How bad guys are made

Chapter 499 Goddess?Thief?

Chapter 499 Goddess?Thief?
Wendong looked puzzled for a while, wondering if something was wrong with Zhang Hanhan's brain, but after a while, the bedroom door opened, and Zhang Hanhan appeared at the door again. He hesitated, then gritted his silver teeth and walked towards the door of Xu Zihan's room under Wendong's suspicious eyes. He walked very lightly, as if he was afraid of disturbing Xu Zihan, but Wendong felt weird no matter what he did, and looked at Xu Zihan in wonder. He didn't speak, and then, Wen Dong's doubts turned into stunned in an instant. Zhang Hanhan walked to the door of Xu Zihan's bedroom, and poked around with his little hand—a key appeared in his little hand.

"This is?"

Zhang Hanhan's small face was full of tangles, and she tiptoed very cautiously, like a thief. She had never done anything bad or stolen, so her movements were naturally not as proficient as Wen Donglai. Zhang Hanhan was really entangled. This is obviously his home. It's all her own here, but she still looks like a thief. She has never been so embarrassing since she was a child, but the curiosity and worry in her heart still drive her to know the result!

The bedroom door finally opened, and Wendong was full of doubts when he saw his wife poking her buttocks at the door of Xu Zihan's room and poking her head in. After looking around for a while, she put her head back, and her little hands seemed to be relieved to pat her. He patted his plump chest, mumbled something in his small mouth, shook his head and walked back to his bedroom.

This series of actions made Wen Dong, who was peeping at the side of the study, dumbfounded. At first he thought that his wife's head was out of order, but now he suddenly knew what Zhang Hanhan was going to do. He arrived at Xu Zihan's room next door.

Thinking of this, Wendong couldn't laugh or cry for a while, he really wanted to pry open the woman's head to see what was inside the dress, how could she go to sleep in Xu Zihan's room, did she really think she had something to do with that girl, but Even if it was related, I didn't dare to be so blatant.

Wendong couldn't help being evil, and secretly hid aside to observe without saying a word, wanting to see if Zhang Hanhan would look for him next, but to his disappointment, Zhang Hanhan didn't do this, after freshening up from the bathroom He stepped on his slippers and walked to the kitchen.

Wen Dong quietly followed after hearing Zhang Hanhan walk in, and saw his wife standing in front of the gas stove in a daze, her small face seemed hesitant and tangled, Wen Dong looked puzzled again, For a moment, she didn't expect what she was hesitating about.

Zhang Hanhan was indeed hesitating and tangled. He originally wanted to let his unscrupulous husband cook today's breakfast, but he was not at home. I don't know if he ran out last night or fooled around with that woman. In fact, it's nothing, the key Xu Zihan is still living here now. Speaking of which, he still likes this little girl very much, so he wanted to make breakfast for her, but when he came to the kitchen, he found that he didn't know what to do with raw rice and eggs. Where to start, now Zhang Hanhan knows that the unscrupulous husband is still very useful.

Fortunately, the words in my heart were not heard by Wen Dong, who was peeking at the side, otherwise he would have simply bumped his head to death here. I feel that my husband is only useful for cooking for her.

"Forget it, let's go out and buy it, just say that I got up late." Zhang Hanhan struggled for a while, and said to himself, just about to go out to buy breakfast, but when he turned around, he saw a big guy with a speechless expression on his face. Looking at himself on the door frame, his expression was extremely strange.

"Ah? Wendong, you, why are you here?" When Zhang Hanhan saw that it was Wendong, he was startled by him. He was so flustered that he didn't dare to look into Wendong's eyes. He thought to himself: He probably didn't hear me just now. Soliloquy?
Of course he heard it, Wen Dong wanted to take a peek, but seeing that Zhang Hanhan was about to go out to buy breakfast, he had to stop him, he couldn't bear to let his wife go out to buy breakfast for that lazy girl in the early morning.

"Oh, seeing you in the kitchen, I thought you were going to cook, so I was curious to see what you were going to have for breakfast." Wen Dong smiled while admiring his wife's shy and blushing little face, with a lazy expression on his face. He leaned against the door frame and said.

"Make breakfast?" Zhang Hanhan was taken aback. He really wanted to make breakfast, but the key point was that he didn't know how to do it. When he looked up, he saw Wendong looking at him with a mean smile, as if——a mockery?
Zhang Hanhan suddenly understood, the bastard Wen Dong said this sentence is clearly mocking himself for not being able to cook, why are you curious!Zhang Hanhan blushed for a while, and said angrily, "So what if I want to make breakfast?"

"Okay, why am I willing to let my wife cook breakfast? You go to rest, and I'll make breakfast." Wen Dong was amused in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to expose her, fearing that he would really annoy this woman, and then he slapped his feet violently. Step on, walked over with a smile, held Zhang Hanhan's shoulders and pushed her back, and said very gently, pushing her out of the kitchen.

