How bad guys are made

Chapter 630 Lena Showdown?

Chapter 630 Lena Showdown?


Just as Wen Dong took Cheng Yanan out of the inner warehouse and carried Cheng Yanan who was almost wrapped around him, several black cars rushed into the warehouse and rushed directly into the light, and a dozen young men with strong skills jumped out from the off-road quickly.Wen Dong recognized at a glance that the leading middle-aged man was Tian Qing who brought his son to him to admit his mistake last night, the deputy leader of Qingcheng Gang.Wen Dong naturally made preparations before coming, and told Zhang Sanbai the news. He must have sent people here as soon as he knew the news. It's just that although they didn't come slowly, everything has been settled by him.

But this time it was actually Tian Qing who led the team himself, which surprised Wen Dong.

"Mr. Wen, are you alright?" Tian Qing came up to him with a dark face and brought a few hands with him. He frowned and looked at A Qiang and A Qiang on the ground, then hurried to Wen Dong with a face of respect.

"Uncle Tian, ​​you seem to be late." Wen Dong glanced at Tian Qing, knowing that he was still flattering himself because of Tian Yu's affairs, and this was probably the reason why he led the team here this time.

"Ah Qiang and the others had their limbs broken. Hurry up and send them for treatment, don't delay."

"Yes, I will, don't worry." Tian Qing nodded solemnly.

"Damn..." Wen Dong turned his head to look at Li Feng, just about to say something, but was suddenly entangled by Cheng Yanan in his arms, his arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, and his small mouth was kissing his cheeks indiscriminately , I didn't know what to hum again, which made Wendong embarrassed for a while.

Tian Qing turned around in a timely manner, as if he hadn't seen anything, and ordered his younger brothers to carry Ah Qiang and the two into the car, but turned around and came to Li Feng. At this time, Li Feng's face was still ashen, but facing Qingcheng The shock and fear in Tian Qing's eyes were no longer there, replaced by a trace of bitterness after being down and out.

"Blood Wolf League, Li Feng? When did you become so down and out? If you can't get along, just tell me. Anyway, we have known each other for more than ten years, and our Qingcheng nightclub still needs a gatekeeper." Tian Qing looked at him with a sneer and said, his tone extremely sarcastic.

"Winner and loser, I have nothing to say, but what are you, Tian Qing? What right do you have to talk to me like that? You Zhang Sanbai wouldn't dare to tell me that!" Li Feng was rather bloody, After all, he is in the underground world. He is afraid that Wen Dong is good, but he is not afraid of Tian Qing. However, when he said that he was the king and the loser, he couldn't help but feel a deep sadness in his heart. He never thought that he would miss so much. , I was mistaken, and got into trouble with someone like Wen Dong who shouldn't be messed with.

Wen Dong on the side looked at Tian Qing and couldn't help frowning. As a big boss, his actions like a gangster's swearing at the street seem to be worthless. Is he still trying to please himself?Not hesitating to drop the price?

This made Wendong couldn't help but think of Zhang Sanbai, an old guy. What kind of thoughts did he instill in his subordinates, so afraid of respecting himself?Even Bao Gong's face Tian Qing?
Wen Dong wanted to say something but was entangled by the damn woman in his arms, so he hurriedly carried her out of the warehouse, and now he stuffed her into the car before talking.


"Uncle Tian, ​​who are you?" When Wen Dong put Cheng Yanan back, he found that Li Feng and the men he brought with him, as well as his younger brother Li Zhicheng, had turned into corpses, and Tian Qing's group The little brother was packing and processing, Wen Dong looked at him in surprise, never thought that Tian Qing would kill Li Feng directly.

Moreover, I still have something I didn't ask Li Feng.

"Hmph, offended Mr. Wen, these people deserve to die. Before coming here, the third master ordered that no matter who the other party is, if he offends Mr. Wen, he must have the consequences he deserves. When necessary..." Tian Qing's face turned pale He was dark, looking at Li Feng's cold body, his eyes were full of killing intent, and he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

What else can Wendong say at this time, except for a wry smile...


The black car was as fast as lightning on the road in the dark night, and drove towards the city center quickly.

The place Wendong is going to is naturally Li Binger's place. This woman is also a criminal police officer. She used to sweep pornography and nightclubs. She must have met many girls who were drugged and raped. She should be able to help The ability to deal with Cheng Yanan.

And before she came, Li Binger knew that she was looking for Cheng Yanan, and thought that she was a beast, what with her girlfriend's girlfriend, if she brought Cheng Yanan here, at least it would eliminate her suspicion, wouldn't it?
"Jingle Bell……"

"Lina? Why is this woman looking for me?" Wen Dong glanced at the phone number display, although he really wanted to have a vent with that woman, but it was not the time, so he hung up the phone in agitation.

"Jingle Bell……"

Come again?

Wen Dong frowned for a while, but he had no choice but to pick up the phone, his tone was not very good: "Hi, I'm Wen Dong, what's the matter?"

"Oh? I still have time to answer the phone. It seems that the matter has been resolved." Lina's chuckle sounded from the other side of the phone, as if teasing.

"Solved? What do you mean?" Wen Dong asked with a frown in his heart.

"Wujiang Wharf." Lina said.

"You sent someone to follow me?"

