Chapter 624
It is only a 15-minute drive from the high-tech development zone of Fashion Headquarters to Lanyue Cafe in Haiye Building, but Wendong arrived more than half an hour later, because of this matter, he invited Li Binger. After all, when it comes to investigations For things like clues, the police are still easy to use.

Li Binger was very angry because Wen Dong interrupted her work, especially when Wen Dong said that the person she wanted to help find was his girlfriend's best friend?No, Li Bing'er became even more angry, scolding Wendong as a beast, even her girlfriend's best friend.

Wen Dong was so bitter in his heart, he smiled wryly and explained to Li Bing'er that he and Cheng Yanan definitely had no such relationship, they were rivals, just because she was Lin Xiaoxi's best friend.

Li Binger was still very angry, but there was nothing she could do, because she was a policeman, so she could only spare time to help.I am also fortunate in my heart, fortunately I don't have a girlfriend, and there is a good-looking one who is good-looking, but he doesn't dare to give Wendong ten courages. Wendong can't be a strong woman like ** The one who can control it is that I have been engrossed in Wendong's way at the beginning.

Not to mention, Wen Dong's idea is right, a policeman is easy to handle, after Li Binger went with him, as soon as Li Binger showed his ID, the other party obediently went to the manager, and then called out the surveillance video.

As a result, Wendong really found Cheng Yanan.The video showed that Cheng Yanan was drinking tea with a man who was not bad looking by the window, and then she received a call, which should be from Lin Xiaoxi, so she talked to the man, got up and left naturally... …

From then on to the end, it was very natural. Even if Cheng Yanan was kidnapped, Wen Dong felt that it must not be the man on the blind date, was there someone else, or the phone was lost?

There was nothing suspicious, Li Binger scolded Wendong a few words, and drove away quickly. She still had work to do, and Cheng Yanan was only missing for three hours, which was not enough to file a case, and Li Binger is no longer responsible now. This piece is up.


"You have a message, please pay attention to check it." Just when Wen Dong was hesitating whether to ask Zhang Sanbai, a text message suddenly came to the phone.

Looking down, it's an unfamiliar number?Wen Dong froze for a moment, out of instinct, Wen Dong quickly opened the message.

"Cheng Yanan was kidnapped, hiding place: Wujiang Wharf."

"Cheng Yanan was kidnapped?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, but soon frowned. Who is this strange number?Who told themselves such information?
Wen Dong felt that something was wrong, so he quickly dialed the number, but it showed that the phone was turned off.

"Who is telling me the information? Is it helping me or..." Wen Dong frowned deeply while holding the phone, but he had an intuition in his heart that the accuracy of this information was at least [-]%.

It doesn't matter, whether it's his mother's way of diverting the tiger away from the mountain or leading the snake out of the cave, Wen Dongyi is a bold person, although he doesn't like Cheng Yanan very much, but if something happens to Cheng Yanan, he still can't accept it, especially that mother-in-law Lin Xiaoxi, why don't she cry to death?


"Wendong, I really don't want you to go..." In a steamy and comfortable massage room, Lina, dressed in almost transparent gauze, stretched gracefully on the head of the water bed, and handed over a phone card. Break it off and throw it in the trash.

"Since the lady doesn't want him to go, why did you tell him this information? Don't you want to magnify their conflict?" Beside Lina was a very good-looking woman standing upright, looking at her in tight attire. Looking clean and neat, it was Lina's bodyguard Qingqing, who was looking at her with a puzzled expression.

"Qingqing, there are some things you don't understand. No matter what you do, you have to have a limit. Once you go too far, it will be difficult to handle." Lina closed her eyes slightly as if she was talking to herself.

Why doesn't she want the conflict to expand?But Lina's perennial intuition made her aware of a hint of danger. At this time, she had to leave a way out for herself, so she sold Wendong to save face?Say hello?
"Yes, Qingqing doesn't understand, and I don't need to understand, I just know that it's fine to listen to Miss." Qingqing bowed her head, her tone was respectful and even admirable.

"Hehe." Lina nodded with a chuckle, unable to hear any meaning.


Lina told Wendong that her confidence was absolutely accurate.

At this time, in a dilapidated warehouse at Wujiang Wharf, near the end of the warehouse, a lamp was shining high.

Under the light, there was a chair that was cleaned. On the chair sat a middle-aged man in a thin gray sweater, with gloomy eyes and a sneer. Behind him stood eight men in simple black clothes. Tight-fitting vests, high bulging muscles, some of them inevitably have several hideous scars on their bodies, their faces are cold, and their bodies are strong. It can be seen at a glance that they are the kind of desperadoes who often lick blood at the edge of a knife. From their eyes Exposing a cruel coldness, he is the kind of desperado who has really seen blood and dead people.

