How bad guys are made

Chapter 500 Push your nose on your face?

Chapter 500 Push your nose on your face?
"I can roughly guess what she's thinking, but I'm just a little surprised, what does her sister look like?" Zhang Hanhan smiled casually, and at the end of the talk, he looked up at Wendong with a smile that was not a smile.

"Hehe, you have actually met her sister." Wen Dong didn't hide it, and said with a smile while cooking.

"I've seen it? Who is it? I know it?" Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan was taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously.

"Well, you probably don't know each other, but you must have remembered it as soon as I said it. It was when you were assassinated in Lanyun last time, I was injured and sent to the hospital, and an assassin named Ye Liangchen came the next night. Then a woman appeared and scared the killer away, this woman is Zihan's sister." Wen Dong said with a smile.

Zhang Hanhan was taken aback when she heard it, but she really remembered it when Wendong reminded her. She was also curious about the woman who appeared suddenly, and wanted to ask Wendong, but she forgot about it later.But Zhang Hanha's memory of that woman is very deep, just like what Zihan said yesterday, in terms of appearance, she is not bad at all compared to herself, and her temperament is more glamorous, since she appeared in the hospital, she has never said a word to herself I remember that she just said a few words to the killer and then disappeared like a flash in the pan. I didn't expect that Zihan's sister was also her savior.

It was indeed a lifesaver. Wen Dong was seriously injured at the time, and he was no match for the killer at all, and one of the killer's targets was Zhang Hanhan himself. In this way, Zihan's sister is really his benefactor.

Seeing his wife was stunned and silent, Wendong thought she was struggling with women's affairs again, gritted his teeth and looked at her and said, "Wife, whether you believe it or not, I will tell you frankly this time, what did you say?" Nepotism is not the case at all. I really don't have any thoughts about Zihan. I only treat her as a younger sister. The same is true for Zhang Xinlan. She is my younger sister. I have no bad intentions for her. And there is Lin Xiaoxi Cheng Yanan, a model best friend, is even less thoughtful. As for Lin Xiaoxi, we are also very innocent, well, at least now we are very innocent. I had some misunderstandings with Lin Xiaoxi at the beginning. In fact, I was really not angry, but Shangzi Model Company The general manager thought that I disliked Lin Xiaoxi. In order to please me, Lin Xiaoxi was directly hidden by Shangzi Model Company. Because Lin Xiaoxi signed a labor contract, she couldn't pay the liquidated damages of 30 yuan, so she couldn't find this kind of industry. After losing her job, she worked serving dishes in a nightclub and was almost bullied. After I found out, I felt sorry and took her in. As for Cheng Yanan, I went to accompany her because I was afraid that my best friend would suffer if she lived with me. Lin Xiaoxi lived, and after that, I helped Lin Xiaoxi get the position of the image spokesperson of the new clothing company, which can be regarded as an expression of my apology. After the Queen's series fashion show, you encountered that assassination, and I lived with you, although Lin Xiaoxi and the others lived in the place I rented, but I can swear that I haven't lived there for a night since they lived there."

"Then where have you been staying for the past few nights? Where is He Qing? But didn't she just come back yesterday?" Zhang Hanhan asked doubtfully.

"Didn't Zihan be kidnapped? This little girl was very frightened. I have been with her for the past few nights." Wen Dong said seriously, but he still felt a little guilty in his heart. In fact, he just stayed with this girl for one night. That's all, that night Wen Dong and Li Ningyan lived in Fengqi Pavilion, and the two of them tossed and talked for most of the night, and went to drink with that old bastard Zhang Sanbai that night, and when they returned to Fengxi Pavilion, the old guy returned it to him. Arranged for Xin Han to accompany He Qing after rescuing Xu Zihan. Thinking about it, these few days are really happy and carefree.

"Oh, but why are you explaining so much to me? Didn't I say that I don't care how many women you have?" Zhang Hanhan nodded, suddenly looked at Wendong strangely and said.

Wendong: "I..."

"Hurry up and cook your meal, I'll go change clothes..." Seeing Wendong choked on his own words, Zhang Hanhan turned around and left with a snort. This time Wendong didn't make up lies to deceive her, because these things can be found out just by asking, and Wendong can explain to himself, which can fully show that he cares about himself very much.

Wendong stared dumbfounded at Zhang Hanhan, who was waving his little hands and left gracefully, feeling speechless for a while, but he still found that after he explained, his mother-in-law's expression seemed to ease a lot...


The breakfast was also very comfortable, especially after Zhang Hanhan knew who Xu Zihan's sister was, he really loved this little girl. Xu Zihan didn't know what a stand was at all. Just like my wife and sisters, one mouthful of sister Hanhan, that sweet voice is much more kissable than last night.

