Chapter 622

A girl in a white robe stood in front of Wendong with a smile, her skin was more snowy, her eyes were like pools of clear water, and she turned a few times on Wendong's demented and drooling face. Meiyu Yingguang, clearly wearing blood-colored tasseled armor with chilling intentions, has delicate eyebrows, and there is a hint of bookish air between the eyebrows. This kind of contradictory feeling not only does not make people uncomfortable, but even more... Feel?

Especially the girl has a pair of bright eyes, clear and clear, as bright as stars, I don't know what she thought of, she smiled slightly at Wen Dong, as if shy, her eyes were bent like crescent moons, as if overflowing with aura With a frown and a smile, he looks like an elf who has fallen into the mortal world, especially that skin that is so tender that it seems to be able to squeeze out water, which seems to be better than that girl Xu Zihan's skin, especially this character is not comparable to that annoying girl , look, this girl just smiled at herself, could it be that she fell in love with this hero?
"Hero, you've lost your composure." Cuizhu said with a smile on her face, her lips curled up slightly.

Wen Dong: "Uh..."


Wen Dong wiped his saliva, and finally recovered from his astonishment, he quickly put his saliva-stained paws behind him, pretending to put his hands behind his back, and said, "Then, should we take a look at the products sold by the store manager of Cui Zhu?" ?”

Seeing Wen Dong's serious appearance, Cuizhu couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling: "This hero is here for the first time, and I don't have your record here, so you need to pay some disgust points to open the mercenary shop floor. "

"Layer? What do you mean? There are still levels?" Wen Dong was taken aback and asked curiously.

"Yes, the Xiongxiong Mercenary Store has nine floors, that is, nine levels. The higher the level, the stronger the mercenary level you buy." Cui Zhu patiently explained.

"Then what's on the first floor? Can the store manager of Cuizhu reveal it?" Wen Dong became more and more curious. It is the most satisfying, I don’t lack antipathy, and I’m afraid that even if there is antipathy, I won’t be able to get what I want.

"Of course you can. The first three floors of the mercenary store are open to the public. The first floor is mostly animals, the second floor is people and animals, and the third floor is people of a higher level. We can see the specific differences. I'll explain it to you." Cuizhu's words were very abstract, especially when it came to the introduction of the second floor, Wendong's expression was very strange, people and animals?

"Hero? What are you thinking?" Seeing that Wendong didn't answer, Cuizhu asked curiously.

"Uh, hehe, it's nothing, let's look at the animals on the first floor first." Wen Dong said seriously.

"Okay." Cui Zhu nodded, without thinking too much, with a wave of her little hand, she saw the water curtain behind her changing, as if the scene had changed, and Wen Dong suddenly felt that he had come to the zoo.

There are mice, dogs, monkeys, lions, eagles, tunas and so on. In short, this is a treasure bag of animals. There are all kinds of animals that fly in the sky, swim in the water, burrow, climb trees, and watch. Every time Wendong saw an animal, a price tag would appear on it. The lion with the highest price seemed to have a thousand dislike points.

"What... are these animals useful for?" Wen Dong looked at Cui Zhu who was teasing a monkey with a strange expression and asked.

"Of course there are, such as tuna, which can be used for ornamental purposes. Dogs, lions, these can be bought for watching, and of course they can also be used for play. They are all very good." Cuizhu explained with a smile.

Lions to play with?All right!

Wendong looked at her speechlessly, but he thought of a way to make money through this, which is to sell rare animals. Wendong just saw that there are pandas here, 100 disgust points, take it out If you sell it, it will cost at least [-] million, right?
But thinking about Wendong giving up this unrealistic plan again, he doesn't want to be arrested by the Animal Protection Association, the dignified and fashionable president selling small animals?This face can be thrown to grandma's house.

"Hero, don't you plan to sell one? Look at how cute that lion is. You can use it as a pet. It is so majestic to ride on the lion, and it can also help you guard the door. As long as you buy it and sign a contract , it won’t attack you.” The little girl seemed to have potential as a businessman, and she started lobbying.

"Going out on a lion in the future?" Wen Dong felt his scalp tingle after thinking about it, and waved his hands: "Forget it, let me look at the things on the next floor."

"What's the matter?" Cuizhu looked at Wendong suspiciously, as if she was puzzled that Wendong didn't buy it.

"It's okay, the lion is too high to ride on it, I'm afraid of heights." Wen Dong said seriously.

Cuizhu: "..."