"Hehe, you're too idle for talking about me, and with Mr. Wen's ability, who can follow you?" Lina chuckled lightly.

"Then what do you mean? How do you know I'm at Wujiang Wharf?" Wen Dong asked with a frown.

"135XXXXXXXX" Lina did not explain, but read out the string of numbers.

"Huh?" Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard that, is this number familiar?Then suddenly remembered, isn't this the strange number that sent me a message to tell me Cheng Yanan's location?

Was Lena helping herself?But why did she help herself?And how did she know about it?
"Remember? If Mr. Wen has time, you might as well come to Hongxiu Water Bath House. I have something to tell you, but Mr. Wen doesn't seem to have time right now. I should help that Miss Cheng solve the problem first, so I won't Excuse me." Lena teased lightly.

"I don't have that kind of relationship with Cheng Yanan." Hearing Lina's words, it was obvious that the two of them had played together for so long, and it was time to make it clear, Wen Dong explained.

"Oh? Is that so? Why don't I trust my boyfriend Boss Wen at all? Hehe..." Lina teased Wendong.

"No, your man is the other half of your life. If you don't believe him, who else can you trust?" Since everyone is brazen and teasing her, Wen Dong is naturally not to be outdone, and followed her words.

"In that case, you can directly bring Miss Cheng to Hongxiu, I can help her." Lina said suddenly and seriously.

"Can you solve this medicine?" Wen Dong was taken aback.

"Of course, as the proprietress of Hongxiu Water Bath, there are still some ways to solve this problem of medicine. Can I still lie to you? Or are you not willing?"

"I told you that I don't have that kind of relationship with Cheng Yanan. If that's the case, then I'll go find you directly." Wen Dong replied.

"Oh? You trust me that much? You're not afraid that I'll kidnap your second wife's girlfriend?" Lina raised her eyebrows, her voice full of doubts.

"An elegant woman like you would disdain to do such a thing."

"Oh, when did my man talk so well? I'm so happy. Then hurry up, he will wait for you."


Wen Dong curled his lips and hung up the phone. He turned and went straight to the Red Sleeve Bathhouse. He didn't think that Lina wanted to harm Cheng Yanan, otherwise he wouldn't have told him the address before. Of course, she didn't rule out playing hard to get. Means, but no matter what, among these women, Cheng Yanan can't threaten him the most. As a smart woman, Lina will never use Cheng Yanan as a means.

And if you want to go to Li Binger, you will inevitably have to explain it. The most important thing is that Wen Dong has too many questions in his heart that he wants to clarify.

How did Lina know that Li Feng had kidnapped Cheng Yanan?The most important thing is that there are two dressers beside Li Feng. Could it be that the young lady mentioned by those two young people is Lina?But why did she sell her subordinates, why did she help herself...

And listening to her tone, it seems that she is going to have a showdown with herself...


With a cigarette in his mouth, Wen Dong looked cold, as if he was extremely calm, but now he couldn't calm down at all.

At this time, Cheng Yanan on the passenger seat obviously hadn't passed the medicine yet, and seemed to be getting more and more unbearable, lying messily on the car seat, twisting constantly, and his movements became more and more exaggerated , and even made a tempting and criminal sound from his nose——

This made Wendong, who was not very strong-willed, really unbearable. The voice was too provocative.

If it is an ordinary medicine, it will slowly wake up after a period of time when the effect of the medicine wears off, but at this time, Cheng Yanan is still in a coma, and her body is getting hotter and hotter. It is obviously not an ordinary medicine, but a special medicine. Drugs that are not effective can only be solved by special methods.

In fact, the solution to this drug is very simple, you only need to spend some time with the opposite sex and rest for a period of time to completely solve it.Facing a bubbling woman with a sexy body and beautiful appearance like Cheng Yanan, Wen Dong naturally doesn't mind sacrificing his body to help her detoxify. Even if she knows the truth after waking up, she won't blame herself for crying at most, after all I was helping her detoxify, not deliberately trying to take advantage of her.

However, is it really all right to just cry?Wen Dong couldn't help but shook his head again. If you want to say that women like Lin Xiaoxi may be like this, but Cheng Yanan?Forget it, she will be blamed if she doesn't work hard with herself.

Especially since she is still Lin Xiaoxi's best friend, she and Xiaoxi have just taken a big step forward, Wendong doesn't want to be disturbed by this shit-fucking thing, and this woman Cheng Yanan is simply a trouble...

Be patient, be patient...

Wendong recited the "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra" in his heart, and he kept repeating it, like a monk who chanted scriptures.

Wendong almost didn't become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, but even if he retracted into the turtle shell, he couldn't resist the all-pervading voice of temptation...

"Well, ah..."

The extremely seductive voice was getting louder and louder, making Wendong's heart hot and sweaty while driving, this was not an action movie, it was a reality show, and beside him was a sexy beauty who couldn't wait to be comforted by a man, Wen Dong really doesn't know how long he can hold on like this, Cheng Yanan's voice is getting thicker and more seductive, not only his face, but Wen Dong's palms that are tightly holding the steering wheel My hands are sweaty and wet...

Subconsciously glanced around, but this time almost didn't let Wendong drive the car into the ditch...

(End of this chapter)

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