Chapter 621

"Where are Aunt An's son and granddaughter?" Zhao Yifei suddenly asked with a thought.

"Afterwards, they were all killed, and there was no one left in the family. The other party was simply inhumane." Old Wang's eyes were sharp and cold, and his beard trembled with anger.

"Damn it, who is it? Then who is going to murder my grandfather?" Zhao Yifei said angrily.

"Old Zhao has many opponents, but the methods are so's really hard to say." Wang Lao had stopped talking, and now there is no evidence, so naturally he can't make rash comments.

Zhao Yifei calmed down with a gloomy face. He naturally knew that the military was also divided into two factions. As the commander of the Shuishi Military District, his grandfather's words held a decisive position. If something happened to his grandfather, it would be extremely beneficial to the other faction. Yes, sometimes it is understandable for people to do whatever means for the sake of rights and certain interests, so it cannot be ruled out.

But Zhao Yifei suddenly changed his mind, and thought of the recent incidents. He Wenlong was the one who was cruel and omnipotent.

"It's He Wenlong!" Zhao Yifei said suddenly.

"Huh?" Wang Lao raised his head and glanced at Zhao Yifei, his brows twitched, but he remained silent for a while before saying, "It's possible, but we don't have evidence, do we?"

Finally, after waiting for more than an hour, there was finally movement in the emergency room. A nearly 60-year-old gray-haired old man came out, took off his mask, let out a long sigh of relief, and his face was full of exhaustion.

"This is?" Zhao Yifei was taken aback when he saw this person. This is not his grandfather's full-time doctor, but he looks familiar, and he has seen it somewhere.

"This is Wen Keming, the current director of the No.1 civilian hospital in Haishi. He used to be a professor in the Beijing Military District. He has been a good friend of your grandfather for many years. He once worked as a full-time doctor for your grandfather. Mr. Wen is very knowledgeable about viruses and biology. There is a lot of research, so I specially invited him from Haishi." The adjutant at the side explained.

Wen Keming, if Wendong was here at this time, he would definitely exclaim. He naturally knows this old man. Lin Xiaoxi's parents are in Shuishi. Before her father got uremia, Wendong took the risk to save him. This old guy saw the clues, under Wendong's random fabrications, Wendong successfully became a supernatural person! ?

"Oh, I met Uncle Wen, but I was young at that time and forgot." Zhao Yifei thought of it all of a sudden, but quickly pulled Wen Keming over and asked in a low voice: "Uncle Wen, how is my grandpa?" Already?" While talking, Zhao Yifei looked into the emergency room, his eyes were full of worry, but he didn't dare to speak loudly.

"The situation is not optimistic, Lao Wang, what does the Biological Procuratorate say? What kind of poison does Lao Zhao have?" Wen Keming patted Zhao Yifei's shoulder to discuss the matter, but then quickly raised his head and asked the adjutant.

"It's not clear yet. The Institute of Biology only said that this is a new type of chemically synthesized drug with complex ingredients."

Hearing this, Elder Wen's complexion suddenly darkened.

"The composition is complicated?" Zhao Yifei sneered, and said disdainfully: "So you don't know when they will be able to research what kind of drug it is? They are procrastinating and refusing because of their ignorance. What kind of shit? National Institute of Biology , It's all bullshit!" Zhao Yifei seemed to get angrier as he spoke, and his voice became much louder.

"Little Zhao, don't talk nonsense." Elder Wang hurriedly warned, staring at Zhao Yifei with cloudy old eyes, but he also somewhat agreed with Zhao Yifei's words in his heart.

Although they blocked the news that Zhao Hongjian was in critical condition due to poisoning, it had no effect on that faction at all, and with their ability, if they delayed the research room for a day and a half, they would really have this ability.

As far as the current situation is concerned, an hour cannot be delayed.

"Although I don't know what kind of poison Lao Zhao was poisoned at the moment, I can be sure that it is a chronic chemical poison. The most obvious effect of this poison is to accelerate cell aging. I have temporarily suppressed this aging speed with inhibitors, but That's just suppression, this bacterial poison is derived very quickly and has its own antibodies, according to this speed, Lao Zhao has at most two days." Wen Keming said with a sigh, expressing that he was helpless.

"Then what? There is nothing to do?" Zhao Yifei asked anxiously.

"Now we can only wait for the Institute of Biology, and wait for them to find out what kind of drug this is before we can prescribe the right medicine." Wen Keming sighed, but he was at a loss what to do.

"No, I'm going to the research institute, I want to urge them..."

Seeing Zhao Yifei leaving in a hurry, the adjutant just sighed, he knew that it was useless if Zhao Yifei went, the National Institute of Biology was not something someone of Zhao Yifei's level could rush.


At 04:30 in the afternoon, Wen Dong had already driven back to Shuishi Fashion, dismissed the elated Wu Mei, and Wen Dong was bored sitting alone in the office, planning to study some miscellaneous items that he had obtained from Xiongzizi earlier.

And there is a special golden scroll that makes Wendong stumped.

The fourth-level golden pharmaceutical scroll-the hero spying on the treasure bag.

The unique characteristic of gold: It only takes one level to lower the host level.

