How bad guys are made

Chapter 610 1 Silly 3 Years Pregnant

Chapter 610
Seeing He Qing looking at him, Wen Dong grinned at her, looked up at the doctor, the smile flashed across the fat face, I made a fool of myself, Wen Dong suddenly felt that this old face looked so strange So kind?
"Qingqing, you're going to have a baby." Wendong looked down at her pretty face that hadn't recovered from her surprise for a moment, and replied with a smile, feeling relieved in his heart. In fact, he didn't believe it when he killed Wendong at first. He Qing is really postmenopausal, but even though he also believed in the previous treatment, He Qing spent the whole afternoon in a nervous mood. When she was nervous, Wen Dong lost his mind.


The next scene left Wendong speechless, but he couldn't help feeling sorry for him. The doctor naturally told He Qing some precautions, and told her not to be too tired at work and to take care of her body.

So He Qing kept saying thank you to the doctor, bowing or something, and almost knelt down for her.

The doctor smiled all over his face, waved his hands and said that it should be, it doesn't have to be like this.

Wen Dong almost dragged He Qing out of the doctor's office from the thank you. The pain in my heart, I should say that He Qing thanked him, he was the one who recuperated her body, and then hit her with a shot. The doctor just showed her a B-ultrasound to confirm.

But besides the egg-ache, Wendong was also a little nervous and couldn't help being excited. Is I going to have a child too?Old cripple, did you see that I saved my seeds, how dare you despise me for not being able to marry a wife in my life? ! ! !
Wow haha! ! !
On the way from the hospital to the parking lot, He Qing kept holding Wendong's big hand with her little hand, and her body was almost leaning on Wendong's body. It was obvious that her legs were weak because of being too excited. Fortunately, Wendong had the foresight to let him She is wearing flat cloth shoes today, otherwise she would probably wear a pair of high heels, and in her state, the heels must be broken.

What's more, what made Wendong speechless the most was that the woman was still chanting along the way, and she didn't know what she was muttering, as if she was thanking the gods for the blessing, thanking Jesus?

Wen Dong watched speechlessly and burst into tears.

Wen Dong almost carried her into the car, and when Wen Dong went around the front of the car, sat in the driver's seat and closed the door, He Qing finally couldn't suppress her excitement and threw herself into Wen Dong's arms. Throwing herself into her arms, giving her real kisses, if it wasn't for her shyness and fear of being judged by others, I'm afraid this woman couldn't bear it when she was just in the hospital.


After returning home, as expected, there was another unscrupulous and passionate kiss, which made Wen Dong so angry that he picked her up and walked towards the bedroom.

Throwing her onto the big soft bed, Wen Dong just jumped on it when He Qing almost kicked her under the bed, excited and even angrily scolded Wen Dong for killing her baby.

Immediately afterwards, the two quarreled.

"Fuck, what are you doing? What's wrong?" Wen Dong said angrily.

"What's wrong? Are you brainless? Don't you know I'm pregnant? We can't do this." He Qing looked at Wendong angrily.

"What's all this? Do you have any common sense? You've only been pregnant for more than a month. This has almost no effect." Wen Dong pouted in pain and explained.

"What if, what if the child accidentally drops it? No, you can't touch me starting tomorrow, no, starting today, starting now! This is my child, and as her mother, I want to treat myself My baby is responsible, I have the final say." He Qing looked at Wendong angrily, her tone was firm, and she refused to give in.

Wen Dong: "..."

"Besides, I've thought a lot about this journey. Tomorrow, I'll go to your Zhang Hanhan to ask for a long vacation. I want to cultivate at home and recuperate my body."

Wen Dong: "..."

"Well, in this case, I will have a lot of time. I have to go to the pregnancy center to study for a period of time, learn some detailed precautions, diet, etc. By the way, I also need to hire a nutritionist. Who, I have saved more than 1000 million in the past few years, which is considered a small savings. It should be enough, and I still have to educate my baby, so I am very busy during this time, so don't come to me if you have nothing to do. "

Seeing He Qing sitting on the bed with her legs crossed, talking about various wills and decisions in a small mouth, Wen Dong almost fell under the bed again, and said with a big face: "Hey, please, big sister! , our baby is only more than a month old, and it hasn't formed yet, what a fucking prenatal education."

"Ah, yes." He Qing was taken aback, stretched out her hand to slap her thigh, and suddenly realized that Wen Dong rolled her eyes again after seeing this movement and expression.

"In that case, let's change the plan first." He Qing thought for a while and said.

"Change it? Yes, how?" Wen Dong's eyes lit up.

"Abstaining from leave is a must, and then I felt that the air in the water city was not very good. I decided to go to Australia during this time. I heard that it is much more developed than our side, and the pregnant women's center and other facilities are much more complete. "He Qing said seriously, then frowned and said: "Oh, by the way, I don't have a document to go to Australia yet, you can accompany me to apply for a visa tomorrow, and after signing the visa, you will have nothing to do."

Wen Dong: "..."

"I have never been to Australia, and I don't know how it costs there. Ten million may not be enough. How much money do you have left? Give it to me." He Qing looked up at Wendong, her tone was domineering, as if it was a clear order?
my day!

Is 1000 million not enough to have a child?Damn, is that baby made of gold?

