How bad guys are made

Chapter 618 Zhao Yifei VS He - Wenlong

Chapter 618 Zhao Yifei VS He - Wenlong
Seeing the doubts on Lin Xiaoxi's face, Jiang Tao became even more angry, and said with hatred: " you know that outsiders call you the Goddess of Xi, and you have a more resounding title? That is Pure Jade Girl, But you and Wendong are like this, do you know how popular it will be if you let those fans know about it? You are simply destroying your future, how can you young people be so unbearable..."

my day!

Wen Dong listened with black lines on his face, he was still a young man, and he was talking like how old you are...

"Wendong, Xiaoxi doesn't understand anything when she first entered the entertainment circle, don't you? How could you treat her like this? You are..."

"Hey, enough is enough, what's wrong with the pure girl? Can't the pure girl fall in love? Then according to what you say, she will never fall in love for the rest of her life? Then she is not a girl, then what a nun! Besides, I The two really love each other, and now they have finally achieved a positive result, you should congratulate us."

"Wen Dong is right, you should congratulate us, besides we are not young anymore, why can't... right?" Lin Xiaoxi blushed, looked at Wen Dong and winked.

"Yes, of course." Wen Dong nodded quickly, and now Lin Xiaoxi has given up his face, and Jiang Tao's face is almost green when the two sang.

"Dirty, too dirty..." Jiang Tao pointed at the two with trembling fingers, and left angrily.

"Jiang Tao, this..." Wen Dong didn't get angry, he just thought it was funny, but at this time it was extremely weird, why did Jiang Tao's last sentence sound a bit girly?


After leaving Jiang Tao angry, Lin Xiaoxi left. Before leaving, she warned not to go to her house in the future. Lin Xiaoxi is a principled person, but she is also a person who cares about face. She still cares about what other people say, especially these It's a bad topic, she doesn't want to be judged and commented on.

In the end, Wen Dong expressed his innocence, and he just went to celebrate her birthday last night.

It is also because Wendong didn't really treat her last night, Lin Xiaoxi is still a little relieved about Wendong, and the two are officially in love, so they naturally miss each other very much, so they took a step back and let Wendong hide from the paparazzi in the future Going to her house and even threatening to kill him if the paparazzi found him again.

Oops, Wendong is so miserable. I was never so careful when I was in love with Zhang Hanhan. Could it be that I need to climb the wall in the middle of the night to find her?No, climbing stairs?
Looking at Wen Dong who was speechless and embarrassed, Lin Xiaoxi left with a smile on her face.

After a while, Wendong received a call from He Qing, what are you doing?

——For a visa, He Qing wants to go abroad to give birth!


At around [-]:[-] noon, Lanyun Group had people coming and going, but compared to usual, it was considered sparse.

Lanyun gets off work at [-]:[-], and it's rest time until two o'clock. As long as he eats fast enough and takes a short rest, he can still take a good nap.

So at this time, apart from three or two employees who were late for dinner, there were not many people around the aisle in Lanyun's office area.

He Wenlong had just come back from eating out with a loss for his beauty. When he got out of the elevator and wanted to enter his office, he found a tall figure standing at the door. Although he was wearing a suit, because of his strong figure, especially his face was not very kind. , looks disgusting.

He Wenlong glanced at him, and after a moment of stunned, a smile appeared on his face. As he walked over, he stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Zhao?"

The person waiting for him was Zhao Yifei, who was holding an information bag in his hand.

"He Wenlong, this is the answer my grandfather gave you." Zhao Yifei did not shake hands with him, but gave him the information bag in his hand.

"Oh? There's an answer so soon?" He Wenlong chuckled, and his thin lips curled up, making him very attractive.

"Yes." Zhao Yifei bared his teeth and smiled, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and looked up at him.

He Wenlong glanced at Zhao Yifei and frowned slightly. He always felt that there was something wrong with his expression, like joking?

He Wenlong reached out to take the information bag and opened it for a look, a hint of sinister flashed in his eyes for a moment, because the information bag was full of scraps of paper.

Looking up, He Wenlong still had a smile on his face: "It seems that Mr. Zhao disagrees?"

"Why do you always talk nonsense, isn't that obvious?" Zhao Yifei smiled and exhaled at him.

"Zhao Yifei, show some respect!" Hong Yan acted as a bodyguard at the right time, looking at him coldly with a pretty face.

"Little girl, it seems that you don't have the right to speak here, or else my brother won't mind loosening your bones." Zhao Yifei grinned and said, with a look that deserves a beating.

"It seems that I didn't scare you last time, so I don't mind teaching you a lesson again!" Hong Yan snorted coldly, not giving in at all.

"Beauty." He Wenlong on the side stopped her in time.

Only then did Hongyan snort coldly, and stared at Zhao Yifei with murderous eyes, obviously Zhao Yifei was very angry at calling her a little girl.

"I've already received Mr. Zhao's reply, so why don't Mr. Zhao come to have a cup of tea?" He Wenlong casually threw the information bag into the trash can at the door, and invited with a smile on his face.