Wen Dong watched the beauties chatting, and he was in a comfortable mood, but the next topic of the two girls made him tremble with fear.

"Sister Hanhan, I heard that you have been to Brother Dong's place, you can come and play with me some other day, the house that Brother Dong rents belongs to my family, hehe."

"Okay, I'll definitely go and have a look when I have time." Zhang Hanhan nodded with a smile, looking at Wendong who looked timid beside him with playful eyes.

Wen Dong gave Xu Zihan a hard look from the side. I really don't know if this girl really doesn't understand or pretends not to understand. She can also say this kind of invitation?Is this because you think you are dying too slowly?

"Your school is not far from my company. You can visit me if you have time. Your sister He Qing works in my company." Zhang Hanhan said with a smile, ignoring Wendong who was crying.

"Okay, I haven't seen Sister He Qing for a long time, why don't I go to play today?" Xu Zihan's big eyes lit up, and he said excitedly.

Wendong couldn't listen anymore, and looked at the smiling Zhang Hanhan in horror. According to the development of the situation, if this girl drags He Qing and Zhang Hanhan to the Tianlan Community to play, then they all join in together.

"What are you playing? You girl knows how to play. Today is Tuesday, so you don't have to go to class?" Wen Dong grabbed Xu Zihan, who was about to go to the company with Zhang Hanhan excitedly, this little girl who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. He really will cause trouble for himself, he said angrily after glaring at her.

"Classes are so boring. Besides, I came to my aunt last night. I was so irritable that I didn't want to go to class."

Xu Zihan twitched his mouth with a look of reluctance.

"You don't go to class when you come to auntie? What are you so upset about? Besides, your auntie comes every month, so you don't go to class?" Wen Dong rolled his eyes for a while and was speechless. Looking for reasons by himself, he glanced weakly at this disobedient little girl, but said firmly in his tone: "Don't give me a reason, I will send you to school in a while, if you dare to climb the wall to come out, you can't see I'll break your leg!"

"Just go, what's the big deal, anyway, I'm still in school, except playing with my phone and sleeping." Xu Zihan pursed his lips and snorted.

"Anyway, you just stay at school honestly, and you can play as you like, I don't care, in short, just don't climb the wall and come out." Wen Dong curled his lips, and there was nothing he could do with this little girl. Xu Zihan now It is the age of rebellion, plus she lives in a different environment, Zhang Sanbai treats her like a baby, wishing she could buy all the airplanes and cannons for her to play with, and the company under Zhang Sanbai's master's and Ph.D. There are too many, so why not work for her uncle?In this way, the little girl will inevitably have the idea that going to school is useless, and Wendong has nothing to do about it.

Zhang Hanhan on the side was already dumbfounded when he heard the theory of her husband and Xu Zihan. The girl with an active personality climbed the wall yesterday. This is very novel to a girl like Zhang Hanhan who has been a good baby since she was a child, especially what she said to her husband. Quite speechless, 'you can play whatever you like?I do not care? 'Has anyone ever talked to a child like that?She felt that it was definitely a very wrong decision for Xu Zihan's sister to hand over the little girl to Wendong. It would be strange if this unscrupulous guy could teach the child a little better.

However, Zhang Hanhan felt very comfortable seeing Wendong bickering with Xu Zihan. She felt that this scene was very comfortable, especially when she found that Wendong looked at Xu Zihan without any such thoughts in his eyes. As for the eyes last night, it should be the same Asshole Husband's sex-sex.

"Then I'll go at ten o'clock in the morning. I'll go to Sister Han's company first. Anyway, the first two periods this morning are English classes. I feel drowsy every time. I don't want to go." said.

"Don't bargain for me. If you don't go, you have to go. Let's go now." Wen Dong glared at her, and if she didn't give this little girl a chance to put her nose on her face, she would definitely not go to Lanyun. Dong was afraid that this poor girl would really abduct He Qing and Zhang Hanhan to the Tianlan community. He finally spent all his saliva to coax his wife well, and he could no longer be mixed up by this shit-stirring stick. In Lanyun, if something happens to this girl again, it will be troublesome.

Wen Dong directly grabbed the disobedient girl and dragged her to the garage. Hearing that she was still dissatisfied and mumbling that she didn't want to go to school, she suddenly became annoyed and said, "Okay, smelly girl, you still have to finish, don't you know brother?" I can't protect myself now, and you're still messing with me."

"I can't protect myself? It's impossible. Sister Hanhan just said that she hasn't been to Tianlan Community for a long time, and she wants to play with me. She said that she also knows Sister Xiaoxi and the others, let's go together..." Xu Zihan blinked his eyes for a while. Looking at Wendong with a puzzled face, he couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the door of the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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