How bad guys are made

Chapter 632 Yanan wakes up

Chapter 632 Yanan wakes up

"Where are you?" Wen Dong asked again.

"Oh, I'm on my way to Yanan's house. I wonder if she's gone home. I remember that Yanan said she wanted to go home a while ago. I'll go and have a look. It's not far anyway, but wait for me I will hurry back when I arrive at the station, and I will be home around 09:30 in the evening." Lin Xiaoxi said happily, and then said: "You put Yanan at home first, but don't take advantage of her unconsciousness to take advantage of her. It's cheap."

"I'm going, am I that kind of person?" Hearing Lin Xiaoxi's happy joke, Wendong was so scared that he almost threw his phone away. By the way, Lin Xiaoxi is also a genius, who can say a word casually?Wen Dongxin said that I would not take advantage of her, of course, unless she took the initiative to seduce me.

Afterwards, Lin Xiaoxi, who was thoughtful, said that he would buy some food when he came back. Yanan must have not eaten when he was in a coma, so he rewarded Wendong with a good meal, and asked Yanan to thank him by the way.

Wendong naturally knew what Lin Xiaoxi meant. He had that kind of relationship with her, but he had always had a bad relationship with her best friend, which made her a little bit awkward in the middle, so he wanted to take advantage of this time to make his relationship with Cheng Yanan more harmonious. .

However, Lin Xiaoxi took it for granted. It is impossible to reconcile the relationship between her and Cheng Yanan. God knows if this woman will chop herself with a kitchen knife when she wakes up. Now it seems that it is best not to meet each other and wait for things Settle down and think of a way.

"I still have something to do next. I have to go out after I put Yanan down. I don't think I can make it in time. Cheng Yanan's affairs need to be dealt with." Wen Dong said with a wry smile, making up a reason.

"Oh, I see. Then you go to work. I'll be home in about two hours." Lin Xiaoxi was very smart and didn't ask any more questions, nor did she ask how Wendong found Cheng Yanan. In short, she felt that I am becoming more and more inseparable from Wendong.


Putting down the phone, he looked down at Cheng Yanan, who was in a mess in his arms. Wen Dong smiled bitterly and sighed. He reached out to help her tidy up her clothes so as not to catch a cold. He resisted the urge to carry Cheng Yanan to the passenger seat Then I started the car and rushed to Tianlan District...

At this time, Wendong could only pray that Cheng Yanan would not really fight himself hard when he woke up.

While Wendong was driving, Wendong was still feeling uneasy, and looked at the woman beside him from time to time, hoping that she would sleep for a while, but don't wake up at this time.

Generally, people after passion sleep more soundly, especially Cheng Yanan must have been frightened before, and he endured it for so long?

Wendong is also a little tired, after dealing with those two breeders for so long, and then sometimes being tossed by Cheng Yanan, even though his body is different from ordinary people, he still feels a little tired, because he doesn't have the key to the house, so he went back to the Tianlan community to hold the sleeping Cheng Yanan He directly forcibly unlocked the door and entered the house, and threw Cheng Yanan on the bed. Wen Dong felt that this matter was over. Sitting on the bed, his friend was smoking while thinking about how to solve this matter later. If it was another woman, it would be fine. At worst, it’s fine to be a rogue yourself, maybe the last woman will be responsible, just kidding, what age is it now, besides, this is not the first time for Cheng Yanan, and she is also a victim, so who the hell will suffer from such a hot temptation offensive? Got it.

But the key point is that the woman I just dated was Cheng Yanan, which was a bit difficult, Wen Dong suddenly regretted it, he might as well go later, and save Cheng Yanan after being given 00XX by Liu Zhicheng, then he would still be a great hero no?

Wendong sighed in pain for a while, and suddenly noticed that Cheng Yanan on the bed groaned and turned over, as if there was a sign of waking up, Wendong stood up from the edge of the bed with a jerk, turned around without saying anything. Walked out, what the hell, God knows what will happen to this woman when she wakes up and sees herself.

After confirming that Wen Dong left, Cheng Yanan moved her body slightly, and slowly opened her eyes, two tears dripped down the corners of her eyes onto the pillow, she actually woke up when Wen Dong carried her home, but she didn't know How should I face Wendong, so I deliberately pretended to be asleep and waited for Wendong to leave.


"Dinglingling..." Sure enough, Wendong received a call from Cheng Yanan as soon as he drove out of Tianlan Community.

Wendong hesitated for a while, parked the car on the side of the road, and then answered the phone with a wry smile, and quickly put the phone far away, for fear of being shocked to the eardrum.

"Huh? No shouting?" After waiting for a while, he found that there was no sound on the phone. Wen Dong looked at it strangely, and he was sure it was Cheng Yanan's phone number.

"Yanan?" Wen Dong couldn't help asking on the phone, thinking that this woman would not be so angry that she would commit suicide.

"How do you want to die? Don't think that if you run away, it's nothing to do with you. What did you do to me?" Cheng Yanan's voice immediately came to mind on the phone, and she asked coldly.

"What did you do? Hehe, this..." Wendong was a little speechless, even though he was very thick-skinned, he was too embarrassed to speak, and said to his heart that you are not a fool, don't you know?Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think of the crazy scene of the two in the car before.

