How bad guys are made

Chapter 625 2 young masters

Chapter 625 Two Young Experts
"You know Liu Zhicheng? What do you want from me?" Wen Dong's impatience calmed down completely, and he asked knowingly.

"Heh... Is Boss Wen trying to play dumb with me? But it doesn't matter, that woman named Cheng Yanan is in my hands now, I don't care where you are, I will give you 15 minutes to get to Wujiang Wharf. If you arrive No, hehe, this stinky woman, Cheng Yanan, has already been drugged by me. If you are going to be late, I can’t guarantee that something will happen to you, hehehe..." After the cold voice finished, before Wendong could say anything, he said "pa ' and hung up the phone...

Paralyzed!Wen Dong cursed in his heart, threw the mobile phone on the passenger seat and stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed towards the Wujiang Wharf like a sharp sword.

Liu Zhifeng was playing Wendong by doing this. After 15 minutes, Cheng Yanan probably started to feel better. He was just about to see what kind of anger Wendong would become, but what he didn't know was that Wendong was already on his way just now. Well, people in his line of business don't know much about benevolence, righteousness and morality. I'm just playing tricks on you...

And even if he knows, it doesn't matter to him. A small president of the company has become a dead man in his eyes. It doesn't matter if he comes today or not, it's good if he comes. If he doesn't come, he will invite him Well, in short, he must die, this is the price of bullying his younger brother...


Liu Zhifeng put down the phone with a satisfied face, and there were three figures lying on the ground in front of him, but one of them was already unconscious, and the two trouser legs were covered in blood and flesh, obviously passed out from the pain of his crippled legs , there is another young man kneeling there, with a bruised nose and swollen face, trembling body, and panic in his eyes. If you look closely, you can see that this young man is the one who went on a blind date with Cheng Yanan in the coffee shop this afternoon. When he caught it, his lips were pale, and he was too scared to speak.

To say that the young man in front of the man in the gray sweater is the most sober, but compared to the comatose young man, his condition is not better than the other, his body fell to the ground strangely, covered in blood, only a pair of The eyes shot out a cold and vicious light, which fell on the gray-clothed man, and the cold eyes wanted to eat him.

"You don't have to look at me like this to protect this stinky woman? Then this is the price you deserve. If you want to blame it, you can blame that man named Wendong. He is the one who made you suffer. He broke Xiaocheng's wrist. I broke your limbs, it's fair." The man in gray sneered, completely ignoring the gaze of the young man on the ground.

"You will definitely regret what happened today..." Ah Qiang's face was ferocious, the veins on his forehead were beating high due to the pain in his limbs, he said through gritted teeth, and after he finished speaking, it seemed that he had used all the strength in his whole body, and suddenly became limp. Cold sweat trickled down his cheeks...

"Regret? Hey..." Liu Zhifeng smiled lightly, with contempt in his eyes, he reached out and took out a beautifully packaged cigar from his pocket. Qiang said: "Those who think I don't know who you are? Zhang Sanbai, the man who trembles when he stomps his feet in the water market. I'm just going to talk to him about something. And it's none of your business if I don't regret it later. However, you don’t even have the right to regret it.”

"..." Ah Qiang looked at him and stopped talking. The severe pain in his limbs made his body tremble continuously, but he tried his best not to let himself pass out. He just heard the man in gray give Wendong a phone call, and also guessed who the other party of his call was.He sneered in his heart. Although he didn't know who that Mr. Wen was, he could probably guess it. It was definitely not as simple as a fashion president, and he would not get in the position because of his relationship with the third master. Respected people, and I and others are also the women who were ordered by the third master to protect Mr. Wen.When Mr. Wen knew about this, he would definitely tell the third master, and after the third master found out...

Ah Qiang sneered in his heart. In his heart, no one in Shui City could fight against the third master. Although Tian Lan's gang is powerful now, in his heart, all the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead are bullshit. How many people who fought against him overnight This large gang disintegrated in an instant, and the third master's Qingcheng Gang was the best proof. It is said that a group of young people with extremely high force did it at that time.The power of the third master far exceeded other people's predictions, and even those who followed him were shocked.

They want Raptors cross the river?That is simply impossible, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, and the third master is not just a local snake...

Taking a deep breath, holding back the pain, Ah Qiang glanced at the two young men standing beside the gray-clothed man with calm faces. The only thing he was afraid of were these two young men. It was so powerful that he felt fear. As the follower brought out by the third master from the Qingcheng Nightclub, he was naturally skilled, but he had no ability to resist in front of these two mysterious youths. His body didn't even sway, and his ability to resist blows was not human at all. Just now, he and another buddy were easily knocked down by these two young men one by one, and only then were their limbs severely trampled by those younger brothers.

"It's not been 15 minutes yet, I hope you haven't done anything irreparable."

