going to be given something by this guy tonight?

Zhang Hanhan wanted to struggle, but after only moving a few times, she was too frightened to move again, because at this time, Wendong was wearing a pair of panties and nothing, and she was only covered with a thin The silk pajamas were tightly hugged by Wen Dong, and the layer of silk pajamas was almost negligible. The two of them were almost skin to skin, and the twisting and struggling of the body not only failed to break free from Wen Dong's embrace, but made the two of them There is a strong stimulus, especially at this time Zhang Hanhan clearly felt that there was something under her buttocks. Although she is still a virgin and a virgin, she is not ignorant. Then I thought of what was in my buttocks...

"Huh, forget it, this is my own destiny." Zhang Hanhan sighed in her heart, closed her beautiful eyes, and her body trembled slightly. She had already seen what he was going to do from Wendong's beating fiery eyes, but she But she is not ready to resist, and she also knows in her heart that with her understanding of Wendong, it is the limit to be able to resist not really touching herself for such a long time.

Tonight, it will all be over.

When his body was slowly put on the soft bed, he felt Wen Dong's familiar body pressing on him. For some reason, Zhang Hanhan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. After tonight, he was also a real woman. , is Wendong's woman, his wife, although she doesn't know if she will forgive Wendong for taking her so tyrannically, but in the days to come, she believes that there will be a tangle between herself and Wendong. The cracks that don't go away.


Just when Zhang Hanhan was thinking wildly in his mind, Wen Dong's lips suddenly kissed her lips, very lightly, and then he felt that the body pressing on him disappeared...

This was no longer her first kiss, but at this moment, Zhang Hanhan still felt a sense of confusion and fascination. However, she, who had been expecting Wendong to jump madly on her body to take possession of her, felt a blanket covering her body lightly... …

"En?" Zhang Hanhan was puzzled, opened his eyes subconsciously, and saw Wendong grinning at her, with a hint of complacency and cunning in his smile, then turned and left the bed, and took out a cigarette while walking. On the mouth, opened the door and walked out...

Zhang Hanhan opened her small mouth, but finally didn't make a sound to stop him. She didn't know what she should say after calling Wendong to stop, but although Wendong pretended to be very chic, Zhang Hanhan still saw a scene from his back when he left. A deep loneliness, as well as an indescribable bitterness and inferiority hidden deep on his face...

I don't know why, the moment the bedroom door closed, Zhang Hanhan suddenly felt a sense of loss in his heart, and at the same time felt his nose a little sore, and two wet and hot tears flowed out of the corners of his eyes unconsciously...


It was only after six o'clock in the morning when Wendong woke up. He looked at the surrounding environment and unconsciously showed a wry smile. After he left the bedroom last night, he wanted to spend the night on the sofa, but he was afraid that Xu Zihan would ask him if he found out. There was no other way, Zhang Hanhan acted so virtuous and virtuous last night, he didn't dare to dismantle her platform, which made Zhang Hanhan think that he was deliberately pretending to be pitiful in front of Xu Zihan for her to see, so he had no choice but to Make do with a night in the study.

It’s not that Wendong has the habit of getting up early. The key is that the chair is too hard. Even if Wendong’s physique is different from ordinary people, he feels backache and discomfort after sleeping all night. A good and beautiful daughter-in-law stays awake in a big, fragrant bed, and insists on pretending to be noble and running out by herself. This is the end of pretending.

Wendong walked out of the study with self-pity and self-pity, and saw his wife standing at the door of the bedroom sleepily, with a dazed expression, not knowing what she was thinking, but her eyes were looking around the sofa and in the direction of the kitchen. What, in the end, he turned his eyes to the room where Xu Zihan was sleeping next door, frowned slightly, and then swished into his bedroom under Wen Dong's suspicious eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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