How bad guys are made

Chapter 623 An accident happened to Zhang Yanan

Chapter 623 An accident happened to Zhang Yanan

Now that he's here, Wendong will naturally want to see the whole thing.

However, after walking around the third floor of the employment shop with Cuizhu, he came out with no interest. The third floor is full of human beings, and most of them are men. I heard from Cuizhu that their intelligence and survival time are higher and longer. A little more, and has combat power, that is, it can help Wendong fight.

But after hearing Cuizhu say that most of them can only match the fighting strength of an ordinary young man, Wen Dong immediately loses interest. Got chicken feathers?

Wen Dong was slightly disappointed, but he was not desperate. You must know that you only saw the third floor, and this mercenary shop has nine floors. Xiao Feng with eighteen palm skills came.

But when it comes to the fourth floor, Miss Cuizhu will not let you see it. You need to pay the disgust points to open the purchase qualification, and there are quite a lot. Three thousand disgust points buy the fourth floor qualifications, so how much disgust do you need for the ninth floor qualifications? At least [-], and this is just a purchase qualification. Now a beautiful woman on the second floor costs [-] resentment points. God knows what kind of sky-high price a high-level mercenary on the ninth floor is.

It seems that the task of earning dislike points is imminent. He slapped Tian Yu a few times to get more than 5000 dislike points, which is enough to buy half of the beauties, which is too little, too little.

And Cuizhu said that the beauty is more precisely a puppet with a human body and some human intelligence, and Wendong is not so hungry yet.

"Are you sure you don't want to buy anything?" After exiting the shopping hall, Cuizhu's face was calm, but Wendong didn't buy anything, and the little beauty still complained a little in her heart, even if she bought the cheapest dog hug It's good to go home.

"I'm not very satisfied with these, but I think you are very talented as a businessman. Can I buy you? How much disgust?" Wen Dong looked at the little beauty and asked.


The result of Wendong's last question can be imagined. The little beauty could see Wendong's thoughts at a glance. Cuizhu is the store manager. There are all kinds of crushes, aren't they all from Wendong?

So Cuizhu replied angrily: "I am not for sale!!!"

After bidding farewell to Cuizhu, Wendong left in a hurry. He didn’t buy anything this time. To be honest, Wendong still feels distressed. After all, he is not a hero now, and this employment shop is not like a lottery in a treasure shop of a hero. , It needs a hero to spy on the treasure bag, and refining this treasure bag requires two thousand points of medicine dust.

But there is no way, because the system has notified again:

System: "Ding: Please pay attention, someone from the outside world is looking for it, please reply as soon as possible from the host."

"Dinglingling..." After exiting the Xiongxiong's employment shop, sure enough, the mobile phone on the table kept ringing.

Is it Lin Xiaoxi's number?Wendong couldn't help being taken aback, he was in the company, why did she have to call to find him?
"Dong Dong..." Just when Wen Dong was wondering, the knock on the door really sounded, or more precisely, it sounded again.

For the knock on the door and Lin Xiaoxi's phone call, Wendong naturally chose the latter. The world is big, and his wife is the biggest.

"Hello, Xiaoxi?" Wen Dong answered the phone and got up to open the door.

"I heard from my colleagues that you have returned to the company? Where are you now? Are you not in the office?" Lin Xiaoxi said, her tone seemed anxious.

"What's wrong? I'm in the office." Wen Dong frowned, walked quickly to the door and opened it.

Sure enough, it was Lin Xiaoxi. At this time, her face was flushed and anxious. Seeing Wendong open the door, she angrily put down the phone and complained: "What's the matter with you? Why didn't you answer the door when I knocked on it just now? You didn't answer the phone. "

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Seeing that Lin Xiaoxi seemed very angry, Wen Dong became even more puzzled. She rarely loses her temper with herself.

"Yanan is gone." Lin Xiaoxi said anxiously.

"Cheng Yanan? What's missing? Didn't she come with us today? She didn't go to work?" Wen Dong said helplessly, why is it this woman again.

"She said she asked for leave today, told me that she wanted to see someone, and also asked me to call her in an hour, so that she could take the opportunity to slip away." Lin Xiaoxi said anxiously.

"Slip or not, please explain clearly." Wen Dong pulled Lin Xiaoxi into the office, and said in a daze.

"It's like this. She said that her parents arranged a blind date for her. It's been a long time. She couldn't help but have to meet, so she asked for leave and asked me to call her when the time came. But now I can't get through at all. She's on the phone." Lin Xiaoxi said anxiously.

"Hey, I'll go, that's all. That woman is crazy. Maybe she fell in love with her at a glance, and maybe she was having fun with her outside. Maybe she didn't hear it." Wen Dong waved his hand. It doesn't matter.

