How bad guys are made

Chapter 608 The Fish Mermaid Resurrection Mission

Chapter 608 The Fish Mermaid Resurrection Mission

System: "Ding: Attention the host, the host has triggered the fish-mermaid resurrection mission."

And when Wendong dripped the tears of the mermaid on the mermaid doll in a panic, and then saw that the drier body of the mermaid doll recovered miraculously, Wendong was startled, but later when he heard When the sound of the system triggering came, Deng Shi was dumbfounded on the spot again.

"What? What did you say?" Wen Dong exclaimed directly. Although he didn't think there was something wrong with his ears, it was because he heard it wrong for a while.

But the system did not answer his question, but asked directly: "This task is a trigger task, the host can choose not to accept it, without any punishment."

"Accept, of course I accept, tell me quickly, how can I revive the Mermaid!!" Hearing the prompt from the system, Wen Dong confirmed that he had heard correctly, with a burst of ecstasy in his heart, he hurriedly asked excitedly.

System: "Ding: The host has accepted to trigger the side mission - the resurrection of the mermaid.

Failure conditions - 1: The mermaid doll withered and disappeared; 2: The host did not meet the side task conditions. "

"Dry and disappear? What do you mean? Could it be... you mean that the mermaid tears can maintain the mermaid doll's body for a limited time?" Wen Dong asked in a daze.

System: "Yes, the mermaid doll will disappear in a month, and the host can use mermaid tears to continue its life.

System prompt: Mermaid's tears can last for one month, and mermaid's blood can last for three months. "

"Then, can the blood and tears of the newly born mermaid also be used?" Wen Dong asked quickly. He only had two drops of mermaid tears left. He didn't think three months would be enough, after all. , the resurrection of a god-like existence, the conditions required can never be so simple to complete.

System: "Yes."

"Huh... that's good, what's the condition?"

Resurrected Mermaid System Tips - 1: The host needs to accumulate 10000 drug dust points.

2: The host has upgraded the alchemy technique to at least level 6.

3: Obtain the 6th level pharmacy scroll universal copy Dan scroll.

4: Obtain the God Orb of the Mermaid.

5: Obtain a Resurrection Pill.

"Damn it! Five mission conditions... Wait, look at your conditions, are you duplicating a Mermaid Pearl?" Wen Dong asked with a frown.

System: "The system hasn't finished talking, please don't interrupt the host!"

Wen Dong: "..."

System: "However, the host is right, it is to copy a Mermaid Pearl."

Wen Dong: "Uh..."

This system is really becoming more and more humane. Wen Dong sneered, and then said: "How do I get the Mermaid God Orb? If I take the God Orb, won't the new mermaid die?"

System: "No, mermaids can spit out the magic beads, and they won't die in a short time."

"That's it..." Wendong fell silent for a while. Although the system didn't say anything, it can be seen from its words that it won't die in a short time?That is to say, after spitting out the divine orb, if she didn't return it in time, she might die, so would the new fish mermaid trust her so much to entrust her life to her?
System: "The host can choose the second option: directly kill the new mermaid, take her divine beads, and use the Resurrection Pill to directly resurrect the mermaid.

The second option agrees with the villain's conditions, and the host can get a branch bonus reward: two skill unlocking cards. "

it is as expected.

And the badass bonus?Also...forget it.

Wendong thought about it and shook his head directly. Firstly, even if the mermaid was resurrected, she would be very sad when she found out. Secondly, he wanted to kill the little girl by himself?Although Wendong thinks he is not a good person, he still can't bear to do something like this.

In this way, I can only choose the first option.

Wen Dong stopped talking to the system, lit a cigarette and closed his eyes to meditate.

5000 points of drug dust is actually not difficult. It is almost enough to get a few more gold elixir gourds. 5000 drug dust value.

As for the alchemy level?This is really a pain in the ass, now my alchemy technique is at most two and a half levels, if you want to upgrade your proficiency to level six, I am afraid that 30000 points of medicine dust may not be enough, this is really a pain. Sad fucking thing.

As for the sixth-level scroll, the Universal Copy Pill Scroll, I think it can be obtained through a lottery or the Xiongxiong Treasure Store, but when he thinks of the Xiongxiong Treasure Store, Wendong can't help but feel pain, and wants to get the chance of getting the Universal Copy Pill Scroll. It's too slim, and Wendong feels that he is very unsuitable for playing with chance.

As for the Resurrection Pill, Wen Dong suddenly remembered, remembering that the main task reward for his advancement from villain level to hero was the Resurrection Pill.

So this task is definitely not something that can be completed in a short time.