"No need, it's better for me to avoid mixing with you like this." Zhao Yifei chuckled, his eyes fell on Hongyan's chest, he scraped his eyes vigorously, and then left contentedly under Hongyan's forbearing gaze.

He Wenlong sent them off with a smile on his face, but the moment Zhao Yifei walked around the corner, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"Long...Young Master Long, what should we do next?" Hong Yan asked coldly.

Usually others call He Wenlong Mr. He, but he likes others to call him Young Master Long, so he also asks Hongyan and others to do the same, but Hongyan is still a little uncomfortable now.

"Plan A doesn't work, so we can only adopt plan B. Since that old guy doesn't know how to flatter, then we should get rid of this blocker."

"However, this is not easy. The old guy rejected us, so he must strengthen his precautions, especially his identity..."

Zhao Yifei's grandfather, Zhao Hongjian, was the commander of the Shuishi Military Region, and it was very difficult to assassinate him.

"Don't worry, it's [-] percent, won't notice it." He Wenlong said confidently.

"Young Master Long, are you...?" Hong Yan looked at him in surprise.

"Since we know that the old thing is likely to reject our conditions, why don't we make plans for the second step first? Plan B is already being implemented and ready, just wait for my order." He Wenlong chuckled confidently and stretched out his hand Patting Hongyan on the shoulder, she walked into the office with her hands behind her back.

Hong Yan turned her head slightly and glanced at her shoulder, a flash of disgust and disgust flashed in her eyes, she finally lowered her brows and followed in.


"You are... really planning to go abroad." Wen Dong drove to He Qing's community, climbed upstairs and walked into her home. The first thing he saw were two large suitcases, and He Qing was sitting on the sofa While watching TV, he ate the fruit plate with great relish, with a happy smile on his face.

"Of course, I'm exhausted today. I went to the company to find your wife to go through the resignation procedures. When I got home, I just cleaned up the room. Not to mention, there are people behind me. Or temporarily leave, I can go back and resume my job at any time." He Qing chuckled, picked up a small tomato with her little hand and threw it at Wendong.

"Are you ready to leave? What did Zhang Hanhan say? What's your reason?" Wen Dong reached out to take it, threw it into his mouth, then sat down beside He Qing, stretched out his hand to embrace her, and gently touched her belly with one hand and asked. road.

"I said that there is an advanced technology in Australia that may cure infertility, so Zhang Hanhan is still very understanding, and told me that this is the most important thing, the body is important." He Qing pressed her head on Wendong's shoulder , kissed the corner of his mouth affectionately, with a smug smile, that funny and smug gesture like... a little girl who just fell in love?
"That's okay too? Okay." Wen Dong gave her a funny look. He Qing's appearance at this time was very cute. After being pregnant for three years, it seems that even her intelligence has declined, but Wen Dong prefers to keep it. A childlike heart.

"Then your wife also said..." He Qing stopped talking here, and at the same time, looked at Wen Dong with a strange expression, as if she was suppressing a smile.

"What's the matter? How did the mother-in-law slander me?" Wen Dong rolled his eyes and guessed it all at once.

"Hehe, she said to let you go with me."

"Going with you? When did Zhang Hanhan become so tolerant?" Wen Dong exclaimed, staring at her dumbfounded.

"She said..." He Qing's expression became more and more weird, and she said with a smile: "She said that by the way, she also asked you to have a good check-up. The inability to conceive may also be a man's problem. It is best to stay with me for a while, and even better The CEO of Fashion Style just quit, and saves me from being a moth all day long." While talking, He Qing couldn't help covering her mouth and started laughing, and Wen Dong's face was almost turning green.

"Uh, she really said that?" Wen Dong was speechless, what could be a man's problem, how could I have a problem, especially from He Qing's words, it can be seen that Zhang Hanhan must know that he hit Tian Yu yesterday Then he didn't go home last night, he must have a guilty conscience, Wen Dong is indeed guilty, he didn't dare to go home, for fear that Zhang Hanhan would punish him.

"Then there is still a vacation? How about you stay with me for a while?" He Qing smiled lightly, her face was full of happiness, it would be great if she could go abroad with Wendong, it would be a honeymoon, although She keeps saying that she won't let Wendong follow her, but she still hopes to see him from time to time in her heart.

Being with the man she loves, especially this pregnancy has completely wiped out her major heart disease. As a woman, there is nothing happier than being with the man she loves, and what is even happier is being able to give birth to a child for him .

"Why? Can't bear to part with me?" Wen Dong's heart moved, but he laughed cheaply, and the big hand touching her belly began to be dishonest.

"Shit, I was thinking, the baby grows up in my belly, it would be good if it is accompanied by my father." He Qing glared at him angrily, grabbed his mischievous big hand with her little hand and put it on her lower abdomen, laughing on the road.

"Well... shall we apply for a visa?" Wen Dong said suddenly.

"Well, wait until I finish eating these little tomatoes." He Qing then let go of Wendong, leaned over and picked one up and put it in her mouth.

"Didn't you say you want a daughter? Daughters are obedient, and those who eat sour can easily have sons." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Who said that? These words are not true at all. It is up to men to decide whether to have children, so what is the matter of food?" He Qing said with a white look.

(End of this chapter)

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