How bad guys are made

Chapter 616 Night 1

Chapter 616 The First Night

Orange Years sang endlessly, surrounded by lights, and the atmosphere was excellent.

The depressed Jiang Tao, Wu Zhan duo took a sip of a large glass of beer, and what they drank was called sadness...

"There's a new update. Damn it, Wendong..." Although Jiang Tao felt distressed, he was still holding his mobile phone to watch the real time forum.

"What's wrong?" Wu Zhan asked in a daze.

"As far as I know, Wendong went to Lin Xiaoxi's place this afternoon. The paparazzi squatted until nine o'clock in the evening and still didn't see Wendong come out. According to speculation, Wendong is going to live there...It's over, it's over, it's over..." Jiang Tao let out a mournful cry, and quickly threw away the fart beer mug in his hand, as if his butt was on fire: "No, no, I have to stop him, Wen Dong can't do this!"

"Damn, hey, what are you doing? Go and get beaten up..." Wu Zhan hurriedly pulled him back and said anxiously.

"Ah? What's the beating?" Jiang Tao was taken aback, looking at him strangely.

Wu Zhan had a belch, patted Jiang Tao's shoulder, and said, "I think you're drunk. Wen Dong is angry now, and needs to find something to vent. You can stop it? Isn't this courting death?" Do you want to be kicked out after being beaten up, believe it or not? A good word from my buddy, just let it be."

"But...but I'm Sister Xiaoxi's manager now, and I have to be responsible for her..." Jiang Tao said with a bitter face, anxious for no reason.

"Responsible fart, there is Wendong, why do you need to be responsible, you are just pretending not to know, and you are responsible for drinking with me, buddy is not happy today, we will not go home until we are drunk..." Wu Zhan said vaguely As he spoke, he beckoned: "Miss Boss, bring me another case of beer, oh, by the way, bring two more girls, and they must be of good quality."

"Okay, objective..."

"Brother Wu, don't you say you're quitting girls for Yadan?" Jiang Tao thought about what Wu Zhan said was reasonable, but he couldn't help asking strangely.

"Of course I quit, but am I drunk? I don't know anything anymore." Wu Zhan Dayi said lingeringly.

Jiang Tao: "..."


Lin Xiaoxi's home.

Wen Dong gritted his teeth and walked in casually, his expression and steps were extremely natural...

Walking into the bedroom, Wendong found that Lin Xiaoxi had changed into a slightly conservative pajamas, sitting on the head of the bed, covered with a thin quilt, playing with her mobile phone cross-legged, listening to the sound of Didi, as if she was still very happy, It should be her birthday today, and many of her co-workers who are devoted fans have wished her a happy birthday. What about Wendong who tried to pretend to be natural and walked in?

Didn't see it directly?
No, she noticed it, Wen Dong obviously saw that her finger pointing at the phone screen paused, her little face flushed slightly.

"Hehe, what, I'm going to sleep, hehehe..." He clearly noticed it, but the other party pretended not to see it. Wendong knew that she was shy, but Wendong himself was nervous and inexplicable.

The two have gone through so much, and finally achieved a positive result, but except for the night of being drunk and dazed, Wen Dong has never been with her like this, especially the one in front of her is a goddess, the harder it is to get, the more she cherishes it. That's right, at this moment, Wendong feels more nervous and expectant than when he entered his wife Zhang Hanhan's bedroom bed...?
"Huh, huh?" Lin Xiaoxi nodded her head, but suddenly looked up at Wendong again, as if wondering why Wendong came in, and why did he come in?
Lin Xiaoxi's expression made Wendong speechless for a while, he really deserves to be a person in the entertainment industry, this acting...

Rao Wendong was thick-skinned enough, and felt ashamed for a while.

"Then what, squeeze it..." Wen Dong also went all out, kicked off the slippers, sat down on the head of the bed and began to squeeze Lin Xiaoxi's butt.

"Nervous!" Glancing at Wendong's flattering smile while licking his face, Lin Xiaoxi glared at him angrily, and really moved his buttocks into the bed. His expression...was so natural, like a married couple for many years.

Oops, Wen Dong was so excited, especially when he was so close to her, anyway, he planned to put his face here tonight, Wen Dong swished his legs into the thin quilt, and put his feet directly on her legs , eyes fixed on her expression...

What's Lin Xiaoxi's expression?There's no expression at all! ! !
Lin Xiaoxi just sat there without moving, continuing to play with her mobile phone.

Whoops, Wendong was caught off guard, what he never expected was that she, who is also extremely shy, would do this to herself?
But it's unbearably itchy...

"Then what, you're still playing with your mobile phone, hehehe..." Wen Dong held back his strength to strike up a conversation, always feeling that he was being too idiotic for asking.

"Wendong, what stimulated you, why are you so nervous in the middle of the night?" Lin Xiaoxi put down her phone and stared up at his face.

"Crazy? What's wrong with me?" Wen Dong is about to cry, how long are you going to play.

Seeing Wendong's old face crying, as if... at a loss and nervous, Lin Xiaoxi couldn't help but burst out laughing. Under Wendong's confused gaze, he put the phone on the bedside and stretched out his little hand Holding Wendong's big hand and putting it behind his shoulders, he voluntarily lay down on Wendong's chest, and asked in a low voice, "Are you so afraid of me?"

"It's not fear, it's nervousness. It's never been like this before...?" Wen Dong put his arms around her shoulders, his breath buried in her hair, a faint fragrance.

"Well, the matter is resolved?" Lin Xiaoxi nodded slightly, happy and sweet in her heart, Wen Dong was so nervous that it could only show that he cared too much about himself.

"Well, it's solved." Wen Dong nodded.

