How bad guys are made

Chapter 611 Lin Xiaoxi's Decision

Chapter 611 Lin Xiaoxi's Decision
Nothing unexpected happened. The Wendong beating incident made headlines again.

All kinds of public opinion, gossip and guesses are as shocking as the snow in June, and people are stunned, and more are still overwhelmed.

The matter of Wendong beating people has been admitted as a foregone conclusion, so the topic discussed by these boring people is naturally why Wendong beat people.

Here, a senior paparazzi captain who claims to be a fashion insider gives a bold guess.

That's because of robbing women, and this woman is none other than Lin Xiaoxi, the national goddess who is in the limelight in the music world.

The reason why he is called a senior is not only because his guess is too correct, but also given a lot of evidence, because he has snapped pictures of Wendong going to the place where Lin Xiaoxi lived in Tianlan Community, and Wendong went to Lin Xiaoxi The place where he lives, and the fact that he had various ambiguities with Lin Xiaoxi before, the conclusion is that the relationship between Wendong and Lin Xiaoxi is extraordinary.

At the same time, the paparazzi captain took out Lin Xiaoxi to have dinner with Tian Yu, and even Tian Yu drove her home and then upstairs, but it took more than ten minutes to see her off, so Tian Yu stayed upstairs or at Lin Xiaoxi's house for a whole day. What did you do for ten minutes?Is there an unclear relationship between the two of them?

In this way, Wen Dong was the first to come, so Tian Yu became the third party?The president beating up the fashion-style vice president's mistress?This opinion is the hottest.

Through the news of this matter, at this time there are enthusiastic paparazzi who gave their conjectures. The photo is the last song that Lin Xiaoxi won in the new singer selection contest. Lin Xiaoxi was not in a good state when she sang this song, and Rolling Stone Music Director After casually expressing condolences, Lin Xiaoxi shook her head and said she was fine.

But is it really all right?Especially when Wendong beat Tian Yu, the paparazzi captured Lin Xiaoxi's expression at that time?What kind of expression is that?Shock!There is only shock, but no doubts, so what conclusions can be drawn from this phenomenon? ——Lin Xiaoxi knew that there was a problem between Wendong and Tian Yu, but she was shocked that Wendong dared to come to the stage to beat someone.

That is to say, Lin Xiaoxi was astonished at how Wendong could hit someone on stage, but at the same time she had no doubts. If she guessed according to this idea, then it is not contradictory.

That is to say, Tian Yu approached Lin Xiaoxi before she sang the last song, which made her very entangled in various emotions, which made her emotionally unstable when she sang the last song and won the championship. Where did he find out about this, he beat Tian Yu violently on stage.

Then I have to say that these paparazzi are really powerful, and their guesses are perfect.

And in this way, not only Wen Dong and Tian Yu were on the front page, but also Lin Xiaoxi was greeted, but it seems that Lin Xiaoxi was not all affected by Chiyu. In fact, this matter did have something to do with her, but no matter what How about it, as the goddess of the nation, Lin Xiaoxi, who has been praised on the Internet and even loved by everyone as a pure girl, after this public opinion broke out, it has a very bad influence on her.

A pure girl with two legs?Caused the president and vice president to fight each other?
Then she is no longer a goddess, but a witch!She is the culprit in this beating incident!
And many people have illusions, even if they know that they will never be favored by the goddess Lin Xiaoxi in this life, but liking her songs is one aspect, but at least [-]% of people like her because she is a virgin, no matter before How did it break out on the Internet, Lin Xiaoxi said on stage during the concert that her relationship with Wendong is indeed unusual, but more of them are close friends, plus she is indeed a virgin, so many people under Aiwujiwu And I believed her words.

However, although many people who have studied women are still saying that Lin Xiaoxi is still a virgin, but now it is revealed that Wendong beat Tian Yu for her, so the conclusion is that Lin Xiaoxi is playing with Wendong and Tian Yu's relationship, and some people are even angry I pointed out that I feel worthless for Wen Dong and Tian Yu. Isn't Lin Xiaoxi just more beautiful and has a better voice?There are so many beautiful women in the world, especially whether it is Wen Dong or Tian Yu, it is not difficult to find a beautiful woman!

The conclusion is that after the emergence of this public opinion, it is also very unfavorable to Lin Xiaoxi.

At around [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Lin Xiaoxi and Cheng Yanan got off the taxi and were on their way to Tianlan Community.

"Regarding this matter, I want to know if you blame Wendong?" Cheng Yanan and Lin Xiaoxi walked side by side. Cheng Yanan turned her head to look at the girlfriend who was silent all the way, her eyes were full of interest and curiosity. As Lin Xiaoxi's best friend, she Although she didn't see the whole process of the matter, she also asked Lin Xiaoxi for the reason behind her stalking afterwards, and she didn't need to ask, as Lin Xiaoxi's best friend, she could roughly guess the reason what reason.

