How bad guys are made

Chapter 603 Unscrupulous

Chapter 603 Unscrupulous
And because of this, Lin Xiaoxi is now very angry and even more irritable.Especially looking at the handsome face in front of her that she had a crush on and even liked at such a close distance, she didn't know if she was a slutty woman, she liked him, especially when Wen Dong was with other women before. When we hit and hurt her again and again and were sad, Tian Yu appeared at this time, or more precisely, he should have stepped in when Lin Xiaoxi was sad and empty.

His handsome face, his thoughtful thoughts, his gentle appearance, many of his things attracted Lin Xiaoxi.

And when she accepted Wendong in her heart, she also thought about the matter with Tian Yu. She felt that it was just an illusion of her own, an illusion derived from sadness, emptiness and loneliness.After all, she is also a woman, and she is an ordinary woman who cannot be more ordinary, her heart will be empty, and she will be lonely when she is bored, and this kind of loneliness cannot be solved by Cheng Yanan.

At this time, Lin Xiaoxi, who had a strong traditional concept, felt that she should not deal with two men, and originally planned to give up, but now Tian Yu is so gentle and aggressive, which makes her very restless.

"Buzzing..." At this time, Lin Xiaoxi's cell phone buzzed and vibrated on the dressing table in front of the chair. Lin Xiaoxi seemed to have done something wrong, and quickly turned her head to look, it was Wendong's phone. It turned out that I had just fooled him, and he called me without knowing what was going on.

It was indeed a shameful thing, and it was Wen Dong who was at fault, because she was having an extremely ambiguous position with another man at this time, and seeing the name Wen Dong on the screen of the mobile phone made her feel extra ashamed.

"Let me go." Lin Xiaoxi stared at him, then struggled hard again, with a cold tone.

"You haven't answered me yet." Tian Yu glanced at the phone. Unsurprisingly, he also saw that the caller was Wen Dong, but he was not afraid, the smile on his face was still there, and there was a trace of blood in his eyes , almost crazy.

Seeing that the other party, Wendong, hung up the phone after he couldn't get through, Lin Xiaoxi's heart suddenly calmed down at this moment. She knew this guy was coming, right?
It was useless for Lin Xiaoxi to break free, but fortunately, Tian Yu just restrained herself and did not overstep the rules again. Naturally, she was smart and did not dare to provoke him, and said calmly: "If from now on, you can do your duty quietly, I can Consider following you."

Of course, just consider.

Looking at the cold and snowy face in his arms, Tian Yu was slightly taken aback, and suddenly smiled: "Is that why you rejected Wendong?"

You know, there are many bad rumors in Wendong. Although they are just rumors, they are not groundless. He would tell Lin Xiaoxi directly, which seemed more frivolous, and he felt that Lin Xiaoxi knew better than anyone else.

Lin Xiaoxi frowned, as if she had been poked into a pain point that she didn't want to think about or know, but her face remained calm and said: "Tian Yu, you don't really like me either. When you sent me home after we had dinner, you said But you like me, and when you marry me, it's just a moment of love. The reason why you are like this now is more because of Wendong. You said that if Wendong doesn't show up, then the fashionable president The position should belong to you, the vice president, and you are not reconciled. After all, in terms of ability and qualifications, it is no worse than Wendong, or even stronger, but there is no way, so I plan to take me to win Wendong. I don’t want to get involved In the affairs of the two of you, I don't think I am such a big bargaining chip that can overwhelm Wendong. So why did you come to me tonight?"

Tian Yu looked at her quietly, his eyes were clear, and after a while, he let go.

Lin Xiaoxi straightened her clothes and hair, quickly got up from the armchair, and stood still, because standing was better than sitting in this small armchair, at least she could cope with his next aggressive actions, even if In fact, it is just useless work.

Lin Xiaoxi stood still and looked at him with a hint of vigilance in her eyes.

Tian Yu drove on the armchair in front of her, and the two looked at her across a chair, lowered their heads to light a cigarette, and looked at her sideways.

"Why do you always think about one thing like a man? It's a man's business."

Lin Xiaoxi raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

Tian Yu smoked, but without a trace, he walked half a step around the chair and raised a hand, put it firmly on Lin Xiaoxi's shoulder, and did not move.

"You're right. I'm unwilling. Why doesn't Wendong know anything, but just got the position I've been trying to get all these years? But that's it, I don't have to worry about food or clothing, right? " Tian Yu smiled, as if he didn't care anymore, he pinched her slender shoulders lightly with five fingers, his palm was warm and strong: "But Xiaoxi, don't always decide everything confidently, you should also understand the principle of rigidity and fragility, Don't leave any room for others, women who are too strong tend to fall even worse. Moreover, you don't understand men well enough. Yes, I just have a good impression of you, but you are so calm, so impeccable, and your calmness makes my heart itch. Do you know that this will arouse men's interest even more?"

