How bad guys are made

Chapter 615 Father and Son Acting

Chapter 615 Father and Son Acting
Then he sighed again: "Let's go? Can we go? We have entered this quagmire, and it is not that easy to get out. Now there is only one road before us, even if it is a dark road, we have to go all the way. black!"

"Into the mud? What do you mean? Father, what did you do?" Tian Yu exclaimed.

"Do you know who was the internal response to Zihan's kidnapping last time?" Tian Qing looked at his son and said.

"Ah? Father, you..." Tian Yu was shocked, and then turned his eyes: "So, you have already joined forces with He Wenlong?"

"If you don't unite, how can you defeat Zhang Sanbai?"

"But father, aren't you afraid of seeking skins from tigers? Are you not afraid of helping He Wenlong kill Zhang Sanbai and then swallow us up?" Tian Yu exclaimed, knowing that He Wenlong is the biggest boss in the underground world of Shuishi.

"No, you underestimate He Wenlong's capacity too much. As for his real purpose, I don't know very well. He has a big plan to implement, but don't worry, we hide at the end and only do some small tricks. We will not surface at the last moment, we are safe." Tian Qing smiled and took a sip of tea, and comforted his son, and comforted himself even more.

"Then, father, us? What should I do? He Wenlong said that he has a plan, but who knows when he will dare to implement it? But I've messed with Wen Dong now? What should I do?" Tian Yu said in horror.

"What else can I do besides admitting my mistake? The most urgent thing for you now is to immediately admit your mistake to Wendong. As for the negative impact on public opinion, I think you know better than me how to recover, even if it can be minimized." Tian Qing stared at his son and said.

"In terms of public opinion, that's fine. I'll hire someone to hold a press conference early tomorrow morning, admit my mistakes to Wendong, and stabilize him first." Tian Yu thought for a while.

"Yes, this is my son. If you can't bear it, you can make big plans. A man can bend and stretch. What is a woman? What is a small position as a fashionable president? When we succeed, you can have whatever you want , and I’m old too, I’ve worked so hard for you, and sooner or later it will be yours.” Tian Qing patted his son on the shoulder, his eyes full of admiration.

"Father..." Tian Yu looked at Tian Qing excitedly, with gratitude in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to touch his painful cheek, but there was a glint of ruthlessness in his eyes. He not only wanted to grab Wendong's position, but also The woman who robbed Wendong, Lin Xiaoxi, you are mine!

Tian Yu looked happy, as if he had already taken the position of the big brother in the underground world of Shuishi!
"Acknowledge your mistake. I know a little about Wen Dong. He is also very affectionate and impulsive, but he also saves face. That's why he hit you directly in front of so many people. As long as you Admit your mistake, he will never lower his face to touch you, you can rest assured about this, but this time, I also know that you have a great grievance."

"Father, don't say any more, I know it all, I'm going to confess to Wendong right now!"


Cheng Yanan got into the bedroom and went to sleep. After washing the dishes and chopsticks, Wendong and Xiaoxi sat on the sofa and watched TV, but Wendong received a call in the middle.

"Whose phone number?" Seeing Wendong put down the phone, Lin Xiaoxi had a strange expression on his face, thinking it was some woman of his, and he agreed to it just now, is he leaving?Lin Xiaoxi stared at him unkindly.

"Who else, look?" Wen Dong showed the call record just now in front of Lin Xiaoxi, with a strange expression on his face.

"Tian... ah? He, what did he want you for? I..." Lin Xiaoxi didn't want to look at it, but she couldn't help it, but after seeing it, she was dumbfounded, and instead she felt embarrassed, lowered her head and said nothing up.

"What's wrong?" Wen Dong asked knowingly, holding her small face with his hands.

"Wendong, I'm sorry, I..." Looking at each other, Lin Xiaoxi blushed slightly, and her tone was apologetic.

"Woooo..." But Wendong didn't let her continue, and immediately pressed her on the sofa.

After earning more than ten minutes of cheap money, both verbal cheap and hand cheap, it made Lin Xiaoxi's little face flushed, and she was panting again and again before letting go. At this time, Lin Xiaoxi's head had already turned into a ball of paste , Those who were invaded did not know the north, south, east, and west.

"Okay, I've said it all, I should be the one to apologize, and Tian Yu came to me this time to apologize to me." Wen Dong looked at the other party's pink mouth, which was close at hand, and smiled, his eyes were also It's so weird, I don't know which one Tian Yu is acting in.

"Apologize? How could he apologize to you?" Lin Xiaoxi simply lay comfortably on the sofa, holding Wendong's back with her small hands, but her expression was strange and shocked.

"I don't know, he's coming soon, I'll go down and pick him up." Wen Dong touched her pretty face before straightening up.

"Come here? Pick him up? Let him into our house? Then, what should I do? Shall I just make tea here and wait for him?" Although Lin Xiaoxi admitted that Wendong was her boyfriend, she didn't want to avoid it, but she just Waiting for a good tea like being a wife, especially when the other party is Tian Yu who bullied her before, which made her feel very weird and uncomfortable.

"Into our house? How is it possible? I mean go and meet him. If he really admits his mistake, I'm going to let him go. After all..."

"What happened after all?" Lin Xiaoxi asked curiously while blushing and arranging her clothes.

