Chapter 601

" did you kill? What price did you pay?!" Li Binger was instantly angry. This bastard just wanted to fight for his life. This is what Li Binger was most worried about.

"Then let's not talk about it." Wen Dong said in a dazed way, and I knew it.

Li Binger was angry, and when she raised the bottle and was about to throw it, she finally restrained herself. She slammed the bottom of the bottle on the table, looked at Wen Dong who had done something wrong, and thought about it for a while. It's just how cruel, how cruel, she doesn't want to hear it, especially the man in front of her has become her own man, but she can't hold back the anger in her heart, Li Binger bit her lips and said: "You should just tell me, I'll just listen storyteller."

"Then don't get excited, and don't get too angry. Actually, that's what happened. Aren't I fine now?" Wen Dong warned.

A bottle of red wine was really useless, Li Binger threw the empty wine bottle to the corner of the table, opened the beer case by her feet with small hands, opened a bottle, poured a full glass, poured it down, and then glanced at the beer box. Looking at Wendong: "Don't make a fuss, isn't it just bleeding and breaking a leg, I haven't seen it before, why am I excited?" Li Binger put down her glass and said.

"You're right. If your genes are perfected to this extent, you'll be an invulnerable monster..." Wen Dong rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs while talking, brightening the scars on his body and talking about the tragic scene of that battle. When he said that the bloody flesh could still be reassembled and healed with a sword, Li Binger was really nervous, and even more disgusted. As a criminal policeman, Li Binger naturally saw some death. The cruel corpse, but Wen Dong described it as disgusting at this time.

And when Wen Dong said that in fact, Wen Dong split the green blood into pieces with his sword, and the blood and internal organs were splashed everywhere, Li Binger's face was pale, and she covered her mouth with her small hands.

In fact, what Wen Dong said was not dangerous at all, it was an exaggerated fact at the time, but Wen Dong also has a way of explaining it.

"Actually, the corpse of Qingxue they saw later was because the healing enzyme reorganized his body, but Qingxue was already dead after I crushed his heart, so what you saw at that time was just his body. It's just a pile of flesh and blood." Wen Dong said, grabbing chopsticks and eating a mouthful of food, feeling extremely proud.

"Ugh..." Li Binger fell down behind the chair, she was indeed frightened, and even more disgusted, she pulled the trash can by the table leg with her little hand and retched.

Wen Dong got up quickly, squatted down and stretched out his hand to support her, and quickly stroked her chest to let her breathe. Li Binger retched, her face flushed, and she gasped as if she was suffocating. I am speechless.

Wendong, a good man, stroked her chest like a good man, while patting her back with a big hand, complaining in his mouth: "I just said it, and you will definitely make some radical moves after I finish speaking, see, I didn't say it." Wrong." Wen Dong said, with a cheap complacency on his face.

Li Binger gasped and nodded, feeling terrified, but more disgusted, Wen Dong said with a smile: "I have fought against He Wenlong, and that guy is more than one level worse than Qingxue, so I will come into contact with him." Lena, it's the most suitable, hehe."

Li Binger gasped for a while, looked at Wen Dong in fear, and felt that he could cover up the way he looked at him, and deliberately described the tragic scene as disgusting, her beautiful eyes were puzzled, and she said in disbelief: "You are as simple as that." kill him?"

"Simple? No way? You don't even know how powerful Qingxue's punch is on me. I'm flying all over, but fortunately, my swordsmanship is superb. With a wave of '唰唱唰', the sword body is crippled." Ying, in the blink of an eye, he swung more than 800 swords, and then Qingxue's body exploded with a bang, and the shards of flesh and internal organs splashed all over my face..." Wen Dong said vividly Described, and touched his cheek after speaking.

"Ouch!" Li Binger turned her head and vomited on Li Binger's pale face, especially the part on the cheek touched by that bastard Wen Dong, which she had kissed just now when she was in love. His face turned purple.

Wen Dong quickly stroked her chest, calmed down, and hurriedly said: "Look, you know that you can't stand this stimulation, and you still want to hear it... If you knew it, you wouldn't have told you."

Oh... oh... oh, Li Binger retched and nauseated for a long time before she came to her senses. She slapped Wendong thumpingly and noticed the cheap expression on his face. With a heartbeat, she suddenly realized that she was being beaten by this The bastard played tricks, he must have done it on purpose, but the nausea and discomfort just suppressed in her stomach still made her feel lingering, even if she knew that this guy was lying to herself, she didn't dare to ask, God knows what disgusting things this bastard who has no bottom line will say Come on, what kind of swordsmanship is superior, this bastard is simply superior in cheap skills! ! !

Wen Dong smiled slyly, knowing that Li Binger is not afraid of fear if he is brave, but he is always afraid of nausea, right?

He said emphatically: "What did I say, so you don't have to worry about it now, just like He Wenlong, if he really pissed me off, I'll let him have no scum left, no one is my opponent.