Lin Xiaoxi's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately changed the topic: "Then what's the matter with me?" She was relieved now, Tian Yu didn't plan to use her to deal with Wendong, she knew her position in Wendong's heart How heavy.

Of course, maybe it is the proud heart behind his gentle appearance, he disdains to use women, and he will not admit that she is Wendong's woman, and he still has a chance.

Tian Yu was silent for a moment, his voice softened, and he looked up at her: "Xiaoxi, I just miss you."

Everyone is in the same company, and they can't see each other. Although I am very busy these days and deliberately avoid meeting him, I don't want to say such things.

Lin Xiaoxi tilted her head in embarrassment and looked aside: "It's okay, you can go, I still have to prepare for the performance."

Lin Xiaoxi issued an order to evict the guest.

Tian Yu stared at her and suddenly laughed.

Tian Yu looked at her seriously.In the faint sunlight, satin-like black hair is scattered on her shoulders like jade, is there a little spot outside the window? Bright spots of light are like beautiful halos shining behind her, even the crystal earlobes are translucent like fluorescent light, as if The angel shouted out by the fanatical fans amidst the crowd.In the light fragrance of perfume, it diffuses through sunlight, like the fragrance of wine, exuding an intoxicating breath, just like her graceful and clear body curves, it is unbearable to want to embrace her. into the bosom.

And those pure and pitch-black pupils are so quietly lowered, with a little bit of vigilance, not only can't make people stop, but on the contrary, it arouses people's desire to invade.

"I said, you are the most beautiful in my heart." Tian Yu raised his hand, and suddenly leaned forward again, stretched out his white and slender hand as if freehand, and pressed Lin Xiaoxi's knee at once , the movement seemed to be very slow and gentle, but Lin Xiaoxi was hugged into his arms again as if she couldn't dodge.

Lin Xiaoxi was shocked, why is he so powerful?After all, I also learned wolf defense in college, so I was easily subdued by him?Like a wave of his hand, or like a plaything in his palm?
"You said you liked me, so you owe me a kiss." He hugged her.

There is a slight cool breeze, the roller blinds are wandering, and the spots of light are shaking.

Lin Xiaoxi was shocked, but his hand was tightly held by him, and he wanted to hug her tightly.He looked down at her cheek as warm as jade but panicked like a little white rabbit as if he was enjoying it.As soon as he lowered his head, he licked his sharp chin on her shoulder, which hurt slightly.And his tall and tall body encircled her in his arms as tall and straight as a mountain, forming a small world of his own, and there were only the two of them in the world.

Lin Xiaoxi bit her mouth and kept silent, as if stubborn, struggling with her little hands.But the face was still pressed against his chest under his strength, where it was unbelievably warm and firm, as if you could really feel the hard muscles under the thin shirt, and at the same time there was a faint and pleasant smell of tobacco.Just like the feeling he has always given her, calm, elegant, gentle...

Although she was still gentle and silent at this time, Lin Xiaoxi was not peaceful in her heart.

Lin Xiaoxi knew what he was going to do next, so she pushed him hard, but he remained motionless like a towering mountain, with amazing strength.Her struggle was futile at all, not to mention the slight pain in her wrist, but it made his gentle eyes more interested, watching her in his arms struggling uselessly, added some stimulating fun.

Lin Xiaoxi's heart was completely chilled, and she was really flustered at this moment.

White clouds float away, the sun dims.The handsome and suavely dressed man in a white shirt has the most touching dark eyes. These eyes seem to be able to speak, and it seems that just one look can make many women fall in love with them.He couldn't help but think of many days ago.

Thinking of going to work, after work, restaurants and cafes, being by her side every day; thinking of that night, beside the dimly lit car, he stood tall and straight, in the dreamlike streamer silhouette, his breath suddenly approached, and said I like you, Then the protruding lips pecked away at her earlobe with a slightly warm breath, silently and secretly moved...

Lin Xiaoxi stared at him closely, lost her mind for a moment, he lowered his head abruptly, his soft lips carried the coolness of the autumn wind, and also had a faint smell of tobacco, hovering abruptly between her nostrils, making her fascinated And the mind was shocked... The memory and the reality suddenly overlapped, and before she could recover, his big hand suddenly tightened, his lips pressed heavily against hers, his dark eyes looked at her, and he invaded rudely and domineeringly...

Since the time in the dream of Jinxiu Villa, it has been a long time since the masculine breath invaded her whole body from her lips and tongue at such a close distance.

He clamped the back of her neck with his big hands, making her unable to move her head. She pushed him hard, but he didn't move at all; she leaned back hard on the dressing table behind her, and he approached inch by inch, refusing to budge, bending slightly His body pressed tightly against her waist, he was so domineering, he didn't look like a gentleman at all, but like a crazy beast of desire-desire-dissatisfaction, wanting to bite and gnaw her clean.

Lin Xiaoxi was shocked by the invasion, and struggled desperately but it was in vain.At this time, she is basically a puppet in his hands, letting him play with her.

(End of this chapter)

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