"Tian Yu's father is Chairman Zhang's buddy. The relationship between Director Zhang and his father is the same as Wu Zhan and I, even closer. I have also met Tian Yu's father a few times, so if he takes the initiative If I admit my mistake, I'm too embarrassed to do it again." Wen Dong explained bluntly.

"Oh, then... then it's up to you, you can do whatever you say." In fact, she is kind-hearted and plans to let it go, she doesn't want to get entangled in this matter any longer, it's not good for anyone, and now she If Wen Dong is accepted, then Tian Yu's chances are zero, and Wen Dong's saying this is also an alternative way of saying that he believes that he will not have anything to do with Tian Yu anymore.

And Lin Xiaoxi speaks very smartly, if she says it, then let Tian Yu go, this will probably make Wendong unhappy, and she listens to you, which makes Wendong even more excited, for example...

"When did you become so obedient, then I have to make an inch..." Wen Dong said, looking at her with bright eyes.

"You, what else do you want to do?" Lin Xiaoxi looked at him in fear. Just now, this guy made a lot of money. What else does he want?
"I want to live here tonight." Wen Dong said.

"Ah? Then..." Lin Xiaoxi was startled, her little face turned red instantly, but she still insisted: "Then you go and come back quickly..." Lin Xiaoxi seemed to bury her head in her chest, her voice was so soft that it was almost Can't hear.

"it is good."


"Hehe, you must not play any tricks." Wen Dong walked out of the room and involuntarily smoked a cigarette. He always felt that Tian Yu's apology and admission was a bit strange.

"Tian Yu? Uncle Tian?" But when Wen Dong swayed out of the apartment building and saw two men who seemed to be waiting by the car for a long time, he was not surprised at all.

Tian Qing is here.

"Mr. Wen, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I've offended Mr. Wen. Now I've brought him here, and I'll let Mr. Wen deal with it." Seeing Wen Dong, Tian Qing immediately smiled with a black face. He stretched out his hand to greet him from a long distance, apologized again and again, and turned his head to look angrily at Tian Yu who was following behind him.

"Hehe, Uncle Tian is being serious. In fact, it's also my fault. I'm too impulsive. Besides, it's our young people's business. If we talk about it, we will fight. If we talk about it, we will make peace. Why bother Uncle Tian? "He stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling face, Wendong really couldn't say anything at this time, especially when he saw Tian Yu beside him, although he was still a little unconvinced, he thought he had been reprimanded by Tian Qing, he lowered his head and didn't say anything, and there was an extra one on his cheek The palm print, it seems that Tian Qing was angry and slapped him, especially Tian Yu's slightly unconvinced look, in Wen Dong's view, it seems... a child's anger?

In this way, I can't do anything about it, but Wen Dong always feels a little strange in his heart, Tian Qing has always had a dark face and is not good at words, even if he met a few times before, he just said a few words casually, while he Today's performance...was a little too enthusiastic, too excited to mobilize the crowd?
Wen Dong thought about it, it must be Zhang Sanbai's ghost, he beat Tian Yu himself, this incident caused a lot of trouble in the city, it would be strange if Zhang Sanbai didn't know, this guy has always been helping his relatives Not in the gang, especially the people in Li Ningyan's circle, this old guy must be threatening Tian Qing, and must make Tian Yu satisfied with himself, and Tian Qing can only lower his face and come to follow him personally for the sake of his son. Apologize yourself?

Now it seems that there is only one explanation.

"Stinky boy, why are you still staring? Why don't you apologize to Mr. Wen?" Tian Qing really had a fiery temper. Seeing that his son seemed unconvinced, he raised his foot and kicked him.

"I... I'm sorry." Tian Yu staggered from being kicked, looked up at Wen Dong helplessly, and almost squeezed out these words through gritted teeth.

"Uncle Tian, ​​what are you doing? I feel embarrassed when you are like this. Forget it, really forget it. How about we go up and sit down?" Wen Dong embarrassedly invited.

"Forget it, I'm sorry for our father and son to disturb you at such a late hour." Tian Qing smiled and turned to stare at Tian Yu: "What are you still doing, Mr. Wen said he would let you go, why don't you say Thanks?"


Oops, it's really a waste for the father and son not to go to the filming, because they really deceived Wendong, Tian Qing brought his son to admit his mistake, Wendong really has nothing to do, although Wendong didn't plan to Just let Tian Yu go, but he didn't want to kill him, even if he thought of Lin Xiaoxi being bullied by him, he didn't feel like killing him.

But killing depends on who it is. Even if Tian Yu kills, he will kill. If he kills secretly, even if Li Binger suspects, he can only cover it up for himself, right?But in this way, it would be difficult for Zhang Sanbai to be a man. Although Zhang Sanbai was definitely on his side, how could he face Tian Qing?

Interpersonal circle.To live in this circle, you must abide by some rules, and you cannot do whatever you want.

And Wendong is not really able to see through people's hearts with sharp eyes. Although he felt a little strange, he didn't think too much about it. In fact, it was more because he only saw Tian Yu as a villain in his heart, just a small person, so Didn't think much about it.

When Wendong came home, Lin Xiaoxi was no longer in the living room. Wendong looked up and saw that the light in Lin Xiaoxi's bedroom was on, and the door was ajar. The breeze blew in from the bedroom window, and the door opened and closed slightly, as if calling, call……?
(End of this chapter)

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