Wen Dong waved his big hand, raised it triumphantly, and then retracted to touch his wife's chest. Li Binger finally recovered from the nausea. She glared at Wen Dong. Looking for a cheap hand, he angrily knocked off his salty pig's hand.Wen Dong smiled slyly, but he didn't dare to go too far.

"Actually, the armor-piercing projectiles newly developed by our Tianxia Armament Laboratory to deal with colonizers have this effect. They hit those low-level colonizers and then explode. Are you still planning to join that nonsense special group now? You will be sure when the time comes." You will encounter such a disgusting situation." Wen Dong looked at her and said persuasively.

"That's not okay, it's disgusting, it's disgusting, and after hearing you say that once, I think it's the same." Li Binger looked up at Wendong, then bent down and kissed Wendong on the cheek, then grabbed the beer After rinsing his mouth, as if deliberately showing it to Wendong, he picked up his chopsticks and ate it.

"Uh..." Li Binger was stunned by Li Binger's fluent movements. He thought that he was born in the armed police, and his adaptability is too strong. Even Wendong himself was so disgusted that he couldn't eat after what he said just now.

"Then it's settled. You must always remember your position. You are in logistics, not secret service." Seeing that Li Binger would not change whatever he said, Wen Dong had no choice. Logistics and secret service are two different things. , logistics is to provide some information, monitoring and the like behind the scenes of the special formation to facilitate the execution of tasks by the special service, but it will be troublesome to talk about duty.

"Well, listen to you." Li Bing'er nodded while eating, and she also saw that Wen Dong said all this was completely worried about herself, and in order to take care of her own face, she turned around and persuaded herself not to go to that special place. marshalling.

"I'll listen to you, and I'll be careful." Li Bing'er replied softly, looking at her man tenderly, stretched out her hand, gently stroked Wen Dong's face and said, "However, you should also be careful."

In the quiet room, and then...then there was no sound. After a while, Li Binger put down her chopsticks and raised her head, only to find that Wen Dong rested her cheek on his elbow, looking at her curiously. Li Binger asked with a smile: "What's the matter?" ?”

"It seems that you are listening to me for the first time, and it is the first time you are so... submissive?" Wen Dong asked with a smile, his eyes were a little weird.

"Well, I'll listen to you from now on, I'll be gentle with you, that's not enough." Li Bing'er comforted, giving up her own strength.

"Well..." Wen Dong's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Then listen to my password now... put on a seductive pose and give me some emotion." Wen Dong grabbed the beer and took a sip, rubbing his hands, seeing the hunting heart Said happily, while talking, she grabbed Li Binger's little hand, such blunt words made Li Binger blushed, and coyly said: "We'll talk about it in a while... sleep."

"No, right now, I'm going to go all out tonight... I don't believe it anymore, I made you a little man, and see if you still have the heart to mess around with that shit special formation... Eh, Don't look at me like that, it's boring to be affectionate, struggle hard, give me some stimulation..."

"Oh, you bastard, don't pull me...I'm not full yet..."


Li Binger's progress from coldness to gentleness is indeed a bit faster, but everyone should be able to feel that with so many plots laid out, the critical moment is coming soon, and there is no time...

Today is the weekend, it is a big day, the fashion new singer selection competition officially kicked off at [-] o'clock this morning, hosted by Yun Yuyan personally, whether it is because of the famous name or because of the relatives and friends who support the singers, they are all placed at the entrance A big long queue came out. Of course, it is undeniable that more people came for Lin Xiaoxi, the national goddess who is in the limelight, because today, in Shuishi, she will compete with those new singers on the same stage. .

At the same time, the singing judges also invited several big-name or senior singers, for example, the music director and singer of Rolling Stone Music, Tianxia's largest record entertainment company, Shen Xiaoyao, who was popular all over the country a few years ago, and so on.

This time, whether it is the host, the new participating singers, or the members of the judging committee, they are all high-standards, especially this is not only the first large-scale event held by fashion style, but also their beloved It is the first time for Goddess Lin Xiaoxi to participate in the singer competition, and it is very meaningful to watch.

So as early as nine o'clock in the morning, the North Fourth Ring Stadium was already crowded with people.

Among them, the happiest one is naturally Wendong. As the leader of the fashion style, this is a good opportunity to make money. The VIP tickets have already been copied to more than 8000, and there is no market for the price. As long as you keep ten Eight tickets, that's one hundred and eighty thousand. As for the middle-class tickets, the lower-class tickets are even tens of thousands. You must know that the entire stadium can hold 10 people, so leave a thousand or eight hundred tickets I can't see it either...

I can't see it, because it was sold on the black market by Wendong a long time ago, and now it has begun to share the spoils with Wu Jian and Jiang Tao. Of course, this kind of hard work is naturally done by the two of them, and it is natural to take the majority It's still Wendong, they each account for 20.00%, but even so, it is definitely a number that makes people drool, especially Jiang Tao, who said that he will entrust Wendong in his life, scared Wendong's heart. run away...

(End of this chapter)

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