There are two young men standing behind the man in the gray sweater. The difference is that these two young men look extremely calm. They wear jeans, a vest and a black suit on their upper body. They look extremely handsome and masculine, but their expressions are somewhat They are numb, even numb, but if you look carefully, you can see a bloody rage in their eyes, and there is a cold and murderous aura hidden in their masculinity, which makes people dare not despise them.

On the ground in front of the meeting men, Cheng Yanan in a fashionable dress lay impressively on the ground.At this moment, she was already unconscious and motionless, but her breathing was a little short between sniffs, a tinge of redness appeared on Xue Nen's face and neck, her small mouth was slightly opened, and the breath she exhaled was also fiery, obviously she had been given medicine... …

"Brother, why did you come to Shuishi and didn't tell me in advance, do parents know about this? I... ah... what's going on? Yanan?" At this moment, a man in a suit The young man walked over with a happy face, but when he saw the blood-stained figures on the ground, he was startled. What shocked her especially was that there was a woman inside, and he knew this woman.

"Hmph, return Yanan? If I don't come back, will you be bullied to death without telling me? Huh?" The man in gray stood up and looked angrily at the young man who came.

"But, brother, you..." Liu Zhicheng looked at his brother in surprise, and guessed what his brother wanted to do, but he didn't dare to say it.

Liu Zhicheng, who just graduated from university for a year, is an intern reporter at Xinhua News Agency. He used to be a partner with Cheng Yanan, but he was coerced and lured by the gangster on the street. , but was hacked by a man named Wendong, not only took back the video, but even Liu Zhicheng was raped, his arm was trampled by Wendong, and now he has basically recovered after surgery, but that hand is now Still can't do heavy work.

"Brother, you are breaking the law." Liu Zhicheng exclaimed, he is not a fool, he guessed what his brother wanted to do, although he often brags with some gangsters, he is still timid.

"Breaking the law?" Liu Zhifeng sneered disdainfully: "It's me who broke the law, not you. What are you afraid of? If you're a man, you should be ruthless, or you'll only be bullied. My brother was bullied by others. I'm an older brother." Naturally, I want to find a place for you, this woman named Cheng Yanan is here, and now I have been given medicine, what do you think about it? If you want to disdain, you can let my younger brother take good care of her."

"I..." Liu Zhicheng was really a little scared. His family was considered well-off, but his parents often said that he didn't have a son like an elder brother, because his elder brother was a member of the society and did things that were not visible. When someone bullied him and robbed him of his girlfriend, it was his brother who helped him deal with it, so although Liu Zhicheng was nurtured by his parents to be a good boy since he was a child, his inner rebellion was also caused by those who envy his brother who is in a mixed society. molecular.

"Since my younger brother disdains it, I'll give it to you guys. Take good care of this stinky woman!" Seeing his younger brother hesitate, Liu Zhifeng said to the two male younger brothers behind him.

"Don't, bro, I'll do it myself!" Liu Zhicheng turned his head and looked at Cheng Yanan who was lying unconscious on the ground, with messy clothes and messy hair, a fiery flash flashed in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

"Haha, okay, this is my younger brother. A man must have integrity, and if he is bullied, he must take revenge!" Liu Zhifeng happily patted his brother on the shoulder, then turned his head and told the disappointed younger brothers: " Get this woman inside."

"yes, Sir……"

Seeing that his younger brother also walked in, the gray-clothed man nodded in satisfaction, sat down on the chair again, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number...


Wen Dong drove quickly to Wujiang Wharf.But before arriving at the location, the phone rang again. I thought it was Lin Xiaoxi who would tell me that Cheng Yanan was not at home, but found out that it was another strange number, but Wendong was sure that this was not to ventilate himself before. The number that was reported.

Wen Dong's heart moved, and he quickly pressed the answer button and put the phone next to his ear. Suddenly, a cold voice came out of the phone: "Is it Mr. Wen Dongwen? Oh no, it should be Mr. Wen, ha ha."

"It's me, who are you?" Hearing the unfamiliar voice, the other party's tone was contemptuous or even disdainful, Wen Dong guessed that it should be the person who kidnapped Cheng Yanan, curious in his heart, so he was looking for him?But how did he get kidnapped on Cheng Yanan's head?

Wen Dong was also extremely vigilant.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter who I am, but it's enough for me to know who you are." The cold voice sneered piercingly.

Wen Dong frowned, but his heart calmed down, and he lowered his voice and said gloomyly: "Who the hell are you?"

"Do you still remember Liu Zhicheng?" The other party asked without answering, with a hint of viciousness in his voice.

"Liu Zhicheng...?" Wen Dong recalled all of a sudden, not to mention, this is what he remembers most about Cheng Yanan, and of course because this happened recently, it seems that the grass does not get rid of the root, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates , This is to help Liu Zhicheng take revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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