It may be that the two of them were too nervous. After Wen Dong finished speaking, you looked at me and I looked at you, but there was nothing to say.

Just when Wendong was thinking about how to get to the point, Lin Xiaoxi seemed to understand what he meant, and signaled him to turn off the light with his eyes.

"Huh? Oh." Wendong was stunned for a moment before he understood Lin Xiaoxi's meaning, especially when she saw her blushing and buried her head in her chest immediately after she gave him a wink, Wendong nodded with an extremely upright expression, but his heart was ecstatic ?Very dirty.

It seemed that they got into the thin quilt together tacitly. Wen Dong approached her and kissed her small mouth. This time, she didn't refuse at all, as if it was natural, but the little hand holding Wen Dong's arm tightened tightly...

"What's the matter?" Ten minutes later, Wen Dong's puzzled voice suddenly sounded in Xixi Suosuo's bedroom.

"Can I... can I wait any longer, I..." Lin Xiaoxi panted, with a hint of pleading and panic in her voice?
"Well..." Wen Dong was silent for a while, then put his arms around her shoulders, and responded in a low voice: "We have time, and the rest of your time is mine."

"Wendong, I'm sorry, I was already prepared..."

"Okay, it is said that we have a lot of time, you prepare slowly." Wen Dong comforted with a smile, and was also slightly disappointed in his heart.

"Well, then, let's go to sleep." Lin Xiaoxi said in an apologetic tone.



Apart from the throbbing distracting thoughts, Wen Dong fell asleep in a short while, and he was really too tired today, especially this afternoon he had a toss with He Qing, and he was not so eager.

Wen Dong fell asleep, but Lin Xiaoxi didn't. Just now she was nervous and just huddled in his arms, motionless, but after a while, Wen Dong's even breathing sound came from her ears, which meant she was asleep ?Lin Xiaoxi was slightly puzzled.

I wanted to shout out to try, but I was afraid that he would pretend to be asleep. If I shouted, everything would be over, but my heart was inexplicably contradictory, so I secretly reached out and touched his waist.

Not moving?

Scratch again!

Still didn't move, really fell asleep.

In the darkness, Lin Xiaoxi's bright eyes flashed a trace of resentment, could it be that he is so unattractive?Falling asleep so quickly while hugging yourself?A boring woman has some doubts about her own attractiveness, and this is the source of the contradiction...

If you say that women are so strange, if you bully her, she will call you a beast, if you don't bully, she will directly call you worse than a beast, although in Lin Xiaoxi's heart Wen Dong is better than a beast, but she still feels something is wrong.

The heart of a woman, the needle in the sea, women are inherently contradictory, and goddesses cannot escape this category.

However, to say that Wen Dong is tired, Lin Xiaoxi is actually even more tired. The extremely exciting contest for the singer championship, Tian Yu's bullying beyond the bounds, Wen Dong beating Tian Yu violently, and the troubles in the company and public opinion all made Lin Xiaoxi very tired. ...


"Morning." After waking up in the morning, the two stayed together for a while before Lin Xiaoxi forced them to get dressed and go out. As soon as they came out, they saw Cheng Yanan who had woken up early and was leaning on the sofa making a facial mask. His face turned red, and he was annoyed that the bastard behind him who was still busy putting on his pants told him to get up early today...

Originally, Lin Xiaoxi just thought that she and Wendong would go out of the bedroom first, and when Cheng Yanan came out again, at least she wouldn't see herself and Wendong coming out of the same bedroom, even if she guessed it, she wouldn't be so embarrassed, wouldn't she?
Besides, isn't Cheng Yanan, a lazy pig, always rushing to get up early? Why is it so early today?
"En." Cheng Yanan nodded, looked at Lin Xiaoxi, and then at Wendong who came out from behind her step by step.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?" Lin Xiaoxi was not with Wendong, and hurried to the coffee table to find some water to drink, but when she looked up, she found her best friend Cheng Yanan was staring at her fiercely, especially at this time with her face still stuck to her face. There were only two black eyeballs staring at her on a mask, which made Lin Xiaoxi feel weird for a while, but the voice asked a little guilty and regretful, how good would it be if she didn't see it?
"What did you guys do last night? Why is there no movement at all?" Cheng Yanan asked carelessly, and then looked at Wendong again: "You can't really do it, can you? Or is it a second man?"

Wen Dong glanced at her, and simply didn't bother to answer her silly question.

"I knew it, why was I going to sleep when I was tired? I knew you would eavesdrop!" Lin Xiaoxi's face was flushed by the blunt words, and she stared at her best friend as if annoyed, exposing her lies.

"That's right, I just eavesdropped, what's the matter?" Cheng Yanan directly agreed without knowing the shyness at all. In terms of thickness of skin, he was really on par with Wen Dong.

"Too lazy to talk about you." Lin Xiaoxi pouted and snorted, and walked to the bathroom, feeling relieved, saying that it was fortunate that she stopped in time last night.

"It's really weird for you to make a mask in the morning." Wen Dong curled his lips, and sat down beside Cheng Yanan. In terms of thick skin, he didn't feel that he was inferior to this woman.

"What's so strange, if you don't do something, you should have said it earlier. What did you do so ambiguously last night!" Cheng Yanan was an anti-general, and instead glared at Wen Dong angrily: "The damn old lady is lying at your door for a long time!" I squatted until one o'clock in the morning, shit, finally I couldn't bear it and went back to sleep, I didn't hear the fart sound, and I got dark circles, how can I go out without a mask...?"

Wen Dong: "..."

But Lin Xiaoxi staggered and almost fell on the bathroom door. This best friend of hers is really... speechless to her.

(End of this chapter)

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