How bad guys are made

Chapter 612 Lin Xiaoxi's Birthday

Chapter 612 Lin Xiaoxi's Birthday
"What's the matter?" Cheng Yanan trotted all the way to catch up, but found Xiaoxi standing at the door in a daze, while panting, she came over and asked curiously.

"Shh..." Lin Xiaoxi quickly made a silent gesture, then turned to look at home.

"Huh? Who is at our house... Cooking?" Cheng Yanan walked over curiously, sniffed his nose, a smell of meat came into his breath, and turned his head to look at Lin Xiaoxi enviously and angrily: "It must be Wendong." Guy, why don’t you dare to fight, did you invite Wen Dong to come to our house as early as in the company?” Cheng Yanan looked at her best friend, although she didn’t see Wen Dong’s figure, but she was able to be so generous Wendong is the one who came here.

"I don't." Lin Xiaoxi was also guessing that Wendong was cooking. Cheng Yanan didn't know, but she knew that Wendong was a good cook, but now that she was questioned by her best friend, she felt extremely wronged. Wendong called, oh, no, I called, but the other party didn't answer, right?During this period, I didn't call myself back.

"Really?" Cheng Yanan looked at Lin Xiaoxi suspiciously, and said angrily, "Then why did this guy come to our house? Do you think it's enough to buy some delicious food and admit your mistake?"

"You seem to have misremembered, this is not our house, this is his house." Lin Xiaoxi vaguely saw the busy figure flashing past in the kitchen, and couldn't help feeling a little sweet in his heart. He probably didn't come to admit his mistake , I’m here to celebrate my birthday, I smiled and bent over to put on my slippers and walked in.

"Hey, you just went in like this? What if there are bad guys?" Cheng Yanan said worriedly.

"The bad guys are the bad guys, I am willing to be bullied by the bad guys."

"Damn, it's not bad at all to be close to Mo Zhehei, you are really getting more and more shameless..." Cheng Yanan scolded angrily.

Wendong is undoubtedly the one who is busy in the kitchen. He had several missed calls from Lin Xiaoxi and Cheng Yanan on his mobile phone before, so he came here directly after he came out from He Qing's side. Naturally, it was for Lin Xiaoxi's birthday.

Originally, the first phase of the new singer selection contest should be postponed and more preparations should be made, but Wen Dong said in the company that today is the final day. Taking advantage of the upsurge of the concert's good results, he actually has other thoughts, that is, today is the selection contest The first issue is also Lin Xiaoxi's birthday.

It was a perfect plan, but what I didn't expect was such a big mistake in the middle.

But no matter what, whether it's celebrating her birthday or admitting his mistake, he still has to come. I think the part of admitting his mistake is more important. He even went into the kitchen himself, didn't he?Please.

"Are you here?" Wendong has long heard the whispers of the two women at the door, but acting needs to be fuller, pretending to be busy in the kitchen, our family Xiaoxixi should be moved, so he waited until the two of them were kneeling. Coming to the door of the kitchen, Wen Dong came to his senses, the smile on his face was kind and gentle.

"Well, here we come, and when you came, you didn't say anything." Lin Xiaoxi smiled and nodded while being surprised and reasonable.

"I haven't been here for a while, let's take a break, and the meal will be ready in a while." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Do you need help?" Lin Xiaoxi tilted her head and smiled.

"No need, um...then you can bring this pork rib soup over here." Wen Dong shook his head, thought for a while, then handed the finished pork ribs to Lin Xiaoxi: "Be careful it's hot."

"Oh, good." Lin Xiaoxi looked up at Wendong, then looked shyly at the bone soup in Wendong's hand, stretched out her small hand to take it, and turned around naturally to the living room and put it on the coffee table.

At this time, Cheng Yanan was already dumbfounded, which part were they acting in?A pair of eyeballs looked at Lin Xiaoxi and Wendong who was smiling all over his face, and even this guy was smiling at himself?
What the hell is this?According to the development of the plot, it shouldn't be Wendong admitting his mistake, or even explaining it with tears and tears, and then our family Xiaoxi said it's okay and forgive you when his heart softened?The matter is over like this, and when both of them are happy, he interjects a sentence or two to satirize Wendong?

But now?In addition to showing affection, the two showed affection, Wen Dong did not admit his mistake, and Lin Xiaoxi did not mention that incident, as if both of them had forgotten the previous unhappiness, Cheng Yanan looked puzzled, could it be that both of them lost their memory?

No, they deliberately avoided talking about this topic with a tacit understanding, but in this way, there was no reason for them to intervene, and seeing the way the two of them flirted, they completely regarded themselves as air?

Although I said before that I can treat myself as air, but this is really not the truth, Cheng Yanan suddenly felt that he was a bit redundant here.

"You..." Wendong found out that Lin Xiaoxi was gone, but Cheng Yanan still stood at the kitchen door and looked at him dumbfounded as if he was dumbfounded.

