How bad guys are made

Chapter 626 1 Pick 6

Chapter 626
Seeing the two young men rushing at the same time, a coldness flashed in Wen Dong's eyes, but there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. The two young men's faces were stern, and they stretched out their hands in a tacit understanding. At a glance, it was obvious that they were professional bodyguards who often did things on special occasions. , is a real master in the dark society, but Wen Dong doesn't care.

At the moment when the two young people approached, Wen Dong stopped his figure as if he was out of the category of normal people. Wen Dong stopped his figure suddenly, which surprised the two young people, because they have a keen sense of fighting. The angles at which the two of them rushed up and shot at the same time were calculated according to Wen Dong's sprinting speed. Even if there was some deviation, the body would instinctively make fine adjustments.

But now that Wen Dong stopped his figure all of a sudden, it was not right at all. The bodies of the two young people stopped at the same time.

At this time, Wen Dong had already started the next move, flicked the cigarette butt in his hand, and immediately flashed a spark in the air and accurately flicked it towards the eyes of a young man. At the same time, Wen Dong was three points faster than before. The speed disappeared on the spot, and it appeared strangely in front of another young man who was just about to take the next move. He punched with his right hand, as fast as lightning, and hit the young man's rib with his fist!

"Huh?" Wen Dong was taken aback, his eyes widened for a moment, because he only felt that his punch seemed to hit a circle of reinforced concrete pillars, which made him lose his mind for a moment, and Wen Dong was useless Go all out, because in his opinion, these two young people are nothing more than masters, and his fear of these two people is just because they are afraid of delaying time by their dealings, so he directly found the weakness of the other party, and his punch Even a master has to lie down there.

But the other party didn't, the young man just shook his body and took a few steps back, and at the same time, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, obviously he didn't expect this weak chicken named Wen Dong to be able to repel him.

But after being surprised, it quickly turned into a sneer, especially after seeing the eyes in the other party's eyes, the young man slightly hooked the corner of Wen Dong's mouth, let out a grin, turned his feet on the ground, and rushed to Wen Dong in a strange way. fight back.

However, his counterattack had no effect on Wendong who had already activated the skill of Zhanyi Eighteen Drops, Flame Insight, and the two fought against each other very quickly.

Another young man saw Mars shooting directly into his eyes, so he instinctively reached out to block the cigarette butt in a blink of an eye, and saw his companion fight this guy named Wen Dong, and he did not advance but retreated, quickly pushing Liu Zhifeng By his side, because in his opinion, this man named Wendong must not be able to beat his companion. In order to prevent this shameless guy from attacking again, he can only protect him personally.

Liu Zhifeng stood up straight, his face livid with anger, from the moment Wendong attacked, because the opponent was too fast, he instinctively dodged, but suddenly knocked over the chair behind him, and his body was covered in cold sweat. He said that just now he was staggering, and he felt that what he had just done was completely embarrassing in front of his younger brother.

The anger in Liu Zhifeng's heart, he has always been unreasonable, he never expected to meet his brother today who is even more unreasonable, fight without saying anything, and even engage in sneak attacks! ! !
The calm smile on Liu Zhicheng's face before had disappeared, and he pointed at the big guy bodyguards behind him with a ferocious face and said angrily, "What the hell are you doing here? Get rid of him, and I allow you to touch him." Pointing at Wendong with a wave, it was very angry.

"No wonder he dared to come here alone. It turns out that there are really two tricks." There were eight big men behind him, six rushed up, and two people were left to protect him, and there was also a young man who was close to him. He breathed a sigh of relief, sneered, and took out a cigar to light again, which seemed to make up for the past, but it didn't matter if he did it or not, because these people dared not laugh at him.

"Yes!" The six big men saw that Wendong was really savage, and even fought a few tricks with the boss's personal bodyguard, but they were only stunned for a moment, but they did not flinch. Instead, their eyes showed crazy cruelty, and at the same time they reached out He grabbed a cold blade with a cold light. The blade didn't have a handle, but was wrapped with cloth strips. It emitted a gloomy cold light in the dark, making people feel cold on the soles of their feet.

The blind date with Cheng Yanan, who was brutally beaten by Chi Yu, was already so scared that his pants were wet. He endured the pain and rolled all the way to the corner of the warehouse, shivering. He couldn't even look at it when he closed his eyes, especially when he saw the blade Sometimes I don't even have the strength to run.

He almost hated Cheng Yanan to death in his heart, what kind of important person did this woman offend...

