How bad guys are made

Chapter 617 Wu Zhan Jiang Tao 2 Players

Chapter 617

The three of them had a simple breakfast, Wendong drove them to the company, only heard Cheng Yanan complaining along the way, Wendong turned a deaf ear to concentrate on driving, Lin Xiaoxi who was sitting by the side was silent, but her face was blushing and her heart was beating...

Driving the car to the underground garage, the three of them were blocked as soon as they got out of the car. It wasn't paparazzi, nor a board of directors, but Jiang Tao and Wu Zhan, who had the courage to call themselves buddies. Standing there alone with a cigarette in his mouth, his arrogance leaked out, causing the timid to retreat three feet unconsciously, but he felt weird, especially Wu Zhan, and Nima rubbed his eyes, as if he hadn't woken up?
The appearance of the two startled Wendong, thinking that they were surrounded by paparazzi, Lin Xiaoxi was a little panicked and shy after being surprised, especially knowing that they must have seen him and Wendong get out of the car together, her little face was red and she didn't speak.

As for Cheng Yanan, after a brief moment of surprise, she curled her lips and said nothing, her eyes were not friendly, especially at Wu Zhan, and she was even more cruel to Wen Dong who was beside her.

Women hold grudges, she has not forgotten that Wu Zhan chased her, and this incident is probably the idea of ​​Wen Dong, a bastard, because of this, she pinched Wen Dong once, but it seems that she didn't make any money. what a cheap...

"What are you doing?" Wu Zhan seemed to be in a daze as if he hadn't woken up yet, but Jiang Tao's eyes were shining brightly, looking at Lin Xiaoxi, as if thinking about something, Wen Dong was speechless.

"Ahaha, of course I'm here to welcome Mr. Wen. Mr. Wen has worked hard day and night. We have made a special trip to deliver milk tea to you and your sister-in-law. Milk tea..." Wu Zhan greeted him with a smile on his face, while talking He stretched out his hand to Jiang Tao without looking back.

Jiang Tao, who was standing behind, was dumbfounded. Is this still patting his chest last night, even this morning, he still vowed to criticize Wendong's martial arts with himself?Why did they turn against each other as soon as they met?
Milk tea?
"Didn't you ask you to give milk tea to Yadan and Sister Xiaoyao? Where is there milk tea..." Jiang Tao told the truth obediently when he saw Wen Dong's expression was unkind.

"I... your grandma's, didn't we buy four cups?" Seeing the weird look on Wen Dong's face, Wu Zhan couldn't help but turn his head and glared at Jiang Tao angrily.

"I bought four cups, didn't we just drink the remaining two cups?"

"What kind of plane are you two doing? Are you singing Errenzhuan?" Wen Dong was speechless. Could this duo be insane?This early in the morning, Cheng Yanan was already nagging her, but before she entered the company, she was blocked by two psychopaths.

"Puchi!" Lin Xiaoxi on the side finally couldn't help laughing out loud, she naturally knew that Wendong and these two guys got money from concert tickets, but she was too lazy to despise Wendong, and Wu Zhan, a money-grubby Naturally sticking to Wendong, but I didn't expect to meet such an honest Jiang Tao, and I was also drunk with these two...

Cheng Yanan also looked at them with a speechless face, especially Wu Zhan, who was embarrassed and embarrassed, couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hehehe, what, Mr. Wen, sister-in-law, in fact, Jiang Tao and I are here to greet you, just to have fun, haha." Wu Zhan glared at Jiang Tao and explained with an embarrassed expression. Dang laughed first, but found that they didn't laugh, and suddenly felt embarrassed again. He turned his head and looked at Cheng Yanan: "Yanan, good morning, ha ha."

"Hmph..." Cheng Yanan gave Wu Zhan a contemptuous look. What kind of a buddy is he really? Wen Dong and this guy are basically the same, but Wen Dong's realm is higher, at least a lie can be used to make a lie, right?With a cold snort, she bypassed the two of them and walked into the elevator first, she didn't have the time to watch these rascals talking nonsense.

"What's wrong? What happened again?" Wen Dong didn't bother to respond to Wu Zhan's face licking, and turned to look at the honest Jiang Tao.

"Something has happened, Brother Wendong, I..."

"Wait, let's go up and talk about it." Seeing Jiang Tao's wonderful expression and resentment on his face, Wen Dong knew that there must be something wrong with them blocking him, but he didn't want to say here that the paparazzi are everywhere, and he didn't want to make any more trouble , however, there has been a commotion...

"Okay, yes, go up and talk about it." Jiang Tao nodded excitedly, but looked at Wendong and Lin Xiaoxi warily, for fear that Wendong would make any ambiguous actions towards her at this time.

Wen Dong frowned, looking at Jiang Tao with a strange expression, a little puzzled by his expression.

"Wait, don't come up." Walking in front of the president's special elevator, Wen Dong suddenly turned to look at Wu Zhan and said.

"Why, what's the matter?" Wu Zhan was stopped and looked at Wendong suspiciously.

"I think you haven't woken up yet, so you can catch up on your sleep before you talk about it. It's okay, and you won't be fined." Wen Dong said helplessly, and he felt that it was enough for Jiang Tao to talk about this matter. Wu Zhan is not reliable. , A little thing can exaggerate you to the sky.

"Ah? I..." Wu Zhan was taken aback by the words, and then said with a mournful face: "Brother Wen Dong, do you want me?"