"No, that's not the case. No matter how busy Yanan is, she always answers my phone. I tried to call just now, but she turned off the phone immediately, and she will never fall in love with that blind date. Something must have happened to her. Something happened or something happened." For Wen Dong's indifferent explanation, Lin Xiaoxi stomped her feet angrily, and she was about to cry.

"Maybe the phone fell into the water, besides, how do you know that woman Yanan doesn't like that blind date?" Wen Dong pouted.

"Because Yanan likes you, how could she like someone else." Lin Xiaoxi said anxiously.

Wen Dong: "Uh..."

"Xiaoxi, calm down, come on, and talk to me slowly." Why did Wendong pull Lin Xiaoxi to sit on the sofa, put his big hands on her shoulders, don't let her get too excited, in case she makes any drastic moves, This woman was really excited, she became anxious and began to talk nonsense, Wen Dong was also very speechless, even jealous, what is so good about that woman Cheng Yanan, how can Xiaoxi look so anxious than her boyfriend? important?
"Say it slowly, Yanan likes you. If something happens to her, I promise you will regret it for the rest of your life." Seeing Wendong's indifferent expression, Lin Xiaoxi was out of breath, pointing at Wendong with her trembling little finger, crying anxiously up.

"Don't, Xiaoxi, don't get excited, why are you so sure that something happened to Yanan? When did she leave?" Wen Dong grabbed the other's little hand speechlessly, and asked patiently with a wry smile.



Hearing Lin Xiaoxi's explanation, Wendong also noticed that something was wrong, looked up at Lin Xiaoxi who was tearful and asked seriously: "The first time you called Yanan, no one answered, and then you called again , and then the other party directly hung up, you waited for a while and then called again, and you hung up again, at this time you noticed something was wrong, and when you called again, the other party had already turned off the phone, this is the process, right?"

"Yes, that's it. There must be Wendong here. Yanan seldom hangs up on my phone, let alone turn off the phone. Something must have happened to her." Hearing Wendong's description, Lin Xiaoxi felt something was wrong the more she thought about it. Holding Wendong's big hand tightly with her small hand, she looked at him eagerly. Helpless, the first thing she thought of was Wendong, and only Wendong could help.

"Xiaoxi, don't worry, there are only two possibilities according to what you said. The first is that something happened to Yanan; the second is that she lost her mobile phone and was picked up by someone else, but the other party didn't want to Return it, after you called a few times, the phone was turned off immediately, and the second possibility is also very high." Wen Dong comforted.

"Yes, I thought so at the beginning, but Yanan hasn't come back yet, it's been almost three hours." Lin Xiaoxi said with a choked voice.

"Three hours is not enough to report a case." Wen Dong also frowned for a while. Wen Dong still understands some system rules of the police station. Only when a person disappears for more than 24 hours can he file a case for investigation at the police station. Three hours……

"Then did she tell you where to meet that blind date?" Wen Dong had a headache, Cheng Yanan is really not worrying at all, she was once threatened with a video for 100 million I helped her get the video disk, and didn't tell Lin Xiaoxi about it. Think about it, it's what happened in the past few days. How long has it been, and something happened again?

"Speaking of which, it's in the Lanyue Cafe at the intersection of Zhengde Street, Haiye Building, but I've been there before, and there was no sign of Yanan at all. I also asked the cashier lady, and she said that there was indeed a man and a woman. I passed there, but I left an hour ago, where did Yanan go, why didn’t you answer my phone? That’s why I’m so anxious.”

"Where else have you been? What are you going to do? What if there is any danger?" Wen Dong stared at her and said.

"I was in a hurry. At that time, I was also curious about why she turned off the phone, so I went to see..." Lin Xiaoxi knew that Wendong was worried about herself, and it was an aggrieved explanation, but the more she was like this, the more she felt that there was something wrong with worrying.

"Well, then, I'll go over there to have a look, and then I'll ask a friend to help me find it, don't worry, what if Yanan just lost his phone, right, there's no use worrying now, right?" Wen Dong It was also tortured by Lin Xiaoxi, so I had no choice but to help find it.

"Well, okay, then I'll go home now to see if Yanan fell asleep after drinking too much." Seeing Wendong agreeing to help Lin Xiaoxi wept with joy, she quickly said, although she also knew that this possibility was unlikely , but at least it can be ruled out, isn't it?

"Well, well, let's look separately now." Wen Dong naturally has no objection to Lin Xiaoxi's going home to see, because he has already asked Zhang Sanbai for help, and someone is secretly protecting Lin Xiaoxi all the time, but this The stupid woman was not vigilant enough and didn't notice it. As for Cheng Yanan, she naturally didn't have this kind of treatment.

If you can't find news of Cheng Yanan in that Lanyue coffee shop, you can only ask Zhang Sanbai for help, and it is unlikely that he can really help. So easy to find someone?

(End of this chapter)

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