How bad guys are made

Chapter 620 Zhao Hongjian is critically ill

Chapter 620 Zhao Hongjian is critically ill

Lunch was only eaten at one o'clock in the afternoon. He Qing called his uncle, and the whole family had a friendly meal, especially when Mother He heard the news of her daughter's pregnancy, she was so excited that she burst into tears. Her daughter will be 40 years old on her next birthday. , how can parents not be in a hurry?
As for whose child it is, you can tell at a glance, the family has always regarded Wen Dong as a lucky star, He's father was so dizzy, and finally pulled Wen Dongfei to play a game of chess, but Wen Dong finally found his place The old man came back with a feather, but the old man was still happy. He patted Wen Dong on the shoulder and called his son-in-law. He was indeed a son-in-law, a legal son-in-law.

Although Wendong also drank a lot, but because of his drinking capacity and his physique is different from ordinary people, he became extremely sober around three in the afternoon. Originally, He's father and mother wanted to keep him for a night, but Wu Mei made a phone call, and Wendong took the opportunity To return to the water city.

It was good news for him that He Qing went home. Wen Dong faintly felt that something big would happen in the near future. If He Qing wanted to stay in Shuishi, he would inevitably not have time to take care of her.


During this period, a small incident did happen in the water market, which attracted many comments.

Tian Yu, the vice president of fashion style, is the actor who was beaten up by the president Wen Dong on the spot yesterday, and will hold a press conference at 11:30 noon today.

At that time, Wendong beat Tian Yu, and there were various speculations. Of course, the most established one was that he robbed Lin Xiaoxi with Wendong, and was directly slapped in the face by Wendong, who was crushed to death by a senior official.

Of course, there are also some other speculations, especially the information disclosed by the internal employees of fashion style is also different, and Tian Yu remained silent after being beaten, and did not say anything about the beating. He returned to the company on the day of the beating , and then go home, as usual, this kind of performance is even more curious for some enthusiastic people in the family.

As for Wendong, he went to the place where Lin Xiaoxi lived that night and did not leave overnight, so the public opinion that two men robbed one woman was more verified, but many people did not believe it. so depraved...

But today, after Wen Dong appeared in Fashion Wind, nothing happened. After that, he drove away from Fashion Wind, and the paparazzi followed closely. Unfortunately, Wen Dong’s driving skills are too superb. He circled the viaduct a few times, and the paparazzi leader was dizzy. North, south, east, west, took over and lost it, and now it just disappeared! ! !

Therefore, as soon as the news of Tian Yu's press conference came out, it naturally attracted the attention of many parties, especially the fans of Lin Xiaoxi and Wendong, who directly surrounded the conference site to see what happened. What Yu said was not pleasant, and these you brainless fans rushed up and tore Tian Yu to pieces.

Of course, there are people who like Tian Yu, but most of them are nympho, and they are also female employees in the fashionable interior, only a minority of the minority.

Fortunately, Tian Yu's words were really pleasant to hear. He said that the reason why Wendong beat him was because he made trouble with the concert tickets and got some money, which was a taboo. He also admitted that he admired Lin Xiaoxi very much, and even liked her. , But this has no chance against Wendong hitting him.

Getting money from concert tickets is an illegal act. He expressed regret. After being taught by Wendong, he knew his mistake. He will surrender himself to the police station after the concert, and the resignation letter has been sent to the president’s office. .

By doing this, Tian Yu really gave Wen Dong great face. Anyway, what should be redeemed has already been redeemed. It depends on how Wendong views this resignation letter. Moreover, Tian Yu is really scared, and he plans to go to prison. After squatting for a while, the safest place is still a prison, and this is just an economic crime, not a serious crime of shooting. With his father's ability, it is not a matter of inviting someone to have a meal if he wants to come out?
As soon as Tian Yu's complaint came out, it was tantamount to surrendering himself, and it immediately attracted a lot of exclamation. Wen Dong and Lin Xiaoxi's hardcore were so excited that they ignored the resentment in the eyes of those idiots who liked Tian Yu.

Of course, as long as you are a discerning person, if you calm down and think about it for a while, you will find that Tian Yu's statement is full of loopholes, especially the paparazzi leader does not believe Tian Yu's statement. The fans scolded me indiscriminately.

Even if it is unreasonable and unreasonable, Tian Yu, the person involved, has admitted that their various speculations are seldom paid attention to. After all, everyone still yearns for beautiful things, especially their Xishen is still a jade girl. Who wants to slander her again? I will play my life with whoever——

This is the power of iron powder...


Afterwards, the reporter interviewed Lin Xiaoxi who had been suppressed by negative public opinion.

However, Lin Xiaoxi's words attracted a lot of fans' mourning, because she stated on the spot at the press conference that she and Wendong had confirmed their relationship.

Of course, those who cry out are only a small number.

