Chapter 609

"Qingqing?" She trotted up the stairs, opened the door, and found that He Qing was wearing pajamas, curled up on the sofa, dazed, pretty face pale, like a wounded kitten?

Wen Dong called out, and He Qing raised her head to look at Wen Dong, she opened her small mouth but didn't say a word, her expression was lonely.

"I am [-]% sure that you are definitely not naturally menopausal. It may be that you have been too tired at work recently, which caused you to be out of balance." Wen Dong walked over in a few steps, took her in his arms, and comforted her, Because he thought about it all the way in the car just now, and remembered that he had recuperated her body before, even if she didn't live a long life, at least she wouldn't have menopause so early.

"You are really getting less and less able to make women happy. At this time, you should hug me and not talk." He Qing put her snow-white chin on Wen Dong's shoulder, and said in a complaining tone.

Wen Dong: "Uh..."

"I, am I not comforting you? I said [-]% sure." Wen Dong almost choked to death, speechless for a while.

"Really?" He Qing looked at Wen Dong's cheek with a serious look, but then she smiled and said, "But why is your complexion so bad? It seems... you have cried? You didn't cry because of me." Bar?"


Looking at He Qing's appearance, Wen Dong couldn't help touching the corners of his eyes, and suddenly remembered, because he left in a hurry, he didn't wash his face when he left, why did he cry anxiously because of her matter, and it wasn't because of the mermaid's matter ?
"Do you think it's okay to joke around at this time?" Wen Dong angrily stretched out his hands to pinch her pretty face and tugged, meaning that you are still in the mood to joke at this time?

"Seeing that you are in such a hurry, this is the greatest comfort to me, isn't it?" He Qing stretched out her hand to slap Wen Dong's hand away, but couldn't help but stretch out her small hand to hold Wen Dong's big hand and said seriously: "If I really come Menopause, you, do you still want me?"

"Yes, of course. Menopause is nothing more than a bad temper. The most normal phenomenon is that you can move your hands and never move your mouth. It doesn't matter. I have rough skin and thick flesh. You can hit me however you want."

"Bastard, at this time, you still have the mind to take me out!" He Qing got angry when she heard Wen Dong's molesting words, she clenched her fists and hit her, but she was also relieved, because it was Wen Dong who came Now, she's really not as worried as she was when she was alone just now. Besides, Wen Dong said that she won't let her go, so don't worry. As for not being able to have a baby, that's the only way to go...

"Yeah... um..." But before He Qing could hit Wen Dong, Wen Dong easily reached out and grabbed her wrist. Immediately after her neck tightened, He Qing exclaimed, her pursed mouth Under the control of Wen Dong's big hand, he couldn't help sending it up, as if... throwing himself into his arms and sending him a kiss?

"Bastard, you still bully me at this time!"

"Don't bully you, can you be honest?" Wen Dong looked at the flushed woman in his arms, his tone seemed to be coquettish?She looks very attractive, but now is not the time to be emotional. If she doesn't solve her heart disease, she may not be able to sleep tonight. She reached out and patted her buttocks and said, "Hurry up and change clothes, let's go to the hospital together. Going right now."

"Ah? Me, can I not go? Or, do you want to wait and see?" He Qing was startled, and looked up at Wendong with a look of panic. She had clearly promised well just now, and now Changed his mind, his tone was discussion, and his eyes were pleading?

Wen Dong was stunned when he heard this, and glanced at her in a daze, and suddenly understood why He Qing was afraid again. At this time, she was a contradictory body, and she clearly wanted to know why she hadn't menstruated for so long, but I am also afraid that after going to the hospital for an examination, it is really natural menopause, and if I don’t go to see it, at least I still have some fantasies in my heart. Maybe it’s because Wendong said that he was too tired from work during this time, which caused endocrine problems to delay menstruation. Maybe, Menstruation is coming tomorrow?

With such fantasies, she didn't dare to check.

"Don't worry, didn't I tell you everything? Even if you really have natural menopause, I won't let you go." Wen Dong was annoyed and funny, and comforted him, this woman is so worried, if she doesn't get checked Let alone tonight, she probably won't be able to sleep for a week.

"Oh, since you have nothing to say, it doesn't matter if I check or not, doesn't it?" He Qing waved her small hand, pretending to be relaxed.

"Get out, go now, you have to go." Wen Dong didn't listen to her nagging, put his hand around her leg, and hugged her from the sofa without any explanation: "Don't say I deliberately took advantage of you, you Don’t change your clothes, I’ll change them for you!”

"Ah, don't, I'll change it myself, I'll change it now, you let me down..." Seeing Wen Dong looking down at herself, with a silver light in his eyes, He Qing instinctively felt something bad, this bastard would not I just want to take the opportunity to change my clothes... to make a lot of money?

Sure enough, after changing clothes, the two tossed about in the bedroom for more than 20 minutes.

