How bad guys are made

Chapter 631 An 8-magnitude Earthquake?

Chapter 631 An Eighth Magnitude Earthquake?

Cheng Yanan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was obviously pushed hard by the medicine, and pulled off the jacket with a small neckline, revealing a pair of huge breasts on her chest. At this time, a pair of small hands were constantly rubbing , The high heels on the feet have also been kicked off, and the legs in black stockings are rubbing vigorously, seeking higher stimulation...

"Huh..." Wen Dong was so frightened that he quickly retracted his gaze, and tried his best to focus his attention on the front, trying not to look at the seductive scene around him, but the scene of Cheng Yanan's messy clothes kept flashing in his mind...

It's so tempting. Wendong has watched a lot of passionate movies, even Cheng Yanan's clips before, but compared with Cheng Yanan who is by my side now, it is simply not at the same level, it is far behind...

Wendong wanted to drive hard, but his mind was full of the scene he had just seen, especially the seductive voices and panting around him made it difficult for him to concentrate...

Damn you, why haven't you arrived yet?
Lina told Wendong the address before, and Wendong knew where the Hongxiu Water Bath was, and it was about half an hour’s drive away from Hongxiu. But now it is the biggest test for him. He doesn't know whether he can bear such teasing for 10 minutes, so he can only try his best to calm himself down and imagine that there is actually a female donkey beside him. estrus.

This is Wendong's firm willpower. If it were any man, he would have rushed forward desperately to have sex with Cheng Yanan, who was in heat. Anyway, it would be considered a good deed to help, right?

But even Wendong is strong-willed, he can't stand the feeling of collapse at this time, his forehead is full of sweat, and he can't stop wiping the sweat with his palms that are also full of sweat. After all, he didn't open the window, so he didn't want to Let passers-by see him driving with a flirty woman, especially if Cheng Yanan's appearance at this time is captured by the road surveillance camera, he will become famous again.

In fact, it’s not that the car is hot, it’s mainly because Wen Dong’s body is extremely hot, his heart is beating wildly with the tempting sounds around him, and the reaction that a man should have has completely erupted, which is much more exciting than watching a passionate action movie... …

"Hmm..." Wen Dong, who was driving, suddenly felt his arms tighten, and turned his head to look strangely. He saw Cheng Yanan, who was still twisting her body, but opened a pair of watery and lovely eyes. , seems to be able to drip water, the small pink mouth lures Hong'er to open slightly, making one unable to resist hugging her and kissing her...

"Oh? Are you awake?" Seeing Cheng Yanan opened his eyes, Wen Dong couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. He knew that although some drugs had a strong aphrodisiac effect, they didn't affect the mind. The drugged woman had a clear head when she was raped by a man, but she didn't have the strength to resist and the instinctive desire that was difficult to control her body. He guessed that the drug Cheng Yanan was given should belong to this category.

As long as she is awake, Wen Dong comforted her, otherwise Cheng Yanan really woke up later, and she didn't know how to explain it, at least she knew that she didn't take off the clothes on her body, didn't she?You must know that this woman's nonsense pestering Wendong has been taught before.

Moreover, when Cheng Yanan woke up and saw that the person beside her was herself, how could she hold back?She really hates herself.

But Cheng Yanan just looked straight at Wendong, but didn't speak, the rosy mouth opened, but there was only panting, which was uncontrollable, accompanied by the violent ups and downs of the exaggerated chest.

"You hold on for another 10 minutes, no, half an hour, I'll send you to Hongxiu to untie this thing." Wen Dong quickly changed his words and gave her some time.

In fact, Wendong’s idea is very simple, it’s like holding shit, if you were in the toilet at that time, then you will solve it quickly without hesitation, and if there is still 1 minute to go to the toilet, then you will hold back 1 minute.

So the longer Cheng Yanan can hold back the better, the reason is very vulgar and simple...

Wendong looked at Cheng Yanan with a wry smile. He didn't know if Lina could do anything about it, but since she said so definitely, there must be a way. Anyway, it's really impossible... I can help her myself, can't I?It's just a bit of a risk.

Indeed, Wendong is the antidote, and now many young people in society buy this kind of thing for their girls to promote entertainment in order to seek excitement. Even if Zhang Hanhan is next to that woman, Wendong will never suffer from this Living crimes endure, but Cheng Yanan can't do it, he doesn't know this woman very well, and they don't see each other well, the most terrible thing is that this woman's temper is too violent and terrifying, otherwise Wen Dong wouldn't have given her a wild donkey If he gave her the title, even if he was seduced by her, he probably would fight with him without hesitation when she woke up.

But Wen Dong, who was driving, immediately felt something was wrong again. When Cheng Yanan saw her, she didn't let go of her little hand that was holding her. Instead, she gently stroked her, and within a few strokes, she got into her collar. ...

"Damn it!" Cheng Yanan's small hands were stroking carelessly, causing Wendong's body to tremble. His lust-burning-body, which had already been tempted, could still bear this kind of naked teasing at this moment, and almost turned the car over. He drove into the ditch, cursed, turned his head to want Cheng Yanan to calm down a little bit, hold on a little longer, it's only been a few minutes?