Sure enough, upon hearing Wendong's wry laugh, Cheng Yanan stopped talking all of a sudden. Cheng Yanan has a bad temper and a violent personality. Since she was a child, she has had a few boyfriends because of her beauty, but the longest relationship It's only been a month, and the other party can't stand her violent temper, and she is not the kind of old-fashioned old-fashioned person, so she won't defend herself like jade for her future husband. Of course, she doesn't think so when she is looking for a one-night stand. Why is her life so messy? It's just a physical need, and she hasn't touched the truth. Besides, she hasn't looked for it for a long time. Although she doesn't want to admit it, she also knows that the biggest reason is actually because of Wendong's relationship. It's just this Let the bastard who loves and hates himself not know.

So I didn't feel very angry when I did this kind of thing with Wendong, but because he was her best friend's boyfriend, she really didn't know what to do, so she used the tough tone of the past when she opened her mouth .

"Cheng Yanan, do you remember?" Seeing that Cheng Yanan didn't speak, as if he was thinking about something, Wen Dong asked cautiously, but why isn't Wen Dong?I don't know how to solve it. If Cheng Yanan just pretends that he doesn't know anything, it will just pass without happening, but Cheng Yanan is not the one who swallows his anger.

"Shut up, just say one more thing, believe it or not, I'll kill you right now!" Cheng Yanan yelled angrily, it was too tough.

"Uh..." Wen Dong was so frightened that he quickly shut up. He didn't dare to joke casually at this time. Playing hooligans can also score points. At least, at this time, he is not so idiotic as to dare to play hooligans with Cheng Yanan. Isn't that asking for death?If you want to annoy her, it is really possible to make trouble in your own home. That would be a big deal. Thinking of this, Wen Dong simply closed his eyes and waited for her next words.

Cheng Yanan didn't say a word, and seemed to be hesitating whether to kill Wendong to silence her. Wendong was also very anxious for a while, not knowing what she would say next.

"Don't tell Xiaoxi about this." After a long silence, Cheng Yanan sighed and said suddenly.

"Ah?" Wen Dong opened his eyes, wondering in his heart, and uttered his doubts, so let's forget about it?
"Ah what? What else do you want? Do you still want my old lady to be responsible for you? Tell me, how much money do you need to make you shut up?" Cheng Yanan said angrily, and the words he said were even more fierce and evil.

my day!

Wen Dong couldn't help but wiped his sweat with his hand, this f*ck is Cheng Yanan after all, she turned her back all of a sudden?This seems to be what I want to do...

"In short, just don't let Xiaoxi know about this matter, just pretend that nothing happened, it doesn't matter if you treat it as a dream, I just treat it as being bitten by a dog." Cheng Yanan said decisively.

I rely on!

Wen Dong was speechless for a while, was bitten by a dog?Is this abducting and scolding me?
But at this time, Wen Dong has no way to refute. If Cheng Yanan said so, then he can rest assured, as long as this woman doesn't do anything irreversible.

Wen Dong also breathed a sigh of relief, so let's just forget it?Wendong thought strangely, but it seemed to be the case, but Wendong always felt that something was wrong. If you say that Cheng Yanan is too understanding, it seems like a different person.

"By the way, I see that there are a lot of Xiaoxi's numbers on the phone. She probably doesn't know about us?" Cheng Yanan suddenly asked again.

"I don't know, I'll tell her..." Wen Dong shook his head with a wry smile, and told Cheng Yanan the lie he had made up with Lin Xiaoxi before.

"Okay, I see..." Cheng Yanan seemed a little annoyed, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Wendong looked at Dudu's phone that had been hung up, but was speechless for a while. He always felt that something was wrong, as if this matter... was too unmanly. The key is that Cheng Yanan was too manly, as if she had earned her own It's cheap to threaten himself not to speak out, what the hell...


The Red Sleeve Water Bathhouse is also famous in the water city. Not only does it require a strict membership system, but also must be a woman. It is almost impossible for a man to set foot in this place.

Of course, it is conceivable that this is actually a man's paradise, isn't it?It is said that in the past, there was a business boss in the water city who was not convinced, led people to force his way in, and caused a lot of trouble. As a result, he died at home the next day. The cause of death was unknown. This made many people immediately think of Hongxiu.

And the boss of Hongxiu has always been mysterious. Few people know who she is, they only know that she is a woman, and no one has dared to provoke her since then.

However, today, Hongxiu Shuiyufang welcomed its first man in a long time.

Lina had already received a call from Wendong before and knew about the situation. At this time, she took Wendong directly to a warm and luxurious massage room on the top floor of the fifth floor.

There are two massage rooms inside and outside. The pure European architectural style is simple and elegant. The layout is extremely tasteful. There are two soft and comfortable massage beds in the outer room. Other supporting facilities are very well-equipped. The inner room is a huge water bath massage bed , which was filled with clear water, and the heat slowly evaporated.

Wen Dong went outside and sat directly on a massage table, took out a cigarette and smoked slowly, looking at the sexy woman with a beautiful face in front of him with micron eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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