How bad guys are made

Chapter 607: Willows and Flowers Bright?

Chapter 607: Willows and Flowers Bright?

No matter how powerful Wen Dong is, he can't compare to the power of nature. No, it should be divine power. His body was blown to the beach at once. Under the huge impact, Wen Dong felt a sweetness in his throat,' A mouthful of blood spewed out with a puff, but the mouth was filled with seawater in the blink of an eye, and Wen Dong was about to pass out in a daze...


The thunder continued, and the tide washed the war beach wantonly, but what no one could see was that there was a bright pearl spinning on the sea at this time, shining brightly...

When the tide was over, Wendong was no longer on the beach, but it was strange that those broken sculptures miraculously stood on the war beach again...

System: "The host has the Emperor's water avoiding beads, do you want to use it?"

The effect of Taihuang water-avoiding beads: After use, the host is like a fish in water, does not need to surface to breathe, and swims at a speed of 20 meters per second in the water.

Taihuang's water-avoiding beads are transformed from the ancient Qinglongjiao collection, and all creatures in the water fear and avoid them.

"Use it." Wen Dong replied softly in a daze, perhaps in the water, he felt closer to the Mermaid.

This plot was thought up long ago, and now everyone knows why I have always used the reason that Diaoyu Island is in a special state to not write this plot, because as long as I write, I have to write this plot. I know she is going to die, but it just happens. Still want to write a happy joke?I can't do it! !


"Hey, wake up—" After an unknown amount of time, Wen Dong was awakened by a familiar, clear and sweet Tong Ling's voice.

"Hmm..." Wen Dong groaned in pain after being soaked in sea water for an unknown amount of time, and woke up leisurely, and opened his eyes in a daze, but the moment he opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him, he His eyes widened instantly.

"The Mermaid..."

"Ah, what are you doing! Why are you like this, let me go!" Seeing this strange man rushing up to hug him after seeing him, the little girl was startled, and her little hands hurriedly pushed and refused. .

"Huh? You, who are you?" Wen Dong was so weak at this time, he was pushed away by the girl at once, and when he looked up, he found that the girl was looking at him with a pouting face, but Wen Dong was stunned , looking at her in surprise.

"What am I? Don't you know who I am? Then why did you keep calling my name just now?" The girl looked at Wendong with a strange expression, thinking that the man who emerged from the sea was an idiot.

"Calling your name?" Wen Dong frowned, staring at her tightly.

"That's right, you just kept calling me the Mermaid, and I am the Mermaid." The girl looked at Wendong with a strange expression, and pouted, "You don't know me, why do you still call me by my name? You are so strange ah."


But at this time, the dark cloud and stormy sky had long since disappeared, followed by the blue and deep sea water, the clear blue sky with clouds and clouds, and everything returned to normal, but she was no longer.

The little girl saw that this strange man was always staring at her, which made her very uncomfortable. After seeing that he was fine, she simply ignored him and ran to the shallows to play happily in the sea water, which was still lively. Lovely personality, still wearing a blue dress, and still bright eyes, seems to be full of new ideas about everything in this world...

Wen Dong sat aside and stared at it, the corners of his mouth curled up, but it was so bitter, he lowered his head slowly, and became more and more sure in his heart that this was not his Mermaid.

Perhaps because of that bead, and because of the inexhaustible sea water, the mermaid is immortal. Even if one is killed, the inheritance of that bead will soon give birth to a new mermaid, who will continue to rule the world. Looking at this sky...

"You are so strange, why do you keep looking at me?" Just when Wendong lost his mind, the girl's clear voice sounded again in his ear, with strong doubts, he turned his head to look at Wendong, as if curious Baby.

"Hehe..." Wen Dong was stunned by the question, but he was speechless for a while. He didn't know how to make it bigger, or he didn't want to mention her even more.

He was thinking, is this fate or man-made?

If I hadn't missed my appointment and came to help yesterday, maybe his mermaid wouldn't have died, and the appearance of the mermaid in front of me was also very different from his mermaid, but it was just because my mind was confused and I misread it. , of course, they are still very similar.

"Hmm...let me guess..." The fish beauty didn't know what Wendong was thinking, her jade-like fingers were pressed on her red lips, her bright eyes turned around, and suddenly, her eyes froze for a moment. , happily clapped his hands and looked at Wen Dongdao: "I see, you must have known the previous fish mermaid, that's why you mistook me for her, right?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Wen Dong looked up at her and asked.

"Of course it's a guess, but my guess is also well-founded." The little girl was really innocent, clapped her hands proudly, looked at Wen Dong and said, "Because I was conceived by Shui Lingzi and Shui Lingzhu today." If it comes out, then it means that the life of the previous fish mermaid is exhausted, you must have misunderstood me and mistook me for her, right?"

"Is life exhausted?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, then murmured, and slowly lowered his head...

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so impulsive just now." Wen Dong smiled wryly, obviously in a bad mood, but he didn't want to leave either.

"No, it's all right. Actually, I feel that I'm also very kind to you. It should have something unique to us mermaids, right?"

Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard this, and suddenly with one hand, a few floating crystal tears appeared in his palm: "Is this it?"

"Hey, the tears of the Mermaid. Wow, why do you have this thing, so you have a very good relationship with the Mermaid before?" The little girl looked at Wendong in surprise.

"Yes, she is my wife."

"Wife? What is a wife?"


Cover your ears and steal the bell!
At this moment, Wendong seems to have returned to the past, back to the past when he met Yumeiren. The little girl was full of new ideas about everything, and soon became good friends with Wendong. The story of that world, listening to Wendong's talk about the beauty and kindness of the previous fish-mermaid, I was fascinated and happy.

