How bad guys are made

Chapter 602 New singer selection contest

Chapter 602 New singer selection contest

Of course, as the boss behind the scene, Wen Dong doesn't have to appear even if there are so many big names in this trial. After all, their identities are a bit special. I don't like this kind of speeches, speeches, etc., so I will leave this matter to the vice president Tian Yu.

Although Tian Yu's temperament is not as good as his own, but fortunately he can speak well, right?
Wen Dong was thinking happily, looking at the large string of numbers on the mobile bank, Le's mouth almost grinned to the back of his head, and he said that Lin Xiaoxi was his cash cow, so he had to take good care of him.

However, at the end of the singer selection contest, the company's top management still agreed that Wendong should appear on the stage, isn't it a perfect curtain call?
The new singer selection contest is in full swing. At eleven o'clock in the morning, the one-and-a-half-hour selection contest has come to an end. New singers are singing hard on the platform. The highest off the field is naturally Lin Xiaoxi, and of course there are some singers Such a powerful singer, the cheers of relatives and friends, and the cheers of die-hard fans all joined together, and the atmosphere was very high.

Unsurprisingly, Lin Xiaoxi successfully advanced to the champion promotion group. Of course, this champion is only the champion of this selection competition. Soon after, a champion and the top three will be selected in many cities of Tianxia Kingdom. There will be a grand final of championships at some point.

The champion of this tryout is almost predictable to be Lin Xiaoxi. Even the singer who competed with her was convinced and admired, and the music director of the Rolling Stones gave a speech in it. I have only one word for such an ethereal and perfect voice. To describe it, that is - to enjoy.

But this kind of monotonous evaluation that has nothing to do with rhetoric has ushered in the cheers and sympathy of the audience?

Yes, listening to Lin Xiaoxi singing is a kind of enjoyment!
At the end of the singer selection competition, No.4 will be given another chance to sing a song. If she gets the approval of more than half of the judges and audience, she will advance to the championship selection competition and have the right to compete for the championship.

Because Lin Xiaoxi was the first on the penultimate ring, so there was a lot of time in the middle for preparation, changing clothes, etc. The singing clothes should naturally match the artistic conception of the song being sung.

Lin Xiaoxi is very grateful to Wendong, because the song she sang just now was written by Wendong for her. What did Wendong give her?Now Lin Xiaoxi can almost say without hesitation that Wendong gave her everything, including dreams.

Lin Xiaoxi was very excited, even though she had long expected that she would be selected as the champion, she was still very excited, because this was her dream, and now she was leaping towards her dream step by step on the way to her dream, that kind of excitement was something that no one else could understand of.

The voices of the audience outside are higher than the first floor, but the dressing room is as quiet as expected. This is the dressing room specially arranged by Wen Dong for Lin Xiaoxi. It is also a lounge. The sound insulation effect is excellent. After singing, you can get a good rest and relaxation Relax.

The sun was warm outside, the sky was clear and cloudless, Lin Xiaoxi put on beautiful clothes, sat on a comfortable armchair, took a deep breath, and sat on the final preparations, but she was not in a hurry, because the selection process was rigorous, especially the final competition. In that singing opportunity, no matter whether they are promoted or eliminated, they will give a speech, and there is a lot of time.

"Huh?" Lin Xiaoxi, who was taking a nap at the end of the curtain, was a little confused. She heard some shortness of breath in the quiet room. She was very sure that it wasn't hers. Was it Wen Dong who took advantage of this gap to tease me? ?
The corner of Lin Xiaoxi's mouth curled up slightly, and she turned her head quickly, but was taken aback. At this moment, the door of the lounge was closed tightly, and there was a man leaning against the door quietly and looking at her with a smile on his face.

There was a cool breeze outside the window, the curtains were blowing slightly, and the sunlight outside the sky seemed to be faintly flickering. Lin Xiaoxi's beautiful eyes opened, revealing a handsome face.

"Don't be afraid, it's me." Seeing that Lin Xiaoxi seemed to be frightened by himself, Tian Yu said with a smile.

Behind the door he was leaning on were still hanging a few performance costumes worn by Lin Xiaoxi before. Tian Yu stretched out his white and slender fingers and raised them slightly, put them between his nose and sniffed them. , making Tian Yu's dark face look like a relief.He lowered his head and folded his hands to put down the raised silk, looked at Lin Xiaoxi, and said pleasantly: "This time, you are the champion in the singer selection competition. Congratulations in advance."

Lin Xiaoxi was slightly taken aback.

In fact, when she saw Tian Yu, she was extremely vigilant.

Firstly, she was very clear about Tian Yu's intentions towards her, secondly, he came so strangely that she didn't even hear the sound of the door opening, could it be that he was in her dressing room from the beginning?So when I changed my clothes just now...

This made Lin Xiaoxi very angry. Even though he and Wendong have established that relationship now, he has never done anything to him beyond the bounds. happy.