Wendong leaned comfortably on the sofa and let out a long smoke ring. When he knew that the mermaid could be resurrected, Wendong was relieved and suddenly felt so tired.

The reason for being relieved is that these conditions seem to be very difficult, but the best result is that it is not impossible. If you are lucky, what if you get the Universal Copy Pill?
Well, thinking about it now, the most difficult thing is to get the new Yumeri willing to spit out the magic beads for her to use. In this way, at least one hundred percent of her trust and favorability must be obtained, right?

It seems that I really have to find some time to have a good chat with that little girl.

So now, shouldn't it be time to try your luck and go to the Xiongxiong Treasure Store?Taking advantage of your luck now?
Thinking about it this way, the physically and mentally exhausted person suddenly sat up straight, his eyes lit up, full of fighting spirit.


Half an hour later, Wen Dong withdrew his head and withdrew from the attribute panel, including the newly added more than 2000 antipathy points in the past few hours, a total of more than seven points were wiped out by Wen Dong.

I didn't find anything particularly useful, only two level 4 and 5 alchemy scrolls, the 9th and 12th palms of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, this thing can't be practiced by jumping, it can only be placed It was used as a decoration there.

On the contrary, I got three golden elixir gourds, which add up to 7500 points of drug dust, which is better than nothing, which is equivalent to 7500 points of disgust. Overall, it is not a loss, and it is worth mentioning that I also got two drops of invisibility potion.

This thing is very useful, but thinking of the invisibility potion, Wen Dong suddenly remembered something, it really hurts, I remember that I once got a universal copy, although it can only be copied three times, it is no problem to copy a magic bead, right? It's just that it was used indiscriminately by myself before.

Oh shit!

Wen Dong was in pain, when the phone rang again.

Wen Dong grabbed it and looked, and couldn't help being taken aback, it was He Qing's number.

What is she looking for?Knowing that I played the vice president at the new singer selection contest, came here to express my condolences?
It's not wrong to think about it, this woman seems to have been influenced by his wife Zhang Hanhan before, and she is no longer as indulgent to herself as before.

Wendong took a deep breath, tried to keep his tone as natural as possible, and answered the phone with a cheap smile: "Hey, dear Xiao Qingqing, what's the matter? Miss your husband?"

"Wendong, I... I have something to tell you." Unexpectedly, what surprised Wendong was that He Qing didn't speak as usual, but felt that her tone was very bad, and the tone seemed faint worried?panic?Fear?
"He Qing, what's the matter?" The two have been together for a long time. It can be said that they love each other and have a great understanding. From her tone, Wen Dong can see that she definitely didn't come to him because of beating someone on stage. Is there any trouble that cannot be solved, and it is still a big trouble, Wen Dong directly called his name and asked, his tone was very serious.

"Wendong, I... I seem to be in menopause." He Qing's voice seemed to tremble a little, and she was extremely panicked.

"Menopause...?" Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard that, feeling a little unbelievable.

"Well, I haven't had my period for almost two months, am I in menopause?" He Qing asked in fear.

"Two months? Did you go to the hospital? Why didn't you tell me about this in advance!" Wen Dong knew that He Qing would not joke with him about such an important matter, and his tone was a little bit blamed.

"I... I didn't care at first. I'm old, and I'm tired from work. It's normal for menstruation to be delayed for a few days, but it's been so long, I... I..."

Hearing this, Wen Dong suddenly fell silent.

Wendong also has a lot of research on women, and this menopause is naturally very familiar.

People often think that the most normal manifestation of women's menopause is bad temper, but the most thorough explanation is that women's menopause is equal to menopause.

Menopause means that the follicles in the ovary are exhausted, or the remaining follicles lose their response to gonadotropins, and the follicles no longer develop and secrete estrogen, that is to say, they do not ovulate.

For fertility, it is naturally the combination of the mirror and the egg. If she does not ovulate, it means that she will not have a chance of pregnancy.

Menopause means not being able to ovulate, which directly means not being able to conceive. How can He Qing not be terrified?
In terms of age, it is normal for women to have menopause at the age of 35 to 45, and the age of menopause varies with individual constitutions.And He Qing is 39 years old this year. It is normal for her to experience menopause.Presumably, He Qing knew that she was old, so she was extremely concerned and concerned about this aspect.

"Don't worry, where are you, I'll find you right away, let's go to the hospital."


I drove out of the Cuiliuyuanju villa area and went directly to He Qing's home. It was only after one o'clock in the afternoon, but He Qing didn't have any thoughts on work, so she just said that she was too tired from work and wanted to ask for a vacation, especially today was the weekend, and Zhang Hanhan also Seeing that her complexion was not very good, I told her to go home and rest more.

(End of this chapter)

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