But he was stunned for a moment...

"Hurry... hurry me..." Cheng Yanan's eyes were open, their eyes were frighteningly bright, but they were filled with the deepest longing and madness, and there was also a trace of prayer and hope. , the eyes became even hotter, as if driven by instinct, the body twisted and lay on Wendong's body, and the bright red mouth directly kissed Wendong's mouth!

How is this sober? It's simply a phenomenon that the mind is completely controlled by drugs.

Wendong reacted all of a sudden, but it was too late. Cheng Yanan, who was lost by desire-desire, seemed to instinctively look for a manly direction, and had already moved over from the passenger seat, hugging Wendong's body tightly The neck sat on one of his legs, and one side of the body twisted violently seeking release.An uncontrollable sound came from one side of his mouth...

Wen Dong slammed on the brakes and finally stopped at the side of the road the moment the car rushed into the ditch.

I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it anymore.

Wen Dong is not a saint, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, he hugged Cheng Yanan's head vigorously, and responded unscrupulously with his tongue, saying in his heart that this is not Lao Tzu taking advantage of others, you seduced me first, don't use this matter to find me later I am troublesome, but I am justified...

After a while, an extremely seductive voice came from the narrow car, accompanied by occasional two uncontrollable whispers... A erotic picture of cigarettes just happened in the small car by the side of the road.

It took a full half an hour for the carriage, which was vibrating violently like a magnitude [-] earthquake, to finally quiet down.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening, and it was already dark because it was autumn. Fortunately, Wendong took a shortcut after coming out of Wujiang Wharf. Just after leaving the wharf, the warehouse area was next to a small park that had been abandoned for a long time. No cars, no one to notice.

He took a few breaths to calm himself down from the excitement of passion. Wen Dong looked at Cheng Yanan who was still sitting on top of him almost naked, exuding a thick cigarette and ambiguous breath. It seemed that the medicine power was in the past up.However, the actions of the two just now were too intense, and the space of the car was too small, the two of them were almost all stuck together when they moved, and Cheng Yanan fainted after finally venting in Wendong. Lie heavily on Wen Dong's shoulder and fell asleep...

Finding out his hand, Wendong picked up his phone and saw that there were several missed calls from Lin Xiaoxi on it. Looking at the names of the people who missed calls on it, he opened the car window slightly, lit a cigarette and smoked slowly. , a wry smile appeared on the corner of Wendong's mouth, he didn't know how to tell Lin Xiaoxi.

After thinking about it, Wendong still didn't find any good reason, so he called Lina first and said that the matter had been resolved, and he heard Lina's unsurprised smile and congratulations full of smirks Sound, Wendong has the urge to scold his mother.

I'm paralyzed, congratulations, I guess I'm not far from death...

Wen Dong looked angrily at Cheng Yanan, who was sleeping soundly on his shoulders, and smiled wryly, never thinking that he didn't do anything to Lin Xiaoxi, but first made such a thing happen to her best friend.

While smoking a cigarette, Wendong looked at the mobile phone in his hand, hesitated several times, and finally threw the cigarette butt from the window when he finished smoking, and called Lin Xiaoxi back.

If the monk can run away but can't run away from the temple, he will have to explain to Xiaoxi sooner or later, and it is estimated that Xiaoxi will go crazy if there is no news of Cheng Yanan.

"Hey, Wendong, what's the matter, one is not answering the phone? Cheng Yanan found it?" The phone rang twice and was answered, and soon Lin Xiaoxi's anxious inquiry sounded.

"Well, I found it, where are you?" Wen Dong hesitated and said.

"Ah? Did you find it? Did you really find it? You didn't lie to me, did you?" Lin Xiaoxi exclaimed, her tone full of surprise and excitement.

"How is it possible, where are you? Why is there still the sound of vehicles, and you are outside?" Wendong changed the subject, and where Xiaoxi was was also her most concerned question.

"Wendong... why do you have such a voice? What's going on? What happened?" Lin Xiaoxi heard Wendong's tone was a bit weird, and asked quickly: "Is Yanan by your side? You give Yanan the phone number .”

"Cheng Yanan is indeed by my side, but she can't answer the phone now." Wen Dong looked down at the woman in his arms, and said with a wry smile.

"Huh? What's the matter? What's going on? What happened? Wendong, tell me, tell me!" Lin Xiaoxi became anxious all of a sudden.

"No, it's not what you think, don't worry." Wendong smiled wryly, and he knew what Xiaoxi was thinking as soon as he heard it. After thinking about it, before Lin Xiaoxi could ask a question, he said: "She is in a coma now, and things are a little complicated. She was impulsed by her former partner and fed with drugs, I found her in a hotel, but luckily nothing happened, I am now taking her to the Tianlan District."

"Ah, that's it, it's good that nothing happened, it's great, it's really great, I love you Wendong to death." Lin Xiaoxi shouted happily, hearing the corners of Wendong's mouth twitching, she felt a little bit in her heart. I am ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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