How bad guys are made

Chapter 619 Wendong Proposes Marriage

Chapter 619 Wendong Proposes Marriage
Today, He Qing is wearing a plain dress and a pair of soft-soled cloth shoes on her little feet, but it still can't conceal her outstanding demeanor. Moreover, He Qing said that from the time of birth to the birth of the baby, she must strictly ask herself not to wear high heels. What should I do if I fall and hit my baby?
Naturally, He Qing knows the procedures for applying for a visa to go abroad. First, she has to go to the Exit-Entry Administration Office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau where her household registration is located to apply for a passport with her ID card and household registration booklet, and then wait for about a week to prepare relevant visa materials according to the requirements of the consulate. Go to the consulate or apply for a visa to Australia through a visa agency.

So, the big pile of messy things she packed up in the living room is going to be taken home, especially the various items for the baby that she bought yesterday afternoon. Go, although He Qing is not young, it is the first time for a big girl to have a child. Her parents have much more experience, and at home, she is also down-to-earth.

Wendong ran up and down the stairs twice with two big boxes on his face, while He Qing just followed with her hands behind her back, but she followed leisurely with a small fashionable bag in her small hand, not doing any work at all. Do it, the euphemistic name is - what to do when the baby is tired?
Wen Dong was speechless, he was a gangster on the street who naturally didn't know the procedures for applying for a visa, so he had to drive He Qing home, he thought to himself, no wonder this woman made a vow to accompany her today, it turned out that she was the one who caught her Work hard.

The scorching sun was shining in the sky, and Wendong's forehead was sweating profusely. He was tired for sure. God knows what the hell was in that big box, why it was so heavy.

"Come on, drink some water." Sitting in the car, He Qingxian's wife and loving mother pulled a few paper towels to wipe Wendong's sweat, and handed over the opened mineral water while watching Wendong wipe the sweat on his face. Depressed, He Qing's face was proud and happy, and she thought to herself: It would be nice to have a man. I thought that when I went upstairs with an empty suitcase, I was so tired that I couldn't get up for a long time. Look at our man, he carried it twice. The same is alive and well, but there is a little sweating...

"You seem to be very proud." Wen Dong gulped down a few mouthfuls of water, looked up to see her eyebrows raised slightly, that complacent look made Wen Dong even more depressed.

"This is what Mr. Zhang personally ordered. You are asked to come and help move things, and you need to spend more energy to save energy and keep beating dogs outside..."

"Unfortunately, her plan failed, I'm not tired at all." Wen Dong said indifferently, rolling his eyes.

"is it?"

"Of course, you stinky woman, don't use Zhang Hanhan's mother-in-law to suppress me, don't talk about this effort, and now there is another world-class car-Zhendu..."


After being bullied by Wen Dong, He Qing was already blushing and limp in the car, panting, looking up at Wen Dong who was staring at her contentedly while drinking water, her eyes were full of resentment...


"By the way, do you have all the information, such as household registration?" Wen Dong asked while driving.

"Of course, I have been working here in the water market for so many years, and I have proposed my household registration a long time ago, and I have brought it with me." He Qing looked at Wen Dong with a strange expression while sipping water, as Lanyun's general manager , How could I make such a small mistake, this guy doesn't understand himself too much, right?
"Hey, wait, where are you going? We have to go to our city first, and you are wrong. This is the Civil Affairs Bureau. I am applying for a visa to go abroad, not a marriage certificate." Seeing that Wendong had parked the car at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, He Qing hurriedly explained that she was speechless about this Xiaobai, who didn't understand this bit of common sense?

"You're right, just apply for a marriage certificate, here, I also brought my household registration." Wen Dong smiled triumphantly, pulled out the car keys and said.

"Ah—?" He Qing had already opened her small mouth wide, staring at him dumbfounded, as if she hadn't turned her head.

"I haven't read the almanac, and I don't know if it's a good day, but today is a good day for us. This is our... well, the anniversary of getting the certificate, the marriage certificate." Wen Dong emphasized again, leaning over her Kissed on the cheek and said softly: "Get out of the car."

He Qing was born in the county. Although her parents are well-educated, it is not an old fashioned thing, but because of this, things like pregnancy before marriage are the worst thing they taboo, so when she was at home just now, He Qing asked her to go home this time. Come on, tell Wendong not to let her parents know that she is pregnant.

In fact, Wendong had already thought about the matter of getting a marriage certificate with He Qing, otherwise he wouldn't have brought his household registration with him, would he?

"Hey, wait, what are you talking about, Wendong? We want to get a marriage certificate?" He Qing seemed to be dumbfounded, her little hand tightly grabbed Wendong's arm to prevent him from getting out of the car.

"Yeah, don't you want to?" Wen Dong said amusedly.