Of course, Tian Yu helped her a lot. The reason why Lin Xiaoxi went so smoothly in Fashion was because of Wendong's care. Of course, this kind of care was very careless. After all, he didn't have so much time to stare at him all day long, and he He is also not good at words, he will not ask Wendong for help whenever he has something, so in terms of details, Tian Yu is the one who can help most. After all, Tian Yu is still a careful and observant person, and he will do everything to make you happy Very satisfied.

Is it out of conscience or character, every time I see him, I always smile, and even had dinner together, and even washed his clothes. Of course, it cannot be excluded that Lin Xiaoxi also has a good impression of him Yes, women, for a handsome man who is capable and caring for himself, it is inevitable that there will be a little liking, and this liking comes more from the relationship between men and women.

At that time, Lin Xiaoxi was a very rational woman, otherwise she would not have fought with Wendong for so long. She knew very well that for Tian Yu, that was the end of it, and even this trace of feeling was when Wendong was completely accepted. Disappeared without a trace.

She didn't know what Tian Yu was going to do when he suddenly appeared in her dressing room, but a woman's sixth sense made her find it interesting, especially after seeing the frivolous movement of the other party's fingertips lifting the silk skirt she was wearing.

Lin Xiaoxi turned around, but she was holding the phone with her small hands by her legs. She called Wendong, of course it wasn't a real call, but just a flicker, hoping that he would know that she wanted to find him, even if she just missed him , that guy should also rush over without stopping.

"Isn't it a little early to say congratulations now?" Lin Xiaoxi fumbled twice, then touched the phone and hung up the phone, as if the man who could appear at any time and whom she could rely on could appear at any time, which made her heart Slightly relieved.

Tian Yu raised his eyebrows and walked over. Lin Xiaoxi's heart tightened slightly, but Tian Yu stretched out his hand and pulled her arm, directly pulling Lin Xiaoxi up from the seat. Instinctively, Lin Xiaoxi hurriedly hid her phone, but she didn't expect that he, who had always been gentle and refined, suddenly wanted to be a different person, but he was accidentally pulled up by him and staggered, almost lying on his chest.

"But your expression tells me that you are very confident in this championship." Tian Yu didn't seem to see Lin Xiaoxi's frown, he looked at her and said with a low smile.

Lin Xiaoxi pulled her hand away and said, "It doesn't matter whether you have confidence or not, but it seems too frivolous to talk about celebrating now." Lin Xiaoxi looked at her with a bad face, and said with a pun that his current actions are also too frivolous.

Tian Yu frowned, as if he didn't hear the irony in Lin Xiaoxi's words, but his smile deepened.

"From the outside, you are right. I am impetuous. You are always so careful, you don't leak, and you don't give people a chance."

Lin Xiaoxi smiled and didn't answer, because there was no way to answer, his tone and actions were too ambiguous, and now she only hoped that Wendong would come soon.

Compared with Tian Yu's invisible aggression, she prefers to face Wen Dong's shameless and outspoken teasing. At this moment, she thought of a word, that is hypocrisy. She didn't know if her definition was correct. It can be said that he finally Want to expose Wen Wen's hypocritical face?Or was his patience worn out by himself?

Seeing that she remained calm, Tian Yu suddenly raised his hand and pulled Lin Xiaoxi into his arms.He hugged her waist domineeringly with his big hands, and stared at her with his handsome cheek.

Lin Xiaoxi's eyes turned cold, and she struggled hard, but did not break free.

"Let me go, you can still talk." Lin Xiaoxi frowned.

"What if you don't let go?" Tian Yu changed from his previous gentleness, especially when he saw Lin Xiaoxi's cold tone and indifferent eyes.He clasped the big hand around Lin Xiaoxi's waist and buckled her onto the armchair with one hand. He grabbed her hands with one hand, his cheek approaching Lin Xiaoxi's cold face, and his tall but relatively huge body pressed down on Lin Xiaoxi, almost Enclosed her whole body between him and the armchair.

Very ambiguous posture.

"Since I didn't agree to Wendong..." He leaned close to her cheek and took a deep breath. His voice was slightly intoxicated and hoarse, as if he was building up courage, enjoying himself, and even more crazy. Tian Yu stared at her closely, his voice But extremely gentle: "Why don't you follow me?"

Lin Xiaoxi was startled by such gentle words, bewitching, and wanton tenderness—he really knew.

However, he knew too little. He probably knew that Wendong confessed to himself when he was drunk, and he didn't agree to it. But what he didn't know was how much he had experienced with Wendong. I personally agreed.

Of course, this might be due to Wendong's shamelessness, urging Wu Zhan to call him his sister-in-law, as if unconsciously...

In fact, Lin Xiaoxi accepted it in his heart, or in other words, he had already accepted it...

(End of this chapter)

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