When He Qing opened the door and came out, her pretty face was extremely red, and even her crystal earlobes were stained with a layer of light pink. Her beautiful eyes were full of resentment and even disdain as she looked at the contented Wen Dong beside her. I just got a lot of cheap money.

Today's He Qing is dressed very comfortably, instead of the usual high heels, she put on a pair of soft-soled embroidered cloth shoes, so she doesn't wear the usual skirt, and even her face doesn't look as delicate as before. It's just a light layer of light clothing, bright eyes and white teeth, plump and sexy body, different from the youthful flamboyance of young girls, and not as cold and serious as usual at work. Instead, her face is flushed and she is infinitely shy. Drooling so greedy, I almost didn't pick He Qing up and go back to the bedroom to be tender for a few hours.


After leaving the community, He Qing sat in the passenger seat and seemed restless, speechless all the way. Wen Dong didn't want to comfort her at this time, because talking too much would be counterproductive, and it would make her panic and worry even more.

The parking area of ​​the No.1 civilian hospital in Shuishi.

"Don't, don't, don't do anything, I'll go, can't I go?" He Qing hurriedly begged for mercy.

Only then did Wen Dong curl his lips, retract his hand, and looked at her with unfriendly eyes, as if she would really make a move after a while.

Originally, there was nothing wrong along the way, but Wendong did not expect to arrive at the entrance of the hospital. The woman changed her mind again, holding the seat belt tightly with her small hands, making a posture that she would not come down if she was killed. Wendong had no choice but to use the old The best way was to threaten her that if she didn't come down, she would be forced to carry her into the hospital, which made her ask for forgiveness and compromise.

As the best and largest hospital in Shui City, there are many people whether it is on weekends or in the past. Wen Dong and He Qing waited in line for more than 40 minutes before registering. He dared to turn his head and look at the people next to him, as if he was afraid that others would see and notice something.

He Qing's mentality made Wendong speechless and pityful. He held her little hand tightly and lined up quietly, for fear of being kicked out by the little nurse, so he didn't dare to smoke for such a long time.


After more than half an hour, He Qing finally took pictures of the B-ultrasound and other messy things in a panic. Wendong was busy with registration and payment.

The results of the filming came out quickly, and the little nurse asked He Qing and Wendong to go to the office to find a doctor.


He Qing looked up at Wen Dong with worry on her face, as if she was about to run away in the next moment, Wen Dong almost dragged her into the doctor's office.

There were some messy papers on the doctor's desk, and a woman was sitting behind, who looked at least in her 50s at first glance, obese, with a bloated face, extremely serious, as if someone owed her 500 million, looking down at her hand Wen Dong and He Qing didn't even look up at the film in the movie. Seeing her serious expression, He Qing became even more worried.

Seeing He Qing turning her head to look at herself worriedly, Wen Dong raised her chin and signaled to go over.

Seeing He Qing dragging Wen Dong to the table, the old lady doctor put down the film, looked up at He Qing and said, "You are He Qing, right?"

"Ah, yes, I am He Qing."

Grandma, what kind of expression is this? Wen Dong looked at the cold face of the old ladies and doctors, and almost couldn't help kicking her. Can the expression be more natural? Why are you scaring our family, Qingqing?
"Hold out your hand." The doctor nodded.

"Ah?" He Qing didn't know what was going on in her head, as if she didn't hear what the other party said.

"Sit down and stretch out your hand." The doctor repeated again, with a slight displeasure on He Qing's stupid expression.

"Oh." He Qing quickly agreed and sat on the chair in front of the desk, and stretched her hand to the cushion on the desk.

Seeing the old woman doctor resting on He Qing's wrist, she has been thinking silently, and He Qing's little hand is tightly grasping Wendong's big hand, sweating from the palm of her little hand, she is so nervous, if Wendong is not by her side, I am afraid that she would have died. He ran away in fright.

She had gone to countless hospitals because of her infertility many years ago, but all of them ended up with nothing, so she had an instinctive fear of doctors, especially the fat and serious face in front of her.

After a while, the doctor withdrew his hand, and Wendong clearly noticed that He Qing was holding onto his hand tightly, but the doctor didn't say anything, but picked up the B-ultrasound film on the table and looked at it for a while. When He Qing was so nervous that she was about to suffocate, she looked up at her: "Congratulations, Miss He, you are pregnant."

"Oh, ah?!!!" As if she had expected the result, He Qing nodded with a lonely expression, but then she realized that something was wrong, Xiaozui let out an exclamation, and stared at the doctor dumbfounded, thinking that she had heard wrong .

"I said you're pregnant, congratulations." The doctor seemed to see He Qing's expression quite often, especially since she also knew how old He Qing was. It's normal to be surprised, so she repeated the sentence again, and put it down while talking. The tone of the film in his hand was very affirmative, and a smile appeared on his fat old face.

"Ah, I..." He Qing immediately covered her small mouth, and suddenly turned her head to look at Wen Dong who was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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