"No, but haven't you already obtained the certificate from Mr. Zhang? Can you get this thing with two people? It is indeed possible, but isn't that a privilege only for nobles or aristocratic families?" He Qing asked in surprise.

"Nobility? Aristocratic family? What kind of bullshit? What kind of society is this? The rich are nobles." Wen Dong curled his lips, expressing his disdain.

In fact, this world, especially the Tianxia Kingdom, has extremely unsound laws on marriage, which are far worse than the Huaxia Kingdom where I used to be. It is common to marry two women and three women at a time, so the marriage certificate is not a perfect procedure at all, and its binding force is not strong. Many people don't care much, especially the rich.However, for He Qing, this procedure was absolutely like thunder on the ground, and she was almost fainted by the thunder.

"We got the certificate today. From now on, you, He Qing, will be my legal wife of Wendong. I wanted to give you a perfect wedding, but your pregnancy is too hasty... He Qing, marry me." He Qing was already dumbfounded, Wendong While speaking, Dong pushed open the car door and knelt down in front of He Qing... Propose! ! !
After finishing speaking, there was an exquisite small box in his hand like a magic trick. On it was a ring, which shone brightly in the sunlight...

He Qing looked at him blankly, then suddenly covered her small mouth with her hand, tears streaming down her face...

"I am willing." He Qing choked up and said it out. She had waited too long for this moment, and even felt that it was impossible for her to have such an opportunity again in her life.

Whoops, it's so touching. The moment Wendong put the ring on He Qing's hand, He Qing was already crying, and she was so moved that she was about to faint. She couldn't help crying when she thought about it, as if she had lost the grievances of these years, I vented all the loneliness of thousands of days and nights over the years. I used paper towels one after another, but the tears still couldn't stop. In the end, Wen Dong said that crying too much is not good for the baby, so He Qing stopped crying quickly Voice.

In the end, He Qing limply lay in Wendong's arms and said nothing but Wendong, I love you, as if she would agree to whatever Wendong asked.

However, Wendong's proposal at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau is also a rare flower in the world.

Moreover, before he came, he had already greeted Zhang Sanbai. Zhang Sanbai had already greeted him. The Civil Affairs Bureau must have a one-vote pass. This is how this world is. Things that cannot be done without money and influence.

The certificate collection was over soon, and the two solemnly declared that they would never leave each other in this life, and then the person at the desk solemnly and seriously gave each of them a marriage certificate.

This was originally just a program, but unconsciously, Wen Dong felt a little strange in his heart, as if he and He Qing... fell in love more?

Yes, it feels more intimate. Although Wendong has already obtained a certificate with Zhang Hanhan, because of Zhang Wending's popularity, he directly helped them apply for the certificate without going through this seemingly indifferent procedure. This is the first time for Wendong.

And He Qing seemed to feel this way too. While Wendong was driving, she sat quietly on the side, staring at him intently, as if he was the only one in her world, with deep love in her eyes.

He Qing is not stupid. When she calmed down after the proposal, she thought of it. The reason why Wendong proposed to her so hastily was to prevent herself from embarrassing herself in front of her parents. Pregnant before marriage?

Wen Dong looks carefree, but he is always so thoughtful.


Wen Dong came here once, so of course he knew He Qing's family, and he was familiar with the road, but He Qing complained, saying that he had to get the certificate before going home, so as to save time at home and eat, so he didn't have time to go to the city again Well, Wendong is a guest after all, even if he is a new son-in-law now, he is also a new uncle, and he is not an old son-in-law, so my mother must be busy.

"I think you shouldn't go abroad, right?" Wen Dong stopped the car, looked at her and said seriously.

"What? Not going abroad anymore?" He Qing exclaimed, looking at Wen Dong in surprise, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Well, in fact, the environment here is just as good. You have your parents to accompany you to cultivate at home, isn't it better to come here alone abroad? There are still many things to do on the fashion side, and I can't have too much time to accompany you Go to Australia, so you can stay at home, so that I can come to see you when I have time, and I can drive here in less than an hour." Wen Dong said seriously.

In fact, when He Qing said she wanted Wendong to go to Australia with her in Shuishi, she could see that she was reluctant, but it was obvious that she couldn't do it at home. After all, her belly was getting bigger day by day, and her parents would blame her if they couldn't see it. Although I and Wendong have met their parents, they are still not married, right?It's hard to say, but it's different now.

The so-called certificate is in hand, I have it in the world! !
So, He Qing agreed after thinking for a while.

Sure enough, as soon as the new uncle came, things changed immediately. He Qing's mother was a university professor. She heard that He Qing was coming, and she planned to stay longer. Wen Dong also came, so she directly canceled the next month's lecture , to concentrate on accompanying her daughter.

To say that He Qing has also been working outside the home for more than ten years, studying abroad since she was a child, finding a job but not in the same city, how can she not worry about her parents.

(End of this chapter)

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