"Oh, wait a minute, the potato shreds will be ready soon, you bring them over." Wen Dong smiled, turned his head and turned the spatula, smelling the aroma.

"Ah?" Cheng Yanan was taken aback by the words, staring at Wendong who was busy frying potato shreds, thinking he had heard wrong, did he think he was standing here waiting to be served?
"Damn, do it yourself, my mother is very busy!" Cheng Yanan rolled her eyes, turned her head and left angrily, what the hell do you want to show love to my mother?no way!
Wen Dong saw Cheng Yanan leaving angrily, but couldn't help grinning, and said in his heart: I'd be mad at you, you stinky woman.

Cheng Yanan went back to the coffee table and glanced at the pork rib soup with the cover on the table that was still full of fragrance, then turned her head to look at Lin Xiaoxi who was wearing clothes in the bedroom closet with the door ajar Turning his head to look at Wendong who was busy cooking in the kitchen, he really felt that his head was not enough.

"Cut, ignore me, okay? Cheng, if you have the ability, you can tell the truth in front of my mother." Cheng Yanan muttered something, and sat down on the sofa angrily.

But seeing the plates of delicious food being brought to the table by Wen Dong, even Wen Dong smiled at himself when he went to the kitchen, which made Cheng Yanan feel so weird and uncomfortable.

It was as if, that smile was actually driving her away, otherwise her light bulb would be too bright today...

Cheng Yanan gritted her teeth, shook her head vigorously to get rid of this thought in her mind, and directly regarded Wen Dong's meaningful smile as flattery.

If this matter had been put in the past, or half an hour before, maybe Cheng Yanan would have slapped her ass and left angrily, but now she holds back, she doesn't know what's wrong.

Perhaps the most important thing was Lin Xiaoxi's words, Cheng Yanan had to admit it if she didn't admit it, she fell in love with this guy who bickered with her every time she met and almost got into a fight.

People are selfish, and love is even more selfish. She always has that kind of expectation or hope, but what Lin Xiaoxi said before is to express the hope in her heart and the thought that she must admit even if she doesn't admit it. Unlimited magnification.

Or, to be more precise, it magnified the darkness in her heart. The reason why it was called darkness was the boyfriend who robbed her best friend!

In fact, it's not grabbing, more precisely, it's sharing. She really has such considerations. At this time, her heart is so contradictory. It is obviously impossible for her character to share her boyfriend with other people, especially this person. She is still her good best friend, but at this time whether she grabs it or not, she can't stop the likes and thoughts in her heart. She has a deep sense of guilt towards her best friend...

"Ah..." As expected, Cheng Yanan roared and rushed into the bedroom.

"Damn, what kind of plane are you doing..." Wen Dong, who was flipping a spoon in the kitchen, was taken aback, and almost disfigured his face with the food in the pot.

It was inexplicable.

Wen Dong let out a sneer, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

In fact, his smile just now was really not to chase Cheng Yanan away, Wen Dong, who knew her character well, knew that this woman was here to disrupt the situation, if she didn't stay here, it would not be Cheng Yanan.

Therefore, Wendong's smile to her just now is really just more to please her. Today is a good day, not all, but at least it is an important day, so he doesn't want to talk to Cheng Yanan again during dinner later. They fought until they strangled their necks, even though they hoped that she would not mention Tian Yu's matter, so adhering to the principle that good men don't fight with women, Wen Dong showed his affection first.

Unfortunately, Cheng Yanan is complicated.

The reason is that Wen Dong didn't know that Cheng Yanan liked him, he felt that this woman wished him to die early.

"What are you doing, yelling, what's the matter? Did he bully you?" Lin Xiaoxi was changing clothes when she suddenly heard Cheng Yanan's cry, thinking that both of them were pinching her best friend, and she was mad again. Seeing Cheng Yanan scratching her messy hair and rushing over murderously, as if she was going to kill someone, she was speechless for a while.

"He bullied me? How is that possible!" Cheng Yanan glanced at her, and simply pushed aside Lin Xiaoxi, who had half changed into clothes: "I just received a call that I have to make an appointment, so I can't accompany you, that's why I'm so angry. "

"Do you think it's really good to go at this time? Today is my birthday." Lin Xiaoxi looked at her amusedly, and simply sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at her half naked without worrying about getting a call. , It's a lie at all, must that bastard Wendong secretly want to drive Yanan away, and bully me on his birthday?no!
"But... I have made an appointment a long time ago, so I can't miss it." Cheng Yanan's heart moved, knowing that Lin Xiaoxi, her best friend for many years, would definitely not believe her lies, but she still bit the bullet and gritted her teeth and said, Cheng Yanan was picking out clothes, He didn't dare to look at Lin Xiaoxi at all, for fear of showing his feet.

"Then if you leave now, is it considered a missed appointment? Since we met, you have celebrated my birthday with me every year. Even if I get married in the future, you will still accompany me. Who made these bold words?" Lin Xiaoxi tilted her head. He looked at her angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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