Every time a capsule is made, it needs to consume 2000 points of medicine dust.

"What is this Xiongxiong's prying treasure bag? After eating it, you can spy on Xiongxiong's door?" Wen Dong frowned in doubt. He wanted to make one and eat it to see the effect, but he was a little bit reluctant. The value of 2000 points of medicine dust, It's equivalent to 2000 points of disgust, if it's useless, wouldn't it be fucked?

Looking at the four Yindan gourds neatly arranged in the package, each gourd contains [-] drug dust points, a total of [-] points, which is enough.

"Forget it, let's fight, Hua Laozi has so many things, it can't be junk items, what if it is useful? At least it can increase the proficiency of pharmaceuticals, right?" Wen Dong couldn't suppress his curiosity, biting Gritting his teeth, he planned to make one to try out the effect.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for refining a treasure bag of spying."

System: "The host consumes two thousand points of drug dust."

System: "Add ten to the host's pharmaceutical proficiency."

Seeing a round pill being spit out by the toad cauldron with its disgusting tongue, Wen Dong reached out to pick it up and took a look in disgust, but found nothing special. eat it?"

System: "Yes, the host can take the secondary elixir."

"And then? What's the effect?" Wen Dong was disgusted for a while, but he still couldn't hide his curiosity, and asked quickly.

System: "After the host takes the prying treasure bag, there is a chance to activate the special ability of the lower part of the hero's posture."

What you said is really abstract.

Wen Dong said a few words, suddenly he was taken aback, and suddenly remembered, he remembered that he opened the Xiongxiong Treasure Store when he was halfway through the heroic appearance. Half of the hero's posture is the hero's treasure shop, so what is the special space system in the second half?

Wen Dong froze for a moment, did his eyes light up for a moment, at least not inferior to Xiongxiong's treasure shop?
Wen Dong closed his eyes, suppressed his nausea and threw the pill in his hand into his mouth.

System: "Ding: The host is taking the Xiongxiong spy treasure bag, congratulations to the host for obtaining the permission to enter the Xiongxiong mercenary store once, whether to enter."

"Xiaoxiong mercenary? Damn, true or false, can you hire Xiao Feng or something, with one hand and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms as your bodyguard? If you really can't, you can also hire Duan Yu, with a middle finger pick, the six-veined sword, No one can stop you when you are cheap?! It’s better to hire a large group of Duan Yu, the Six Meridians Excalibur doesn’t cost money, and it’s just around the corner to dominate the world.” Wen Dong was happy all of a sudden, Xiongxiong, he really deserves to be a Xiongxiong !

"Go in, I want to go in and have a look." Wen Dong said excitedly.


Wen Dong felt dizzy for a while, staggered, and instinctively stretched out his hand to support the thing in front of him.

Opening his eyes, he was taken aback for a moment, this is a space covering an area of ​​more than one square meter, no, more precisely, it is a huge storefront.

But this storefront is very illusory, like the water curtain on the Pacific War beach, you can't see what's behind it at all, but Wendong saw a person, a sexy and beautiful chick, smiling at him.

Well, at first glance, it is a place where money is spent.

"Hello, welcome to the Xiongxiong Employment Shop." The girl is extremely beautiful, especially what caught Wendong's eyes was that she was wearing an ancient battle attire, which looked...unusual?
Dressed in white clothes that are as pure as snow, with a smile on her snowy face, she is wearing a brand new silver breastplate, which outlines her graceful figure very attractively. The suffocated legs are looming.

What's even more unbearable is that the girl is still covered with a translucent white veil, which makes it impossible to see her face clearly, but it is faintly visible. At first glance, she is about sixteen or seventeen years old. Except for her black hair, her whole body is snow-white. The illusory water curtain behind her is lingering, as if she is in the smoke and fog, and because the mask can't see the exact appearance, the hazy beauty is even more fascinating...

The sound is more like the ding-dong of Green Valley, which is very comfortable to hear. Wen Dong's saliva is almost flowing out, not to mention, the quality of the characters in these situations is really... one better than the other?
"Well, may I ask this girl's name?" Wen Dong seemed to have forgotten that he was in the Xiongxiong's employment shop, but the man started to pick up girls in his true colors.

"My name is Cuizhu, and I'm the manager of Xiongxiong's employment shop. Welcome this hero to purchase." Cuizhu's voice was soft and sweet, especially Wendong's body almost floated when he said "this hero", and his heart was full of joy.

"Hi Cuizhu store manager, can you take off the veil on your face?" Wen Dong nodded slightly in a gentlemanly manner, and said seriously, but green light was shining in his eyes.

"Huh?" Cui Zhu was obviously taken aback, wondering why this hero made such a request.

"Beauty, you have a beautiful face, shouldn't you cover it up? This is a way of not being confident. This hero doesn't like girls who are not confident in themselves." Wen Dong has a serious expression and speaks righteously.

"Hmm... what the hero said makes sense, the little girl is not confident anymore." Hearing Wendong's nonsense, Cuizhu nodded her head in satisfaction, stretched out her delicate little hand... and took off her veil ?

(End of this chapter)

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