The second floor of the employment shop, people and animals?Regarding this, Wendong is still very curious, and of course there are some evil thoughts at work.

Cuizhu nodded her head, waved her little hand, and the scene switched again.

This time, the scene is much more refined than the zoo just now. Of course, it is also quite brutal. For example, the first thing that catches the eye is a huge iron cage, which looks like a rhinoceros. The sharp horns look very scary. If it arches, people will be picked up immediately. It is definitely a ferocious beast that guards the house.

But think about it or forget it, the yard of the villa at home can indeed let a rhinoceros go, but Zhang Hanhan will definitely kill himself directly.

And that elephant, that elephant horn is really big, if it is cut off and made into a pair of ivory chess and given to He Qing's father, it will surely praise him again for being a good son-in-law.

"It seems that there are only animals here. Didn't you say that there are mercenaries for sale?" Wen Dong shook his head to shake off those unrealistic thoughts in his mind, and turned to look at Cui Zhu and said.

"It's not mercenaries. The second floor has not yet reached the level of mercenaries, it's just people." Cui Zhu explained.

"Oh, yes, man, let's take a look at him." Wen Dong shrugged, but his heart was extremely strange, as if he was a human trafficker.

"This way, please." Cuizhu chuckled, and with a small hand, Wendong discovered that there was a gorgeously decorated storefront on the left side of him. He thought it was just a scene for decoration, but he didn't expect that there was another mystery in it?


When Wen Dong stepped into the store and looked up at the 'items' displayed in the store, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and his eyes straightened instantly.

Because all the beauties in front of his eyes are cute, gentle, soft, mature, good-looking, good-looking and good-looking, anyway, there are all kinds of beauties, and more importantly What's more, they don't wear anything on their bodies. At first glance, they seem to have come to an inflatable doll shop, but Wendong clearly knows that these are living people, and it is precisely because these are living people that Wendong will be like this Shocked, so obsessed?
If all these women are bought, it is enough to build a harem compound, and it is still very big. If Jiang Tao and Wu Zhan came to see these, he would definitely plan to live here permanently. Well, Wen Dong didn't need to slander them, now he doesn't even want to leave.

Of course, apart from women, there are men on the other side, so I won’t describe them in detail.

"These are puppets, but more precisely, they should be humans, because they are all intelligent, and the most advanced ones have the ability to learn independently. They can do some simple housework for you, and even cook for you." Cui Cui Zhu couldn't help but blush too. Cuizhu is the most advanced person here. It doesn't look like she is a character compiled by the system. She also has her own thinking ability, at least she knows how to be shy, right?
"Besides doing housework and cooking? Are there any other functions?" Wen Dong asked with his hands behind his back, his face not flushing and not panting.

"Of course there is." Cuizhu blushed and glanced at Wendong: "I said that these are human beings, they need to eat and drink water, a hero once bought one from me, and finally became a His wife even gave birth to a baby for him." Cui Zhu answered Wen Dong's question in a disguised form.

"Oh." Wendong understood in seconds, but his eyes were staring straight at the most handsome beauty with a stunning figure, and his heart became evil.

"However, I have to remind you that most of these puppets only have a lifespan of three years." Cuizhu said again.

"Only three years?" Wen Dong was taken aback, but then he could understand it. If you buy a beautiful woman who can use it for a lifetime, the price/performance ratio is too high. Even if it can only be used for three years, it is quite high...

"Why don't you just buy her, she has the highest intelligence and can guarantee to live for more than five years. She can cook for you, wash clothes, and even give birth to a baby for you, which can meet some of your needs." Cui Zhu Seeing Wendong staring at the prettiest one non-stop, he immediately sold it.

Not to mention, Wendong already had this tendency in his heart, but now hearing what Cuizhu said, it made his heart itch even more, because this woman is so beautiful, she can definitely be called perfect. Whether it is appearance or figure, it can definitely rank in the top three, and more importantly, this is more obedient.


In the end, Wendong rejected Cuizhu's promotion with tears in his eyes. He felt that his heart was bleeding because he thought of the most serious problem, where to put it when he bought it back?The one that can be called home is Zhang Hanhan's place. Suddenly there is a woman in the family who obeys her words and looks no worse than Zhang Hanhan's. What will my wife think, she may go crazy.

It is indeed okay to put it with He Qing first, because she has just moved back to her hometown, and the golden house hides her beauty, which is indeed very attractive, but there are enough women in Wendong, which has already given him a headache. Another point is this beauty. It's just too expensive.It takes [-] points of disgust, and Wendong really can't afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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