But Wendong couldn't be happier.

"Are you leaving?" Seeing Wendong standing up, the little girl also stood up quickly, with reluctance in her eyes, but she finally met someone to play with her.

"Yes, yes." Wen Dong nodded with a smile.

"The last fish mermaid was your wife. Her life was exhausted and she passed away. You must be very sad. I really hope that he can come back to life, and I really hope to see what she looks like. Is it like what you said? So, as cute as me?" The little girl looked at Wen Dong, and suddenly her pretty face darkened again: "But if she comes back, I will disappear..."

"You don't have to think about it." Wen Dong smiled wryly, this little girl was too innocent and kind, just like her.

Wen Dong didn't want to think about it anymore, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Then I'm leaving."

"Well, remember to visit me when you have time, I really like to hear the stories between you and Sister Yu."

"Yeah." Wen Dong nodded, just about to leave, but couldn't help but stop, and turned to look at her: "Can I hug you?" As he said, his eyes were full of hope and anticipation.


"Huh..." Wen Dong took a deep breath of the cigarette, and let out a long breath, his face was lonely and cold.

Picking up the phone, he looked at more than a dozen missed calls. There was a girl like Xu Zihan, Wu Jian, Sun Xiaojie, Lin Xiaoxi, and even a woman like Cheng Yanan.

Only without Li Binger, Li Ningyan and his wife Zhang Hanhan?Maybe they believe that I have a reason for doing this.

Wen Dong comforted himself in his heart, but a more accurate explanation would be: Li Binger is too lazy to tell himself, Li Ningyan just doesn't care, and as for his wife, he is probably speechless now.

As for the people on the missed call list, you don’t need to think about what they want to ask. Wen Dong is not in the mood to talk nonsense with them now, throws away the phone, rubs his temple with one hand, closes his eyes and meditates, but when he closes his eyes a little , I can't help but think of her, her laughter...

Wen Dong clenched his fists fiercely, with a trace of doubt or even guessing in his heart.

How could the Mermaid die, even if his life was exhausted, it wouldn't be such a coincidence, would it?

If it's not God's will, then it's man-made?
If this is the case?Wen Dong suddenly remembered that crazy scientist Bo Hai, who was the one who was with the mermaid back then.

Thinking about it this way, Wendong thought of those strange poisonous substances in the sea water again. This thing is poisonous and can consume physical energy. It has advantages and disadvantages. The physical energy of those sea monsters is consumed, but what about those fish fighters?

There is also the mermaid, I remember she said that she relied on seawater to restore her strength, but at that time the seawater was polluted and sea monsters invaded, she needed to use the "Great Rain Technique" to restore the strength of the fish warrior, but she couldn't pass Sea water recovery...

And I heard the fish-mermaid said that she didn't like this Bo Hai, saying that he once took her blood.

"Bo Hai, Bo Hai..." Wen Dong murmured in a low voice, clenching his fists vigorously.

"Damn it! Why didn't I think of it!" Wen Dong slapped himself hard with his hands, and a bright red five-fingerprint appeared on his face quickly, but he regretted and wanted to commit suicide in his heart, remembering that he was still stupid-force Tell the Mermaid that Bo Hai did this because of his madness in scientific research, and ask the Mermaid to forgive him?
How ridiculous I am!

After a while, Wen Dong finally let go of his clenched fist powerlessly, remembering that Bo Hai said that he belonged to another world similar to his own, how could he go to him to avenge the Mermaid?

Wen Dong let out a wry laugh, leaning on the sofa with a pale face. Thinking of the reborn Mermaid, he shook his head and gave a wry smile, and slowly opened the property panel. He remembered that there was another Mermaid of his in it.

I remember when I caught it with a gold rod, I was taken aback, thinking it was an inflatable doll?

Apart from the two drops of the Mermaid in her hand, it was the only thing she left for herself.

"Huh? What's going on?" Taking out the doll that was exactly the same as the Mermaid, Ben took a look, but found a difference.

He had discovered before that the fish-merma doll he caught was really like a living person, with fair and firm skin, just like a real person, the only difference being that it lacked a soul.

But what's going on now?The skin of the Mermaid doll in Wendong's hand was extremely dry. When Wendong moved a little, there was a strand of black hair in his hand, which belonged to the Mermaid.

What's going on here?
System: "Ding: Please note: the Mermaid disappeared, and the Mermaid doll will also disappear."

"Damn it, what's going on?" Wen Dong watched in horror as the Mermaid doll in front of him slowly decomposed and dissipated like the corpse of the Mermaid before, and was shocked and at a loss for a moment.

System: "Ding: The host takes Da Huan Dan for the mermaid doll, and the mermaid doll recovers."

"Okay?" Wen Dong just knocked a large recovery pill into her mouth in a hurry, and was surprised to find that the Mermaid doll in his arms no longer withered and dissipated, and seemed to have recovered again. It was bright and clear before.

Wen Dong wept with joy.

"Huh?" But Wendong was not happy for a long time, and the mermaid doll disappeared again.

Wen Dong was anxious all of a sudden, and almost cried out.

"Ah, that's right, the tears of the Mermaid, I still have the blood of the Mermaid, I still have them, I will never let you dissipate." Even if it's just to stay for a while, Wen Dong is willing, without hesitation Take out the tears of the mermaid and the blood of the mermaid and drip them on the mermaid doll's slowly drying body.

"Om!" Unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred at this time.

System: "Ding: Attention the host, the host has triggered the fish-mermaid resurrection mission."

(End of this chapter)

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