Hearing this, Wendong felt a chill, and almost kicked him away. Lin Xiaoxi covered her mouth and snickered. There are not many people who can make Wendong speechless, but she is also puzzled in her heart. What made Jiang Tao was in such a hurry that he had some guesses in his heart.

"Okay, how could Brother Wendong not want you, you should go to sleep soon, just now Yadan said that you didn't sleep well, you have to maintain your image, otherwise how would you chase her?" Jiang Tao comforted wisely.

"Ah, yes, I want to maintain the image of a perfect man in front of Yadan." Wu Zhan's words woke him up like a man in a dream, he slapped his thigh, turned his head and left.

Wen Dong: "..."

Lin Xiaoxi: "..."

Not to mention, although Jiang Tao is honest and looks fat and stupid, he is actually not stupid at all.

When Wen Dong came to the CEO's office, Wen Dong temporarily asked Wu Mei to go out first, and there were only three people in the office: him, Lin Xiaoxi, and Jiang Tao.

"What's wrong?" Wen Dong asked while sitting on the sofa at the coffee table, pouring water.

"Brother Wendong, you..." Jiang Tao glanced at Lin Xiaoxi who was silent, and summoned up his courage to ask, "Did you sleep with your sister-in-law last night?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, glanced at Lin Xiaoxi who was blushing, then turned his head and asked strangely.

"How do I know?" Jiang Tao almost let out an exclamation, his teeth tugged vigorously, and his fat face was full of excitement: "I'm afraid that the entire water market is just you two parties who don't know about it."

Jiang Tao seemed very angry, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and put the mobile phone page he had prepared in front of Wen Dong.

"Damn, are you being followed by the paparazzi again? Damn, these things are really hard to guard against..." Wen Dong took a look and put down the phone, scratching his head as if in distress, but his tone sounded so indifferent , almost drove Jiang Tao mad.

"Wendong, please be serious." Jiang Tao said with a straight face.

"Uh...why am I not serious? Are you...?" Jiang Tao's sudden seriousness may be because he has never talked to Wendong like this before, but it startled Wendong. Why?Wendong stared at him blankly, feeling extremely weird in his heart, when did this guy care so much about Xiaoxi's affairs?

"Uh, alright, alright..." Hearing Lin Xiaoxi explain in a low voice, Wendong suddenly understood why Jiang Tao cared about this matter. It turned out that Jiang Tao was promoted to Lin Xiaoxi's full-time job after beating Tian Yu himself yesterday. Broker up.

Wendong didn't go back to the company because of the bad beating incident yesterday, but fashion style urgently convened a board of directors. Although Wendong's actions had a great influence on fashion style and Lin Xiaoxi, it is undeniable that Lin Xiaoxi won Winning the new singer champion is still famous.

Therefore, the fashion board decided to officially sign Lin Xiaoxi. Of course, perhaps it was also because of the words that Rolling Stone Music invited Lin Xiaoxi at that time, which made the group of fashionable people anxious, and directly signed Lin Xiaoxi for 500 million.

At the beginning, the music director of Rolling Stones paid a sky-high price of 2000 million to invite Lin Xiaoxi to settle in Rolling Stones. As a rising star, fashion style is also in the limelight, especially with strong financial resources. Naturally, the price cannot be lower than others. Of course, this is also a means of publicity.

Just imagine one—the popular singer Lin Xiaoxi signed a fashion contract with a sky-high price of 500 million.Won't headlines like this attract attention?Advertise it.

After officially signing the contract, Lin Xiaoxi asked Jiang Tao to be her manager without even thinking about it. What Lin Xiaoxi values ​​most is that Jiang Tao is honest and has no evil intentions, especially for Wendong. After Tian Yu bullied him, he showed up in time as a reward.

Wendong had a weird expression on his face, looking at Jiang Tao with apologetic eyes, because he didn't know that Jiang Tao was assigned to the economic branch. When he came with Wu Zhan, he just sent someone to tell them Schedule a good job.

But the more Wen Dong watched, the more weird he became. When watching TV before, the manager usually played the role of a neutral person, that is, a man, but very girly, so—Jiang Tao?
Jiang Tao's chubby face, a broken nose and teeth look wretched and ugly, but he really looks like a bitch?
"So, Brother Wendong, do you and Xiaoxi..." Jiang Tao didn't finish speaking, but the meaning was already obvious, and he stared quietly at Wendong, trying to get him to make a promise to himself.

"Jiang Tao, Wen Dong has already admitted it, why are you asking, he slept with me last night." Lin Xiaoxi said suddenly.

"Then, then?" Jiang Tao looked at Lin Xiaoxi nervously.

"Then what? We all slept together, what else do you want? Then, do you want me to talk about the details?" Lin Xiaoxi blushed, but what she said shocked Wendong.

"Ah? You, you..." Jiang Tao exclaimed, staring at the two of them dumbfounded.

"Why is this? We are a legal couple, isn't your agent taking too much care?" Wen Dong said with a smug look on his face.

"Right." Why did Lin Xiaoxi agree, she was so ashamed, but she still said it out loudly, she just wanted to let Jiang Tao know that she was indeed with Wendong, don't doubt that she and Tian Yu still have a relationship whats the matter.

"You... oh." Jiang Tao let out a mournful cry, and suddenly his head fell down, and he slumped on the sofa.

"This..." Lin Xiaoxi and Wendong looked at each other, wondering what Jiang Tao was worried about.

(End of this chapter)

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