"He Qing, you are enough!" Wen Dong almost knelt down to her: "It is said that one is pregnant for three years, but your symptoms are not too early. The water market environment is indeed no better than some places in Australia, but people give birth to babies. Are they all going to Australia?"

"That's no good, you have to listen to me about this matter, this is my child." He Qing stared at Wen Dong, stretched out her hand to cover her flat belly, and spoke firmly.

"Okay, you can do what you say, but according to common sense, it really doesn't matter now." Wen Dong said earnestly, He Qing, who has always been obedient to her own words, has paid so much attention this time, especially that The pretty face is resolute and cute, the more she refuses to give in, the more it makes Wendong cat scratch her head, grandma, if this woman really goes to Australia, God knows when she will come back, this time I can't let it go.

"No, Wendong, I'm warning you... ah... what are you doing..."

Before He Qing could finish her warning, Wen Dong threw herself on the bed, pressed her struggling body tightly, and said angrily, "Grandma, it's good that you are the baby's mother, but I still As for the father of the child, I have at least half of the rights, you can get pregnant if you are pregnant, if I don’t believe it, I can’t cure you.”

" bastard...I'm fighting with you..."

He Qing naturally understands this common sense, but she just cares too much about this child, but no matter how strong she is, she can't be stubborn against Wendong, and she also knows that after a while, she really can't be gentle with Wendong, thinking Let Wendong think about it once.

The sky is bright and the sun is full of spring.

The two stayed until the afternoon and evening. Of course, they spent most of their time talking about love after that. He Qing was a gentle woman, so gentle that she felt that Wendong was no longer important, and the baby came first.

So, Wen Dong and her went to the hospital to work from noon until the evening, but they didn't say to stay here for dinner, and directly drove Wen Dong out of the house.

Although He Qing really wanted to, she didn't dare. God knows if this bastard would stay here with the excuse of taking a rest after dinner. What will he do that night?Can't I escape from his palm?

Thinking about it, He Qing also knew that Wendong hit the vice president of the company at the ball. Wendong also needed to deal with it, and she couldn't get tired of him. As for the reason for the beating, she didn't bother to ask, and she didn't have the heart to ask. As for the child, as for Wendong, you can do whatever you like.

So he made up his mind to drive Wendong out of the house, and when he left, he warned Wendong that he must accompany her to apply for a visa tomorrow. If you don't come, I want you to look good.

Look, pregnant, temper is also big.

Although I encountered a lot of unpleasant and sad things today, but in the end it was good. Tian Yu was beaten by himself, and the consequences are unknown for the time being. The murder of the Yumeri should be done by a crazy doctor, Bo Hai, and there is no way to take revenge. Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and I received the task of resurrecting the mermaid, and Wendong is almost certain that as long as the mermaid is resurrected, then she will live in her own land, and she will no longer have to worry about it because of the system. Can't see her because of the special state of the fuck.

As for He Qing, it is definitely a great joy, she is going to be a father.

Some people are happy and some are worried, such as Wu Zhan and Jiang Tao, especially Wu Zhan.

At this time, the two of them were drinking in Orange Years. They just gave Wendong an electric arc, but the other party didn't answer directly, and they didn't know what they were busy with.

The result came down.

Wen Dong violently beat the vice president of the company on the live broadcast, and the public opinion in the entire water market went crazy. There were all kinds of negative public opinion on the Internet. Some people even scolded Wen Dong that he was not qualified to be a fashionable president with his quality and self-cultivation. He must be punished. Even if he beat someone for a reason, the impact was too bad.

Therefore, the Water City Entertainment Channel held an emergency discussion meeting after the Wendong beating incident. The meeting finally decided to cancel the live broadcast cooperation with the fashionable TV entertainment channel, and because of the bad influence caused by the fashion style, the cooperation was cancelled. Not to mention, I also intend to ask for compensation for the loss.

Rolling Stone's music director posted a comment on the bad impact of the beating on Weibo, and he was to the point. He said: I don't know why Mr. Wen, the president of fashion style, beat people so angrily on the spot. Although there must be a reason for this, But if there is no suitable reason, I will never serve as the general judge of the fashion new singer selection contest again.

Rolling Stone's music director is obviously on the sidelines, and he didn't say enough. After all, his influence is too great. Sometimes a conclusion can change the fashion style and even the fate of Wendong's life.

And fashion style also held an emergency general high-level meeting this afternoon. The only thing is that the leading actor was absent. The board of directors decided to suspend the selection of new singers in each city. Vice President Tian Yu, Vice President Tian Yu shook his head and smiled wryly, saying that he didn't know where it was right, President Wen...

Therefore, the bitterness and sorrow of Wu Zhan is here, and the selection competition activities are suspended.It is even very likely that this event will be suspended directly, so how can we get money from the tickets?One must know that this time he and Jiang Tao shared nearly 20 tickets.

And this new singer-event is scheduled to be held in at least 20 cities across the country, and each city is [-] yuan. Calculate how much money this f*ck is lost.

As Wen Dong expected, after beating Tian Yu before, Wu Zhan was still dancing excitedly in the car, but now he really can't dance...

If it wasn't for knowing that he couldn't beat Wendong, Wu Zhan might be thinking of killing Wendong with a kitchen knife.

(End of this chapter)

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