A figure came in from the door of the warehouse, and Wen Dong's voice came at the same time...

"You are Wendong? The mysterious Mr. Wen that Ah Qiang said?" The gray-clothed man was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting the other party to come so quickly, a little unexpected, but he still stood up slowly from the chair and looked at the The lazy young man who appeared under the light in the dark, when he saw the other person's face, he couldn't help being stunned again, and almost didn't make a sound. Isn't this the singer who was popular all over the country a few days ago?Liu Zhifeng suddenly remembered, isn't that singer called Wendong?Let's have fun.

Liu Zhifeng looked at Wen Dong who was walking slowly with weird eyes, and the two young people beside her also raised their heads to look at Wen Dong at this time, but their expressions were still indifferent and almost numb. The two young people looked at each other, The corners of his mouth curled slightly, contemptuously and contemptuously.

Wen Dong glanced at A Qiang and A Qiang on the ground, but he didn't find Cheng Yanan's figure. He couldn't help frowning immediately, and suddenly turned his head to look at the man in gray clothes who was leading him. At this time, A Qiang supported his body and said He said vaguely: "Mr. Wen, Ms. Cheng Yanan is inside, hurry up and save her."

After Ah Qiang finished speaking, he collapsed on the ground. He looked in the direction of the warehouse door, but found that there was no one else except Mr. Wen. A look of sadness flashed in his eyes. Why is Mr. Wen so impulsive?Dare to come here alone, but now is not the time to be a hero...

But Ah Qiang, as Miss Cheng's bodyguard, is his greatest responsibility to protect Miss Cheng, and now there is no other way.

"Wendong..." I don't know whether Cheng Yanan heard Wendong's voice subconsciously or in a blur, but Cheng Yanan's soft calling sounded from inside the warehouse, accompanied by panting...

"Dogs! You don't count what you say?" Wen Dong's eyes turned cold for a moment, and he looked vigilantly at the smiling young men who blocked his retreat in the blink of an eye, but they looked at the leader with cold eyes. The man in gray.

The man in gray smiled slightly and didn't care: "I've been on the road for so many years, who doesn't know that I've never been unreasonable? But you came in time, if you really wait 15 minutes later, I really don't know what will happen to this woman named Cheng Yanan."

"I was the one who broke Liu Zhicheng's wrist, why did you kidnap her?" Hearing what he said, Wen Dong was slightly relieved, and even nodded, but there was a flash of throbbing in his eyes.

System: "Ding: The host activates the skill branch of Zhanyi Eighteen Falls. Eye-catching eyes: Increases the host's perception ability by 200%, predicts the enemy first, sees everything, and preemptively strikes. (Consumes 5 points of aversion per second)

System: "Ding: The host has activated the unique characteristic of the golden eye."

The Fire Eye comes with a unique feature—Fire Eye Insight: There is a 30% chance of discovering the enemy's fatal weakness, making the enemy open in front of your eyes, and increasing the chance of the host's fatal blow. (Consume 5 energy points per second)
"For you." The gray-clothed man's eyes narrowed, staring closely at Wendong.

Wen Dong smiled casually, took out the cigarette and lit it leisurely, he didn't care about A Qiang who was looking anxious, just when he opened his mouth to speak, his body rushed towards Liu Zhifeng with lightning fast strides.

"Damn it!" Wen Dong's sudden movement also startled the gray-clothed man, but fortunately, although he has been pampered all these years, he did not exercise less, and he dodged away at a critical moment.

Can he really escape Wendong's sneak attack?Yes, because Wen Dong didn't intend to deal with him directly at all. From the time he first arrived, he found that the two young people who made him fear the most among these people were the two young men guarding the man in gray. Zhong also confirmed this matter, so as long as these two young people are dealt with first, everything will be easy to handle.

And just now when I was talking to the man in gray who was the leader, the two young people moved their steps in a tacit understanding, blocking their way back, but they were not too far away from the man in gray, but even if they were faster It is impossible to subdue the two masters who came from the sub-station in an instant, so there is only one way, sneak attack and siege for help!

As long as he attacked the leader of the gray-clothed man, the two masters would rush to rescue the boss at the same time without having to find them in person.

Really good!

Wen Dong's speed towards Liu Zhifeng seems to be very fast, but in fact, the main reason is that the speed is too sudden, and the speed is not to the extreme of Wen Dong, Wen Dong kept three points of strength, watching the two people rush to the rescue quickly , and once again tacitly attacked one after another, his eyes were cold and ruthless. Although Wendong's decisiveness and sprinting speed surprised them, they were only surprised for a while. In their eyes, Wendong in front of them is too fragile, and they don't pay attention to powerful people, because the two of them have already left the category of ordinary people or even human beings. A sneak attack is not worth it when they attack at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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