At this time, the only good news for Wendong is that Liu Zhicheng, that is, Liu Zhifeng's younger brother, has come out of the inner warehouse. To Cheng Yanan, he just wanted to take revenge. Anyway, he had his brother backing him up, but besides that, he cared more about his own life. He was worried, so he hurried out to check the situation.

Aqiang, who was stunned for a moment by the scene of being attacked by Wendong and fighting with one of the young people, saw the six shouting and pulled out the blade, and suddenly raised his heart. With years of experience in the road, It is obvious at a glance that these six big men are professional gangsters. The blade-like black knives in their hands are used for fighting. There is no handle, but there are deep grooves. To be precise, they are blood grooves, which are specially used for bloodletting. It can easily pierce into a person's body and release a lot of blood. As long as the blade is stirred, there will be no place to bandage the wound...

"Mr. Wen, be careful." Ah Qiang exclaimed and reminded him. He didn't expect Mr. Wen to be so good at fighting with that young man.

The corners of Wen Dong's mouth were slightly raised, and he smiled at the worried A Qiang during the fight with the young master, and the moment he turned his eyes, two icy lights flashed from the depths of his eyes in the six The big man who rushed up with a knife swept across his face.

The cold eyes, without any warmth, gave people a kind of bloodthirsty madness, which shocked the minds of the six big men at the same time. They couldn't imagine how this laziness and fragile young man's eyes could appear. A frightening look.

System: "Ding: The host activates the branch skill of Zhanyi Eighteen Falls-Shadowless Effect."

Wuying: ——Instantly increase the host's reaction speed by 300%, increase the host's attack and defense dodge speed by 100, come to Wuying, go to Wujing, and push the 'stick' and 'fall' to the extreme. (Consumes 5 energy points per second.)
Wen Dong suddenly grabbed the young man's punch, ignoring the increasingly shocked gaze in the other's eyes, with a sudden pinch of his wrist, he slammed a shoulder into the other's chest.


The young man let out a muffled groan, and took seven or eight steps back before stopping his figure.

After repelling the young man, Wen Dong didn't take advantage of the victory to reminisce, and turned his head suddenly to look at the six big men who were not afraid to charge forward with knives.

Wen Dong moved.

His body disappeared in a flash like a flash of lightning, and the next moment he appeared in front of a big man with a knife. A sneer spread from the corner of his mouth, and his hands had already grabbed the opponent's arm...

The big man was caught off guard, and he was speechless in shock. Where did he appear in front of him?
But he has no chance to know...

"Crack, click... ouch... ouch..."

A few clear sounds of bones breaking and the screams of a big man suddenly sounded from the warehouse, echoing, and under Wen Dong's kick, his body flew out like a rolling gourd and rolled away, his face was sore from the pain. Twisted, holding his arms and screaming miserably...


"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

The sound of bones breaking and howling sounded at the same time, almost in no particular order. After Wen Dong opened the two branches of Zhanyi Shibadao, these big men who fought amazingly and richly were as fragile as babies, and their fast bodies almost changed. It formed an afterimage, shuttled between the six big men, and there must be a horrific howl wherever it went. In an instant, the whole warehouse howled incessantly, like hell on earth...

Without accident, all six big men were kicked away by Wen Dong's broken arms, and the arms were twisted from the joints abruptly. The deep blood groove blade in their hands pierced deeply into their own thighs, and the blood continued to flow Flowing out along the blood groove, the smell of blood filled the entire warehouse in an instant, making people sick...

Ah Qiang was lying on the ground, looking at all this in a daze, as if Mr. Wen rushed into the encirclement of six big men like a tiger in a pack of wolves, and within a breath, it exploded like a bomb. flew out...

Ah Qiang's eyes were filled with excitement and a hint of deep admiration. Now he finally knew why the third master respected Mr. Wen so much. It turned out that he was a super expert. Like the third master, he was usually inconspicuous big shot.Wen Dong's attack just now was as fast as lightning, making people dizzy. His movements were simple and direct, but they obviously possessed terrifying attack power.He was lucky enough to go to the underground of Qingcheng Nightclub when he was being trained. It turns out that Qingcheng Nightclub also has a secret training base. It is said that the instructor is a very skilled killer. The other party had seen him make a move during training, and was shocked by the skill of that master killer, and even felt fear.And Mr. Wen's attack method in front of him is actually the same as that killer...

Nothing fancy, simple, direct, brutal and effective!The only word to describe it is fast!It's so fast that people have no time to react. After a successful blow, they turn around confidently and neatly. The speed is much faster than the killer that I admire. That killer instructor is said to be a master among the masters. So what is Mr. Wen? ?
Is his speed really that a human can do?

Liu Zhifeng was already dumbfounded, and he didn't even notice that the cigar in his hand fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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