How bad guys are made

Chapter 613: A wild donkey turns into a phoenix?

Chapter 613: A wild donkey turns into a phoenix?
Bystanders can tell that Lin Xiaoxi has long seen that her best friend is interested in Wendong, and she doesn't want Wendong to find other women. The two of them pinched each other many times for this matter, and they always seek justice for themselves. She didn't want to see it either.

And now Cheng Yanan decided to leave, is that a chance for himself and Wendong to be alone?
That's right, but Lin Xiaoxi doesn't want to see her best friend wandering outside silently for a night, and everything is as she said, since she can accept Wendong and other women, it doesn't matter if there is another Cheng Yanan, Especially since she is still my best friend.

Although it feels a bit weird...

But I couldn't help thinking strangely in my heart, if Wen Dong really got along with Cheng Yanan, would they still pinch each other if nothing happened?It's funny just thinking about it.


"Okay, don't think too much about it. It must be that bastard Wen Dong said something bad. I'll teach him a lesson later. Even if I tell him to leave, I don't want my best friend to leave." Lin Xiaoxi stood up and patted her The good sister smiled and comforted her shoulders.

"It's...not bad, then, then I won't go." Cheng Yanan somehow found a way for himself.

"Hey, didn't you go to teach him a lesson, why are you still here?" Cheng Yanan was looking for what she thought was the most beautiful dress, but found that Lin Xiaoxi was still standing behind her, and said with a frown.

"Hey, miss, do you think it's really good for me to dress like this to teach her a lesson?" Lin Xiaoxi looked down at the staring body, and said to Cheng Yanan speechlessly.

"Oh, that's right. If you go like this, then you won't be teaching him a lesson, and you will definitely be bullied." Cheng Yanan glanced at her sexy look with only a underwear on her upper body, but couldn't help laughing and said: "Maybe, after Wendong saw it, he didn't even bother to cook, so he just gave you a 'big' gift, haha!"

"Get out of here!" Lin Xiaoxi blushed, because she had nothing to do with her hooligan best friend, and she was so angry that she almost kicked her.

After a while, Lin Xiaoxi came out wearing a comfortable light yellow skirt covering her knees, no, Cheng Yanan pushed her out, and pushed her directly to the kitchen door, then she gave her an ambiguous look and hugged the bathtub Pao shook his body and walked to the bathroom, intending to take a shower to wake up.

"What? Come to help?" Wen Dong, who was cooking the last dish, suddenly noticed Lin Xiaoxi walking over, and asked with a smile.

"No, you will cook all the dishes today." Lin Xiaoxi snorted pretending to be angry, as if... Acting like a baby?
But domineering and cute?
Yes, Lin Xiaoxi also felt that her tone was not quite right, and her little face blushed suddenly.

"Why? Are you still angry? Afterwards, I also felt a little reckless, but..." Wendong knew that this girl was angry because of what happened at noon this afternoon and the negative influence of public opinion on her. He wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it. .

"You still know that you are reckless, you are like this..." Lin Xiaoxi curled her lips: "So you are contradictory, right? If you don't beat him up, you probably won't have the face to celebrate my birthday tonight?"

"Damn, it's the right answer." Wen Dong's eyes lit up, as if he had found a confidant.

"Just to have the face to celebrate my birthday, you beat someone up. Isn't the price too high? Especially since you are so thick-skinned, even if you didn't beat someone up, you would be embarrassed to come, right?" Lin Xiaoxi laughed. road.

"That's why I want to please you and say you're sorry." Wen Dong knew that the price was the negative pressure brought by public opinion on Lin Xiaoxi, especially for a singer like Lin Xiaoxi who became famous by a hit, the most taboo is negative public opinion Well, she relies on popularity, if no one likes her, then her music scene may be lost forever.

"Actually, I should be the one who said I'm sorry. The public opinion is right. I really cheated on you... for a while." Lin Xiaoxi confessed directly to Wendong, but she didn't dare to look at Wendong's indifference. Face.

But Wendong's face was not cold, on the contrary, he was very happy because of Lin Xiaoxi's confession. Even if he stood directly on the opposite side with Tian Yu, what Wendong had to admit was that Tian Yu was indeed very attractive to women, especially Sun Xiaojie during that time. It's strange that Lin Xiaoxi is not sad because she came to find herself, and she got married with Zhang Hanhan, but it's strange that Lin Xiaoxi didn't like him when Tian Yu appeared at the right time to soothe her heart.

Fortunately, I still have a better skill, and I can embrace the beauty!
"And then?" Wen Dong looked at her and asked.

"Then what else do you want? I have apologized to you, and what I mean is that you don't have to worry about me. Although the negative influence of public opinion is great, there are still a lot of people who like me. Besides, Rolling Stone Music Director still He proposed a sky-high price signing invitation, and he called me this afternoon, and he said that if I can’t stay in Fashion, his invitation still counts, so I’m not worried at all, and I’m still a little hesitant..."