"Ah? What did you say?" Lin Xiaoxi glanced at her suspiciously, as if she was distracted just now.

Cheng Yanan curled her lips to show that Lin Xiaoxi was covering up, but she couldn't help but said angrily, "Are you still avoiding now?"

"What are you avoiding? I was really thinking just now, should we eat at home or go out?" Lin Xiaoxi said hesitantly, deliberately avoiding the other party's question.

"Why don't you go out to eat? I guess you don't have the mood to cook anymore. The most important thing is that today is your birthday, so let's go out to relax." Cheng Yanan thought for a while.

"Get out..." Lin Xiaoxi was silent for a moment, but then shook her head and said, "Let's forget it, I don't want to be blocked by a large group of people at the entrance of the hotel. It’s too big, it’s good to eat at home.”

"Wendong, you know Wendong..." Cheng Yanan said with a smile.

"Too lazy to talk to you." Lin Xiaoxi glared at her and walked ahead.

"However, if this happened to me, I would be really entangled. He beat someone on the spot for you, but he cut off a large part of your dream. This is really..." Cheng Yanan walked quickly After chasing after him, he bared his teeth and said.

"Who says I blame him? I don't blame him at all. My boyfriend stood up for me. I'm too happy. I'm afraid that Wendong will be angry with me now..." Lin Xiaoxi shook her head and hummed .

"Yeah, just because he stood up for you once and slapped that Zeng Hua twice, you lived in his house, and this time stood up for you again, don't you..." Cheng Yanan's eyes were ambiguous road.

"Yeah, you guessed it right, I'm going to dedicate myself. With such a good boyfriend, he can do everything for me. What else can I ask for, right?" Lin Xiaoxi stared at her and She insisted, humming: "So, do you think you should avoid it for a while, I'll call Wen Dong to come over tonight?"

"Damn it, you value sex over friends, Lin Xiaoxi, I see through you! You're still dedicated, when did you get so thick-skinned?" Cheng Yanan snorted angrily.

"Always been this way."

Cheng Yanan curled her lips, but when she turned her eyes, she snorted unconvinced: "I see, you want to make me angry, right? No way, you really call him if you have the ability. Aren't you thick-skinned? You The two of you can treat me like air, give me a look, no, if you really call Wendong and ask him to come over, I will go out to find a hotel tonight and make room for you two, dare you? "

"Yanan, you look down on me too much, do you think I really dare not make calls, don't you?" Lin Xiaoxi grabbed the phone with her small hand and shook it in front of Cheng Yanan, as if making a call.

"Yes, you don't dare. Hit it. Hit it if you have the ability. I'll just listen here." Cheng Yanan hugged her chest and looked at her best friend.

"Damn..." Lin Xiaoxi uttered a swear word, stretched out her hand to open the lock screen of the phone, thought for a while but then made a bitter face: "I really don't dare."

"Damn, I knew it." Cheng Yanan looked at her with contempt in her eyes, but the hand around her chest quietly patted the bulging place. She was really afraid that Xiaoxi would be irritated by herself just now. Wen Dong called.

Cheng Yanan was also very distressed, and this complicated mood lasted for a long time.

And she is very clear that her best friend is definitely an extremely emotional woman. It can be seen from the fact that Wen Dong just slapped Zeng Hua twice to make up for his mistakes, and she was moved to live in other people's homes. The sacrifice she made is so great, in terms of dedication, it is really possible...

My best friend is really happy to find such a man, but why am I so unwilling to see the real result happen? I really am not a good woman, let alone a good best friend...

Are you really jealous?still……

Cheng Yanan shook her head vigorously, and quickly chased after him.

"Actually, Wendong is really a good man. If it is just entrusting him, he is the best candidate. The only thing is that he is too hardworking, but I still accept his unbearable shortcoming..." Seeing Cheng Yanan chasing Come on, Lin Xiaoxi said softly again.

"Are you showing off your affection?" Cheng Yanan glanced at her and snorted.

"No, what I mean is that I have already accepted his shortcoming, and I don't really care about having one more, right?" Lin Xiaoxi changed from passive to active, squinting at her best friend with deep meaning in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Cheng Yanan's heart skipped a beat, and he stared at her and asked.

"Hmm... I don't know either, maybe it's because I'm really tired recently and my eyesight is not good." Lin Xiaoxi said with a smile.

"You have bad eyesight?" Cheng Yanan was taken aback by the words, and then threatened angrily: "Damn, little girl, don't give me sloppy eyes and say, what do you mean by that?"

"Don't tell me, guess it yourself!" Lin Xiaoxi smiled triumphantly, and Sa Yazi ran into the unit building in a hurry.

"Damn, you still want to run, you tell my old lady clearly, or I'll take your skin off tonight..." Cheng Yanan cursed angrily, rolled up her sleeves, and hurriedly chased after her, but at this moment Why is my mood so excited, so difficult to calm down, and this makes her imagine a strange hope...

(End of this chapter)

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