Because Lin Xiaoxi said this: Wendong gave me my dream, and it was Wendong who realized my dream. I admire him, but I love him even more.

Lin Xiaoxi smiled again and said: Actually, I made a big taboo, right? Just like what my manager said, I'm a girl, and I can't have any complicated relationship with men, otherwise it will affect my popularity. It seems Did it really affect it?But do you know how Wendong refuted it?He said that if this is the case, it is the sorrow of the jade girl. If she does not fall in love or get married all her life, she is not a jade girl, but a nun!

I am an ordinary person, a very ordinary woman, I also need love, I need a man to accompany, and I found it, I hope to get everyone's blessing and recognition, the same, I will work hard to create better songs Dedicated to everyone.

After finishing speaking, Lin Xiaoxi bowed to the people below, her pretty face was full of sweet smiles of love.

There were also those applauding below, and some lamenting, but almost all of them were covered by the snapping sound of reporters taking pictures.

Of course, those who send blessings still account for the majority.The reason why human beings are different from animals is that they have a smart mind. A sober person will never be sad and angry because their idol has a boyfriend, because they like Lin Xiaoxi's songs more Her pure and ethereal voice made them feel comfortable listening to her, so they liked it.

Moreover, Lin Xiaoxi's voluntary acknowledgment and confession was not a secret, but won the praise of many people. She is not a nun. Although she may no longer be a jade girl, she is still a goddess! ! !

Afterwards, the scene got a little out of control. Wendong's loyal fans shouted for the actor Wendong to appear, and expressed his feelings by the way, but at that time Wendong was kneeling at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau to propose to another woman...

As for Tian Yu's matter, it seems that after being impacted by Lin Xiaoxi's words, people seem to have forgotten a lot of their grief and anger at him, which can be regarded as a small reward from Lin Xiaoxi to him.


Water City First Military Region Hospital.

At the door, several soldiers with live ammunition were standing upright, their eyes vigilantly scanning everyone passing by, even the doctor would be scanned by their vigilant eyes, and be treated seriously!

In particular, there were more than a dozen officers and soldiers armed to the teeth standing at the door of an emergency rescue room. If any unknown person broke in, they would be beaten into a hornet's nest.

Not long after, a man in a suit ran over in a hurry, and everyone quickly raised their guns to warn them, but they put down their guns when they saw the man coming, because this man was Zhao Yifei, the grandson of Commander Zhao Hongjian.

"How is my grandpa? What's going on?" Zhao Yifei was sweating profusely while running, but he didn't care to wipe it off. He grabbed hold of the adjutant who was guarding the door of the emergency room and asked anxiously.

"It was my negligence!" Lieutenant Zhao Hongjian is even his friend. The two are about the same age. They used to be life and death comrades-in-arms. Holding his shoulders, he couldn't help trembling his long eyebrows in pain, and said with lowered eyes.

"Uncle Wang, what are you talking about? Wasn't grandpa still well when I left this morning? Why did he suddenly become critically ill?" Zhao Yifei asked anxiously.

"This is murder. The herbal medicine your grandfather drank was drugged." The adjutant said in a low voice.

"Murder? Who is it? Who dares to murder my grandfather? Wait, put medicine in the herbal medicine? Could it be..."

"It's your Aunt An."

"Aunt An? She, how could she..." Zhao Yifei exclaimed, his eyes full of disbelief. Aunt An has been working as a nanny for grandpa for nearly 20 years. She has existed since Zhao Yifei can remember, and Aunt An Very nice and kind, Zhao Yifei respects her like a grandma, and to her grandpa, Aunt An is her nanny, but more like a friend who chats with her when she is bored, how could she harm her grandpa, this kind of thing would not kill her believe.

"It's her, this is her suicide note..."

"What... what? A suicide note? Aunt An..." Looking at the letter paper that Uncle Wang handed over, Zhao Yifei was dumbfounded and did not dare to take it.

"She took the blame and committed suicide, you'll know it after reading it..."

Zhao Yifei took the letter paper with trembling hands, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. At the end, his face was full of anger.

It turned out that Aunt An was coerced. Aunt An's husband was also from the army. He used to be a subordinate of Zhao Hongjian. He died in battle more than 20 years ago, but he left behind a son. Can't walk and can only be paralyzed in bed.

Fortunately, with the help of Zhao Hongjian and Aunt An's unique identity, she found a daughter-in-law who gave birth to a daughter for her. The family life is not very exciting, but it is not bad.

But just a few days ago, Aunt An's son's family was kidnapped. The other party was ruthless and directly killed her daughter-in-law, and asked Aunt An to kill her granddaughter and son if she didn't do what they did. Aunt An did not The solution was to agree, so she felt ashamed to face Zhao Hongjian's herbal medicine, took the blame and committed suicide, and finally begged or even begged the Zhao family not to embarrass her son and granddaughter.

(End of this chapter)

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