"Damn it! Is that music director also looking for a fight? Why are you hesitating? You are hesitating. Of course, this kind of thing is directly rejected. How can you go to Rolling Stone Music? No, you are my cash cow. Ah, you're gone, how can I make money!" Wen Dong said angrily, his face was furious, if that rolling stone music director was here, I'm afraid he would kick him to death without hesitation!
"Money tree? Hmph, have you revealed your ugly heart? Why beat Tian Yu to vent your anger for your buddies and girlfriends? I think you just want to please your money tree. This is the correct solution to beating people, right? Huh?" Lin Xiaoxi said with a small hand Ring chest, looking at Wendong with contempt.

"Uh, heh heh heh..." Wen Dong was choked speechless all of a sudden, and just stood there laughing.

But it seems that Lin Xiaoxi doesn't intend to let Wendong go, and still despises him, as if trying to test Wendong's bottom line?Are you going to embarrass him?

"Well, Xiaoxi, you should be able to understand that besides making money, I still love you more." Wen Dong expressed without blushing.

"Really? No, I didn't." Lin Xiaoxi didn't give him a chance, and she didn't know what shyness was at this moment.

"If you don't believe me, touch it. My heart is here, and it's all about you." You can't use your mouth, you can only use your hands. Wendong grabbed Lin Xiaoxi's little hand and pressed it to his chest. What he said was affectionate. moving.

"Ah, what are you doing, your hands are full of oil stains..." Lin Xiaoxi was startled by Wen Dong's sudden action, and quickly pulled out her little hand, and said with a pretty face even more angrily.

my day!

Wendong was directly defeated by Lin Xiaoxi. At this time, even if you are angry again, you should be emotional, right?Grease all over your hands?Where is this...


"I'm too lazy to talk to you, I'll go and clean up the table." Seeing Wendong's expression of wanting to cry but no tears, Lin Xiaoxi felt complacent, turned around and left humming...


After a while, four small dishes and a pot of pork rib soup filled the small table. The dinner was quite sumptuous, and the drinks were ready.

At this time, Cheng Yanan, who was taking a bath, put on a new outfit and came out of the bedroom.

Wen Dong originally had resentment in his heart, but when he raised his head, he was stunned for a moment, and his eyes lit up?
If you remember well, Cheng Yanan wore a bright red antique cheongsam at the prom when the fashion show was held. With her glamorous face that owed her 500 million, she was very temperamental and queenly. At this time, Still an antique cheongsam.

But the color and design are quite different. It is a dark brown antique long dress, but it is not all antique. It is similar to Wendong’s design concept. This cheongsam combines fashionable and sexy elements in it, especially the most daring thing is that there is no Wrapping the chest, another point is that this is not a kimono button-down cheongsam, it is more like a sexy long dress with an antique color but a unique style, covering the parts above the knees, but it does not wrap the chest, making the chest exposed. The snow white, a pair of black high-heeled sandals with thin straps under a snow-white calf, showing that the little feet inside are very delicate.

What was especially different was that Cheng Yanan pulled up her long hair, revealing her snow-white jade neck and delicate face.

After Cheng Yanan took a bath, she obviously dressed up carefully. She was wearing a chic skirt, which was full of temptation. What Wen Dong didn't expect was that she was always careless. A stunning beauty, and more importantly, a temperamental beauty.

The temperament is elegant, and people can't help but look at it more.

Cheng Yanan is definitely a beauty. Wen Dong very much admits that, if only relying on her appearance and figure, she is a bit stronger than Li Binger. She is tall, but sexy, plump and full of sensuality. Li Bing'er and her were really on the same page again, but thinking of the candlelight dinner that night, it wasn't 01:30 when Li Bing'er's temper improved.

But thinking about it this way, it seems that Cheng Yanan has restrained a lot recently, and he didn't fight with himself like before when he didn't agree with each other.

But Wendong still couldn't help being weird.

At a certain moment, Wen Dong suddenly thought of an adjective—a person depends on clothes, and beauty depends on beautiful clothes. Cheng Yanan has definitely turned a wild donkey into a phoenix! ! !
The word "wild donkey" goes well with Cheng Yanan, and Wendong thinks it's perfect.

However, this woman is suspected of stealing face tonight, the heroine is Lin Xiaoxi!Dressed up so beautifully for whom?show meWen Dong thought strangely.

"Yanan, you are very beautiful today." Wen Dong said sincerely.

"Oh? Really? You're not blind." Cheng Yanan raised her eyebrows and looked at him. Although she was mocking, Wen Dong's praise made her feel that the long time of dressing up was not wasted, and she felt elated for a while.

"There are only five bottles of beer, so I won't go down and buy it, just drink it." At this time, Lin Xiaoxi came out from the kitchen with a half case of beer.

"Okay, come and sit down." Wen Dong nodded with a smile, patted the position of his left hand, and looked at his girlfriend more and more satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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