"Wendong, you..." Zhang Hanhan stood at the door, looking at Wendong who rolled up his sleeves and began to wash the rice in surprise. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak, his expression was full of doubt and curiosity.

"What? Curious where I slept last night?" Wen Dong asked without turning his head while cleaning the pot.

"En." Zhang Hanhan nodded, his eyes fixed on him.

"The study room, I almost fell apart overnight, don't worry, I didn't go to the next room to sleep like someone thought." Wen Dong said with a deep expression.

Zhang Hanhan was taken aback when he heard this, his eyes were puzzled for a moment, and he suddenly thought of it, his head went blank for a moment, and his little face turned red, Wendong must have seen that he secretly opened Xu Zihan's bedroom door just now , looking at the forced smile on Wen Dong's face, Zhang Hanhan was ashamed, as if he had done something wrong and was caught, although Wen Dong seemed to take care of his face and didn't turn his head to look at him, what he said was also Euphemistic and cryptic, but Zhang Hanhan can still imagine how proud Wen Dong is with his shameless face behind his back at this time.

Zhang Hanhan was so ashamed that he wanted to hit the wall, and almost couldn't hold back and rushed to kill him. Just when Zhang Hanhan was hesitating whether to threaten this guy severely, he heard Wendong's happy voice: "I didn't expect my wife to care about you so much." Me, so in order to express my gratitude, I will make you whatever you want to eat this morning? Of course, it is limited to the vegetables in front of you."

"Well, let's eat fried rice with eggs. I want to eat fried rice with eggs. I'm going to make a cup of milk tea." Zhang Hanhan's blushing face suddenly calmed down, as if nothing had happened, and he walked out after speaking.

Wen Dong stared dumbfounded at the gracefully leaving back, without turning his head for a while, thinking it was a dream, hearing the sound of plastic paper being torn in the restaurant, Wen Dong couldn't help but rubbed his eyes vigorously, I am not dreaming, are I?

My wife just left so calmly?
Damn it, when did Zhang Hanhan get so thick-skinned, is it really close to Zhu Zhechi?After being with him for a long time, he has cultivated a good face that is invulnerable to all poisons?
Zhang Hanhan naturally put on a face, and after walking out of the kitchen, he heard the busy voice inside, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, but when he thought that his little trick fell into the hands of the bastard Wen Dong, Feeling uncomfortable no matter what, he secretly gritted his teeth and made up his mind that if Wendong shared this matter with others, he would never end with him.

Taking a peek at Wendong in the kitchen, he was only wearing a pair of underpants, his upper body was still shirtless, and he could still see clear indentations on his wide, healthy, wheat-colored back. Zhang Hanhan knew that Wendong hadn't lied to him. The scars were obviously made by sleeping on the board chair in the study.

Zhang Hanhan looked at him silently, and suddenly felt pity for her husband in her heart. No matter how much she complained about him, he was still the man she liked and loved deeply. He must not have slept well in the study last night. I have to get up in the morning to make breakfast for myself...

this man...

A trace of complexity flashed in Zhang Hanhan's eyes, he silently bent over and took out another cup of milk tea from the dining table.

"Do you want milk tea?" Wendong was making breakfast when Zhang Hanhan's voice suddenly came into his ears. Wendong turned his head in doubt, and saw Zhang Hanhan standing beside him with a cup of steaming milk tea in one hand look at yourself.

"Ah——" Wendong glanced at his hands washing rice with a wry smile, and opened his mouth, the meaning was self-evident.

Zhang Hanhan naturally knew what Wendong meant, so he glared at the guy with his face on his nose angrily, hesitated for a moment, angrily took out the straw from his cup, put it in Wendong's cup, and reached out to send the milk tea to Wendong lips.

"Drink it slowly, and no one is rushing to grab it, isn't it hot?" Seeing Wendong finish a cup of milk tea in two or three sips, Zhang Hanhan said from the side, thinking of himself and Wendong now, his little face was red, But in my heart I couldn't help being sweet.

"Hey, it's okay, the milk tea made by my wife herself, you have to finish it even if it's scalding, not to mention, this milk tea is really sweet and fragrant!" Wen Dong clicked his mouth, licking his face to please his wife with a cheap smile .

"Fuck off..." Knowing that Wendong was pretending again, Zhang Hanhan was sweet and shy in his heart, glared at Wendong, put the finished milk tea cup on the table, and after thinking about it, took out the straw and put it in his own milk tea He drank in small sips from the cup.

"Go and ask Zihan to get up, this stinky girl knows how to play and sleep in all day long." Wen Dong turned his head and said angrily, thinking about that girl, Wen Dong has a terrible headache, we can't let her here I'm used to it, what if she leaves?
"She is growing up now, let her sleep more." Unexpectedly, Zhang Hanhan shook his head and did not go, and said such words.

This made Wendong feel a little strange. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Hanhan with a strange face, and asked cautiously: "The girl didn't have any good intentions when she came to our house. You still care about her so much?"

(End of this chapter)

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